
Taking What I Want, Calling It My Own

Cat pack joining!



Expert Hunter (120)

Expert Fighter (160)

6 Years
Large species
11-22-2024, 11:48 AM (This post was last modified: 11-22-2024, 11:50 AM by Raumr. Edited 1 time in total.)

The time to act was now. His climb to the top had come by happenstance and was more a passing of the torch rather than a climb. He wouldn't argue, wouldn't complain. This made what he wished, hoped, and wanted far easier than his original plans.

From The Stone Steppe to Fern Gulley Raumr would travel. Picking up Taiga along the way and any other felines, canines, and animals alike that wished to join the cause. Raumr would not prevent anyone with good intentions from joining his... pack? Pride? Unsure what to call it. Perhaps he needed to figure out a different name for them later on.

Cresting a hill toward the top of the gulley, he looks upon the lush field dense with flower and foliage. This would be the perfect place to call home for now. Things took time, and having a central location would do best while they grew in number. Releasing yet another fierce roar into the skies, Raumr calls for any who wish to join. He would wait, patient as ever, sitting himself to sun beneath the blood red sun.

Raumr Regalus, the Third
table coding by bunni ♥

initial deadline: post BEFORE 12/02 (so by 12/01)

any of raumr's known friends are welcome to crash his threads



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years
Paleo species
11-22-2024, 01:25 PM

She'd found a place with Raumr. A home. The giant liger had awoken that familial pull within the lioness and she was rather devoted to him. When he suggested that they start their own pride, Taiga had laughed at first. Then, realizing he was serious, she thought about it. There were many creatures out in the world that needed homes, be they cats, canines, ungulates or what have you. It was nice to have a place to belong and she was proof of that.

The cave lioness agreed to be a part of Raumr's dream and accompanied him to the Gulley that they would temporarily call their stronghold. As the maned cat released his roar of summons onto the world, Taiga joined her voice with his own, their voices seeming to make the very rocks dance. Come. Come to us! Come and find a place!

Taiga had no doubt that Raumr would be a good king. She would be right behind him, backing him up every second of the day with her fierce visage and hidden skill. Despite her outward appearance, Taiga was... sweet. She could temper the maleness within him if it ever became too much. All in all, she believed that this was the right choice for Raumr. The right choice for them.

Taiga is a Panthera Spelaea- a Cave Lion.

She stands 63" at the shoulder and weighs a whopping 700 lbs.

[Image: FSvbwCx.gif]


Pride Member

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Intermediate Intellectual (30)

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Small species
11-23-2024, 04:39 PM

Sucre was without her companions for now, having left them at the nearby beach. She had taken notice of two familiar scents as she crossed into a territory full of various plants - two felines that she had met before. Both were far bigger than herself, but they hadn’t chosen to make a meal of her. They had been kind, tolerant of her smaller size. The roar initially had the tiny tabby flinching but then she realized that it was Raumr, the lion she’d met on the sand bridge. The other feline scent belonged to the even larger yet gentle lioness that she’d meet in the massive forest.

With ears perked forward the tiny cat made her way to the source of the call where both felines were waiting. Green eyes flicked to Taiga first, a little smile appearing on her maw before her gaze flicked curiously to Raumr. His roar had been a call to gather, not that the tabby knew about prides and the like. “I didn’t expect to see you two again, especially not together.” She meowed softly. “Who are you calling together? Friends?”

"Speech," 'Thought.'


Pride Member

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11-23-2024, 08:40 PM

Snoozing in the shade of fern fronds, it was far from the security a tree would offer but she had been too tired to go much further, and it wasn't like anyone would be foolish enough to wake her, right?

Wrong. Though the roar did strike fear into her heart upon being so rudely awakened... it was a beckoning call rather than a territorial 'get the fuck off my patch' roar. Odd. Golden eyes narrowed, toying with her options, check it out, or take the hint and slink away... But then she wouldn't know what was happening.

Horizon pushed up to her murder-mittens and stretched, whipping tail betraying her annoyance at having been woken. She was a creature of the night, and the sun was still high in the sky. She frowned.

Not bothering to shake, to dislodge any semi-dried fern fronds that had worked their way into her fur, she approached the small gathering. Big hair must have been the one to call, and the bigger lioness at his side... Well, she hadn't expected there to be so many other felines in once place. She almost missed the house cat as she drew closer, but she did catch her question.

Horizon took a moment to blink, paw twitching with the urge to bap the much smaller feline, but how would that go for a first impression. She planted her paw firmly on the ground and allowed her tail to lash at her back instead. "There is something to be said for safety in numbers..." Even if it wasn't the way of her kind, she could see the advantage in it. "As long as you don't often expect to see me during daylight hours, I would offer my services, limited as they may be for now..." She yawned. After all, she was barely old enough to be out from under her mother's heels. Even she could acknowledge, she still had some learning to do.



