



05-11-2013, 11:15 AM

Morphine had been stripped of her rank and banished. Nnoitra was one who hung back in the shadows of the pack and observed. He'd done so for a while under Kaien's rule. It was obvious who had liked his adopted son and who hadn't Viridiana had been a loyal member since she had joined, but loyalties towards Kaien were questionable. Now that Kaien had been usurped and Desdemona and himself were in power things would be different. It seemed as though half the wolves in Tortuga didn't like change, but hopefully with him by Desdemona's side Tortuga would thrive. After all he had been their first ruler. They should be at least half accepting of him, if anyone.

Lips pilled back as a howl spilled forth from his vocals calling the woman to him. He was somewhat concerned as to how she would react about the change of events. Ulrike and Secret he wasn't really worried about. The rest of the members were hardly a problem either. Of course everything was up in the air, regardless he was going to do his best to mend things. Everything was unstable and that would have to be fixed and promptly. He had already talked to the new member of Tortuga, had a discussion with Desdemona, as well as talk to the youth Tikaani. Things were slowly recovering with both he and the other Vecaan working at it. More was yet to come, but for now the pack came first.



05-11-2013, 12:28 PM

Stripped of her rank! The bitch! Hackles were raised as the red lady wore a path into the hard earth with her pacing. Lips curled back, fury unleashed only in solitude, only when she knew no one would see how displeased she was with everything. She had played it cool, missed some ass at the pack meeting and had left. She had no desire to speak to their new alpha alone, no worries or troubles she wished to voice. All the worries and troubles she had would be righted soon enough. She would handle them herself, she didn't need this new queen in her life. But what was to be done about Nnoitra? She respected the old alpha, always had and always would. Would he pose a problem?

Speak of the devil... A howl resonated in her skull, and pacing ceased as her head lifted as her ears turned to catch the echoes of the sound. White paws were moving even before she gave it a concours thought. He wasn't far, easy to find and holding himself as regally as ever. Head bowed, nose almost sweeping the ground before lifting it and coming to stand easily before her king. "To what do I owe this honor my leige?" she asked easily, head tipped curiously. Had he noted her shock at the stripping of her rank? Had he noticed her rage? She had been careful, cautious, perfectly composed except for that curl of her lip.



05-11-2013, 07:51 PM

Conveniently he had not been far from her when he issued the call. She came swiftly and offered him a respectful greeting. In return the male dipped his own head and then proceeded to attempt to press his nose to her cheek. It had been a while since they had truly conversed. Things had gone haywire and he had made himself scarce instead of sticking around to see how everything would unfurl. Seeing her reactions though he had to be sure she wouldn't do anything foolish.

"No need for such pleasantries love, I only took the position because it was offered. I won't see this pack be fucked up more than it already has and I apologize for that. Kaien made mistakes, but they will be righted."

The man paused for a moment. Two toned blue eyes watched her curiously for the reaction she would give. He would let his words sink in before continuing. He was blunt and to the point. He was busy, but he had set aside time just for her.

"I know now change may not be best for Tortuga, and trust me I'm not fond of aligning myself with the bitches of Valhalla, but it's not an alliance. It's a treaty. Merely something to ensure we aren't overrun by them by war. I'm afraid we'd get our asses handed to us. As for the stripping of your rank my dear I know you're upset about it, but I'm certain you will earn it back. You were one of the more exceptional wolves out of the group of vagabonds that reside here."

He was an observer. Most wolves of the pack were upset that they had been stripped. He'd approved of Steren's decision to promote Vi because she was indeed helpful. Secret and Ulrike would surely be upset as well. Secret was older and would no longer hold a place among the high tiers, but he would do anything in his power to see that she was a respected member. Ulrike was stuck earning his position back.

"Tell me doll, what are your intentions. Be honest. It's crucial, else the other Vecaan be wary of you. It's quite obvious you aren't fond of her. I see things most don't. Do you intend on leaving?"

Voice had dropped to almost a whisper as he spoke and a smirk played at the corners of his lips. It was disheartening to have Morphine banished. He himself had liked the alabaster witch. She'd provided her services to him and had been even a friend. It would have been depressing if Viridiana was to leave too. What would happened now was all a mystery.



