


05-14-2013, 06:16 PM

Desdemona had been made Tortuga's Queen, she had flipped the order of things, Kaien has asked for death and Morphine had been banished when the bitch refused to stand down. She didn't exactly condone the death of the previous Alpha, but for his own dignity and as a finally request for mercy, she had heeded his request. Bathed in his blood, Desdemona had returned to Tortuga unscathed, announcing her reign and everything she intended to accomplish within the next few weeks. Her words had been met with mixed reactions, but she would allow them to lounge in the shadows no more. She was a dame of pride and accomplishment and she would demand more from the lazy isle of misfit toys.

She wasn't sure if they would grow to respect and acknowledge her as their leader or not, but she would do her best to keep herself open and available should any of them wish to speak with her. The dame would snort, a puff of air leaving her nostrils as she prowled the surrounding territories of Tortuga. She had taken a few hours to reflect, to think on all that had occurred in little under the span of a week. It seemed for the most part, that Tortuga accepted her as their leader, whether begrudgingly or not, it seemed not to cause too large of a stir, far less than she had been expecting.

A foreign scent caught the dames attention and the behemoth figure would turn. She was a towering forty-two inches, bottoming out with thick muscles near one-seventy. An intimidating sight for certain, at least... to a sober mind. Her two toned gave, one obsidian, one crimson would seek the figure that had eluded her thus far and her vision would fall upon a slender dame, missing an eye and covered in various scars, Desdemona would dip her head, a polite hello. "What brings you so far east, stranger?" Her vocals were deep, a resounding baritone as she eyed the woman before her.



5 Years
05-14-2013, 06:52 PM

It had been quite some time since I had been to Tortuga, and yes in a way I, well we were hopeing to join back in once more.. To belong yet again to the pack I had been apart of some time ago.. And as far as I know I do believe my pup is still there... And possibly Ulrike as well.. Of course I haven't seen them in a while.. I did my best to stay away from that entire group.. However now I feel as though a void was beginning to consume me. I'm not enough for you dear? Foolish question, of course not. Just a figment of my imagnination... Although I do call bull shit, she really is there.. Just no one else can see her.. or hear her... Sounds a bit dumb, now don't it? Of course it doesn't dear.

A large portion of me was actually a bit curious of how Tortuga was running these days.. Last we had heard Nnoitra had retired and some idiot had taken over. If that was true or not I did not know. But if rumors were right, his name had been kione, or Kaien, or something of the sort.... Rumor had it he'd been running the pack into the ground.. Once again all of which were simply rumors. I had no way of knowing if they were true or not. It didn't seem to take long before my silence was instantly inturrupted and it of course caused me to jolt into the correct stance to warily take in the rather large shape before me.. Beyond larger then myself! I took in her muscle bound features and thick torso, an invisible brow rose as I listened to her words. The scent of tortuga covered her, it seeped from her very pours. However something about her screamed dominance. And I to offered her a nod in return before speak.

?Visiting old friends, so to speak. ?

I offered her a rather toothy grin. Before lazily plopping upon my rear. Isn't she just a lovely thing. I couldn't help but chuckle at the remark. I'm sure she is no one to recon with. We could give it a go? I'm gettin a little to old for that love.

I continued to watch her closely. She really was a monsterous thing. I sure would hate to get on her bad side. Although a good brawl every now and again kept the blood a pumping. And I wasn't one to turn down some adrenaline. I used to be thicker, yes indeed of course trying to go back to my rogue ways took a number on me. After all, a one eyed one eared midget draped in scraggly fur over a boney figure isn't really all that intimidating these days. And to top it all off I was losing vision slowly but surely in my good eye.

? The name is Fetisha. I am assuming you are a part of tortuga, no??

Sadistic voice rang into the bitter air. The sun was slowly tucking itself in for the night casting shades of orange through the skies above.


05-14-2013, 07:29 PM

Desdemona observed the dame before her quickly, eyes roaming the slender form with something akin to curiosity. There was something off, something deliciously...dark about the dame before her, perhaps it was the scars that marred her flesh, or maybe the eye that appeared faded and blind. Her fur was a bedraggled off white, just a shade darker or perhaps two, than her pelt of glistening ivory. Intrigue blossomed in the depths of her chest, but it didn't make itself known upon her visage, she wondered if the dame had ever seen Tortuga, she seemed like just the creature that would slide in without worry or care. Misfit toys indeed.

