
Mindless, Meaningless


05-14-2013, 09:23 PM

The bitter night sky was illuminated by a full moon. Thick frost reflected on the ground, and the baring trees were coated in the ice. Owls hooted in a doleful manner, and occasionally the song of another wolf or set of wolves would ring through the air. The sapphire night hung around the white male as he moved steadily south, heading away from the northern territory. Even though he had been through a snowstorm and several rainstorms he could still occasionally scent the wolf he had murdered on one of the northern packs borders on his fur. It didn?t bother him, he frankly, enjoyed it.

The dominating brute stalked forward, his body generally relaxed, even though the bitter air ripped through his thick fur. He walked in even strides not in a hurry, but not lagging. He wasn?t in a rush to get anywhere, his rage had been slightly sedated from the last kill, and now he was in one of his better moods. As he walked he reflected on all kinds of things. His mother had objurgated him when he was a pup for how easily he had become lost in his mind, but he was always thinking about something. Tonight, his thoughts were leavened with the subject of love. The she-wolf he had killed, even when she took her last breath and knew that she was going to die still spoke of it and it made him wonder what the weaker wolves saw in the word.

As far as he was concerned, love didn?t exist. Perhaps, at one time, he had been in love but even that had been ripped away from him. Love was just a taunt to wolves who were desperate for something, but that something wasn?t an instinctual? desire for him. Sex, had become the only thing second too the feel of fresh blood in his jaws that brought forth any feeling in his numb body, and tonight he was lonely.

Another breeze stirred, and this breeze carried the sweet scent of a female. A female in heat. His head tilted back, and a soft sultry note escaped it, calling her to him. Frost billowed around his mouth, as he stood there waiting for the lady whose scent called to him.



05-14-2013, 09:41 PM

The girl was fully matured now. She'd filled out into her body beautifully. Her build was slender and held all the right curves in all the right places. Fur was purer than the whitest snow, and her reddish brown markings were more prominent than ever. Golden eyes lay upon her white and reddish mask and were lovely to look at. She'd become quite attractive during her past year of growing. With her father's training she'd even managed to glean a little bit of muscle from it all. A stunning creature to look it. To put it short very easy on the eyes.

She felt odd though. If it was a part of becoming a woman it made no sense to her. All she knew was that she had an insatiable desire to be around a male. A grown male and that there was a horrible ache that didn't seem to wanna go away. Her scent was more pungent and inviting to the opposite sex, and yet she had yet to notice. She just new she smelled different and was certainly acting different. Even the voice seemed to start to fade for a time being as she contemplated such things.

Her thoughts were broken though as a soft call beckoned to someone. A soft sniff and nostrils flared as she took in the masculine scent, but she could smell no other. Was it for her? She surely didn't recognize the call. It wasn't Valkis, but she wouldn't have been opposed to seeing the russet boy once more. Sadly it was someone else. That much was obvious by how deep the voice was. Curiosity bested her and she headed in the direction.

She finally chanced upon the man. Completely white with two different colored eyes. He was at least 4 inches taller than him, but that might as well have been a mountain to her. She couldn't help but find him handsome. Her thoughts had already begin to wander elsewhere. What was the matter with her? She couldn't quite comprehend the thoughts that didn't seem to be hers, but were. Regardless, the girl stopped a little ways from him. Tail waved softly in greeting. He smelled faintly of blood and death, which was normal for her. A smile pulled at the corners of her lips. Her blood sang already at the thought of blood. It was always a sight that made her giggle. Guts and gore were her things.

"You called?"

Golden pools would stare up at him and she giggled softly. Head cocked sideways as she observed him. She'd never met him before, but she couldn't fathom what he wanted from her. She wasn't opposed to meeting a new wolf though. She quite enjoyed the company of others.

"My name's Xenios. Or Xen. Yours hun?"

"Speech" "He speaks"


05-14-2013, 10:20 PM
His call echoed through the forest, and he stood waiting to see if the lovely smelling fea would bother to answer him. He stood, his weight shifting restlessly from paw to paw, tail resting against his body, his whole expression simply screaming boredom. The markings that adorned his face, framing his oddly colored eyes stood out in the illuminating moonlight.

The sweet smell of the females heat approached him, and his gold and blue eyes turned toward her direction. He took in a deep breath, capturing her smell, and watched her as she approached him. She was a pretty little thing. White fur broken by unique red markings that adorned her face, and gold eyes that seemed to shine in the moonlight. Her tail moved gently, and he felt his lift slightly as he stared at her. He felt his eyes wandering up and down her body, taking in every curve and feature almost of their own volition.

