
Stay till I'm stronger


01-24-2015, 08:07 AM

The boy was immediately stirred when Dione left the den, having one of those light nights where every tick kept him up. He tried to move around and re-position himself, closing his eyes for a long while, but going back to sleep wasn't an option for the day ahead of him.

He hear his mother's call for someone else just outside then den, though it seemed she was just enjoying the scenery for a bit as the call didn't come as soon as she left the den. And shortly after, she poked her head in and gently cooed for her children to come out, Necro being the first to rise and wobble outside.

"We have a big sister?"

He spoke with his eyes squinted to whatever light was outside. He didn't know he had a big sister... he had never seen any other blue or green wolves, or any other wolves come and visit. Of course, what qualified as a sibling to him? He stayed with his parents, Ganja, and Toxin... and now there was a brown and white boy that Necro wasn't too comfortable with. He was staying... But was he a sibling?

Necro would sit close beside his mother, looking up at her for a few seconds before looking down at the ground because the sky was too bright. He would wait for the other's to come out, if they even heard their mother's quiet voice. He just happened to be up to hear it.

Walk "Talk" Think