

Jupiter I


7 Years
05-12-2013, 08:53 PM

[Image: for_starsight__the_fifth_planet_lives_by...5z8esy.png]

mist laid low over the meandering river, the autumn morning quiet and serene, accented by the hypnotizing sounds of the alpha of ludicael ungracefully barfing up her guts.

"ughh..." came the moan, uttered in the moment's space she was graced with before another convulsion rippled down her body, heaving up various chyme and partially-digested material. i'm sick, she thought, i have to be sick... something foreboding burned within her, eating at her conscience to the point where she could hardly stand it. she was on the verge of being able to name it when she wretched again, the horrendous sound echoing over the water, no remaining birds daring to sing lest their positions be revealed to what seemed like a threatening beast making the terrible sound. jupiter could hardly sense mercury crooning with worry beside her even as he pressed comfortingly into her flank.

he stepped away as she ran out of contents to empty, the increasingly painful sounds her body put out giving him the impression that she was choking on her own tongue considering the fact that she no longer had gaps in which to speak through. he let out a summoning screech, vocals warped and ear-splitting but hopefully enough to draw the attention of the healing celeste of ludicael.

finally, after his tiny muzzle lowered and his beady gaze set itself once more upon his beloved surrogate mother, jupiter's sickness quelled and she slumped further to the ground, having only enough energy to roll on her side and slightly away from the mess her body had made. her sides heaved with distress, eyes filled with both concern and dread, as well as relief as her nausea seemed to be relieved for the moment. she swallowed hard and closed her violet eyes, praying for the savior that was marvel.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


05-12-2013, 09:10 PM

Oh, what a night, late December back in '63

What a very special time for me

As I remember what a night!

Whole. Complete. Wonderful. That night had been everything he'd ever dreamed of and more. Was this love? Probably not. No, it was a fantasy come true. Since joining Ludicael he'd always dreamed of banging the Sol. At first it had been rather horrible, the way he'd think about her. His dreams always included her begging him for it, and him pinning her to the earth, his chest forcing her to the ground. Oh yes, the man had to admit he had a dirty mind. But his fantasy had changed considerably by the time it had actually been fulfilled. By the time that that fateful night had occurred, he considered himself not a victor - but lucky to be involved with such a dame. That was certainly a first.

Oh, I got a funny feeling when she walked in the room

And I, as I recall it ended much too soon

Oh what a night

Jupiter had been rather scarce lately, and Marvel wondered if she was avoiding him. Then again, it wasn't like she'd been complaining after the last time. In fact, she'd left so quickly he was sure she was trying to keep from looking too pleased. He'd been thankful for her quick departure, for it had meant that he didn't have to exert himself any further to make her feel special, or loved, or whatever sappy crap females liked after lovemaking. Pillow talk was not exactly his specialty.

Why'd it take so long to see the light?

Seemed so wrong, but now it seems so right

What a lady, what a night!

The ungodly screech was enough to make the Celeste wish he were deaf. But he knew the call when he heard it. Mercury. With a groan the man would awaken from his wet dream, slithering from his den and stretching. The call had come from not too far away, by the river. Slipping through the mangroves with ease, the handsome stud would come upon the most unappealing of scenes. Jupiter was a hot mess, having just heaved her guts and who-knows-what-else from her bowels. Jupiter, A look of concern flooded his features as he switched his sterling gaze from the sickened Sol to her companion. Tell me her symptoms. Barfing was a fairly common part of illnesses, and he would need more information if he was to get the right treatment for the Sol.


Jupiter I


7 Years
05-12-2013, 09:23 PM (This post was last modified: 05-12-2013, 09:23 PM by Jupiter I.)

[Image: for_starsight__the_fifth_planet_lives_by...5z8esy.png]

he swept from the mist like her night in shining armor, coming forth to save her from this illness as he had rescued her from her lust on that fateful night. her urges had still remained thoroughly sated, and though she hadn't sought him out specifically, the unprofessional joining of their bodies had undoubtedly been on her mind in times of boredom. little did she know, what had once been her pleasure would now morph into her pain.

naturally, jupiter had noticed that her body was out of sorts, but had thought little of it, in all reality. perhaps i'm working too hard, she'd thought, and had calmed her incessant concern for her pack's safety and taken more breaks from patrols and subdued to more periods of rest when out and about. things like this could happen to anyone, couldn't they? they had to as far as jupiter's thoughts were concerned, for this was the third time such an event had happened to her. as she thought back with intentions of answering his questions, making a list, that sense of foreboding grew slightly as she met a few personal symptoms, but knowing that he needed to have knowledge of them, jupiter was hardly hesitant to confess, especially if it prevented this mess from occurring all over again.

