
the seductive woman Alariesa<3


05-12-2013, 11:20 AM
Needing a decent roleplayer to play my twin sister Alariesa. Enter a Descriptive example post to show your full potential. Also the information i provide can be extended as she gets roleplayed, the more interesting the better.

A tip: to be successful with such a character be sure to describe every movement, feelings and gestures. Its all very important to play her<3

Name: Alariesa
Wolf type: indian wolf

Appearance: A deathly sinful beauty; Praised on the lands with the power of freedom. Gasps heard all around in admiration of the womans russet and ivory pelting. A masked woman. She is called the masked woman for a reason. And the reason is the beauty of the visage is a pure ivory; the perfect makings of a seductive mask. The bodice is wrapped in the blankets of fire, the dark russet a rare and sensational piece. Rather odd to have two colours. The tip of her tail would also remain ivory, others consider it adorable. the lustful curves flaunted To allure the gazers and seduce them in illusions of creativity. Engulfed with the lust of persuasion; to make the appoinment appear as a dumbass beside the womans superior speech. The sulty europian accent would melt the souls of another weakening there limbs as they plead for more. Possessing violet eyes the woman would shower a male with romance. Just one glitch, Alariesa has never had a lover! yes she flirts and shows off the body of a goddess but when a male pays close attention she has a mental breakdown! can anyone cure her from embarrassment. To clearly show her affection and get rid of her fault? She'll forever look for the lover. [whoever lucky person wishes to add on more feel free to do so. Imagination is the key.]

Personality: sinful; persuasive;seductive;beast. [ this woman is jelous of her twin sister Rosalie; she always appears to be the more superior; seductive woman. But always she is forgiven, Alariesa has a soft spot for her blood relative.]

A little bit about there history: They where born as the next heir of the clarameds. Both having to prove thereselves worthy of possessing the title. By training. all the pack knew that Rosalie had more potential; but Alariesa didnt stop trying. At the day of the crowning Rosalie was the chosen one. Until the bloodbath started. Everyone died in the hands of their father. All except his daughters; the lone survivers, he fleed after that. Leaving his two offspring to fend for thereselves. The icy cold gaze of the lifeless mother would lock onto the two women. Shudders running down there spines. it was then they both went to rebuild there pack elsewhere. They would stick together until the death. Being experienced fighters came in handy against rouges. But to many would circle the two a month after the loss of there pack. It was impossible to kill them all. Rosalie was raped. Alariesa was shocked to the core and had to leave her sister to keep her alive. it was the only way.

Seperated by fate the twins will reunite and rebuild there family.

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