Master Hunter (249)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
11-28-2024, 07:09 PM

Once again the seasons were changing. Autumn moved into the north as spring swung round to the south. Birna was on her way north to catch the snow in the high mountains and do some hunting. She planned to steer clear of the strange spires that had appeared in the middle of Boreas. The sun was sinking low and red in the horizon, in the eeriness it had held for weeks now. Birna altered her path to go through the gulley when she heard a fierce roar. Her round ears twitched as she recognized the voice as Raumr. So he was establishing a pride?

Birna had been considering joining a wolf pack but never was quite able to bring herself to do so. A pride however? That she would be more willing to give a shot. Padding softly toward the source of the call she found Raumr as well as a few other felines gathered nearby. With a chuff of greeting she offered a gentle smile. "I hope your group has room for another hunter."


Pride Member

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Beginner Navigator (10)

1 Year
Large species
11-29-2024, 11:40 AM (This post was last modified: 11-29-2024, 11:41 AM by Cygnus. Edited 1 time in total.)
In a world teeming with canines, the call of another feline felt impossible for Cygnus to ignore. Not that he minded being on his own- no, he quite liked the lifestyle, actually. But with the strange occurrences in the lands these days, the strange red sky and the quakes that rattled through the lands... he worried that maybe he, too, would fare better amongst allies. There was nothing quite as nerve-wracking as the unknown, after all, and he knew being prepared was always a good idea.

The liger's call ushered him in without much second thought, like something innate he had trouble really ignoring. He just hoped there might be another lynx in the mix, but if not he'd be just fine, as he always was. Wide paws carried him down into the gulley, noting the felines that had arrived.. one was impressive in size, like nobody he'd ever seen before. His eyes widened as he zeroed in on Taiga, though he noticed one familiar face that caught his attention too.

His bobbed tail gave an interested twitch as he drew closer to the small cat, bumping her shoulder in a friendly gesture as he settled in next to her. "Funny little group here, ain't it?" He gave the woman a toothy grin as he reclined slightly, waiting for what the cat that had called them had to say. The group was a varied one, but he knew they were kindred spirits- felines in a world dominated by canines- and that was enough for him.

table coding by bunni ♥


Pride Member

Beginner Fighter (0)

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4 Years
Large species
12-01-2024, 02:59 PM (This post was last modified: 12-01-2024, 03:00 PM by Kire. Edited 1 time in total.)
The land here is strange, largely populated by wolves. Kire relies primarily on his cunning, on his wits, on his grace to get by within it. Sticking to the shadows and learning what the place has to offer is, for now, the way he operates. It was unlikely the safety of his actions would hold-- at least while he's alone.

Perhaps he's actively seeking a cause when one falls straight into his lap. A call that's distinctively not canine draws him in. A grin tugging at the corners of his pale lips, he's quick to answer. The conglomeration around the man who'd called is already looking far more friendly than any he's seen since making landfall.

"What's your cause? What's your quest?" Questioning the big man himself, Kire's words carry an excitable edge though they remain sweet. Curious, the man looks on, golden eyed and brilliant.


table coding by bunni ♥



Expert Hunter (120)

Expert Fighter (160)

6 Years
Large species
12-02-2024, 08:15 AM (This post was last modified: 12-02-2024, 08:25 AM by Raumr. Edited 1 time in total.)

Raumr did not have to wait long for Taiga to appear. Her adjoining roar to his allowed their beckoning call to echo much farther than his alone. It was a show of strength, solidarity, and a want to change the future. Showing her his trademark scarred smile just before their first follower appeared.

The tiny cat is familiar and Raumr smiles at Sucre too. “You will see soon,” he murmurs softly to her before his attention is redirected to an unknown leopard. A brow raises at her offer and he quickly responds with a hearty laugh. “I too enjoy the darker hours of the day,” Raumr replies, accepting the offer of her services - whatever they may be.

Next comes Birna, who Raumr greets with a friendly purr. “Of course, we will need as many hunters as we can get,” he offers a smile to her too before looking to the approaching bobcat that sits beside Sucre. “Greetings,” Raumr says to Cyngus, glad that he’s come as well even if they don’t know each other yet. Last is a cougar? But no, that can’t be right. He scrutinizes the feline’s appearance for a moment before brushing it off. Raumr wasn’t full lion or tiger either so he understood the mix.

“To answer your question and address the rest,” Raumr begins, his smile ending with the bougar and moving to the gathered group. “I am Raumr, for those that do not know. I wish to start a pride or pack, group, family, whatever you wish to call us, for all felines, canines, ungulates, and the like. We will provide safety to those that find themselves in danger of those that feel hatred toward us. We will be no one’s enemy, but we also will not be quick to friend. I wish to grow our ranks, expand our pack, and provide a healthy home for us all. If you believe this something of interest to you, please stay and we shall pave our path,” he speaks proudly, chest puffed slightly and head raised tall as his tail sweeps behind him.

“To begin, I’d like everyone to go around and introduce themselves and something you think might be of interest to the group. Then we can discuss more such as where we’d like to live,” Raumr lifts a brow ass he looks to Taiga, nodding at her to open the floor for her to start.

