
white flag


05-14-2013, 08:02 PM
((crappy post is crappy >.>))

She walked easily, though long legs seemed to eat up the distance between her home and the range that Seracia now called home. She had been forced to stop and ask directions a few times to some passer byers. Thank god Ky hadn't come with her or else they would have never found their way to the range. Gaze was lowered, solemn as she moved towards her next make word project. She wasn't especially keen on it but she didn't want to let Nnoitra down either so she planned to do her best. The scent was getting stronger the further she got, the boarder getting slowly closer. Head lifted slowly, nares flaring curiously as she tried to pinpoint the boarder exactly. She didn't dare cross it but she didn't want to be too far away either. Why was she going to have this discussion? She wasn't even beta anymore, she was just a lowly member of no rank. It seemed as soon as her rank had been striped so had her desire to do anything. Ears were pinned back and expression seemed distant and lost.

A scent caught her attention and the young female was snapped from her thoughts. Though she had only ever seen her siblings from a distance she knew their scents. They had always lived near by but the goddess had kept them separate. This particular scent... It was the most familiar. She had broken the goddess's rule with him, Kylar and herself had warned him to run when he had been with Io and Aiden... He was alive? Here? Heart beat quickened and she slowed and soon stopped. What if he showed up? She could only vaguely remember his name even, would he know her? Had he known their identical parentage from her scent in their brief encounter. A tremble wracked her body as she stood, seemingly frozen to the ground while the man made structures loomed in the distance. A shuddering breath was drawn in, another tremble sliding through her muscles. No... She could do this... If he showed up she would lie...

She loped the last few paces to the boarder, taking a moment to allow her heart beat to slow before seating herself carefully, drawing forepaws close and flipping her tail neatly over them. She would stand when the alpha's approached but for now she didn't know how long it would take. Head tipped back, a sweet song slipping from her parted jaws, an easy call requesting the presence of an alpha emitting. Call was not demanding or rude, none of her usual sarcasm or snideness lacing her tone. No, here she had to seem normal, pleasant and polite. It was a facade she had probably used far too many times and was probably too good at. But everyone had their little talents right?


05-14-2013, 08:27 PM

Nostrils would flare as he once again came toe to toe with the black bull. This beast had to be eradicated, and quick. This time it seemed to be in an unusually good mood, and simply snorted its foul breath into his face before turning away. A man could learn to live with a reaction like that. Gerhardt watched the beast move on, not willing to turn his back on the unruly creature. The King was a smart man, only a fool would turn their back on an enemy. As the blackened brute disappeared into the forest, the King would finally bring himself to pivot away. He had no real idea of where he was headed, he was just pacing around his territory, breathing in the warm and welcoming scent of Seracia. The Kingdom was at peace, and so was its King.

At least until he breathed in the pungent musk of Tortuga.

Crown would quite literally snap in the direction of the scent, breathing it in selfishly. Gluttonous for the air - as if he could only scarcely believe it - the man drew in the scent like it would be the last breath he ever took. Just what was Tortuga doing here? Judging by the aroma drifting toward him it was only one - and that one was close. Perched on the tresses of his borders, the King knew he needed to get to them at once. This was no ordinary border call. Swinging his hips into line with the rest of his body - which had contorted into an unnatural state - he picked up a bumpy trot and moved for the borderline.

Russet fur gleamed on the horizon. The woman stuck out like a sore thumb, much like his sons would have in the same position and lighting. She was very beautiful, but the King wasn't concerned with such things at that moment in time. The concern he did have revolved around what the Tortugan lass was doing at his border. He hoped for everyone's sake that her intentions were pure. "Good day, miss. Gerhardt Mathias, to what do I owe this pleasure?" Words trailed off of his tongue smoothly and eloquently. He had every intention of this meeting going well - if it was indeed a meeting at all. Bodice remained standing, poised and pristine. Tail wavered behind him casually as he watched her through amethyst looking-glasses.



