
Skill Points (Custom) User Actions Listing

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Status of Approved. Any user.

Member Skill Description Number of points Date requested Date approved/denied Status Actions Action log
Zephyrus Navigation Won an official race (versus Azure) 15 n/a 11-30-2023, 01:52 PM Approved 1 log entry
Zephyrus Navigation Explored a new land (Dreamer's Col) 10 n/a 11-30-2023, 01:52 PM Approved 1 log entry
Zephyrus Navigation Explored a new land (Mile-High Woods) 10 n/a 11-30-2023, 01:52 PM Approved 1 log entry
Zephyrus Navigation Explored 10 different lands (Mile High Woods, Amron's Castle, The Bifrost, Cedar Falls, God's Garden, Shimmering Shore, The Runestones, Gale Gorge, Dreamer's Col, Wildberry Grove) 50 n/a 11-30-2023, 01:52 PM Approved 1 log entry
Zephyrus Navigation Explored a new land (The Wall) 10 n/a 11-30-2023, 01:52 PM Approved 1 log entry
Zephyrus Fighting Ardmas 2022 30 n/a 11-30-2023, 01:33 PM Approved 1 log entry
Zephyrus Fighting Divination and Guidance - Samhain 2022 45 n/a 11-30-2023, 01:32 PM Approved 1 log entry
Zephyrus Fighting Easter 2022 30 n/a 11-30-2023, 01:32 PM Approved 1 log entry
Zephyrus Fighting Fought a large predator (Harpy Eagle) [Samhain 2022 bonus] 30 n/a 11-30-2023, 01:32 PM Approved 1 log entry
Zephyrus Fighting Seasonal Skill Prompt (Fall, Year 17) 30 n/a 11-30-2023, 01:31 PM Approved 1 log entry
Zephyrus Fighting Participated in fight training, with 3+ other characters (General fight training) 15 n/a 11-30-2023, 01:31 PM Approved 1 log entry
Zephyrus Fighting Seasonal Skill Prompt (Summer, Year 18) 30 n/a 11-30-2023, 01:31 PM Approved 1 log entry
Zephyrus Fighting Won an official fight against someone of higher fighting rank (versus Artorias) 20 n/a 11-30-2023, 01:31 PM Approved 1 log entry
Zephyrus Fighting Taught a fighting lesson (not including a spar) to another character (Ciaran) 10 n/a 11-30-2023, 01:31 PM Approved 1 log entry
Vântoase Hunting Tracked and killed any medium prey animal with 2+ participants [Samhain 2022 bonus] 30 n/a 11-30-2023, 01:20 PM Approved 1 log entry
Vântoase Hunting Harvested material from an animal (Seal pelt) [Samhain 2022 bonus] 20 n/a 11-30-2023, 01:19 PM Approved 2 log entries
Vântoase Hunting Divination and Guidance - Samhain 2022 45 n/a 11-30-2023, 01:12 PM Approved 1 log entry
Vântoase Hunting Completed a 800+ word post solo hunt with a character under 1 year of any small prey animal (Squirrel) 30 n/a 11-30-2023, 01:12 PM Approved 1 log entry
Vântoase Hunting Crafted and used a snare/trap in a hunt with 6+ rounds (Trapped a raccoon) 35 n/a 11-30-2023, 01:12 PM Approved 2 log entries
Vântoase Hunting Participated in hunt training, with 3+ other characters (On building traps and proper kills) 20 n/a 11-30-2023, 01:12 PM Approved 1 log entry