There was only so long that Novella could keep her depression from her children. The elder ones had surely worked it out long before though Fate and Luck were growing more knowledgeable as the time went on and had surely begun to develop suspicions that something wasn't quite right with their mother. It was sad that they hadn't yet seen her in her true, usual self only caught glimpses of that side of her.
Sure enough though Fate now was starting to realise that something wasn't quite right, even asking her if something was wrong. How on earth was she supposed to answer that one? Things shouldn't be wrong and yet for some reason her mind was convinced they were. "I'll be fine my dear." Was the only consolation she could offer him. Soon she hoped she would be better, though it seemed to be a painfully slow process to reaching her normal self and beating this depression.
Now however though it would only make her feel worse as her son confessed he had caught the fish to help her feel better. She controlled the emotion or at least tried to though it certainly hit her hard. It was a lovely gesture though so upsetting that he had felt the need to do something to cheer her up. "Thank you." She responded, a small smile finding its way upon her features, touched by the compassionate nature of her son. "It's your first catch though, you have to have at least a little taste. Share it with me?"