05-14-2013, 10:57 PM
She didn't wreak of Tortuga as she once had, her time frequenting the rouge lands around Valhalla having slightly diluted her pack scent but it still stuck out like a sore thumb here in a different packs lands. She wondered briefly if someone would scent her or hear her howl first? She had walked with the wind at her back, in no way trying to mask her approach from the wolves who lived in these lands. She was no spy, no assassin this day, simply here to exchange information if the alpha would allow it. Possibly catch a glimpse of her brother? Would the goddess smite her for reaching out to her blood now that the goddess had left this earth? Maybe today it would be one thing at a time, focus on the task at hand and if that went smoothly then maybe she could ask about the golden male who had occupied the goddess's womb before herself. But it was all in due time, for now it was simply a waiting game. Would it be an alpha female or male who approached? Possibly a pair? She had no prior knowledge of this pack so she would be a blank slate should the alpha be so kind as to share with her.

As she had guess the wait wasn't terribly long, she saw him before he reached her, her slightly higher elevation giving her a clear view for a fair distance. She stood and was waiting as he approached, head lowered respectfully and tail licking at her heels. She was no better then a rouge at his boarders and she knew it. His eyes struck her first, the sharp colour a contrast to his earthy hued pelt. He wasn't her usual type but still a good looking male that she could appreciate none the less. She watched him as he approached but as he drew close enough head would lower further, crown tipped to the side to bare her neck respectfully. Posture would change as he came into striking range, though, if he decided to chase her off she wouldn't be baring her throat for him to grab onto. It wouldn't be the first time she had been run off without being given the chance to speak. But it seemed he wasn't that type of alpha, his demeanour fairly open and friendly as he trotted up to great her.

An easy smile slipped across her features, head tipping as his words drifted off his tongue, pleasant and light. A pleasure? That was a different type of greeting for sure. "Believe me Gerhardt Mathias, the pleasure is all mine." she said, once again dipping her head formally. She had been taught how to respect her superiors, she knew how to play nice with alphas... "My name is Viridiana Sovari, former beta of Tortuga. I've been sent by my alpha to learn more of your pack if you would allow it...?" she asked, ears tipping forward curiously. Would he agree? "And of course, if there is anything you'd like to know of Tortuga I'd be more then willing to share..." she added after a moment, hoping to sweeten the deal. Though she knew little of the way the new Tortuga would be run, what Desmonda's ideals were. But she knew Nnoirta, she had been with the pack a long time and could walk him through what Tortuga was going through at the least if that was something that interested him.


05-16-2013, 08:09 PM

He couldn't imagine what might have brought Tortuga to his borders. He'd heard very little of them in the time he'd spent here. They seemed secluded and rather keen on keeping to themselves. That didn't bother the King at all. He wondered if an alliance was in the air. He'd already made three with Glaciem, Ludicael, and Valhalla. Pretty soon Seracia would be affiliated with every pack that resided in this land. Though Gerhardt could hardly imagine that being too horrible. Still, he wasn't sure he wanted to be affiliated in such a manner with Tortuga. The rumors of them were not all to his liking, and the same could be said of Amenti. Still, he would not blatantly disrespect anyone, so the King stood statuesque, waiting for a response to his question.

The dip of her head was unexpected, but welcome. Perhaps this wasn't going to be bad after all. "Miss Sovari," he would utter with a gentle wag of his tail. They wanted to know about Seracia. How curious. So.. the rumor mill of the kingdom had not reached the ears of the Tortugans. The King was rather pleased with that fact. Tail wavered behind him placidly. "I don't see the harm in that. What sort of information would most appeal to you?" He wasn't going to offer up information that wasn't readily desired, as Gerhardt preferred to answer direct questions to keep himself from rambling on about his beloved land. He could go on for days about Seracia, but he doubted miss Viridiana cared much for all the little details. "I would like a bit of information about your home as well, since you so kindly offered. I'm afraid of all the packs, I've heard the least about Tortuga." He paused, feeling as if perhaps offering up a question of his own might ease the conversation between them. "Tell me, who is your leader?" A name would be sublime, but he hoped for a bit more information - though he wasn't honestly sure how much Tortuga would offer up.



