
Skill Points (Custom) User Actions Listing

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Status of Approved. Any user.

Member Skill Description Number of points Date requested Date approved/denied Status Actions Action log
Rivin Fighting Fought a large opponent (Anaconda) 15 04-02-2024, 08:12 AM 04-02-2024, 01:28 PM Approved 2 log entries
Medusa Fighting Won an official fight against someone of equal or lower fighting rank (versus Redrum) 15 03-31-2024, 11:35 PM 04-02-2024, 10:05 AM Approved 2 log entries
Medusa Fighting Fought a large opponent (Grizzly Bear) 15 03-31-2024, 11:29 PM 04-02-2024, 10:05 AM Approved 2 log entries
Medusa Fighting Won an official fight by default (versus Hanmel) 10 03-31-2024, 11:28 PM 04-02-2024, 10:03 AM Approved 2 log entries
Medusa Hunting Tracked and killed any large prey animal with 4+ participants (Stag) 30 03-31-2024, 11:27 PM 04-02-2024, 09:41 AM Approved 2 log entries
Balian Fighting Lost an official fight (versus Redrum) 10 03-31-2024, 10:54 PM 04-02-2024, 09:40 AM Approved 2 log entries
Balian Fighting Participated in a non-defaulted raid (Insomnia vs Avalon) 20 03-31-2024, 10:53 PM 04-02-2024, 09:40 AM Approved 2 log entries
Kina Fighting Won an official fight by default (versus Bjorn) 10 03-31-2024, 10:44 AM 03-31-2024, 05:04 PM Approved 2 log entries
Redrum Fighting Lost an official fight (versus Medusa Mortem) 10 03-31-2024, 01:10 AM 03-31-2024, 03:54 PM Approved 2 log entries
Redrum Fighting Won an official fight against someone of equal or lower fighting rank (versus Balian) 15 03-31-2024, 01:09 AM 03-31-2024, 03:54 PM Approved 2 log entries
Ignita Intellect Advised an alpha on a major pack issue (advised Basilisk) 15 03-30-2024, 04:00 PM 03-31-2024, 10:26 AM Approved 2 log entries
Ignita Intellect Got to know a packmate or bandmate (Wylan) 10 03-30-2024, 03:57 PM 03-31-2024, 10:25 AM Approved 2 log entries
Ignita Intellect Met someone new (Araneae / Spider) 10 03-30-2024, 03:55 PM 03-31-2024, 10:25 AM Approved 2 log entries
Ignita Intellect Got to know a packmate or bandmate (Basilisk) 10 03-30-2024, 03:54 PM 03-31-2024, 10:25 AM Approved 2 log entries
Ignita Intellect Collected an item to be used in crafting something unrelated to other skills (Helmet for holding, bullet shells and shards of plastic for hoarding until they can be used for a craft) 10 03-30-2024, 03:46 PM 03-31-2024, 10:24 AM Approved 2 log entries
Nelu Intellect Seasonal Skill Prompt (Fall, Yr. 20) 30 03-30-2024, 03:08 PM 03-31-2024, 10:24 AM Approved 2 log entries
Ignita Navigation Explored a new land (Veteran's Plateau) 10 03-30-2024, 03:42 PM 03-31-2024, 10:24 AM Approved 2 log entries
Marrow Hunting Crafted and used a snare/trap in a hunt with 6+ rounds (Fishing Basket, Bluegill) 35 03-30-2024, 02:42 PM 03-31-2024, 10:18 AM Approved 2 log entries
Ronan Fighting Seasonal Skill Prompt (Fall, 20) 30 03-30-2024, 01:00 PM 03-31-2024, 10:17 AM Approved 2 log entries
Ronan Fighting Won an official fight against someone of higher fighting rank (versus Calliope) 20 03-30-2024, 12:58 PM 03-31-2024, 10:17 AM Approved 2 log entries