
Action Log For Inventory Item: Gemstones

Gemstones Gemstones (Associated with member: Janoobus)

Date Action Actioning member Edit notes
07-12-2024, 02:33 PM Granted with reason: legacy Seadragoness
07-13-2024, 06:07 AM Edited field `original_quantity` from “400” to “500”
Edited field `current_quantity` from “400” to “500”
Bunni +100 from sea for art
07-13-2024, 06:08 AM Edited field `original_quantity` from “500” to “700”
Edited field `current_quantity` from “500” to “700”
Bunni +200 from shazaki for art
07-13-2024, 06:12 AM Edited field `original_quantity` from “700” to “900”
Edited field `current_quantity` from “700” to “900”
Bunni +200 from crownteeth for art
07-26-2024, 12:40 PM Edited field `original_quantity` from “900” to “1100”
Edited field `current_quantity` from “900” to “1100”
Bunni +200 from Sin
07-31-2024, 11:45 PM Edited field `original_quantity` from “1100” to “200”
Edited field `current_quantity` from “1100” to “200”
Seadragoness -900 for store purchases
08-03-2024, 11:53 AM Edited field `original_quantity` from “200” to “1700”
Edited field `current_quantity` from “200” to “1700”
Bunni +1500 from donation rewards
08-08-2024, 04:07 PM Edited field `original_quantity` from “1700” to “1500”
Edited field `current_quantity` from “1700” to “1500”
Bunni -200 to sea for profile
08-29-2024, 04:03 PM Edited field `original_quantity` from “1500” to “900”
Edited field `current_quantity` from “1500” to “900”
Seadragoness -600 to Res
Yesterday, 08:38 PM Edited field `original_quantity` from “900” to “500”
Edited field `current_quantity` from “900” to “500”
Seadragoness -400 for offensive accessory