
Warning- High Toxic Waste Levels


05-06-2013, 06:54 PM


Blanks. All he could draw was blanks as he tried to process the upcoming events. It seemed everything was drawing to an end. He had made his mark across this land, breaking the world beneath his paws with every step. He had destroyed lives, taken them, even created them for his own benefits. All good things must come to an end; but was it truly his end? Or a new chapter to add to his book? He wasn't sure. He had gone around escaping the jaws of other wolves for so long he hadn't had a good bloody fight in a while. Well, besides his and Jupiter's, but that hadn't lasted long. He sighed heavily, maw lifting to the night sky as he sang for his wife. She needed to know of the hell that was about to brake loose in this world. His head dipped back down once his song had finished, amethyst eyes searching for something, anything. What would she say when he told her not one, two, three, but four wolves, two of them alphas, were out for his head? What would she do when she discovered her masters plotting of his death? Kylar's? Members in Glaciem? Even the gal Jupiter? Death matches weren't something to look past. Could he leave his wife and new born children the second he had changed into a new man? He wasn't afraid of death, but what came with it. The shattered lives he would leave behind, the glorious seeds he had littered all across Alacritis who unknowingly would carry his legend; risen from the ashes, breaking the world beneath his paws, becoming the lord of a glorious army. He waited for her, his mind wandering to new heights. What in the fuck was he going to do.


05-10-2013, 06:21 AM
Times where shifting. Moments were changing and transforming and yet the darkness that always came when the light was the brightest loomed in the distance. They had everything. It was a time to be happy and embrace their new family. A time to show face around the pack and to grow with them and still she heard his call. It was foreboding and distraught and she was unsure what it meant. What was cutting into her happiness? For once in her life she didn?t feel the need for pain to prove she was worth something. It was a habit that has hard to kick. An addiction that truly made her feel powerful even if she was the one receiving the pain. Yet she had found something more.

The pups were safe and sound in the den. Curled up around one another. She had duties to fulfill. Wolves to meet with and though she yearned to stay home with her family she couldn?t put her role as alpha behind her. She was alpha first and everything else second. It was so odd to her that she had come so far. Her ears fell back as she walked to where her mate was waiting. She could feel the heaviness in her heart growing for fear of what he would say. What was grieving him?

He stood silently waiting, unaware of her presence, and she watched him for a moment. She allowed her violet eyes to rove hungrily over his frame. She wanted him and the love that was building for him was growing stronger every day. She would destroy the world to keep him and their family safe. She would be retire her title as Queen slayer and change it to world breaker if it meant she would keep what she was building. She moved with as much silence as she could muster and slid beside him. Her velvet fur pushed against his ebony and she pushed her head into his shoulder. Her nose pushed into his cheek and she allowed an affectionate lick to fall across his muzzle. She didn?t care if anyone saw the display; she wanted him to know he was loved. At least in the best way she was capable of.

?What is eating at your soul?? she questioned, she had always been in tuned to the emotions of others. It was an odd gift and one she rarely displayed. It wasn?t that she could read minds or tell the future. No, she was simply well adapted to reading body language. His was screaming discomfort and turmoil and she wanted to ease the pain for him. She allowed a nip to graze his shoulder. She knew he would retaliate, he always did, and she welcomed the distraction from his current mood.


05-11-2013, 11:57 AM


Newt. She had come upon the scene, almost undetected, or at least, she had thought so. A 43 inch wolf wasn't the easiest thing to hide, so he knew she was coming, but gave her the benefit of the doubt. Flesh burned as they came into contact. It seemed as if the feelings he felt for her rushed into him all at once. How could she do this to him? No woman had ever possessed the power to make him feel this way. Her nose pushed into his cheek, and when she planted a lick upon muzzle, he turned and offered one as well. Salmon colored toungue swept across the bridge of her muzzle, trailing off toward the tip of her nose. Why did she treat him so? He was a monster, a rapist, the devil himself banished to walk the earth for all eternity. What exactly did she see in him? ?What is eating at your soul?? If only she knew.

"Newt.." Her name dripped off his toungue with a sting of venom, but ended with a touch of sweet honey. How would she take all the news he was about to feed her? Take it, ingest it, or spit it up, banishing him and all his worries from Amenti? He would fight for her, he swore to himself he would. He recalled when she had told him he was free to do as he wished, including have other mistresses. He never thought he would resent that, and actually want her, and only her. He sighed heavily. Should he begin with that, show her his loyalty before he explained the hell about to be released? Sounded like a good plan. He wrapped his neck around her own, enveloping her in the best hug he could offer. He sighed heavily, his head rubbing against hers, giving her a few licks upon her ear as he did so. "Newt. I.. I need to confess." He paused for a moment, preparing himself for the rambling he was about to do, then went on. "When I first claimed you, you told me I had freedom. I could do as I wished, have other mistresses, and my only duty was to simply stand at your side and support your decision for the pack. I did not resent this, because, what can I say? I'm a rapist, a psychotic mixture of hatred, lust, pure agony. Some say i'm the devil in disguise, banished to walk this earth for all eternity, and I believe it. I kill for pleasure, eat the young of those who cherish them, rape almost every bitch I come across, spreading my seed all across this earth. I have no soul, no heart, no remorse, no conscious. I've been sent here to break the world beneath my paws, wrecking every life I come across, sending those to hell who rightly deserve better. What can I say? I'm fucked up in the head baby; but you. You're... changing me." He paused again, letting everything sink in. What would she think? Did she already know all this? Probably not, she knew nothing of his past. He continued. "I never thought I was capable of staying loyal to one woman, but Newt, you are, and forever will be, my one and only. I've even taken my loyalty to the test. I've come across many females, all very tempting, but I never broke. Every time my eyes caressed their bodies yours came into my thoughts, reminding me of the glorious prize I had won that day in the battlefield. If you would have fought me, I promise you, I would have done everything in my power to win you over. Something about you... just... makes sense. I just want you to know I am forever yours Newt, and my life will forever revolve around you, our children, and this pack. This is our family, and I will protect it until hell drags me back under, and even then i'll haunt the earth for you." There, he had said it. What would she say to all this? He wasn't sure, but he hoped she felt the same, and believed him. He was a compulsive lair at heart, but for once he didn't feel the need to lie or deceive her.


