Back From The Edge
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi |
He heard the rustle of paws behind and turned, half ready to defend the kill if need be, but the scowl turned into a lopsided grin as he saw his little brother. No calling him ‘little’ for much longer. He’s still growing, and he’s already big. He wagged his tail in greeting, answering "Dea-maidin, deartháir beag." He nodded to Tornach’s observation of a good hunt, but shook his head at the apology. "Ba chóir dom a thug tú liom. Tá tú mór go leor chun iarracht a dhéanamh do chéad fiach. B'fhéidir gur féidir linn teacht ar coinín, díreach ar do shon." The idea of teaching his younger, and only, brother how to hunt was an exciting idea for him. He loved learning, but he wanted to teach, too.
He pushed a paw against the deer carcass, a plan already formulating in his head. "Má cabhrú leat mé seo a fháil ar ais go dtí an nead, beidh mé a ghlacadh tú amach as do chéad cheacht rianú coinín. D'fhéadfadh muid a fháil fiú an coinín." He gave Tornach a grin, heavy tail swaying slowly behind him. Then another thought hit him, and he cocked his head. "Nó ... raibh mé ag múineadh agat cad a fhios agam faoi troid go dtí seo ..." Teach his brother how to defend himself? Hell yes. But the decision rested on Tornach’s shoulders, so he lowered his head to the neck of the deer. "Tar ar. Is féidir leat cinneadh a dhéanamh cad ba mhaith leat a dhéanamh inniu ar an mbealach ar ais go dtí an nead agus muid a tharraingt seo. Obair foirne!"
He left the choice of what to grab up to his brother as well, but once Tornach had grabbed something, Regulus was ready to pull.