
Skill Points (Custom) User Actions Listing

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Status of Approved. Any user.

Member Skill Description Number of points Date requested Date approved/denied Status Actions Action log
Maki Intellect Met someone new (Tsuga ) 10 03-01-2024, 02:04 PM 03-04-2024, 07:41 AM Approved 2 log entries
Rhazien Intellect Met someone new (Víðarr) 10 03-01-2024, 12:20 PM 03-04-2024, 07:40 AM Approved 2 log entries
Aurelia Healing Collected an herb (Wolfsbane) 10 02-29-2024, 11:18 PM 03-04-2024, 07:39 AM Approved 2 log entries
Kiriko Intellect Met someone new (Jael) 10 02-29-2024, 10:31 PM 03-04-2024, 07:38 AM Approved 2 log entries
Kiriko Intellect Participated in training unrelated to other skills, with 3+ other characters, led by a Professor [Professor bonus] (beadmaking - Halo) 40 02-29-2024, 10:30 PM 03-04-2024, 07:38 AM Approved 2 log entries
Taiga Hunting Tracked and killed any large prey animal with 4+ participants (Herd of Caribou) 30 02-29-2024, 10:16 PM 03-04-2024, 07:37 AM Approved 2 log entries
Charlton Fighting Lost an official fight (versus Satira) 10 02-29-2024, 09:06 PM 03-04-2024, 07:37 AM Approved 2 log entries
Bellamy Intellect Met someone new (Stjarna) 10 02-29-2024, 09:04 PM 03-04-2024, 07:34 AM Approved 2 log entries
Bellamy Intellect Met someone new (Áskell) 10 02-29-2024, 09:04 PM 03-04-2024, 07:34 AM Approved 2 log entries
Kina Intellect Received a lesson not related to other skills from a Professor character [Professor bonus] (Making Fire) 20 02-29-2024, 08:46 PM 03-04-2024, 07:32 AM Approved 2 log entries
Kina Intellect Participated in training unrelated to other skills, with 3+ other characters, led by a Professor [Professor bonus] (Making Dream Catchers) 40 02-29-2024, 08:45 PM 03-04-2024, 07:32 AM Approved 2 log entries
Kina Fighting Received a fighting lesson (not including a spar) from a Professor character [Professor bonus] (Using Multiple Attacks) 20 02-29-2024, 08:43 PM 03-04-2024, 07:31 AM Approved 2 log entries
Marrow Fighting Fought a large opponent (Grizzly Bear) 15 02-29-2024, 08:29 PM 03-04-2024, 07:30 AM Approved 2 log entries
Marrow Fighting Fought a large opponent (Lion) 15 02-29-2024, 08:27 PM 03-04-2024, 07:29 AM Approved 3 log entries
Stjarna Hunting Tracked and killed any small prey animal (Brown Trout) 10 02-29-2024, 08:25 PM 03-04-2024, 07:29 AM Approved 2 log entries
Björn Trygg Fighting Seasonal Skill Prompt (summer, 20) 30 02-27-2024, 10:54 PM 03-04-2024, 07:26 AM Approved 2 log entries
Jael Intellect Met someone new (Kina) 10 02-29-2024, 10:31 PM 03-04-2024, 07:23 AM Approved 2 log entries
Jael Intellect Participated in training unrelated to other skills, with 3+ other characters, led by a Professor [Professor bonus] (beadmaking - Halo) 40 02-29-2024, 10:31 PM 03-04-2024, 07:22 AM Approved 2 log entries
Marrow Hunting Skill point pass via event 30 n/a 03-04-2024, 07:20 AM Approved 1 log entry
Stjarna Hunting Tracked and killed any small prey animal (Ibis) 10 02-29-2024, 08:23 PM 03-03-2024, 03:18 PM Approved 2 log entries