
All Alone


05-11-2013, 10:23 PM

Momma was gone and so was Iniko. But where had they gone? She'd been trailing after them just fine until she'd stopped to get some water. She'd called out to Momma to stop and wait for her, but apparently she hadn't heard her. Seraphiel had gone on ahead to grab a drink, thinking her family would be there waiting for her to return. To her surprise they were gone. She'd called out to them to no avail, desperately tracking their scents until she had lost them in the big new place, the one that didn't smell like home or like Momma or her brother Iniko.

This new place was scary, with all the new scents and strange wolves. There were so many big wolves like Momma but none of them looked like her. They were all sorts of colors and patterns and sizes, some looking like giant monsters and others even smaller than Momma. It was too much for Seraphiel. She'd gone and hidden herself in a hole, unable to figure out what to do or where to go. How could she ever find Momma and her brother in such a big place?

Her first night in the strange place was horrible. She'd always slept against her Momma's belly with her brother pushed up against her. Safe and warm and protected. She'd spent the night alone and half scared to death, all the sounds startling her awake, her paranoia that she would be kidnapped keeping her from getting some real shut eye. It wasn't until the wee hours of the morning that she was able to catch a few hours of somewhat restful sleep, the cool earth absorbing the morning rays acting as her natural alarm.

Lids slowly cracked open, blinking rapidly in an effort to adjust to the blinding rays just outside the entrance to her little hole. Maw split apart in a yawn, a high pitched whine finding its way out before she was able to close her jaws once more, pink ribbon lashing out to swipe her dry kissers. Small limbs unscrambled themselves from beneath her tiny russet hued frame, joints popping in satisfaction, her spine stretching in a cat-like manner as she relieved the sleepiness from her muscles. Limbs propelled the young damsel from her resting place out into the brilliant morning. Her vision swam for a moment before she adjusted, slowly taking in her surroundings. There were huge brown things sticking up around her, some of them blocking the sun. What did Momma call them...Trees! Ha! She did remember after all. A satisfied smile twisted her little mouth, tail thumping happily against the earth. And then just as quickly as her good mood came, it was gone again. Where had Momma and her brother gone? Should she go out looking for them and risk getting even more lost? Or should she stay put and wait until someone comes along to help her? Auds pinned themselves back against her skull, crown lowered sadly, gaze to her paws as she sat, not knowing what to do. Why couldn't she just keep up?

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05-11-2013, 10:50 PM
ooc: Pups would be a year old now since it's Autumn.

She would not and could not give up her search on her little Seraphiel. Her poor baby, lost in this dangerous place all alone. She would go out everyday to look for her, to look for any scent, any signs that would tell her the child was alive and okay. Maybe somebody had found her and was watching over her? Yes, that was it. She was alive, Seraphiel was fine. She wasn't wounded or sick, laying in a hole with her body deteriorating at this very moment.

During the time they were separated Sperare tried providing for her other child, Iniko. Giving him more meals than herself, trying to help him grow into a strong and healthy wolf. He would become a great wolf someday, she just knew it. And she hoped that Gargoyle would allow Serapiel to join Glaciem with her mother, having been offered a place in his pack because of the poor state she was in and still kind of was in. She was very grateful for it, even with what she had said, and still giving her a chance.

The blonde wolf shook her head, having stopped walking. She needed to clear her head, get rid of those thoughts and focus on the task she had come out here to accomplish. To look for her other pup once again. With that she looked over her shoulder at Iniko, a smile forming on black lips as he chased after a squirrel. Iniko, hun. I thought you were helping me look for Serapiel? Her was calm, relaxed for the first time in days. It seemed like she was finally able to relax and not having to worry too much about somebody attacking her out of nowhere since she now had the scent of a pack wolf.



05-12-2013, 03:13 AM
Disappointment was evident as the squirrel scampered away. The yearling had no hopes in catching it, but it had never hurt to try. He was determined to one day catch it. He had totally forgotten that they were looking for his lost sister. She'd been gone for ages, and though he missed her terribly, his attention span still got the best of him at times. Head popped up and looked at his mother as she called his name. Tail wagged furiously behind him and a smile lit his face up like a beacon. He trotted over to her his attention back to the task at hand.

Sorry Mama. The squirrel wanted to be eaten, ya know?"

He joked lightly. He was already promising to be an interesting yearling. Tough to control, but even then he stilled listened to his mother. He loved her dearly, even if he some times put her through hell and back.

"Do ya think we'll find 'er Mama?"

His voice became more serious now as he gave her a worried look. It'd break his Mama's heart if they couldn't find her, and his own would be broken if they found her dead. He hoped for her to be alive. She was his flesh and blood after all.