05-12-2013, 11:00 PM

She had missed him... It struck her as he reached out to touch her cheek and she leaned into the touch. He wasn't that old, it had almost been heart breaking to see him leave them in the paws of Kaien and then to simply disappear. She had been the main reason she had tried so hard at her job in the beginning. With Kaien everything had turned complacent, lax and lazy. She had missed doing things, being a part of something bigger and being needed. She hadn't realized that until Morphine had bothered to take the time and talk to her, to learn her skills and put them to work. He spoke easily, dismissing her respective greeting and settling into a more friendly state, speaking easily and talking about righting Kaien's wrongs. She smiled easily, lips curling at the thought though she couldn't think of anything specifically that Kaien had done wrong. It was just... He hadn't done anything right either...

But after a pause he carried on to speak of the changes and the treaty with Vahalla. It was then that her eyes were cast to the ground and she slowly sank to her haunches. This had been... A tender subject for her and she didn't have to fake her unease with everything going on. The subject of her rank being stripped almost raised her hackles again but he believed in her, believed she would be able to gain her rank back. She didn't speak for a moment, gazing at the ground as her mind swirled. She appreciated the sentiment, especially since it came from the once most respected wolf in her life. She had had an instant respect for Nnoitra when she had joined but some of that had slipped away when he had handed the leader role to Kaien and then simply slipped into the background.

He dropped his voice low and she glanced up at him, ears swivelling forward to catch hushed words. Would she stay here? Well she had made a promise to Morphine so of course she would. But ears folded back and a sigh sipped from her lips. "I debated leaving when she spoke of stripping us of our ranks. Everything is kind of piling on suddenly. My brother left to kill Kaios, a new leader, no rank... And with us suddenly aligning ourselves with Valhalla I can't help but wonder if I should simply go elsewhere to recreate myself. Yourself and Morphine were the only ones to make me feel needed. I still plan to kill Cyanide if you'd allow it, I was trained to be an assassin and now we're not allowed to do anything..." she said with an exasperated sigh. Bust slowly she straightened herself, tail flipping around her hips as she rolled her shoulders back.

"I will stay. I will prove my worth for the time. Maybe this will be a change for the better but if not I will leave. I joined this pack because it leaned towards the chaotic side, you were notorious for taking in everyone and anyone and now anyone who doesn't want peace is to leave. I still don't know what I want, I understand that a war would probably mean the end for us so I can accept it for now. But I was trained to be an assassin and would like to do something other then sit around and accept newcomers when one or two wander to the boarder in a month." She said, another sigh slipping from her jaws as she looked up at him, hoping he would understand. She hated feeling useless and just wandering for the sake of wandering. The last few months she had spent staking out Valhalla had been the most excitement she had had in months, at least since the volcano.



05-14-2013, 07:13 PM

Nnoitra would listen with undivided patience. He would be patient and wait for her tom completely finish speaking. Not a single word went unnoticed. Every emotion, every movement, anything at all. It was all calculated into his brain. He'd taken note so he could judge the truth behind her words. He believed her. Kaien had made the mistake of letting them all get lazy, so she obviously had taken to Morphine just as she'd taken to him. Morphine was now seen as a threat though. That would prove to be problematic, especially since he had taken over with Desdemona. He didn't want any of those repercussions put on to him because of any feud she had with the gigantic Queen that ruled beside him.

"It pleases me to hear you'll stay Viridiana. Your experience with Tortuga is welcomed here, as is your presence. You happen to be one of the wolves I'm more fond of."

The male had no problem playing favorites. He took a liking to very few, but those who he did enjoy the company of it was obvious. He spent his time lingering with them when he wasn't keeping to himself. Now he was forced to interact with all once more, which was fine, but not exactly appreciated. There were some idiots that he just didn't want to socialize with at all.

He had to think of something for her to do. Anything. There was something lingering in his mind, but he knew for sure she wouldn't do it. Instead he would have to find another task for her to do. It couldn't be any more Beta duties considering Desdemona had stripped them of their ranks. If she truly wanted rank back though she would work for it. They had grown lazy. Work would do them well. Viri certainly had skill. He had faith in her. She was an assassin as well though. He had to think of a task for her to accomplish. He had every intention of wavering her loyalties from Morphine completely back upon himself. Morphine's influence would do nothing but poison her now that she was stated an enemy of Tortuga.