"this. twice before now. usually after i wake up," she began. "i've had to pee a lot, but fuck, right now, i'm constipated as hell and hardly have the energy to move. i've been really tired recently, too. perhaps i'm..." there it was--the word that had evaded her. she shook her head slightly, pressing her cheek further into the ground and trying to move on, praying that it was all a lie. "marv, i've really gotta fucking shit but goddamn it hasn't quite been working for me." all professionalism was dropped when the alpha was in pain, apparently.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


05-13-2013, 11:04 AM

The Sol looked positively haggard. Her body seemed worn out and exhausted, and he was only looking at her. The multihued dame clung to the earth as if the world might somehow cast her away. Marvel had never seen a creature this pitiful in all his life. He couldn't blame her, he'd just never seen illness this intense. Thinking that the companion would speak, Marvel cast his sterling gaze upon the creature - but no such answer came. Instead, the Sol herself would speak up in a faltering voice - as if each word pained her to utter. As the symptoms began to spill from her maw Marvel's countenance shifted. It all added up to one illness, and unfortunately it was the only one he had no cure for.

The Sol was pregnant.

Everything hadn't quite pieced together for the Celeste - at least not his part in the ordeal - but he knew that she was very much pregnant. She would cry out more words of her problems, and his brow furrowed, eyes widening in alarm. These kids she was expecting, they could very well be his. No. Marvel had never gotten a dame pregnant before - at least not that he knew of. For all the man knew he was sterile - though he never once doubted his virility. No, Jupiter had sought him out for a night of fun, there was no doubt she'd done it before - probably with many other males. It was that simple.

Jupiter, I don't know how you're gonna take this but uh... He paused. He was sure this wasn't the proper way to tell someone of their pregnancy, but seeing as he didn't know the right way - this would have to do. You're pregnant. Figure tensed. Pregnant women could be unruly, and downright cruel, Marvel didn't want to be anywhere near the Sol if she chose to 'shoot the messenger'.


Jupiter I


7 Years
05-17-2013, 08:02 PM

[Image: for_starsight__the_fifth_planet_lives_by...5z8esy.png]

his expression seemed to change as she listed her symptoms off to him, and the dread within her grew more heavy. her conscience refused the conclusion that she too was coming to, and worked frantically. perhaps it's not that. just something really bad. or something. she thought, mostly incoherently. but then that single set of words dropped from his lips, and she froze. the only sound between them was mercury's surprised hiss.

"lies!" came the devil's snarl, and he advanced threateningly, fur standing on end. "lies, lies!"

jupiter had a feeling that she should stop jupiter from ripping her celeste's jugular from his body, but her throat had closed up and her legs had locked themselves and long ago thrown away the key. finally she managed to extend a paw to touch mercury's pelt, but it was all she could manage before she pressed her forehead against the ground. paws lifted to cross over her tucked dial, and after a few moments she allowed for her head to rise once more, audits pinned and lacking care for the slight patch of damp soil that clung to her temple.

"no, no, no. nononononono." her voice was incredulous, and she somehow seemed to find the sudden energy to rise to her paws and begin pacing. "nuh-uh. impossible. it can't be. i wasn't-- my season isn't until wint-- no, nope. there has to be something else." there was no use denying it, though. she knew it. with every fiber of her being she knew it, and was being forced to accept what her body had been trying to tell her all along.

she settled quietly onto her haunches, celestial optics seeking marvel's silver orbs. it was in that moment that she came to terms with the fact that she was staing the father of her pups in the eye.

this was nearly-crippling news. as a pup, every little girl dreamed of growing up and becoming accomplished, and eventually settling down with the perfect wolf and actually planning children. they would stargaze as the she-wolf's belly swelled with her offspring, pointing out the ones that sort of looked like pups and thinking up all of the names in the world. a small, immature part of jupiter was screaming in protest, screeching that this was wrong; that this wasn't how it was supposed to happen. her gut churned and she would have been sick again if the previous contents of her stomach hadn't already been dumped a few feet away.

it was then that the oddest sort of calm washed over her, as cool as the waters of the river she adored. in the face of adrenaline and distress she had learned, as a leader, to take on this quality, and now it appeared. a deep breath cycled through her, and then another--in, out, in, out. she sought his eyes once more, having broke whatever possible contact had been established in a frantic sweep about her.

