
Acceptance to the pack


05-12-2013, 04:45 AM
Sweeping the lands with the perfect footing of the maiden; seeking a new begininng possibly, hopefully in this pack.. the Valhallas. Rosalie has heard many things; this intrueging her to start a new life and support these creatures with the best ability. The freedom to fight ran into her veins like oxygen keeping us alive. She did it to live. How do you think such a petite fae could survive alone for a year. The scar engraved under the belly isnt Rosalie's discust; more of a priced victory she won against a large built wolf. The woman was capable of many things. A superior fighter always keeping her alive, free and exicted with a thrill.

Strong hues would scatter the scenery for a figure of another, would they come? Engulfed by the very hunger of her lust she walts further, untouchable a ghosts making.slender machinery of the fatal belladonna, its curves so ravishingly sculpted upon bone and velvet, her frame whole graced in faux delicacy however her power hides in secrecy, unimaginable. One of the great things a wolf could possibly possess.her skin, delicate and rosy - lips, enticingly curved; tinged with wine and ambrosia. they whisper and allure, her voice, smooth and husky, black-laced and venomous.
The SCent of lavander and ginger would lead the way to the masked woman; the one who used to remain in the shadows. As if the slender bodice where dragged into the darkness of avengance.Rosalie know seeks a family. Led by light, to fulfill her potential. The gentle breaze tracing the visage as Rosalie waits by the borders, alone.



05-12-2013, 05:13 PM

He padded through the territory, black pelt soaking up the sun, mismatched eyes of gold and blue scanning the scenery around him, both enjoying the beauty of Valhalla?s land, and watching for dangers that could endanger the pack. He paused a moment, inhaling the breeze, letting the wind tell him any news.

Valhalla was truly a wonderful home to live in, and the fact that he was now an uncle buoyed his happiness ever more. His nieces and nephews were an endless source of fascination to him, and he visited often to play with them, and give Erani and Nova some quality time to themselves. He absolutely adored them. Obsidian seemed to love them too, letting them crawl all over her and ignoring the prey instincts that should have sent the horse running away in a fright.

An unfamiliar scent brushed over his muzzle, feminine, touched with lavender, and the spicier ginger inflection. He turned his head, facing into the wind, to better sample the new smell. It was a younger female, perhaps two or three years of age, by her scent. She was healthy, and had no smell of any injuries that he could tell.

He waited for the call of a wolf wishing to join, as most usually did when they came upon the borders. No call came, and the mismatched eyes narrowed. So far as he knew, due to Collision?s errors, they were on watch for any danger. A stranger that didn?t call could be a threat.

He turned to face the wind with the rest of his large frame, white four point star marking wrinkling between his eyes as his brow furrowed. After a moment, in which no higher ranked member?s scent added itself to the newcomer?s, he took off at a swift, fluid lope. Despite his older age, he wasn?t feeling the aches yet. Erani was ahead of them, plying him with herbs that would keep him healthy. She may not be allowed to care for the rest of the pack, unless bidden or requested, but that didn?t stop her from caring for her family.

He arrived, ears forward, body relaxed and unthreatening. Mismatched eyes took in the young fem, assessing her. She was a bright, pure white, with blue eyes. She was small; he towered over her at his thirty-eight inches, and likely outweighed her as well.

His assessment done, he nodded lightly, then spoke, his baritone voice and British accent neutral, neither threatening nor overly friendly. ?Good day, miss. What is your name, and your business on the Borders of Valhalla?? If she wanted to join, it wasn?t up to himself; he would call in a higher ranking warrior to see her and make their assessment of her, and decide if she was fit to the pack.

He stood at a distance, calmly awaiting her reply.


05-13-2013, 10:51 AM
The Deliate tiara would turn to face the brute; she scented him from a few meters away. He made no threat? Relaxing the gentle features the Bodice would move in a continous beat. " The names Rosalie Claramed; tis about time i found theaw lands, ive heard many things and they've intruged me. Im searching for a home to call my own, maybe you could help me?" The Sulty europian accent tingles the fine hairs in the lobes to posses as there own. Being towered by the musculared brute was an almost overwhelming thing. Strong hues would search the male over before moving away to observe in a different light.

The colour of a pure white swans feather; the feel so admirable and alluring. Strong limbs would carress the earth as she watches the man before her. Would he give Rosalie the chance to start over? to protect and fight for a pack she truly believes in? Beutifully manifested; The place created illusions set at the foreprint of the aching mind;There was nothing that could be done to stop that once it was set in motion and the action that would follow were up to the universe. How tempting the forbidden fruit that was sin was.

