
Poised to insanity


05-11-2013, 01:23 PM
so much lays undisclosed to the pale woman; prying in the shadows in the tourment of the earths peak. To many questions lingering in the foreprint of her mind waiting to be reborn into the soul of the earth. Was there anyone that could understand her? Muscled pistons would stride forth into the opening of the light; Showing the visage to those who would trail to this place. Thirst would overwhelm the womans caved throat in a screaming pain of dripping water. This would never weaken the lone surviver; Something so simple to get became hard to find. The perfectly rounded lake would come into view of the Bright sea blue orbs of the perfectly sculptured maiden. The pulsing heart in the domed ribcage would beat harder and harder in the hope of the liquidised form to seep down the gullet. Reaching this place was only the easy part. The hard part is finding a pack willing to take on a persuaing seductive woman to the center of there home. Shaking of the thought the woman would look down to the unclear water withought thinking. The salmon tounge inches away from drinking the lake of the lost warriors.A pool of death. A sigh would escape the blood kissed lips in disapointment. Though The small woman were disapointed in this moment. Fighting ran through her veins as if born with the skills of a supirior. Fighting is her peace. The thrill and excitement.

As if a mystical glow would circle Rosalie in admiration to her sinful beauty, she'd wait for hope. Her lips where still warm, pressing together in a simple movement. The optics would visualise the surroundings; searching for a shadowed figure to pop into view and amuse her lonesome soul. The Scent of the woman would poison the air in an alluring attempt to bring in the others. The entoxicating scent of lavender and ginger.bliss. The long silky albino tail would sweep the earth twice before moving to a different area on the battlefield. The muzzle would dip gracefully to the ground scenting that others have crossed this area recently. Would someone save her from the boredom that would remain?


05-11-2013, 03:59 PM


Once again, here he was, in the battlefield. He just couldn't stay away, the smell of spilled blood and gore drew him in every time he tried to turn away. How could he resist? This was his element, his place of serenity. The mammoth of a man drew closer, a certain females scent leading the way. There was a lone wolf out here somewhere, and he was here to take her home. It didn't take long into she came into view. Amethyst eyes followed the outline of the gals body as he showed up, stopping a few feet away from her. God damn, she was something else. Those curves, those eyes, that little gem hidden so carefully beneath her tail. He inhaled her scent... my oh my. He hadn't smelt anything more intoxicating. His lips curled into an unrealistically proportioned smirk, saliva dripping from the corners of his mouth. He almost couldn't help himself, his old ways were screaming for release; but he would hold it back. At least for now. "I am lord Kaios, alpha male of Amenti. What is it you seek? Usually one comes to this grave yard with a purpose." He waited for an answer, his tail flicking eagerly behind him. If she was searching for a home, he would guide her back to Amenti and turn her into something marvelous.


05-11-2013, 04:36 PM
bathed in pure sensuality; engulfed whole in the formidable smell of a present male. Sitting in the suns spotlight the woman was a site. Wrapped in a inquisitive web of unseeable prying eyes. the woman would remain in aseductive position. He Kaios, her savior? Only a sinners smirk would claim thereselves upon the beautiful visage. Coming from a pack with special genes was a gift, The woman was a teaser to the males stoned heart. " Are you my saviour? to take me away. To unleash my devil within; is that what you can handle." The honey tones would trace the fine features of the brutes face and trail into the lobes melting the heart with unnesisarry desires. Standing back on all fours the woman would almost glide over to meet such a man. Inches away she stood. The entoxicating scent of lavender an ginger would circle the two and send one into persuasion. A small woman Rosalie was, but a stunner; intimidating the minds of another until they break. Would this kaios be like the others? " i seek inspiration, a new beginning m'dearest beast. You think you can help me." sultry europian tones would hiss into the languid air calculated; to tease the fine hairs in the lobes.

The gravity's pull would keep Rosalie on the earth; Giving her the chance to live; to breath the fine air of the devil. Beneath the paws the sanguine grasses would scream beneath, prisoners in there own homes. The precious few moments went by; by then The pale woman would slowly move away. The long silky tail trailing along his flanks to the side of his mascaline mask before gently falling back down towards her rocking backside. The sea blue opticts would lock onto the brute for a moment. Loosing him at seas with only Rosalie his guidance, his light and soul. Besides the charm the seductress possess; theres also a cheeky, sinful personality. Its copes her beautifully.