The woman seemed startled by Desdemona's sudden words and she found herself being wearily studied in return. The Queen didn't mind, she was slowly becoming accustomed to lingering stares, apparently a drawback to becoming a Queen. A long moment of silence stretched between the two, one sizing the other up, debating what the correct course of action here would be. Finally, the smaller dipped her head, returning the polite greeting and Desdemona allowed her body to relax, if only slightly. For the most part, she had tried to put her past of mindless bloodshed and hatred behind her, if the woman would rather speak than come at her with tooth and claw, Desdemona would return the respect. her two toned gaze would glisten as finally the woman would speak, lyrics rolling from her tongue like poison.

Bemused, a breathy chuckle would escape the behemoth. Friends... very few were considered friends among the borders of Tortuga, if that was where these friends of hers resided, toleration and perhaps acceptance of the wolves around them at the very best. Desdemona moved, massive frame perching gracefully on her haunches as she lowered her rump to the ground. Her plume curled around her haunch, to dust the back of her forelimb, she watched as the woman did the same.

Fetisha seemed to become lost in her own mind, thinking of something that obviously amused her as a chortle left her lips. Her bodice was quite literally flesh and bone and she appeared to look more in her waning years... Desdemona wondered what had happened to the woman to place her in such a state of disarray and who exactly the woman had returned to see. The next inquiry would pull a small smile from the usually stoic ruler and a soft laugh would resound from the confines of her chest..

"It tis a pleasure to meet you Fetisha. I would hope to smell strongly of Tortuga. I am its Queen, if you have come to visit Kaien or Mophine, I'm afraid you won't be finding them there, I killed Kaien nary a week ago, and Morphine has been banished." It was not a fact she took pride in, but if the woman had come seeking either ex-ruler, she would not find them within Tortuga's borders, or in Kaien's case, until death took her last breath from her and she joined him in the afterlife... and she had never been a creature to candy coat her words and she would not hold back from the forwardness of them now.



5 Years
05-15-2013, 07:05 AM

You see the fae before me wasn't the only one dripping with a fierce masked curiousity, but so was I. Something about the ivory hued femme screamed of respect, dominance, and just wreaked of power. However I couldn't figure out why. She must hold a high ranking that is for sure to ooze of such power. Funny how much one can learn off another's manners. If the pack was still the same, if she were just some member she'd be out here nipping at my heels like a cattle dog to cows. That's what threw me off. That's what struck the curiousity within.. However I would not make that noticeable. Just as she had done.

I continued to watch her closely even as she went into a sitting position. Her muscles easily detected shifting beneath her ivory coating, like the ripples of water upon a once still lake. A bit of jealously struck within but was soon shaken away and tossed to the side like trash. This female before more... Even without testing her patience, it was easy to tell that the strength she held within was unimaginable. Now, this isn't the Fetisha I know.. Gone soft on me dear? My lip curled up, to release a barely detected snarl, my gaze sort of glossed over as I left this world, no longer focused upon the beast before me, but more so the monster in my head. You speak when spoken too. Otherwise, shut your trap. Almost instantly my gaze came back into focus upon the one who's name I still remained uncertain of. See, over the years I had learned to have a little more control over my actions. However, now the figment in my thoughts now was able to appear to me in more of a hallucinasion. It was strange really.. Now, you see I wasn't sure if ivory fae acknowledged the snarl or not. There was a slight chance she didn't but then again she was sorta keeping a close eye on me, and so she may have. So to save from being rude I decided to speak up once again

I do apologize for the interupption. Some of us lack respect when others are speasking

rolled my eyes towards the sky and sort of did a cocked nod upwards as if pointing to what I was referring too. Not sure if she'd understand or not. I could feel the one within growing angry with my words, but just as I had done before I simply ignored her. Now I had became amused to pissing her off. Something that helped the time pass by. And then her words sunk into my skull and it put me more into shock then anything. Eyes widened and my slumped position straightened.. The new queen? Kaien Dead? My day couldn't get any better! I could tell the cocky thing inside was amused too. I could feel her excitement. We werent a fan of kaien that was for certain. And I couldn't help but burst into a laughter that caused my entire rib cage to rattle annoyingly.