Raumr Regalus, the Third
table coding by bunni ♥

Next round due 12/09!

any of raumr's known friends are welcome to crash his threads



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years
Paleo species
12-02-2024, 09:57 AM

They called and cats came. Sucre was first, the little cat, barely the size of Taiga's paw, coming up as bright-eyed and busy-tailed as ever. The lioness leaned down and nuzzled the top of the little cats head, not only a greeting, but spreading her scent upon the little orange puff. She was a cat, after all.

Other felines filtered in and Taiga was glad to see Birna, the leopardess that she had shared a hunt with so long ago. Each cat seemed eager to learn about Raumr's plan and the striped woman sat quietly as he did so, resting upon her belly. Raspberry eyes were all for the liger as he spoke, relaying the plan for his group. Once an explanation was delivered, he requested that they go around and introduce themselves and, of course, she was up first.

A rounded ear flicked as the cave lioness took the floor. She didn't rise from her place, only nodded to those whose attention was now upon her. "I am Taiga," she began simply enough, offering a smile before continuing. "I am most likely the last of my kind in this place, having come over on the ice bridge years ago. The bridge is gone now, but I am not." The big cats tail flicked upon the greenery beneath her but the sadness in her words never reached her eyes. Not these days. "Family. Home. That is my way. That is what I miss and what I crave. I'm hoping that whatever pride we create will become just that." At the last, she shot a sidelong glance at Raumr, then nodded to indicate that she was finished speaking.


coded by NachoMumma
Taiga is a Panthera Spelaea- a Cave Lion.

She stands 63" at the shoulder and weighs a whopping 700 lbs.

[Image: FSvbwCx.gif]


Pride Member

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1 Year
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12-02-2024, 12:28 PM (This post was last modified: 12-02-2024, 12:29 PM by Cygnus. Edited 1 time in total.)
A cheeky smile is offered to Raumr as he greets Cygnus; the acknowledgement is about all it takes to fall into his favor. The fact that they are all felines is enough for him to give this group a shot, even if he hadn't planned on formally settling down somewhere permanently. But maybe... maybe having somewhere more permanent to build up his little hoard of treasures, a home base persay, wouldn't be so bad. His ears flicked curiously as he suggested everyone introduce themselves.

The biggest of them all spoke first, and his interest was immediately piqued. Damn, she was a big girl, easily the biggest feline he'd ever seen. Cygnus was immediately smitten, especially with the story she shared, explaining that she was likely the last of her kind. He gave an approving purr as he listened, quick to pipe up once she was finished speaking. Her words had been contemplative and wise, nothing at all like the rough cadence of his own speech.

Though he was one of the smallest here, besides Sucre, he had no trouble projecting his voice and making sure he was heard loud and clear anyway. That would be a constant from here on out.

"Name's Cygnus. I know a bit about healin' and that sorta thing. Got a penchant for shiny things, too. Treasures, y'know," he explained simply. For his pride, his pack, whatever they wanted to call it, he'd give his services for free- but he hoped they'd keep him in mind if they found any interesting trinkets in their travels. "I'm not much of a homebody but I like the idea of having somewhere to come home to. Maybe I could end up being some kinda scout or somethin' for us," he suggested. It felt nice, knowing this was a place they were building together, collaboratively. It sure felt a lot better than trying to wedge himself somewhere he wouldn't quite fit.

table coding by bunni ♥


Pride Member

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Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
Small species
12-05-2024, 11:20 PM (This post was last modified: 12-05-2024, 11:21 PM by Sucre. Edited 1 time in total.)

Her arrival is welcomed by Taiga, and as the great lioness nuzzles her head in greeting Sucre responds with a soft ‘Prft?’ before moving to bump her head upward gently; A greeting returned in kind. Raumr tells her that she will see what this was about, and the tiny orange feline gives a nod. She is curious but she can wait. To her delight other cats come, including a certain snow leopard and lynx she has met before. The bump from Cygnus is met with a smile and nod. It was quite the gathering of critters, but they were all feline.

Raumr began to address them and revealed his plan. Sucre’s eyes lit up - a family? While Anna and Nina had become like sisters to her, Sucre missed the company of other cats desperately. Each encounter with one of the larger ones made her yearn more and more. Taiga too, seemed to echo what Sucre herself wanted. When Cygnus finished Sucre perked up, trying to project her voice to the best of her ability.

“I am Sucre. When I was a kitten my family was scattered by dogs and I… I don't know if any of my siblings or mother made it out alive.” Her gaze shifted to her paws. “I miss being with other cats.. I yearn for a family. My companions, a pair of penguins named Anna and Nina have become like sisters to me, though the chance to be part of something bigger than just us appeals to me greatly.” Her gaze flicked up towards Raumr.

“I’m afraid I'm not particularly skilled in anything yet, though I’d like to think I’ve become good at navigating and reading lands and the weather. Maybe my small size can be of use where things might get overlooked by someone bigger?” She suggested.

"Speech," 'Thought.'