- 2 “sought to close the distance then step to the right” (How close was he to Lyndvarr before the step? Was he right on his chest or a few inches away? Without stating this it gives your opponent freedom to say and have enough reaction time to dodge)
+ 2 inner right thigh bite attempt
+ 1 leg grab
+ 3 body throw attempt
Total: 6
- 2 moderate lacerations to left hock
- 1 slight bruise to left hip
Total: 7
Total for Round Two: 43 / 50
43 + 41 = 84 / 100
46 + 43 = 89 / 100
And the winner is...
ASHMEDAI must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.
- slight bruising under gut = 1 ooc week
- Moderate lacerations to left knee = 2 ooc weeks to heal fully
- light bruising to left shoulder = 1 ooc week
- moderate lacerations to left cheek = 2 ooc weeks to heal fully
- moderate lacerations to left hock = 2 ooc weeks to heal fully
- slight bruise to left hip = 1 ooc week
Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):
Very close spar! If it weren’t for the few clarity issues you would have had it! The only thing that really got you was the mix of left and rights. Oh, and being very clear how far away from your opponent you are. That’s about it! Keep up the great work. Ash is positively adoreable :D
Another great spar! There really isn’t much to say to you that you don’t know already. Keep up the good work!