
Starting a New Life


05-07-2013, 07:06 PM

It had all been so exhilarating; the battleground, the alphas, the decision. Finn could barely contain his excitement from bursting forth. He felt like a swirling tornado of joy was just building up inside him, adding pressure with every second that passed. He smiled, a big, awkward smile, and sped up his pace to better match his stride with Jupiter. She was absolutely brilliant with almost a halo-like marking outlining her eyes. To the little grey wolf she had become some type of savior. She had offered him up a second chance and Finn would make sure that she would not regret it.

?So....? He began, breaking the silence ?Thanks for inviting me to become a part of your pack.? He bobbed his head as he spoke. ?I hope you don?t mind me believing that a pack is more like a family. I never had much of a family, so my pack mates have always been like siblings.? He paused then bit his lip. ?Well until they eventually turned on me. My size has never been much of a good thing to most, but I believe that it is an advantage.? Finn?s gaze fell to his paws ?I?m faster than most.? He then went silent and hoped that Jupiter wouldn?t begin to regret her decision.

Finn could tell when they eventually passed into the Ludicael territory. Not only had the scent changed but the mangrove trees that had been so richly described in Jupiter?s words came into sight. They were unbelievable and Finn found himself stopping in his tracks and simply staring in awe.

Jupiter I


7 Years
05-08-2013, 07:36 PM

as she walked with the young lad, jupiter found her guard dropping rapidly against all better judgement. in all honesty, it was nearly impossible for the fire-pelted fae to remain even remotely guarded with the boy bounding beside her, a bounce in his step and a smile spread across his face, lips opening only to shower her with gratefulness. it was all terribly contagious--infectious like a disease, almost. as he told his tale, she couldn't help but shake her head.

"ludicael is small--a recently-built pack. we're still getting on our paws, but we're as close as anyone else, and should anyone betray you or turn against you--ludicaen or not--i will personally deal with the matter myself." a pause was inserted, allowing such a vow to sink in, before she continued on. "it certainly is an advantage, i agree." she glanced down at her own features, and then chuckled. "in all honesty, i'm not a very fast sprinter, and my fur is a pain to hide, so you can only imagine how much of a pain hunting can be. though my strength and size is helpful in close combat with other wolves, it's not as practical in reality."

despite her earlier tendency to lower her defenses around the other male, she had still been tense for other reasons--specifically the lingering effect that kaios' unnerving presence had on her--but this terseness was vanquished as she crossed into her home territory. her stride became liquid, rolling, and further relaxed. though she knew it wasn't a safe haven, it was quite comforting to be in a familiar place not filled with blood and death once more. this was aided further as they entered the mangroves and finn stopped and stared. "if you think this is impressive, i'll have to take you for a walk along the river at some point this evening after the sun sets." she glanced about, and then deemed their current location as a suitable place for discussion. the sol settled down upon her haunches, ears forward attentively.

"for now, though, let's discuss your rank, love." she hesitated briefly. "i mostly just request that you belong to a specialty for now--healing, hunting, or fighting. of course, you can do what you like outside of your rank, and as to be expected, should you earn it, i will never begrudge you a promotion."


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.