"you're the father." the statement was said with what seemed to be nearly a lightness--in fact, her tone seemed almost... casual. just as there had been no cuddling and sweet nothings on the night of their fling, everything within her expected the same with this arrangement. there would be no snuggling in the grass and staring at the night sky; no milling over names. she had no idea how responsible of a father marvel would make. in all honesty, the only obligation he was required to have as the healer of ludicael would be to deliver the pups--nothing more.

mercury's back arched in the manner of a cat as he glared daggers at marvel, retreating a few steps in his own shock. after a few moments of boring into him with his beady eyes, he turned tail and stomped off into the mangroves, furious with everything in the world.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


05-17-2013, 09:54 PM

He wondered what her reaction would be and - more importantly - how it would affect his physical being. Marvel almost expected the woman to lash out, but had certainly not anticipated Mercury's reaction to the whole ordeal. The creature seemed positively demonic as he slithered forth spouting the word 'lies'. "I'm not lying," came even, flat notes. He was giving his prognosis - and there was no way that he would lie about a thing like pregnancy - especially when he had been involved with the now pregnant woman. He could just as easily be hanging himself by uttering the words - and Marvel had no intention of hanging himself. He watched as the little thing glared at him with the fiercest beady eyes he'd ever seen. He supposed he could handle a glare, though, as long as the thing didn't decide to attack. The healer wasn't sure he could deal with a situation like that.

Jupiter seemed as if he'd given her news of some terminal illness. It was just a pregnancy, no big deal, right? Females were born for this - quite literally - and Jupiter was no exception. Why was she even upset about this? Then again.. some part of him knew why. No matter who the father was ( and he was quite sure it wasn't him ) it was obvious that the man was not linked to Jupiter in any manner besides physical need. Marvel knew the desires of a woman, and knew that beyond physical desire, they longed for a relationship - love. Marvel had never really seen a need for the emotion, but he supposed he wasn't wired the same way the dames were. He was thankful that he wasn't. Still, he hadn't anticipated Jupiter being anything like those other women. She'd been different. He watched as she came to a realization, and then quickly tried to deny it as best she could. But there was no use, as his head swung from side to side to dash any idea she might have.

"There is nothing else, Jupiter." He wasn't exactly doing a good job at being sympathetic, was he? "I'm sorry it's just.. if it was anything else it would have passed through your system by now." He knew deep down she had to know. I mean really, how could a wolf not know that they were carrying around other wolves in their womb? It just all sounded farfetched to him. Sterling eyes met her own - and she seemed to be having some realization without him. Good, perhaps she was getting used to the idea of being a mother. His ears laid back, feigning a look of concern and sympathy. He knew very little about either of those emotions, but he had to try for the Sol. She seemed to calm after he did so - almost like it was a response. Perhaps he'd put on a believable enough look of concern. Marvel would have to congratulate himself at a later time for the brilliant act.

However, his inner feeling of triumph lasted a half of a second before the Sol dropped the bomb on him. He was the father. His heartbeat quickened as his lower jaw dropped a fraction of an inch. Ears tucked tighter against his skull as whatever color and pigment he had left disappeared from his face. Father. He was a father. But that couldn't be! He'd slept with dozens, hundreds of women and had never gotten one pregnant before. Why should he believe that suddenly his most recent conquest had been impregnated by his seed? He shook his head, sterling eyes darting to her face - almost hoping she would laugh or crack a smile to show she was just joking. No such mannerism came. "But I - I can't be the father. Frino, he.. surely you've been with others?" He was the Celeste, he was supposed to be the bearer of parentage, not the Sol. Surely she'd been with someone else besides just him? Sterling eyes followed Mercury as he stormed off into the mangroves. Marvel gulped, bringing his now completely uncertain gaze to the face of his unborn children's mother. "I'm the father." He would repeat in a wavering tone much unlike the cocky lyrics that usually spouted from his maw.


Jupiter I


7 Years
05-18-2013, 09:37 AM

[Image: for_starsight__the_fifth_planet_lives_by...5z8esy.png]

perhaps the prospect that bothered her the most about this whole thing was the fact that ludicael would, at some point in the near future, lay in the hands of she-wolf that couldn't defend it unless she risked the lives of the beings in her womb. for all she knew, there could be creatures out there vying for their teeth to steal flesh from her throat, and should they find her pregnancy as the perfect opportunity to try and take ludicael from her grasp...

