Now he was no longer a prisoner the boy certainly didn't mind if she chose to visit him once in a while, of course the problem there was that he no longer had a home of any sort. He had joined Valhalla once more out of loyalty though now completely free his only ties in life were his family and Warja. Perhaps his friend wasn't strictly a tie though Kismet certainly wasn't ready to leave her behind in anyway. If he had to spend his days travelling across either end of Alacritia to see them, make sure they were ok well then he would. It was important to him and he certainly didn't have much else to do now.
Before either of them had the chance to say anything else however as suddenly they found themselves with company. Though he'd never actually met the woman before, her scent was familiar, he'd caught it upon his visit to Warja back when she and her family had lived on Mount Volkan and it certainly mingled with her daughter given the fact that the family had never had a long break apart unlike Kismet's own.
Warja's initial word would confirm his suspicions that this woman was Alamea. He and Warja would separate from their innocent embrace as she questioned who he was and Warja would in turn respond with a question to her mother. The young Adravendi would remain still now, watching each of the women before him and allowing them to answer each other's questions, not entirely sure if he should actually introduce himself or leave it to Warja.