"Well, tis a pleasure indeed!"

i was able to choke out trying to force the laughter to stop. Choking it down was like swallowing a bony fish whole, but after a bit I managed to get it down and take over the serious look once more. Which was certainly ruined by the toothy crooked grin I had plastered on my face.

"It's about time someone took out that cocky son of a bitch! I was part of the pack when Nnoitra was ruler, then that Kaien fella came along. I wasn't one of his biggest 'fans'. Seem's as though I missed all the fun! I would have gave up two legs to watch that bastard suffer, grasp for air and drown in his own puddle of blood."

The entire time I spoke that grin never once faltered. As if painted there.

"So does the Queen have a name? You have certainly gained my up most respect. Which is not something that comes so easily to those unless truly earned. And you my dear have earned it! As for this Morphine, I would not know who that is."

The only thing I envied was that she was there to watch him die. Something I probably would have sacrificed my life to see. I had only met him once or twice. But the way he moved, the way he talked, everything about him put a vile taste of disgust upon my taste buds. Who would have thought!! She was still laughing up there in my noggin. Carrying on. And if the Queen wasn't before me I would probably being doing the same.


05-15-2013, 11:11 AM

Desdemona was a strange creature. There were two sides to the behemoth and most only ever saw one. There was the warrior, the blood thirsty mongrel who was nothing short of a demon once unleashed in battle, and then there was the gentler, more understanding wolf that Demonio had helped her become. She understood the emotions of love and family, but her early days made it near impossible for her to really express such emotions. She had an understanding and took the concerns of her people, her pack, to heart, but her blunt and to the point answers were typically what they received. Regardless, she truly did care about Tortuga and that was evident in the way she had completely torn it apart, only to rebuild it from the ground up. She was tired of Tortuga being belittled, she intended to change a great deal and she would...she was.

Ears flickered back, pinning against her skull as the soft snarl escaped the small dame before her. Her muscles tensed and she readied herself to lunge, to snap from her seated position, but one look at her good eye told her the dame wasn't really here. Her vision had a misted, fogged over appearence, like she was seeing some phantom of days gone past. Desdemona traced the line of her vision to the trees, and, albeit slowly, the ivory beast would relax, tail twitching to coil around her haunch and then switching to the opposing limb. She didn't understand what demons plagued this woman's mind, what phantoms tormented her, and she wouldn't ask, everyone it seemed had pieces of their past they preferred to keep under lock and key, she certainly did, and she wouldn't make the woman speak unless she wanted too. After a short pause, the apology would come, a bit fragmented and scattered, referring to herself in the third person. Perhaps a split personality, an invisible friend?

"Seems to be the problem in most social interactions no?" The jest was meant in humor, evident by the gentle lift in her tones. Desdemona would speak, offering her condolences, and informing her that the once king was deceased, killed by Desdemona's own fangs. The fight had not initially been to the death but the male had forfeited, conceding his victory and had begged her for death to spare his pride, in all reality Desdemona did not wish to be held responsible, she didn't want the title of King Slayer... but here she was. She had returned to Tortuga victorious bathed in the once King's blood. Surprise would flicker across the womans maw and before Desdemona could say anything more on the subject, the woman burst into loud laughter, complimenting her and destroying the reputation that Kaien had mildly built.

Despite herself, at the rather exuberant reaction, Desdemona could not help the quirk of an invisible brow, or hide the amusement that danced across her features, a soft chuckle escaped her sealed maw and the woman launched into speech... it seemed Kaien had lost the respect of far more than one wolf. She was bemused by how quick the woman was to compliment her, ah, she would fit well in Tortuga if she wished to come home... Nnoitra had seen fit to permit her and Desdemona saw no reason to dismiss her now. If she wished to come home, she was welcome.