05-13-2013, 12:54 PM

The moments passed and passed the hope of finding her mother and brother were begining to fade. Why had she been so stupid! If only she'd continued to tag along and actually gone to ask Momma if they could stop for some water together then she wouldn't be in this mess right now; lost and without her family. Despite being a year old, nearly big enough to be able to fend for herself, Seraphiel still craved the closeness of her mother and Iniko. They were her only family in this new place. For the all courage she could muster up, the russet girl was still afraid. She barely knew how to hunt and her fighting skills were non existent. She had to find momma soon before something really bad happened.

Audits pricked forward, catching voices in the distance. Sapphire gems rose from the earth to dart across her surroundings, trying to identify the wolves that the voice belonged to. Their pitch became louder and more audible as they got closer and a sudden realization hit the young girl; it was Momma and Iniko! Seraphiel rose to her feet, not bothering to clear her coat as she bounded forward, her nose confirming what her ears had told her. They had found her! Her mother's blonde figure and Iniko's darker, onyx frame came into view as the two walked side by side, her name passing between their lips. Momma! Iniko! She barked happily, tail wagging furiously behind her haunches as she bounded towards her small family. And then suddenly a new scent hit her nostrils, causing her to come to a screeching halt several feet from the, hackles bristling slightly.

Momma, Niko, why do you smell different? she questioned, her head tilting quizically to the side, studying them. They didn't look different. So why did they smell different?

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05-13-2013, 06:26 PM

Sperare chuckled at Iniko, the squirrel had got away and there was obvious disappointment on his face. He had come close though, had he been just seconds faster then he would have caught the small animal and would have had a nice snack. He came to her though, apologizing and saying how the squirrel wanted to be eaten. This caused her to shake her head with a small chuckle, though he was a pain sometimes, he was still her little boy and always managed to put a smile on her face.

He had asked her when she thought they would find his sibling, becoming serious. Her laugh had stopped, the smile vanishing from her lips, a saddened yet serious expression worn on her face. It really bothered her, not knowing whether she would find her other child or not. Every fiber of her body said that Seraphiel was alive, that she managed to survive this log without her mother. "Soon Iniko... I'm sure we will find her soon." She told him softly, leaning over and lightly licking his cheek before pulling away and continuing on with their search.

With seconds of getting back to their search Sperare heard something nearby, in one fluid motion she backed up so she stood beside her son, ears perking up and swiveling around to catch what direction the sound of paws against the earth was coming from. Her head kept turning, eyes trying to lock onto the animal until they finally locked onto it. A wolf, russet fur, black dorsal stripe and tail, those sapphire blue eyes. Seraphiel... She whispered, eyes going wide and body still.

It took a few moments for it to register in her head that it was her pup, that this was Seraphiel and not some pup she was mistaking for her own. She was running at them and her voice only confirmed it more. Oh how happy she was, her tail went up, wagging like mad, lips pulling up on a toothy smile. her baby! She finally found her baby after all this time! She was going to charge at her, embrace her baby, smother her in kisses but the pup suddenly stopped, going from happy to confused in a second.

Sperare became scared, did Sera realize she was angry at her mother and brother for leaving her behind? She didn't mean to though, she was trying to watch the both of them but the storm (they got lost in a snow storm XD) was just too bad. She tried to remain calm though, taking in a log deep breath and taking a step forward when the pup asked why they smelled different. Seraphiel, hunny... it's fine. We smell different because we found wolves, they will help us. We will finally have a home, we will not have to keep moving around. She took a few steps towards the pup, a smile forming on her lips, eyes watery as she gave Seraphiel the news. The children would be happy, they could finally stop and make friends, not have to keep walking till they could no longer walk. She had not told Iniko this, wanted to wait until they were all united. And now that she found her child, she would let Gargoyle know but not about her wanting to stay, she would wait to do that.



06-02-2013, 09:19 PM

Oh joy! It seemed as though the world was gonna answer his wishes. Speak of the devil, there she was! His sister had returned to them and the boy couldn't have been happier. His mother beat him to her, but as soon as she broke away Iniko rushed forward and leaped at her. A happy grin was plastered onto his face as his tongue flew out of his mouth. He didn't care if Seraphiel thought they smelled funny and he didn't care what she had to say unless it was "Hey you! I missed you!"

"Sera! Yer back! I missded you!"

He practically yelled his words as he attempted to tackled the russet girl to the ground and then proceed to try and bathe in in kisses if she let him. He'd missed her so much! Tail waved wildly behind him.

"Yet not allowed to leave us again! I'll fight somebody over you!"