05-17-2013, 05:38 PM
((going away for may long but wanted to get this done before I left :D so sorry for the crappiness))

Why was she here, this was so beneath her... She was born and raised to kill, to betray the trust of her friends, to lie and manipulate those around her. And now she was here, having a pleasant exchange of truths with the alpha of another pack she could care less about. This pack could burn for all she cared but she had to pretend to care, had to pretend that she gave a shit about them for this to work. So if that meant pulling out all the stops then that was what she would do. Even if on the inside she was trying to keep herself from vomiting violently. But despite all her hatred and aversion towards this particular mission she was glad at least to have something nice to look at. The king himself had strong, open features and seemed pleasant enough. In any other circumstance the only reason she would speak with him would be to use him for her less then noble means but hey. Maybe that would come later.

He spoke her name softly, speaking her sire name that the goddess has bestowed upon her. It was something she had never been called before but it wasn't entirely unpleasant and she found her tail licking at her heels as well in response. What did she desire to know? God it wasn't like she could ask about their military prowess and she already knew about their alliances... She wasn't good at this...But before she could ask he agreed that he would like to hear about her pack as well and she smiled graciously with a slight dip of her head to show her compliance. She was probably one of the best wolves to ask other then Nnoitra or Secret after all. Their leader? Smile stayed in place but a wave of revulsion passed through her as she thought of the white bitch currently leading them. Funny how every single one of their leaders had adorned a colourless pelt... "If you wouldn't mind me giving you a bit of history it will be easier... Nnoitra was our founder and original leader, he passed his rank to his adoptive son Kaien and he took a second named Morphine. Most recently one of our members decided she wasn't so fond of the chaotic path and challenged Kaien for rule. Her name is Desdemona and is not our primary leader, she took Nnoitra as her second because the pack trusted her. They are going to the different packs to learn more of them just as I am" she explained almost in an automated tone.

Sharp gaze was turned back to the male as she finished, though, a smile sliding across her features once more. "If you would indulge me Sir Mathias. Do you rule alone? And if you have the time could you tell me about your packs moral standings and the reason behind it's founding?" she asked, head cocking ever so slightly. Hopefully he would agree to those questions, she was struggling to find simple, mundane questions to ask. She was used to conversing with spies, talking military tactics and the strength of packs. There was no way he would indulge her that much... But she wanted to learn some more before she told him the proposition Nnoitra had sent her here to speak with him of.


05-18-2013, 05:09 PM

To say that he was uneasy would be an understatement, but to say he was afraid would be a bold faced lie. The King was not afraid of Tortuga, but he wasn't exactly keen on befriending them either. Still, for the safety of Seracia it was best that he be as civil as possible during this encounter. His Kingdom would rest easily after this - he hoped. Something of a silence ruled over them as the two diplomats seemed to be piecing together their lines of questioning in their heads. At least, that's what Gerhardt was doing - he had no clue as to what Viridiana had on her mind. Finally she broke the silence, offering up a bit of history. The King nodded his head in agreement, ears flickering forth to listen with the intent of remembering it all - if he could. Nnoitra had founded their pack. Gerhardt had heard that name before. He'd given it to his adopted son, Kaien, who had been overthrown by Desdemona - the most recent leader. Desdemona had then taken Nnoitra up as a secondary leader and the two now ruled Tortuga as one. It seemed they had all spread out to learn about the packs, how quaint. Gerhardt gave another nod to show he'd been listening, though he wasn't sure that it was particularly necessary to comment back.

She would then question his rulership and the founding of the pack. The questions seemed innocent enough, so the King began his response. "I rule alone at the present time." He would say with confidence and prowess. There was really no need for a secondary with the strong wolves he had in the second and third tiers. "Our moral standings could best be described as neutral, as we aren't particularly keen on seeking out turmoil - but we do not shirk away from what needs to be done. Overall, Seracia rests upon two basic morals: respect and honor, and we strive for the good of our Kingdom as a whole, whatever that may be. Our founding isn't much different than any other pack, I would imagine. I had the idea in my head upon leaving my previous home, and when I finally arrived here in Alacritia with my family in tow we built Seracia from the ground up." He'd mentioned family. He wondered if she would question him further on the subject. But first, the King would turn the question on her. "..and where does Tortuga's moral compass lie?" His head tilted slightly, an ear flickering idly as he awaited this answer. He'd heard rumors galore but it was best to get this information straight from the horse's - or in this case, wolf's - mouth.