?You called?? Her voice broke the silence between him, and he pulled his eyes back to look into her golden ones. She introduced herself as Xenios, or Xen and asked his. His lips pulled into a smirk at her use of the word ?hun?, and he waited a moment before speaking.

?Yes, my dear Xenios, I did call you. My name is Creedance. May I have the pleasure of knowing what a lovely lady like you is doing out on such a dark and foreboding night?? The words slipped from his maw with ease, caressing the air in a soft and gentle tone. A far cry from the tone that he had used before when attacking someone or killing someone. It was as if the earth shifted, revealing a sinister gentleman beneath the deamon that he was.



05-14-2013, 10:33 PM

Xenios shifted under his gaze as his multi-colored gaze roved her body. It reminded her of when Valkis and her had exchanged pleasantries and then took turns with light flirting. Was this the same? It was obvious the male was older than her though, so it probably wasn't. Regardless of that she liked the way he looked at her. It made her feel important. At least important enough to be stared at by a brute such as him. He was a looker. He had interesting markings just as she did, and certainly was quite a catch.

Her lips pulled back into a bigger grin as polite tones slipped from his vocals. She was completely oblivious to the fact he'd recently killed a Glaciem member. Was oblivious to the fact he was a rapist and anything else evil and demonic. To her it was just another friendly face with handsome looks and a nice visage. She totally fell right into his nice little facade. The joys of being innocent and young. She was often ignorant to most things.

"Just exploring. I like to slip away from my pack when I get the chance. It's rather boring there, this place beckoned and He said it would be more fun."

Nose crinkled at the mention of Him. He'd been quiet of late, but he still piped up and said something to her. She was surprised his voice hadn't popped up in this particular conversation. In fact she probably shouldn't have mentioned Him at all to the stranger. Most gave her odd looks about the voice that only she heard. It was interesting though. She always had company and was never ever alone. Not many could say they had that.

"What about you? You smell of no pack. Whatcha doin all the way out here for?"

"Speech" "He speaks"


05-14-2013, 11:22 PM
He had missed for a moment, that she belonged to pack. He had been lost in the sweet smell of her heat, and it took him a moment but finally he caught the scent of the pack. It was a different scent from the one whose borders he had recently escaped, which was intriguing to him. She spoke of exploring and then a ?he?, which peaked his interest. Was she not out here alone?

Before he could broach the subject, however, she spoke again and asked why he was out here. He waited a moment before strolling closer to her, stepping evenly, and keeping his posture neutral. He stopped close to her, close enough that her scent was almost overwhelming, and close enough that he could feel the heat radiating through her body, and then he spoke.

?He? Are you not alone, my dear?? He practically purred, as he smiled coyly at her. A few moments of silence would go between the two and again he would speak, his voice coming in a gentle sigh. ?I belong to no pack. I am simply a wanderer.? The last part was a lie, but this pretty young thing didn?t need to know what monster she was chording with, she?d probably attempt to run away and then he?d have to chase her and that would be a waste of time. He knew then that he?d have her. He?d claim her tonight. His body shaked with the anticipation of it.



05-14-2013, 11:36 PM

Oh dear. She'd blurted out about Him. She'd said too much. Aureate eyes follow him as he moved closer. Much closer than she anticipated. It seemed as though her personal bubble would get invaded this day. Her body quivered once for some unknown reason before she forced it to calm. Any closer and they would probably be touching. He was bold creature, wasn't he? For a moment it seemed as though she had managed to successfully change the subject off of Him, but her efforts were in vain. Oh well. It couldn't hurt to explain it to him. Hearing of his rogue status intrigued her too. She didn't get the opportunity to meet many loners.

"Oh no, I'm alone, sort of. No one physically came with me. I just have a voice in my head. It won't leave me alone."

Ears flickered backwards nervously and she shifted on her paws. Her tail gave a hesitant wag for a moment as she gave him an apprehensive look. He happened to probably be the first person she told of the company she kept within her head. Was it odd? She felt as though it was, though it was hard to judge. Perhaps it was, although she didn't hear of anyone else having the same problem. So was it acceptable or not?

His masculine scent was alluring. Never before had a male been so attractive. She still couldn't figure out why just a male's scent alone beckoned to her. Nostrils flared to take in his scent and the faint trace of blood. Intriguing and it drew her in like a moth to a flame. She had to resist the urge to close the gap between them.