06-02-2013, 11:27 PM

Things were going to be okay! She didn't have to worry about being lost or what would happen to her because she had found her mother and brother again! Jeez, she was so relieved. For a bit there she was beginning to think that she would have to start out in this new place all alone. But not anymore. She would be safe with her mom and brother now.

She stood where she'd stopped, sapphire gems glancing over momma and Niko as momma explained that they smelled different because they had found some wolves who were going to help them. Momma said they had a home now. A home. Someplace where they could rest their head. We have a ho- She was in the middle of answering momma when Niko came barreling into her, half tackling, half smothering her as he bathed her in kisses. Seraphiel squealed in delight, giggling in joy as she pushed her head into her brother's chest, breathing him in. I missed you too Niko! So much! I was so lonely without you and momma! She barked enthusiastically, pulling her head away from his chest to reach up to tug his ear playfully. Of course I'm not going anywhere Niko! I don't wanna leave you or momma ever again.

She reached up with a paw, swatting at his cheek before she moved away from him to approach momma, reaching out to lick her cheek, her tail wagging happily. We really have a home now momma? she asked, unsure of what momma really meant by that.

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06-03-2013, 11:33 PM

Sperare smiled as Iniko bounded forward, jumping at his newly found sister and bathing her in kisses. It made her so incredibly happy to finally find her lost child, to know that she was alive and well, no injuries on her body and not as thin as she would have expected. Seraphiel was here finally, and her mother would bring her back to Glaciem as soon as this little reunion was over, to bring her to the uncle she didn't know of. Oxia.

Oxia... the female had thought both her brothers died that day so long ago, the day she and her mother were taken far away, forced to rear pups for a mob of males. She had found out, the same day she joined Glaciem, that he was actually alive all this time and that he had become Beta of the pack Sperare had been welcomed into. Iniko had yet to meet his uncle either, Sperare had been trying to fill his belly up on food, regain his strength. Her brother would be so happy when they returned.

We really have a home now momma? The voice of her daughter brought her back to reality, smiling at the lick to her cheek. The mother looked to her daughter with love, laying her head over the youngsters back. Yes hunny, we have a home now. You will be nice and warm and will have food in your bellies every night, good food. She answered her, pulling away to look to Iniko briefly. And there is somebody I want you guys to meet when we return, you have an uncle who would love to see both of you.




06-05-2013, 09:23 PM

His sister allowed him to tackle her and bathe her face in lots and lots of kisses making him an even happier wolf than before hand. Finally she pulled away and Iniko stood up with her.

"We're happy yer home sis!"

The pup exclaimed happily before watching as she padded over to their mother and greeted her. His tail still waved like a windmill. This had to be the best day of his life. Not that there was much to compare it to. His was a year old. Barely anything to say he accomplished anything worthwhile. He still had many years ahead of him. His mother's words got his attention and he crowded around her curiously.

"We have an uncle Mama? Who? Who is he?"



06-05-2013, 11:44 PM

When she pulled away from her brother he stood and followed her, mimicking
her movements as he exclaimed how happy they were to have found her. I'm happy to Niko! I felt so lonely without you and momma. I'm so glad I'm with you guys again. She barked at him happily, obsidian tail wagging happily behind her.

Audits rotated forward, sapphire gaze returning to her mother as she spoke, confirming that they indeed have a new home and that they would have good food to keep them full. Just as Seraphiel prepared herself to speak, her mother added on by saying that they had an uncle that wanted to meet them. An uncle? Momma had a brother? Niko came up right beside her, shooting the same question that was burning at the tip of her tongue. Who's our uncle momma? Is your brother? The russet girl had never thought she would have more family other than momma and Niko. What was her uncle like? What did he look like? She supposed she would find out when they reached the place called Glaciem.

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06-09-2013, 11:08 PM

The smile did not seem to leave Sperare's face once since she first spotted Seraphiel. This had to of been the happiest day in her life since being taken away, finding out her brother Oxia was alive and having found her lost daughter alive and in decent health. It was like a miracle.

With her news though the children grew curious, coming close and asking about the uncle they did't know about until now. A light laugh escaped her jaws as she looked at the both of them, tail wagging slowly behind her. Your uncle's name is Oxia, and he is the beta of Glaciem, the pack we are staying in. A beta is the second most important wolf, the alpha is the most important and makes sure it is strong and healthy, that people are doing what they should. She had never really talked about packs before or the ranks within them, so she thought her little explanation would be good for them to know.

He is my brother. We got separated when we were little so that is why I did not tell you guys about him before, I just found out he was the beta of this pack. He will be excited to meet you guys. She came close, standing between the two yearlings, running her tongue over each of their ears. We should bring you back as soon as possible darling, get your belly full of food and meet your uncle. My brother and the Chief will want to know I found you finally.