Edging closer to the brutes shadow the petite maiden would keep a respecatble distance incase of an unsuspected attack. The long silken tail flows gently along the rounded backside in admiration to the monstuosly seductive curves.In awe the banshee had once come to observe the reality of such paranormal situation, the very claws of her once so mundane lost lover bending the ear beneath their sharpened form, Caressing at the hardened soil like knives carve the flesh of the wounded. Her eyes were very dark, lustrous; sable and mahogany, fringed in thick, long lashes and obsidian veil. Only time will tell the womans capable future.

Aislyn I


Extra large
05-13-2013, 06:18 PM


There was someone at the borders. The white temptress arose from the earth, prying her sleeping pup from her side. She felt bad for doing so, but her duty as beta always came first. With the recent events happening between Cairo and Collision she saw it fit to keep as much pressure off them as possible. Who knows when the pack would be completely stable? She made her way toward the borders, tail licking the heels of her paws as it swayed back and forth with her sexy rhythm. She was a gorgeous gal, and her boy friend, and soon to be mate, was lucky to have her. She hoped he knew that. She was far from stuck up, but she had always known the striking beauty she possessed. When you have something worth flaunting, why not do it? As she came onto the scene two figures instantly caught her attention. One of them was known, it was Cormalin, another member of the pack. The other was an unknown female, and more than likely the one who had called her here. She offered a simple hello to Cormalin with a nod of her head, then set her attention on the female. "Aislyn, beta of these lands. What is it you seek? Acceptance? Knowledge? Request anything and i'll be sure to assist you." She offered the gal a smile as she waited for her response.


05-14-2013, 12:24 PM
She accepts her suffering, basking in the torment, the inexplicable, rancid pain. Feeling her heart lose its fragile mortality; shedding its sweet, humane bereavement in lieu of the bloodthirsty and the divine. Apathetic and merciless, she were disassociated with her surroundings. Was this Rosalie really in th depths of the Valhalla; was it even possile after searching for over a year to a pack her and her sister would join? Death swiped across the pale visage of the day of the attack. A sin made with a secret misdeed. The Darkened wolves bathing around the bodice making the silent screams impossible to see.

In favor of this its over; the nighmares over, her mind was closed in effect releasing her from the burden of pressure against her skull, still haveing the same pain from the previous voices that were blabbering into her head. It was not instant relief, yet as she breathed she felt the pain. She a nemesis, sentinel, a sanctified angel of wrath, the lady cultivates death with such tender affection; maybe no more.

the siren's sheer existence would bathe in the blackened waters of sheer chaos, and such lack of understanding would drill, drill down her very bone. Lacking the sense to care for others; though it is possible. Fighting for those who prove worthy of the sinned,inpure mortal. Turning the visage of an immortal beauty the Slender woman layed her eyes on to another; leaving her baby to acquinte the lonely mistress. A nod from the tiara would dip in respect to the mother before letting the words escape from the warm;moist blood kissed lips. " The names Rosalie Claramed, im seeking the pack of the valhallas, ive travelled far to have the chance of acceptance; my sister will hopefully make it ma'am." Words born into the bitter air exhaled from parted maw. Gentle hues would cross between the two waiting. Rosalies posture is proud, but not overpowering; showing a submissive side. The gentler side.



05-17-2013, 01:26 PM

The stranger gave her name, and her reason for being on the border. He studied her again, but before he could ask the question that pressed at his mind, Aislyn arrived on the scene, nodded to him, then spoke to the young female, introducing herself, and going on to ask what Rosalie wanted. Cormalin gave his thick furred tail a flick and sank onto his haunches, tail curled around his haunches. Honestly, Aislyn should have been retired now, giving her full time to her child. Chrysanthe should have been the Beta by now. However, Collision?s hasty decisions had closed that road.

Rosalie gave her answer, adding onto it by mentioning a sister. Mismatched eyes studied the little female, waiting for Aislyn to ask what she could bring to Valhalla. Aislyn didn?t speak, so he voiced it himself. ?What can you bring to Valhalla that would help the pack prosper? Are you a fair healer? Or a strong fighter? Or are you a skilled hunter?? He voiced the questions in a conversationally questioning tone. He was interested to know. Something about this lass set his teeth on edge. ?And, you mention that you have a sister. What is her name? And what can she bring to the pack?? His voice showed none of what he thought about the female.

Patiently, he awaited the female?s response, and anything from the Beta that stood beside him.


05-17-2013, 02:51 PM

The man ahead of the pale woman soon spoke again; she thought in the precense of the beta he'd remain quiet; Rosalie is glad to answer the lingering questions being consumed into the lobes of quilted delights.

i can bring many things,sir. But fighting is the thing i thrive on most. Taking down those who are disrespectful, Punishing those who deserve it. My nature can be kind; but my duty would always come first, im sure you would understand?

