

Taska Takira

05-09-2013, 02:54 AM
Now Taske was rolling an idea in her mind for a while now. Thaddeus Rogue has one moments that haunts him in life, well more like a ghost. But I was thinking what if this ghost isn't really dead? In the story that I gave Rogue for his past he lived with a malnourished and abused pack of wolves. They had one living pup from that year, who Rogue took a shine to. He took to calling her 'Little Sister' and they both became close, soon after in a war Rogue protected 'Little Sister' and earned a large scar in the process, as well as a new name. Afterwards 'Little Sister' wanted to fallow Rogue in his adventures but he did not want to take her from her grandfather and left her behind.

Now I been vague when talking about 'little sister'. I have not described her, have not given her a name, and havn't really gave her a personality, other than she was a trouble maker, sweet, and she adored Rogue, Which in time all three could have changed, so that means she is a clean slate, but one that comes with a plot that could be interesting.

Im not asking for anything other than her to fit the very lose mold about her past. Oh and the small detail that that she wanted to leave with Rogue when he left her pack.

I have made up a pack called the Blood Wolves, They lived in a valley, that consisted of one large main pack and many smaller satellite packs that payed homage to the larger pack. The packs once worked together, the Major blood wolves protecting the Lesser Blood wolves, and the Lesser Blood wolves feeding the Major Blood wolves. But as time passed the Major Blood wolves protected less and took more, leaving the Lesser Blood wolves starving. Rogue entered the scene at the end of the peace and soon after his arrival a civil war broke out.

The rest can be read here:
He looked his brother in the eye, his own pain clouding with his pain and failures. "It was not long after I arrived my meet someone I felt like I needed to protect, she was a little thing, a young pup, and she was little more then skin and bones, she was like a sister to me, and I wanted to save her from the poor life she was living. It was some weeks after I arrived that things escalated, I had heard talk to of a revolution, the lesser blood wolves where banding together to take down the ruling pack, the Major blood wolves. The pack I lived was neutral, taking neither side and it seemed to work for them until one day the Major wolves payed a visit to the packs elders and demanded obedience, but they had no time to give the rulers an answer for the rebellion ambushed the major wolves and started a bloody battle. The pack I was looking after was stuck in the middle of it, getting attacked by both sides. I protected as many as I could but one by one many of the wolves that I cared about fell, near the end of the battle one of the leaders of the Major Blood wolves turned to a small figure that must have found her way out of the corner I was protecting, it was 'little sister'. I rushed forward without another thought and placed myself in front of her as the large wolf lashed out at her."

Thaddeus rogue sank to his belly a haunted look in his eyes. "I do not remember much after that, I was out of for a week and when I woke up I was told I had to leave. I was weak, and my neck still hurt from where it was ripped apart, but they told me I had to leave, for my life was still in danger, the Major Blood wolves had it out for my blood for some reason or another. They called me Thaddeus Rogue as they said goodbye, and it sounded like a title of honer."

Rogue looked at his brothers face. "It was a month after I left that I learned that the pack I lived with died soon after my leaving, killed by the Major Blood wolves. In my sadness I traveled again, and then found my way to the land that housed the remnants of Glaciem, and it was there Raven found me. He asked me to step in his place and look after his family, he left before I answered him." Thaddeus laughed a sad sound. "Her intrusted ME with the wolves he cared for most, I who failed everyone I loved most when it mattered most, and he still set me up for more failure. But you know the rest, Crusade found herself to the pack and I gave her the lead and then found myself on the move again, there is nothing more to say, I never stayed in one place long, and kept moving, I was only passing though when I thought I should stop by before crusade found me again and yelled at me for not visiting her." Thaddeus Rogue looked away from his brother, "I failed everyone I ever loved, I do not know if I could stand failing anyone else. I know you want me to stay, Crusade did too. But I do not know if my soul can handle anymore death of the ones I care for most, it was your first, and then 'little sister' and her pack, I should have been there for all of them and for you, to protect you. I should have been able to smell you, find you, but I could not, I was useless, the snow had washed away your scent." Rogue's words where full of pain, full of anger at himself and the world, he felt that it was all his fault that 'little sister' and his brother had both lost there childhood.

The last thing to keep in mine is that the Blood Wolves believed that names had meaning, they named them self after a trait or deed, and changed it when the name was no longer relevant or another one described them more. Ex: Rogue joined the Lesser Blood Wolves as just Rogue, or Vagabond/Wanderer, and left Thaddeus Rogue, Courageous Wanderer. So keep that in mind when you name her =) Oh and her Grandfather was a healer and the leader of the Lesser Blood wolf back that he joined.