"I challenged him for the right to rule, he gave up, forfeited halfway through the fight, He begged me to kill him, to spare him of his pride, I agreed and tore out his throat." She didn't exactly feel good about such a kill, but the woman seemed ecstatic at his death and disappointed she hadn't been there to witness it. At the very least... she could tell her how it was done, and then of course her name was requested.

"Ah... where are my manners? My name is Desdemona, I thank you for your respect madam, that seems to be lacking in these part as of late. I don't know if you have returned to rejoin Tortuga, but if you have you are welcome to rejoin its ranks." She would smile, albeit small and hardly there, but a smile never-the-less, she needed more spirits like this in Tortuga, those who looked to the future rather than the past.



5 Years
05-15-2013, 02:48 PM

Personally, even to this day I didn't know a thing about love and family.. Sure I had a mate
,Ulrike, who I hadn't seen in ages.. And I daughter,Xenios, that I tried to kill at birth... Secretly when I had abandoned her I hoped she had died of starvation... However last time I ran into Ulrike he informed me that she still lived... Great just great, right? I simply hoped not to cross paths with her.. Hell I wouldn't even know what to tell the girl. 'Sorry kiddo, mama don't like kids', would probably be the only words out of my mouth.. And it was true. I despised kids, they made me sick to my stomach. Their annoying little voices and needy ways, just the thought of them makes me want to vomit in my own mouth. Nice, huh?

I listened and she continued on with the story, clueing me in on all that had happened. I could almost invision it now.. Him lying there, pleading with her after giving up to just take his very soul from him. To throw it into the depths of hell and allow it burn within the blazing fires. I could almost see it now unravling before me. It cause my own heart to race and that twisted grin to widen. I was like a child sitting there so in tune with the story, and replaying it in my own style through my thoughts.

Well, atleast he was smart it, eh? So how did he taste? I always wondered. Was his flesh nice and salty, followed by a tender filling? Was his blood sweet and savory?

The thought of his taste sent a train of shivers straight up my spine, causing goose bumps to form beneath my fur, and my jowls to water as if I were eye balling a rather large juicy steak. I could feel the saliva slip from between my lips and trail down my furry jaws, however I did not bother to shake them away. And then she continued to speak, mentioning her name and then continuing on about joining Tortuga once more... I wished to join again, yes.. But another part of me was still a bit fearful of the fact.

Desdemona... Such a unique name. Rolls off the tongue kinda nice, don't ya think? Respect is something alot lack... Which in my opinion should be corrected immediately in alot of them.. 'Least I wont put up with it. I may be old, but I still got a bite, and a craving to fullfill.

I offered up a chuckle, and then looked around a bit still careful considering what to say next. In a way I almost expected to see Xenios coming out of the shadows... But I didn't.. Don't tell me your afraid of your own offspring... Haha!! Those words echoed, and that cackling laugh rang in my ear drums, almost blocking out all sound, and I simply shook my head lightly from side to side and then continued on.

Actually, I was considering coming back to Tortuga. That is of course if there is still room for a old bag of bones. On a bright side, I can be recycled after I die. I'm sure I'd make a good chew toy for a bunch of half witted pups

I offered up another laugh. Watching Des. I had a feeling I still had some time to go, not like I was gonna kick the bucket tomorrow.


05-18-2013, 02:33 AM

Desdemona had never been much for simple talk, but she supposed she would have to get to such being the Queen. The wolves of Tortuga needed to know her, needed to trust her if she was to succeed as their leader... that had always been Kaien's problem. He cared so little for his pack that they were loathe to think him fit to rule. It was a fine line between overbearing and caring too little, and she was sure she danced on the razors edge of tipping the scales... but she was trying. trying to get the pack more active, more involved they needed to stop being so lackadaisical, their bond needed to strengthen as a unity a singular, moving, well oiled machine. Outside of Tortuga that could be whatever, whoever they wished to be, but within its bounds they needed to have a sense of togetherness and right now... they had just about as much unity as a wolf to a lamb.