Strong;sultry europian tones would curdle in his very own; persuing the air until theres no more to give.
Icy hues search the expressions of the sculptures ahead of her; annalizing if they trust the story of a rogue. A rogue with experience.shadows rippling along the contours of her spine; sliding across her hips, tracing her slender legs in a shiver of promiscuous delight. her silhouette, glistening beneath the blackening darkness in its sultry endeavour; like a veil, caressing her curves in a mysterious glow. A few seconds remained in silence. The woman would speak again.

My sisters name is alariesa; The woman is similiar to me, but she's more experienced with herbs and medicins. To help those in need of care. Health is important so she takes on the role of healer. Strategy is not always something my sisters strong with; so she finds it best to stick beside her flesh and blood. Together we both provide protection and medicines to help others

The charcoal brute was patient, not many can possess that skill nowadays. Patience can be a skill that drives those insane. The weak or.. troubled ones. The whispers of the breeze begin to settle; settling carefully like the towering waves at night; resting on the delicate cheekbones; it was peaceful.



05-17-2013, 04:45 PM

Cormalin listened to Rosalie?s answers, debating. As she her answer on her sister, he nodded. ?What are your views on honor? Would you work hard to attain a higher rank?? Mismatched eyes stared into the sea blue gaze of the younger female, while he waited for Aislyn to say or do something. It was down to the Beta to accept this lass and her sister or not. He could do nothing. Even if he could, he wasn?t convinced of this lass? compatibility with Valhalla.

Perhaps it came from his birth pack?s Alphas? mistake in allowing three strange wolves into the pack. Those wolves had been the pack?s undoing. Redwood had fallen because of that mistake. So he deeply hoped Aislyn was a careful Beta.


05-18-2013, 08:13 AM

The Drumming of the earths beat was still going; going ever single second of every day. Never stopping to afraid to hear the silent screams of the solid earth ending in the hells fire; with us all deceased as nothing more then the trespassing ghosts. No longer did Rosalie stay in the shadows; learning most wolves actions, faults and achievements. Picking it all up Rosalie is now able to simplify the tricks making them just as affective.

You dont think im capable of honor or is this just a question waiting to be answered? Honors the most important thing any wolf could possibly have; withought it we are lost. having to find another path; i do not want that for myself,not now.

The hisses pollute the air seranading the ears with a fine melody to the opening day. The snow white pelt rippling like tidle waves in the breeze; never once going out of place, just a continous dance of the evenings lighting hours. Taking the time to reply to the second question; the little tiara rose up slightly to meet the gaze of the two clearly.

Yes. I would work until my heart stops beating to posses the title of a high rank; it would be an honor to be one, though there not given so easily.

It was true; they cant be given with the thump of a paw. It takes honor and commitment to claim the high titles. The cooes of the womans trail was like a veil; to be followed gently behind with the peaceful area. Attached to her like our own coats; all different with there own claimer of originality.

Aislyn I


Extra large
05-18-2013, 10:21 AM


She listened to the entire conversation, musing over the way Cormalin took control. He asked all the questions, and the ivory dame gave all the right answers. Aislyn's tail waved happily behind her frame as she took a step forward, taking control of the situation. "Your answers seem promising, along with you, and your skills. And your sister, she sounds wonderful. You are accepted into Valhalla, and you will be ranked a warrior. You seem to have fighting blood pumping in your veins. Your sister, she will need to step forth in order to be accepted. I can't bring someone into my home that I have never met before." She offered them both a smile as she turned to Coemalin. "I must get back to my daughter, surely she is ready for lunch. You two may carry on." Sh turned back to the gal before her. "Welcome home." With that she turned away, taking off toward her den.


05-18-2013, 01:22 PM

thrilled with the news the woman bewitched in the air Rosalie would bow the delicate tiara in appreciation to her new beta. The long slender bodice slightly sloped with the little performance. Flicking the long silken tail twice onto the formatted ground before tuning the air with another sweet echo; cursing the air with the curse of the womans wrath.

thankyou ma'am have a good day. until next time.

caressing the lands the mystical siren would sweep away into the darkness of the shadows; the blackening walls tightening around the visage in a protective manner of lust. So suddenly. she was gone.

[ Rosalie exit. unlessstopped]



05-18-2013, 05:33 PM

Aislyn finally stepped in, accepting the young female. He nodded to Aislyn as she turned to leave. He hoped she hadn?t made the wrong decision in accepting Rosalie. Well, they would see. He?d be keeping an eye on the new addition. From afar, as he had with his sister, He gave his tail a flick of farewell to Rosalie, then turned and padded away, deciding to continue his patrol.
