He couldn't help but grin as Valentine leaned in at his idea, obviously intrigued by his notion. He asked to hear more, stating that he would love to get their packs together to train. "I was thinking of maybe getting each pair to start off in a different position, not just from head on. Maybe a wolf is on their side and has to protect themselves from a sneak attack, or one wolf is reared up right in the beginning. Learning how to defend yourself from behind, and your sides. Maybe you get flipped on you back, what then? That type of thing." He said softly, tail thumping on the earth thoughtfully. He had done that sort of thing with his own wolves, but just got them to start on different places. Toe to toe, attack from behind, the flanks, only a foot apart. When there is war, there is little time to really solidify your position, one had to jump in at the first chance seen. This is something that he wanted his wolves to learn, and it would be grand if Imperium came in on that. Abaven could only fight themselves so many times, it was good to get different perspectives. That, and Imperium was make up of massive, giant wolves. It would be great practice for his members of smaller stature.