Let's come together, singing song and harmonia.
His muscles just ached slightly from being folded for a long period of time spent enduring a fierce flurry of icy wind. The summer child was so grateful for the ending of the storm, even though his pelt had become thick and plush to fight the frostbitten world the Tortugan pride thrived in. His stride was full of bravado and pride as he would patrol the borders, resetting those that may have been lost in the flurry. Honey-dipped gaze would shine, clear, bright, and alert. Russet orange auditories would lie flat against a mocha colored crown, to prevent the frosty winds from biting too hard upon the skin. His plush banner would sway behind him, never trailing in the snow for too long. He trekked for many kilometers about the territory until the sight of a small and delicate female would come to chocolate colored nostrils. A song of foreign tongue would reach orange auditories, it's rhythm and tempo echoing within his ears. She was beyond the borders, a gleeful sight to behold in her song. His head would bob just gently as his shoulders rolled, his bodice moving in a rhythm to the vocals of the delicate tempest. Hopefully the tempest would not notice a pack wolf in the background dancing to her music, tempo vibrating through his bones. In his orange ears soon would the vocals fade, to a complete and utter stop, finding the gentle sound of sobbing.
We are so different, but the same inside our hearts.
His mocha coat would stop rolling, as his motion ceased, instead transforming into an entirely different series of movements, one of a careful stride toward the tempest, gently humming to the tune of a song... one he had heard be sung by his only parent?Summer?as a child. So little thoughts of her were spared, but now, he would give a gentle hum to the tempest, before his vocals would sound, quiet, steadily rising in pitch. "Beautiful colors as far as you can see, ya. Open your wings, fly when you hear the call." He would lose control of his bodice gently beginning to bob, the tune rising in his bodice, music filling his bones. What was this feeling in his heart? "Let's celebrate, for we are beautiful creatures. Come spread your wings and dance and sing songs about freedom." His heart thumped to the rhythm of the song playing from inky lips, his bodice now bobbing up and down, side to side, forward and back. Perhaps the tempest would catch on and continue the song...
Song: Beautiful Creatures - Barbatuques