"Speech" "He speaks"


05-15-2013, 08:26 AM
A voice? The little wolf before him was plagued by a voice in her head? She was credibly insane? As if anything could make her more appealing to him, well anything besides her being a virgin- innocent blood. Depraving the innocence of young wolves was a pass-time of his, a side-sport if you wish. Was this little insanity before him innocent, if so, she wouldn?t be for long? He would take her for a trip on the dark side.

A small smile played on the edge of his mouth, as he looked at her. ?Mmm and is that voice speaking too you now, darling? Is he warning you against me?? His voice would fall softly from his ivory jaws, his tone curious. His expression was slightly amused, as he regarded her.

He could feel the heat radiating from her smaller body, and again his eyes were found wandering her. How did she taste, he wondered? Impatiently, he shifted his weight, trying to shut down the eager response to her heat from his own body.

--short post is short--



05-17-2013, 10:25 AM

Head cocked sideways as the brute before her spoke again, asking if he spoke to her now. Brow furrowed as a confused look crossed her face before fading altogether as a more simple visage replaced it. He said nothing to her. Whether the encounter confused Him or he was just curious to see what her decisions would be without him, it was unknown to her. So Xenios shook her head and righted her head to look up at him.

"Do you not like my silence love? I can surely speak more if you so wish it. Go on then. Continue to speak with him. You'll absolutely LOVE it."

Confused once more she had to stop to ponder his words. His voice had been sarcastic and positively evil at that point. Goading her to continue to talk to Creedance, but why? It'd almost been a challenge. Obviously he knew something she didn't but she couldn't figure out what. Instead she shrugged her shoulders and continued to look up at the male.

"He says nothing against you, so I dunno why you asked if He warned me against you. There seems to be no reason as to why I should be wary."

Paws shifted as she adjusted herself to make herself more comfortable. She wasn't quite sure where this was going, but she was somewhat confused. What did he mean exactly?

"Speech" "He speaks"


05-20-2013, 06:21 PM
A slight chuckle escaped the confines of his jaws, at the smaller wolfs words. She saw no reason to be wary of him? Did she not know who he was? Did she not know what he had done? He thought word of his meaningless slaughter of the pack wolf from the north would travel through the packs quickly, warying the wolves of his presence. Did this wolf not understand the danger she was in?

A smirk danced along his mouth, as he opened it to speak in a soothing voice. "Tell me Xenny, would your mate like that you're wandering out here, all alone in heat? The scent could allure some dangerous wolves in these parts." His voice thinly veiled the curiosity he had about if she was with a mate, he assumed not, and he didn't really care, though it would cause more discourse in the young wolf's life if she had mated.

He wondered how she would react to the nick-name "Xenny", would it offend the pretty little thing or would she take it in stride? She spoke of this voice as if it was a real thing plaguing her mind, and the idea almost made him hysterical with laughter. Insane, gorgeous, and in heat? His night couldn't get better, could it?



05-30-2013, 02:48 PM

The girl's head tilted as he called her Xenny. No one had ever dare call her that before, but then again she didn't really mind it. It was different than what she was used to. Of course the words following the new nickname were absolutely absurd. A mate? The thought almost made her snort. She didn't have one. She'd just reached two years that season. Of course she didn't have a mate. As far as wandering out here alone she could do what she liked. She hardly doubted anyone cared.

"I don't have a mate. Besides, most from my pack wouldn't care I'm out here. I'm not very known."

It was true. She wasn't one to stand out from the crowd. She'd much rather blend in to it. Sure it would be nice to take over her father's job as a commander, but a part of her was stilling enjoying the free life with barely any responsibilities. She could do what she liked whereas her father was stuck to his responsibilities first. It would take a lot of maturing for her to get to that point.

"Speech" "He speaks"


05-31-2013, 01:14 PM
No mate? A pack wolf, yet no one was looking for her? In heat? Could this night get any better?! A deep chuckle escaped his throat, sending waves of approval at her lone status. Stepping towards her, the white brute's head turned towards her, and he would take a deep breath as he stretched his neck in an attempt to brush her fur.

"Well, love, what do you think about taking a walk on the dark side tonight. I'm an amazing teacher." He finished the sentence with a wink, his two toned eyes staring at her hungrily. The smell of her was almost over-whelming. Little was stopping him from just taking her, here and now. Yet he hung on to the smallest fragment of control that remained, though his body quivered in anticipation.

Soon, he reminded himself, taking another deep breath to be over-powered by her scent again. Something akin to a whine escaped his jaws, as he stared at her.