"i have been with no others. yes, you are the father. and... and i don't expect anything from you." eyes, an odd shade of lavender today, now took an opportunity to avoid marvel's as she spoke. then, as she continued, she sought eye contact once more, demeanor serious. "aria is our borealis--our beta. she's a sweet girl and an alright fighter, but i hoped to have had more time to improve her combat skills..." ears flickered backwards, pinning lightly against her skull. "should someone... skilled--someone known--challenge for ludicael in the heaviest stages of my pregnancy..." she trailed off, swallowing hard and with extreme difficulty. marvel didn't seem like a fighter. she shook her head.

"nevermind. i'll find... i'll find someone. but... just don't let the wolves of ludicael break apart." it was nearly apparent that her worry was centered mostly on the pack. "because i'll always be back. i'll always be back to avenge it." her tone was subdued and quiet here, a slight veil over the determination that lay behind it.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


05-18-2013, 05:57 PM

Father. He was going to be a father. Marvel didn't even know the meaning of the word. He'd never known his father - which is partly why he'd turned out the way he had. The man had no examples of a fatherly figure, and knew nothing about his part in this whole situation. The notion that she'd been with others was quickly shot down by the sol, and Marvel allowed his eyes to drift downward to the blank space between his front paws. She didn't expect anything? What was that supposed to mean? Were there expectations he didn't know about? "I'll be damned if these children don't know their father," came surprisingly forceful lyrics. He might not be the ideal choice for a paternal figure, but he would be present. He'd hated his own father for far too long for not being around. His children might still hate him when it was over with, but gosh darn it, Marvel was going to be there.

She seemed worried about something else entirely, and Marvel's sterling optics would glance up once more. She was talking about Aria, the beta, and something about challengers. Was this her upmost worry? Being challenged in her pregnancy? He supposed it was logical, but surely birthing children was a frightening enough prospect without adding on challenges and the like. "If anyone challenges you in while my children grow in your womb, I will do what I can for Ludicael. I'm afraid my skills aren't in fighting, but if I have to - I'll learn." The Celeste was dead serious. "I love Ludicael, and I'll fight for her whenever you can't." Feeling surprisingly patriotic, Marvel would sidle forward in attempt to offer the Sol a gentle caress on the top of her head.


Jupiter I


7 Years
05-18-2013, 07:10 PM

[Image: for_starsight__the_fifth_planet_lives_by...5z8esy.png]

the powerful words that were projected from his maw brought indescribable emotions welling within her. they were surging through her conscience in a cleansing flood as one more worry ticked off of her list. nearly every grateful feeling she'd felt toward him on the night of their consummation laid heavily upon her in that moment and that emotion served as the remaining debris after the hurricane of relief. they'll know their father. she repeated within the confines of her mind. there... there is hope. she was lost for words even when she attempted to thank him, for her lips opened but nothing would emerge. after another moment she manged a "thank you" that was hoarse with the feelings that thundered through her thoughts. perhaps they wouldn't stargaze and conjure up pup names, but he would raise them the best he could. no, she corrected herself. we.

lyrics of patriotism sung in the sweet tune of determination and her audits captured them from the air, collecting them and cradling them with utmost care and maternal inspiration. jupiter held fast as he advanced to grace her with a gentle caress, and she pressed into him, unable to express her gratitude in any other way. her throat seemed to unlock and crack fully ajar as she held herself in this embrace with the celeste. he had proven to be her knight in shining armor then, and here he was yet again sweeping her from despair in an alabaster carapace of tolerance. she felt moisture well ever-so-slightly at the corners of her eyes.

"your kindness nearly brings tears to me..." she murmured, her voice but a whisper that projected easily through the mist of the cool autumn morning. "i'm... i'm honored that they are yours, marvel," she confessed, throat becoming tight again, "there's no one i'd rather it be... well, an accident with than you." she paused, forcing herself to go on and fighting back relative tears. "you are a noble man, marvel." she withdrew from the embrace, unable to meet his chrome eyes lest she become a blubbering mess. "i hope you find happiness."

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


05-18-2013, 07:36 PM

As she thanked him, sterling eyes widened ever so slightly as a bit of the normal Marvel seeped through. "You're thanking me for knocking you up? That's a first.." he would say with every intention of lightening what had been a powerful moment. Though it wouldn't take away the seriousness of her - no, their - situation, it would hopefully do something to bring them back into the reality that they could and would survive this. His muzzle would gently caress the top of her head, moving back along her neck to allow his trachea to rest on her crown. He could feel the weakness her morning sickness had left behind, but thought no less of her for it. She murmured more words that he responded to with a faint almost purr-like vibration of his larynx. She was proud that they were his, and was glad that it had been he to engage in this 'accident' as she so put it with her. A smirk curled in the corners of his lips. "You might not feel the same when it's my turn to babysit," he would retort with his usual jesting tone. The reality of it all had fully hit Marvel, and his shields had gone up to protect his innermost being, already he could feel his mind and words contorting to make it seem as if he was cool and confident, when in reality he felt like pitching a royal fit like a child.

