
You'll be the death of me


05-10-2013, 03:38 PM

Home. She had finally made it back home after what seemed like so long. Her time with Vi had been tense. They didn't fight or argue, but neither where to happy with the others presence. Paws touched familiar soil. It felt so good to be home again. She wasn't sure where Vi had wondered to but for the moment the dame stood alone at the border. She desparately wanted to see her childrens, but that would have to wait a moment. She first needed to hunt down their father. Last time she saw him, he had left her with his sister, who later told her why he left. To kill Kaios. And the woman didn't spare that he was doing it for her. No matter who or what he was doing it for, she wasn't happy.

Her coat had regained its luster, remaining as clean as ever. While she still thin, she had returned to her usually healthy state, for the most part. The trek home had exhausted her. At nearly 8 years old, she found herself unable to travel like she had before. She knew she had pushed her body to its limits. She wasn't going to bounce back from this. And she wasn't about to leave her children orphaned. They were barely a year this winter. Their father was still young. Young enough to keep up with them and finish their training. She wasn't about to let him throw it away. When they were first born, she never pressured him to hang around or be part of their lives, he had chosen to. He couldn't change his mind now.

Walking a few minutes into the territory she settled down in a small quiet clearing. Head lifted, lips forming an O, her melody cut through the air, calling for Kylar. Her kids would hear, but they would have to wait until later. Haunches dropped to the earth, tail curling around her, she settled into wait. She wasn't even sure if he was still here. She hoped he was, hunting him down would surely kill her. The idea that their children knew of what was happening scared her, panic threatened to rear its head. Beating it back, she outwardly remained cool and collected as always, sapphire eyes sharp, aware, body staying graceful, relaxed. The massive wolf had better show, her tail began to impatient beat against the ground, thudding softly.

"Talk here."


05-23-2013, 03:10 PM

((figured this should get one reply :P))

He lay quietly at the riverbank, not far from the waterfall, close enough that the mist covered his scent but far enough away that he could speak or hear without too much of an issue. Since finding Luce it have become one of his new favorite spots and of course it had been where his sister had eventually found him. She lay curled against his back, facing away from him with her head on her paws, awake but saying nothing. He lay easily, head tipped back to take in the sky. He wore a thoughtful, pensive expression as he stared up at the cloudless night. It was beautiful this evening... He couldn't help but wonder if this would be his last night like this... A sigh slipped from his jaws are sickly green gaze took in the dancing lights, he didn't want to leave, didn't want this night to end. He would stay here until first light and then he would find Kaien and go see what could be done.

Ears pricked at the howl, a familiar voice that suddenly brought to light all his concerns and fears over leaving. It was a summons, she wanted to see him, to no doubt yell at him and tell him he shouldn't go. He knew all the reasons why he shouldn't go. The goddess would be spitting on him if she were here now... Gaze settled on the red female curled behind him as he thought about it. No, he wouldn't go... He couldn't see her and risk being talked out of it. He would never forgive himself. Vi didn't lift her head or ask, sharp gaze simply staring ahead. They had said everything that had needed to be said, there was nothing more, nothing less. Secret knew what he was going to do, they didn't need to speak further. So he slowly lowered his head, not even bothering to howl back, and draped his neck over his sister, massive chin atop her head as he gazed ahead with her.

-end for Ky-



05-23-2013, 03:40 PM

((I've been patiently waiting for your one reply:p))

She waited. And waited. And waited. Her irritation bubbled up into anger, sapphire orbs becoming liquid fire. Either he was ignoring her or he had left. She had a nagging feeling though that he was ignoring her. A snarl ripped from her jaws as she jumped to her paws. The ebony shadow paced back and forth, head held low, ears pinned, tail curled over her back. He couldn't avoid her forever. At some point she would track him down. Tossing her head back, she released one last melody. This one was different. He'd have his warning. Cutting her song short, she dropped her muzzle. Turning she stalked off, in search of something. She didn't know what yet, perhaps she would stumble across one of her kids, one of them had to know something, especially Maia, the nosy little girl.

-exit secret-

"Talk here."