This woman before her was strange, clearly mental faculties not running all four cylinders, but enough to where she made decent enough sense when she spoke. Good enough for Desdemona to consider her a likely candidate for her home. She wanted Tortuga to be a haven for the broken, the damned, the misfits. The rejects and the freaks. She was one, as was the majority of Tortuga, the island of misfit toys of one would, and she was now the little toy soldier that led the march. A smile would drift across her maw at such an analogy. It was oddly fitting, the broken toys could be an utter wreck or they could be a solid force... it all depended on how they were governed.

"I don't know if smart was a good descriptive for Kaien. lazy and uncaring are the first two words that come to my mind." The huff would come rather quickly, it was clear the woman's opinion of the ex-ruler. She hadn't liked him and she intended to be far different that Kaien. Tortuga would be unified if it killed her. Her next question sent a shiver of bloodlust tracing her spine, for a split second vile intent flooded her two-toned gaze and her muscles rippled in silent anticipation and then it was gone. She had been a blood thirsty killer, she wasn't anymore. "I got more blood than flesh, ripping through both jugulars... it was sweet." Her tones were flat but a small, almost unnoticeable smile curved her mouth.

The woman would compliment her name and Desdemona would smile ever so slightly, dipping her head in silent thanks, it was a compliment if nothing else. The next words surprised the woman but she agreed with the strength behind the woman's sentence. "Respect is something Tortuga lacks indefinitely, it is something I am trying to instill upon the pack, but I fear will be slow moving..." She would pause and her smile would widen. "...and I don't doubt you could pack a mean bite, elders sometimes leave the most vicious of wounds." She would know, she had been caught in the grasp of far too many elders in the past, her bodice was littered with scars beneath the ivory of her pelt.

"I'm sure you will be a much larger aide with flesh and muscle intact." The chuckle would erupt from Desdemona's chest and rumble up through her throat. "Would you like to see Tortuga? Nothing says you need decide today." her tones were pleasant...well as pleasant as hers could be. This woman of off white intrigued her. She wondered what evils had befallen her, to receive such horrible scars.



5 Years
05-18-2013, 09:06 AM

I had continued to watch the new Queen of Tortuga, an intriguing individual she was. The way she carried herself, the way she moved.. She would not strike me as such a ruler.. In fact she looked more to me as though she were the type that craved the thrill of a fight, that absorbed the feeling of a body struggling within her grip as if she lived off that alone. She did not fill the 'queen persona' I must agree with you there lovey.[/] I nodded in agreeance. We were both examining her, taking in her every feature with a bit of cusiousness behind it. And if she were now Ruler, she would be the kind I would not mind joining with every beckon call. First impressions, they mean alot. Come to think of it, this had to have been the longest I've ever sat here just chit chatting away... [b]We are gettin' old arent we love. Yes, I do believe we are.

Secretly I wondered about Tortuga quite frequently. I wondered if it had become light, full of those who cared. I prefered the ones who lusted over blood shed over everything.We. Last I remembered it had been more of a mixture of groups, how those two combined was beyond us. I wouldn't be caught dead reminiscing with some one not like myself. Then again that was me. Our personal preference. Two worlds should not collide.. However perhaps now it all had changed? The old fella, Kaidon, the one who's name I can't remember in the slightest.. He ran the place into the dirt.

I must agree there, he hadn't a clue on the first rules of running a pack.

I shook my head in complete disappointment. And then as she continued to speak I listened to each word intently, imagining the details as she explained. Lids covered those two tones eyes as I invisioned it in my own little way. A twisted sinister grin sweeping over my features for a bit before it vanished. Once again I could feel my jaws filling with liquid before my tongue was sent to run along my muzzle. I could practically taste the sweet crimson liquid upon my taste buds. Lids flashed open, that glint of amusment shone within both the working, and non working pools.

Why waste the rest of him dear? I'm sure every pound of him would have been rather fulfilling.

I continued to listen to her as she spoke again of respect and how many lacked it. Such a shame it was. The youth now a days should get it beat into them.. Then again if I recall we were not very respectful in our youth either now were we? Not in the slightest

Why instill? Enforce it. They should have no other choice. And if they refuse. Kill them, they can be replaced. They can learn from the mistakes of others.