She hoped he found happiness. Marvel's eyes shut instinctively, drawing in his innermost feelings and shutting them away in the vault that was his heart. He couldn't appear weak, couldn't admit to her that as far as happiness - this was as close as he would probably ever get. His fangs held tight together in a vice grip as he forced himself not to respond, but instead let out another guttural sound of acknowledgement. Tail wavered behind him as he tried to force his mind onto the future instead of the present. Just what would they do next? If she was showing these signs now, it meant that she would likely be due at the beginning of Winter. Their children would need an extremely warm and comfortable den to stay in. Not to mention it would have to be large enough for both Jupiter, Marvel, and the children - if she intended to let Marvel be in on the entire process. Of course logically she would have to, because - as Celeste - it was his job to see to the healthy delivery of any and all children in Ludicael. "We've got some serious planning to do," he would comment rather unconsciously - as he was currently lost in his thoughts.


Jupiter I


7 Years
05-30-2013, 02:19 PM

[Image: for_starsight__the_fifth_planet_lives_by...5z8esy.png]

she could do nothing but chuckle along with his jokes, finding little other wit present in her attitude with her fatigue and weariness so great. an odd warmth glowing within her--one not from her pregnancy--made its existence known to her conscience. this sensation caused her to gently pull away from their embrace, a minutely-shuddering breath leaving her. her mind too went on lock-down, shutting the emotions within her back with determined force. though she wasn't aware of marvel's own restraint, she was dangerously knowing of her own. a glance upward told her that he seemed to be thinking about something, and thus probably wasn't paying an awful lot of attention to her, and she was grateful for the moment of privacy. her ears tipped lightly back and she shared a slight smile with herself, and then allowed it to vanish as she shook her head.

how was it that she felt better in no other place then in his embrace? to find comfort in another... someone other than her companion... it was an odd thing for the sol, especially when it was marvel whom she shared her space with. it was supposed to be professional," she dismissed. "it was, and still is. just not a one-night thing." and that was how the female would cope with the slight, itching sensation that made her feel as if she required him to find solace in a world so unforgiving.

he jolted her from her own stage of thought with words, and her brows furrowed at them, not quite picking up on his meaning. "hm? why?" she inquired, and then paused. "oh. yeah, you're right." she glanced around, lips contorting into a subtle frown. they'd need someplace for the pups to stay. jupiter thought of the log they'd always held meetings on, but decided it was too public of a place and that the moisture from the nearby river would probably grow more moss and mold than they would know what to do with.

"if we can't find someplace, i believe we should ask one of our newer members, deteste, where he's been safekeeping his mate, laxago. she's a little emotionally... down. and i haven't seen her around, so i think he's found a hiding place for her." she tilted her head slightly, pursing her lips a tad. "of course, i haven't tried to look for her, either. but it's something we could look into?"

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


06-02-2013, 09:12 PM

Plans were unfolding in the fabric of his mind, plans of the birth, raising children, a life tied to Jupiter in more ways than one. Somehow he'd pictured this differently - though in reality he'd never quite pictured this at all. Marvel had never been the family type of guy, though he had to admit as he aged he was growing a little less interested in women and just a bit more interested in a woman. That woman was Jupiter. A figment of a smile lingered in the corners of his lips as he continued to rest his trachea on the top of her head. Suddenly she seemed to register what he had said and instantly he realized the weight of his words. They really did have planning to do, but it seemed that she had some ideas. "Wherever we find, it'll need to be as close as possible to here. Ludicael and all her members will be behind you." He wanted to say behind 'us' but somehow it made his tie into the whole ordeal more personal than he cared to think about right now. He wondered just what Ludicael and her members would think of the ordeal. Would they rise up as he imagined them, or would they whisper and talk behind their backs? Marvel could handle talking, but talking could cause dissension if it wasn't handled properly. "Should we - how do you want to handle the - ah - news?" Would she want to announce it to everyone, or let it slip to a few trustworthy souls and let it travel through the grapevine naturally? It didn't much matter to him, though he almost preferred for it to remain a secret for just a little while. Somehow he felt like telling others would make it all the more real. Marvel wasn't quite ready for reality just yet.