06-01-2013, 11:26 PM

He stepped towards her attempting to brush his fur with hers. Any other case she would have shied away and gave him a wary distrusting look, and yet she attempted to rub back, fully letting instinct kick in on the motion. She didn't know why she did it, but whatever possessed her to do it wanted her to continue to run herself against him. It was comforting and yet it made her blood sing at the same time. Made her excited and a whole bunch of crazy wacked out kinds of emotions that she didn't understand. Someone seriously should have explained her heat to her, but her mother was never around.

Golden eyes stared up at him for a moment as he suggested taking a walk on the dark side. What on earth did he mean by that? The noise that came from his mouth was intriguing and caused a soft giggle to erupt from her chest. What on earth was that. A whine? Regardless she disregarded it after her short outburst and then gave him a quizzical look.

"I dunno. It sounds tempting. The dark side is fun, but what do you mean exactly?"

"Speech" "He speaks"


06-02-2013, 12:34 AM
Breath hitched in his alabaster body, catching in his throat as the damns bodice brushed against his own. His fur stood on end, and he took in a deep shuddering breath. His slim bit of self-control wouldn?t last much longer. Stretching his muzzle, in an attempt to breath in her ear, he spoke again. ?Well love, why don?t I show you how a real man can make you feel. I guarantee you won?t be disappointed? After all, I am the darkest of the dark? ? Assuming she didn?t move away from him, his warm breath would billow in the night air, brushing against her ear fur.

He moved his jaw in an attempt to nuzzle her neck, a rumble of approval at the smell of her escaping his ivory chest. His body quivered with excitement, and he held his desire to pin her down and simply tear into her in check. It didn?t have to be that violent, though any sexual encounter with him often was violent. ?C?mon Xenny, what do you say?? He crooned his words soft and inviting. A few moments would pass as his gaze raked over her body, imagining how it would feel beneath his own, [b]"Take a walk with the darkness, love. You won't regret it.." He whispered, stretching his jaw forward in an attempt to whisper the words into her ear.



06-02-2013, 08:06 PM

She could feel his breath in her ear causing her to shudder. He was seductive and everything about him appealed to her heat at the time. Inexperienced and completely going off of instinct. All she knew was that she had a craving and an ache that needed to go away and for some reason the brute was absolutely captivating and mesmerizing that he voice caught in her throat. She could do little but nod at his suggestion.

"The dark side sounds wonderful."

"Speech" "He speaks"


06-03-2013, 08:58 PM
Her agreeance to his proposal caused a dark smile to flicker on his ivory jaw. He stretched his head forward, attempting to gently nip at her neck working his way down her flank to arouse her. The scent of her heat, made his mouth water as he nuzzled her hindquarters paying special attention to where her wonderful smelling feminine parts were. Nipping at her skin, a dark chuckle escaped his throat, as he murmured against her tender flesh.

?Oh, love, I?m gonna make you feel so good. You?ll dream of this night for years.? His tone was sultry, flowing from his mouth like smooth velvet, as he brushed his thick pelt against her, circling her before stopping at her head. Stretching his neck forward, he nipped at neck, close to where her jugular was, his bites becoming harder and more insistent. A low growl vibrated in his throat, his eyes hardening as his arousal pushed him further, enhancing every bite to the point that they would begin to draw blood.



06-05-2013, 07:51 PM

The man nipped her neck and then worked his way down to her flanking causing a series of shivers to run down her spine and muscles fully arousing her. She had no idea what she was getting herself into, but so far she liked it. They hadn't even begun yet and she was fully enjoying herself. No one had every bothered to tell her about her heat though, or how this would affect her. No one had explained to avoid the alluring scent of males while she was in heat. It was unfair really, but she would soon find out. For now she would succumb to her own desires.

Neck craned in his direction and a pleading whine left her larynx as he nipped at her neck near her jugular. They became harder and more insistent as he continued his soft biting and finally began to draw small amounts of blood with his bites. The sensible part of herself, the normal wolf part, that told her to fear him. The thrill seeking part of her, and the insane side, thoroughly was enjoying this. Tail flicked to the side. An instinctual move. She doubted she could crave anything more than she craved this right now. If only he'd get on with it.

[ooc: So I hope you know, this killed me while writing it. I would have faded to black long before now. xD This is so awkward]

"He speaks"


06-06-2013, 05:46 PM
Something snapped in his mind, carnal instinct took over as his bites along her tender fur became harder, working his way back to the base of her tail. A deep growl resonated from his throat, a guttural and feral sound as he inhaled her scent deeply, giving further arousal to his maleness. At the peak of his self-control he finally relented. Then, with a seeming grace so rarely seen to the massive brute, he got all up on dat ass.

-fade to black-

(Yes, this is REALLY short, but it was starting to get a little.. too explicit if you know what I mean.)