
Rhythmical Creation of Beauty


05-10-2013, 08:01 PM

Little red flashes of fur darted across the plain. She ran as quick as she could. For what reason? None. She just wanted to run. The russet girl's paws thudded on the ground like little lightening bolts. Scents of blood and many other Wolves flooded her little black nose. She enjoyed these lands. She had only met one soul although. A dammed Bear for heaven's sakes! She had never met such a creature before, it was all to scary for her liking.

Her form slowed as she came upon a larger rock. A boulder. Cody hopped onto it and caught her breath. Her lungs heaved for air, a little pink tongue flicked across ebony lips as she did so. She felt tall for once. The fae stood proud, she came here for one reason. To be claimed. The little girl let her head flick up and a ear piercing howl was let forth. She called leaders and high ranked members of these packs to come forth and have their way at her. A little smirk would flick across her muzzle as she waited.

" speech "


05-10-2013, 08:15 PM

He'd told himself time and time again that Seracia had plenty of members. Even more times had he told himself that going to the battlefield was dangerous and unnecessary. Still, the King found his paws carrying him there - as if an act of god. Gerhardt followed a familiar path, though it had to be lengthened due to Seracia's recent relocation. A smile tinged on his lips as he came upon a familiar scent. He'd only just run across the dame recently.. perhaps.. a day ago? Ah well, maybe this time she'd consider joining Seracia. "We meet again," came charming, elegant vocals. He dipped his head respectfully to her. "I'm not one to underestimate anyone, but this really isn't a good place for you to linger." She was the smallest wolf he'd ever seen, and being in a place like this was dangerous for a regular sized canine. There's no telling what sort of harm would befall her in a place like this!

"If it's a home you seek, I can offer you one in Seracia. There you will have a family and a place to call your own, and a hope for the future." That sounded cheesy, didn't it? The King smirked at his own words, though he didn't exactly regret saying them. It was his job to sell Seracia the best he could, to keep it alive and prospering for generations to come. Amethyst eyes swept all around them, beyond her and to the sides. He didn't want to be surprised in the battlefield of all places.



05-10-2013, 08:27 PM

She stared at the sky until a familiar scent had hit her nose. She smiled softly, she male whom met her when she tumbled. Her head turned to see the male, she tilted her head. Her long russet and black tail flicked around behind her. She stayed on her large boulder, she felt powerful. False power did things to small fae's. He spoke to her after a dip of his head. She let her head dip down in a bow as well. Her eyes connected to his. "I can smell the blood, I understand the dangers. Though I promise you none of the brutes in which would try to harm me could out run these little legs." She giggled softly.

More of the male's words entered her red ears. She offered him a gentle smile a she let her tongue flick across her muzzle. He offered her a pack, he sold it well but that would not do it for her. She would sit on her haunches as words escaped her muzzle. "Explain this pack to me. What sort of personalities do the members have? What is the goal of the pack? Also what is your name?" Her voice was sweet, like velvet. "Also, my name is Cody." She snickered softly, her eyes twinkled with excitement.

" speech "


05-10-2013, 08:40 PM

It seemed fate had a way of lining things up, for the damsel recognized him from the previous day. She also seemed well aware of where she was, and the dangers that lurked just around the corners. She was a brave one, wasn't she? She would inquire more about Seracia, more or less demanding information from him. His name, he'd forgotten to give it last time, he wouldn't forget it this time. "My name is Gerhardt Mathias, King of Seracia." He smiled gently. "Seracia is a Kingdom-based pack, founded upon the pillars of honor and respect. Each member is expected to be courteous and friendly to every other member, and of course they are also expected to do their part to help the pack. Our members vary in their histories and personal beliefs, but everyone is generally kind and friendly. The goal of the pack is simply to be the best we can be, and to uphold honor and respect at all times."

He wondered if she could see herself in Seracia, living amongst the other subjects of the Kingdom. He hardly knew her, but the King was fond of giving others a chance at the life he lived, and she would be no exception to that. His tail wavered behind him placidly as he waited for a response from her, ready and willing to answer any more questions she might have about Seracia. It was only logical for her to be curious, and perhaps a bit reserved about her decision. It wasn't something to be decided upon lightly, she would be choosing where to live quite possibly for the rest of her life.


Jupiter I


7 Years
05-10-2013, 08:47 PM (This post was last modified: 05-10-2013, 08:58 PM by Jupiter I.)

[Image: for_starsight__the_fifth_planet_lives_by...5z8esy.png]

though jupiter could not decipher the identity of the lanky individual accompanying the familiar figure, all the lady needed to know to bring a smile to her countenance was that gerhardt was present beside her. she approached with an almost lazy stride, lips curled upwards as she her wandering figure came to rest near his side, presence foreshadowed by the purposefully noisily shuffling of her paws. "gerhardt," she greeted affectionately, unable to keep an almost inaudible hint of affection from tainting the oblivious purity of her tones. the fiery lady turned her gaze upon the stranger that he had been conversing with, and then chuckled slightly.

"my apologies, i didn't think before i interrupted." minding her manners, she would wait until the seracian alpha was finished trying to sell his pack before piping up, though she wasn't sure whether her goals were to recruit this wolf herself or speak with the more familiar male near her.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


05-10-2013, 08:54 PM

He spoke of his pack with such admiration, it radiated off of him. The russet girl enjoyed it. A little tongue would flick to her nose before she rolled her shoulders. A female then slowly padded forward, her pressence erked the little fae. A brow raised as she inturrupted. Cody sighed softly, if this girl wished to claim the little red girl she was not starting very nicely. Her orange orbs would stay connected with the Kings. A long, bushy, tail wagged behind her.

As he finished speaking the piped of female spoke. Cody ignored her, she did not care what she said. "Your kingdom sounds wonderful, sir. I do believe it would be the place for me. If you are wishing to accept me of course. I promise I would never let you down." She stood on her rock, she towered over the two with a little smirk. She looked to the other female and offered her only a little node before her head turned back to the King.

" speech "


05-10-2013, 09:16 PM

Time would seem to fly by, but the King didn't mind. He knew the weight of his words, and the decision she was making. It would be a leap of faith if she decided to go with him, though he would not hold any hard feelings if she chose not to. Seracia was not for everyone, though one day Gerhardt hoped that everyone would want to join. She would quickly speak in affirmative tones, confirming that she did wish to join and make a home for herself in Seracia, if he would have her. A smile widened on his maw as he prepared to formally accept her, until his name was uttered in the most familiar of tones. "Jupiter," the name would roll off of his tongue with a note of affection. She had become a close friend of his, and it was evident in his lyrics. "Not to worry, you didn't interrupt at all. I was just telling this fine lady about my home." Though Cody had just offered to join Seracia, he felt it only polite to give Jupiter a fair chance at it. With a grin, he would turn back to the smaller female. "I would be most pleased to accept you into Seracia, but it's only fair that I give my comrade a fair shot at winning you over. Should you choose to join her instead, there will be no hard feelings. Her pack, Ludicael, is allies with my Kingdom." Had it been anyone else Gerhardt would have simply accepted her, and then gone on speaking normally, but to ignore the fact that Jupiter was probably just as longing for members as he was was not something he was willing to do to his friend.