"Ignore killing Cyanide for now. I have every intention of speaking with the woman if allowed. I'm curious as to why she did it. If it doesn't go well then I shall allow you to kill her. Until then I may have another task for you, if you are willing."

He paused for a moment to let his words sink in. He was sure she would do whatever he threw at her. This one wouldn't be killing anybody. Not this time, but it was important all the same.

"I want you to go to Seracia and speak with their leader. I want to know our standings with them. Desdemona is going to Valhalla to set up the treaty. Mind you it isn't an alliance, just something that says we won't fuck with you and you won't fuck with us. With the other packs such as Seracia I would like information, and if it'd be beneficial to form anything. I myself will be going to Ludicael to gain intell and possibly form an alliance, therefore making it harder for Valhalla to try and kick our ass. I apologize it's not an assassination job, but for now it's all I can bring up. In the future though I will certainly need your services my dear."

The man would offer her a wink and a small smile as he waited for her answer. If she declined he would merely go himself, but that would mean it would take more time. At least if she went it would help her standings with Desdemona. It would mean she had a greater possibility of earning her rank back.



05-14-2013, 07:34 PM
((crappy post is crappy >.>))

She couldn't help the smile that flitted over her features as he told her that he was glad she would stay. When she had joined all she had ever wanted was to please this male, to have him notice her and need her, and now here they were. Not the best circumstances but rekindled that desire to help once more though it was over shadowed by the fire that had been lit by Desdemona's banishment of Morphine and the stripping of her rank. If only Nnoitra had stayed in power, would it have all been different if Morphine and Jaeger had ruled together? She wished she had been able to meet and be with Nnoitra more, their time together had been fleeting and brief most times so this was nice...

Forget about Cyanide? A frown adorned her features, black rimmed eyes narrowing curiously as she looked at him. Ears were forward and attentive as he spoke but she nodded slowly as he spoke of allowing her to kill the bitch if it didn't go well. That was disheartening but she would do as she was told for now. There was a pause and her mind started to crank, wondering if that was it, if she was no dismissed and was to go back to doing nothing. Her heart rate quickened at the thought of doing absolutely nothing, not being allowed to do anything... But soon he was speaking again, outlining a new plan for her and a new job. Seracia? This was a a diplomatic job, a job to keep her occupied.

But besides the fact it was a keep busy job she appreciated it and a smile slid across her features, something close to relief washing over her. "Is there any specific message you'd like me to bring to them? I will take when I can get for now, its better then not being able to do anything with this new rank" she said, half joking but a hint of bitterness managed to creep into her tones. She was trying her best to keep her true feeling hidden but it was apparent to probably everyone that she was bitter about loosing her rank. She would get it back, she was confidant enough about that.



06-05-2013, 06:27 PM

The man listened to her and watched her. At first she seemed hesitant and upset. He had just told her to quit her original contract. He himself wanted to talk to Cyanide and perhaps work things out. Come to an understanding. At least see why she had left Tortuga to go to Valhalla of all places. That part still irked him the most. Karma would come back upon Collision. The hypocrite would rot in the worst of ways. Scavengers would pick from his bones and steal his eyeballs. If not he would see his kids suffer in some way shape or form. Something would happen. That much he was sure of. Cyanide didn't just switch over for some petty reason. After all she had been a loyal member from the very beginning.

Ears slid forward as she asked him what to say. His face took a thoughtful look as he debated on it. He hadn't actually imagined them and Seracia getting on good terms, much less Tortuga and Valhalla or any of the other packs for that matter. Regardless it was needed, if at least so they could build their army up and at least stand a fighting chance if anything ever went haywire.

"Just find out information about them. How they run things. Who their leaders are. Ask them how they feel about a treaty. For now we don't need to worry about getting our asses kicked. I'd rather us worry about rebuilding our pack because lately it's been falling apart and I won't have it."

He spoke with a fiery passion. He would not see something he created and put so much effort into go to waste. He refused to see it. Not while he was still alive and standing. He would do anything to not see it fall.