I offered a firm nod. Anyone could be replaced.. And we could get rid of them. Yes, yes we could. As she spoke of elders I couldn't help but laugh.

Mainly because we have more bacteria forming on our canines.

I continued to laugh a bit more shaking my head. Well, sarcasm was something that came freely to me now. But why not be sarcastic? Made life a little more fun now didn't it. As she continued to speak my auds twitched and another chuckle managed to free itself. She had a point. I looked over my scrawny back and the rib bones and spinal cord that seemed to jut out as if trying to break free.

I suppose you have a point, eh?

My words were spoken lightly. had more of a humor to it now. I really was lookin brittle. And then her next sentence through me a little off guard... Have a look at Tortuga again? I hadn't seen it in a while.. And I still feared running into a few of the members if they still resided there... Not a fear for safety, more so the fear of explaining my disappearance.. We could just kill them... I do suppose that would be easier then explaining our self. With a crackling noise I stood back upon all fours. Stretching out my tendons and ligaments, getting the air bubbles out of the joints and all. Snap crackle and pop would beast mimmick the sound effects occuring as I moved to a standing position.

Ya know what, I wouldn't mind seeing how far Tortuga came with a new ruler. Surely far better then it was previously.

I offered her another dip of my dial. I wouldn't mind learning more of the off white fae before me, and with due time it would surely happen. She is rather intriguing.. Different..


05-21-2013, 12:59 PM

Desdemona had never been crafted to be a ruler, she had been raised to become a mindless killing machine, and as such she had. Brutal, powerful, ruthless, she had been a demon bathed in ivory, at one point her fur had been stained a soft pink for the utter amount of blood that had resided within its heavy fur. She was the perfect mercenary, ruthless, massive, uncaring, her body weight alone could send someone sprawling across the ground. She had retired that life, she chose not to linger in the coming madness, but that didn't mean she had forgotten. That monster, that entity still lingered in the darkest recesses of her mind, inhabited a few of the cells that beat through her body. A steady war drum that beat in the back of her skull, reminding her of its presence, reminding her of that madness that threatened to consume her, should she tempt it... Desdemona merely had a stronger will.

She was unaware what this position would bring her. What kind of ruler would she be? fair and just? Seeking peace? Or would the power eventually go to her head, manipulating her into a blood thirsty tyrant? Would she take Valhalla to war or sign a treaty of an agreement? Who knew? Desdemona was a creature of many inter-locking layers and it was difficult to pull them all apart. The woman would speak and Desdemona would dip her head, agreeing with the fast assessment of Kaien. He hadn't been prepared to run Tortuga, or maybe he had and just didn't care enough to do so.

"Ah but I have wolves to make impressions on. He's buried in the battlefield proper, I'm sure some scavenger will find him a tasty treat." Desdemona'a tones were quiet but a hint of something sinister tickled in the back of her throat. This woman was dangerous to her. She brought out sides to Desdemona that should be buried beneath the refuse of the past. This blood lust... it wasn't good for her, it wasn't. She didn't want to become that creature again. Demonio, if no one else, deserved more from her.

Her ears flickered forward at the next word, a slow, gentle smile drifting across her maw, at the powerful opinion, Desdemona, rightly agreed with such a thing, hence Grinner's new rank. Desdemona would be fair, but she believed in justice, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. "My dear, my very first decision was to add a new rank to Tortuga. Anubi, or thus I am calling it, a specialized executioner who specializes in torture. Respect will be demanded or a date with my Anubi they will have." There were very few things Desdemona would expect from her pack but both of those traits would be enforced.

The ivory woman would chuckle at Fetisha's wiry answer and her muscles would relax, amusement brimming in the depths of her two-toned gaze. The scrawny thing had a sense of humor as well? How intriguing. "Bacteria or no... it still leaves a nasty scar." The chortle would leave her larynx, along with the jest. At her acceptance, her willingness to see Tortuga and all of its changes, Desdemona would dip her head, rising back up onto her four limbs and craning her head, motioning for the woman to join her. She allowed the elder to set the pace. Desdemona was in no rush. "As I said before you are welcome to Tortuga, is there anything you wish to ask me about it?" She had changed much, the woman would need to be filled in.
