
Alignment Guide

Lawful Good
Lawful good characters' main goal is to uphold integrity and justice. These types of characters will sacrifice everything else in order to keep the balance of law and order in check. Morality runs deeply through the veins of these characters, and they have strict guidelines as to how one should live and conduct themselves. A lawful good character will do whatever is necessary to ensure that the greater good is benefited.
Typical character traits of a lawful good character: Honest, compassionate, honorable, pacifistic, altruistic, hard-working, respectful, loyal, lawful.

Neutral Good
The basis of a neutral good character is being the best they can be. They strive to do good, but they don't necessarily fall to pieces if they mess up or make a small mistake. Neutral good characters strive for an equal balance of law freedom, and happiness. They only believe order is necessary if it promotes the greater good. They respect kindness and honesty in others, and do their best to reflect such qualities in themselves. They are only violent or cruel towards those they believe truly deserve it.
Typical character traits of a neutral good character: Honest, kind, merciful, gracious, strive to do what is good.

Chaotic Good
Chaotic good characters act as they please, though they tend to be kind and benevolent. They are individualistic by nature and focus primarily upon how to benefit themselves. Often considered selfish, they tend to dislike laws and authoritative figures that limit their own personal freedoms, highly valuing their independence.
Typical character traits of a chaotic good character: Selfish, self-serving, independent, tend to be benevolent, loyal to those they trust, suspicious of authority, free-spirited.

Lawful Neutral
Lawful neutral characters value laws and customs, but don't care much whether they are good laws or evil laws. They thrive on a well-ordered system of government and desire laws that keep everything in perfect balance. The well-being of the whole takes precedent over their own personal well-being. These characters are often responsible and very structured.
Typical character traits of a lawful neutral: Communal, blindly lawful, hard-working, rigid, reliable.

True Neutral
Neutral characters are not guided by a moral compass, nor by law and order. They neither pull for the dark or the light. Neutral characters live within the "status quo" and long for the world to remain balanced. Rather than doing what feels right, they simply do whatever feels to be a good idea. Neutral characters often do not wish evil upon others they don't know, but they won't be upset should they hear of some harm that has befallen the other. Neutral characters tend to avoid those that consider themselves lawful characters, as they do not feel strongly about good or evil.
Typical character traits of a neutral: Balanced, objective, neutral.

Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic neutral characters do whatever they want to do whenever they want to do it. Authoritative figures are not their favorite, as chaotic neutrals don't appreciate being told what to do. They are unreliable and unpredictable in nature. Order is not important to the chaotic neutral, and in fact they tend to prefer disorder as it leads to more personal freedom. They often value the chaos that the conflict of good and evil brings to the world and do not care which one prevails.
Typical character traits of a chaotic neutral: Free, Independent, unpredictable, selfish, unreliable, impulsive, chaotic, disorderly.

Lawful Evil
The lawful evil character cares very much for order and personal conduct, but not necessarily for the value of life or the preservation of good. Discipline is highly valued in this alignment, as the law (often their own) is the utmost authority. Loyalty is treasured among the lawful evil, and betrayal is the worst sin they can commit. A hunger for power is natural for the lawful evil, but is not totally overpowering, as they can also learn to serve others as well.
Typical character traits of a lawful evil: Orderly, methodical, loyal, disciplined, powerful, often dominant.

Neutral Evil
Neutral evil characters do whatever they feel they can 'pull off'. They are self-serving and seek only to benefit their own personal good. Laws and traditions mean little to the neutral evil character, and very rarely do they find themselves under any sort of structure. They do not mind working with others, or working alone, whatever gets the job done.
Typical character traits of a neutral evil: Independent, self-serving, selfish, free, unfeeling, cruel, destructive.

Chaotic Evil
The chaotic evil character does whatever his wicked mind desires. They tend to be arbitrarily violent and cruel. They are driven by their own selfish greed and see nothing wrong with getting what they want, and don't care what means they must go through to get it. Laws, customs, and any form of order are unnecessary to the chaotic evil character. They trust no one and they themselves cannot be trusted. Lastly, the chaotic evil loves to corrupt anyone and everyone they can get their hands on.
Typical character traits of a chaotic evil: Untrustworthy, malevolent, chaotic, lawless, cruel, ruthless.