
Skill Points (Custom) User Actions Listing

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Status of Approved. Any user.

Member Skill Description Number of points Date requested Date approved/denied Status Actions Action log
Toxicity Fighting Won an official fight against someone of equal or lower fighting rank (versus Armando) 15 n/a 01-02-2024, 08:38 PM Approved 1 log entry
Toxicity Fighting Seasonal Skill Prompt (Summer, Year 15) 30 n/a 01-02-2024, 08:38 PM Approved 1 log entry
Toxicity Fighting Seasonal Skill Prompt (Fall, Year 15) 30 n/a 01-02-2024, 08:38 PM Approved 1 log entry
Toxicity Fighting Won an official fight against someone of higher fighting rank (versus Valkyrie) 20 n/a 01-02-2024, 08:38 PM Approved 1 log entry
Toxicity Fighting Won an official fight against someone of higher fighting rank (versus Pestilence ) 20 n/a 01-02-2024, 08:38 PM Approved 1 log entry
Toxicity Fighting Participated in a non-defaulted raid (Fireside vs Ashen) 20 n/a 01-02-2024, 08:38 PM Approved 1 log entry
Toxicity Intellect Performed or attended a ceremony (Religious ascension ceremony) 10 n/a 01-02-2024, 08:34 PM Approved 1 log entry
Toxicity Intellect Performed a religious act (Religious act) 10 n/a 01-02-2024, 08:33 PM Approved 1 log entry
Toxicity Intellect Performed or attended a ceremony (Ceremony) 10 n/a 01-02-2024, 08:33 PM Approved 1 log entry
Toxicity Intellect Seasonal Skill Prompt (Fall, Year 13) 30 n/a 01-02-2024, 08:32 PM Approved 1 log entry
Toxicity Intellect Seasonal Skill Prompt (Fall, Year 14) 30 n/a 01-02-2024, 08:32 PM Approved 1 log entry
Toxicity Intellect Led training unrelated to other skills, with 3+ other characters (New Age Abraxas 1) 20 n/a 01-02-2024, 08:32 PM Approved 1 log entry
Toxicity Intellect Led training unrelated to other skills, with 3+ other characters (New Age Abraxas 2) 20 n/a 01-02-2024, 08:32 PM Approved 1 log entry
Toxicity Intellect Led training unrelated to other skills, with 3+ other characters (New Age Abraxas 3) 20 n/a 01-02-2024, 08:32 PM Approved 1 log entry
Azoula Hunting Tracked and killed any medium prey animal with 2+ participants (Boar) 15 01-02-2024, 07:19 PM 01-02-2024, 08:15 PM Approved 2 log entries
Azoula Navigation Explored a new land (Fontamo Bay) 10 01-02-2024, 07:20 PM 01-02-2024, 08:15 PM Approved 2 log entries
Rasha Hunting Seasonal Skill Prompt (Summer, Year 17) 30 n/a 01-02-2024, 06:39 PM Approved 1 log entry
Fern Fighting Participated in fight training with 3+ other characters, led by a Professor [Professor bonus] (Self defense, by Talyssa) 30 n/a 01-02-2024, 06:37 PM Approved 1 log entry
Caladia Fighting Participated in fight training with 3+ other characters, led by a Professor [Professor bonus] (Self defense, by Talyssa) 30 n/a 01-02-2024, 06:36 PM Approved 1 log entry
Haydée Fighting Participated in fight training with 3+ other characters, led by a Professor [Professor bonus] (Self defense, by Talyssa) 30 n/a 01-02-2024, 06:35 PM Approved 1 log entry