05-17-2013, 02:35 PM
Chaos, how appropriate that he would have such a similar name? To think his mother had known the product that her child would become was almost amusing. Did she know what he would become? This monster he thought of himself? How many dark souls turned gray when love touched them, truly touched them? She listened with and open heart and open mind to his confession, to his slew of insults at his characteristics. How many males raped when the season took hold of them? Too many to count and how many times had she allowed herself to be taken with the idea of violence and demand? He was a child of Cerberus, as was she, only in a different manner. She was insane and lost to the touch of trauma. Though her mind had been balanced out threw her pack and her pups she still was always on the edge of falling back into her pit of despair and unknown. She was always lost in the in-betweens of yesterdays and tomorrows and forever and never. It was always a battle she fought and some days she lost.

?Why is it that when the worst of us is set free we feel as if we have no hold on our hearts? That someone has dug a hole so deep into her chests that we bleed ashes instead of blood.? She said, the oddity of her speaking habits seemed to resurfaces as her poetic nature took hold. ?yet if I cut you, I see red, not gray or white, just red.? She said with a smile. Her tail flicked behind her as she heard him speak of her changing him. Fixing the darkness, at least a little bit, but he was who he was and she would never change his core. ?What ever your sins may be before you chose to claim your life into this pack, into my heart, and into our family, means nothing to me. Whatever repercussions we may face I will burn them all to the ground before they could hurt you. I am aware you have done some things. Tortuga is unsatisfied with your ruling beside me but they will not break our alliance. Syn is to go to them when she is 8 weeks of age. So that she may watch them and ensure that they are staying faithful to my demands.? She said simply, that had been a choice she had made without him. She was hopeful he would understand. They needed eyes in Tortuga and what better eyes then their daughters?

?I am sure we will face more skeletons from your pits and I will face them with fangs and death if I must. You are mind and I am yours. No one will take that from us.? She said simply, she would protect him as he wished to protect her. She was his mate and she cared for him more then she was ever aware of. ?You are the first to show me, that I can indeed know love, know it and feel it, and I know it is true. I know that I love you kaios and I will destroy everything to keep that love.? Her voice was husky with hunger as she spoke the words. She was free of the pups inside her. They were growing quickly and she wanted her mate. She wanted to be loved the only way they knew how and to show his scars for the world to see. ?Now come fuck Me.? she said with a growl. Her tail pulled to the side and smacked him in the nose. ?I want no mercy.? She teased, as she allowed her fangs to nip at his neck. Just enough to send him into a black lash, she loved it when he bit back harder.


05-22-2013, 09:39 PM


He stood there, waiting for some sort of reply, and he got one. Her poetic nature was taking over again. He remembered when they had first met she spoke this way, and it was rather confusing, but he liked it. A smile crept upon his features when she spoke of holes, ashes, and blood. It made some sense in his mind, but he wasn't entirely sure what she meant. "Blood is my specialty." He flashed her a warmer smile, saliva dripping from exposed fangs. She went on. Damn, she was loyal to him, she must really care if she's willing to destroy everything for him. Together, they made a marvelous combination. Who would have thought his queen enjoyed breaking the world beneath her paws like he does? "Sending her is a marvelous idea. Eyes within their pack will give us a great advantage." He paused for a moment, listening to her next set of words. He was very pleased. "And I will defend you if anything sought you out. Not even death will stop me from protecting you. I'll walk these lands until the end of time as long as you, and the pups, are taken care of." His voice held a serious tone, amethyst eyes gazing into her own. He needed her to know he meant this, and he always would. He would carry this promise to his grave, and even after that.

She said it. The L word. Love. She loved him. His mind drifted for a moment as it processed what she had just said. She loved him... but did he love her back? He was a monster who contained no soul, no heart, no conscious. How could he be capable of such a thing? He couldn't, he wasn't. If it wasn't love, then what was the feeling he felt toward her? It could be, it had to be... love. But he wouldn't admit it. No, that he for sure wasn't capable of. Instead he chose not to respond to what she had said. He merely listened for more.. and he got more. Fucking. Good lord had he been craving this. If his days of fucking countless dames were over Newt would need to make up for the lost time. She didn't care though, which was a good thing. He would get it either way, and if by force, he would do it. "As you wish." He replied, a hearty growl building up in his chest. Her tail smacked his nose, and he snapped toward it, and when her teeth grazed his neck his own went after her scruff. She wanted it rough? He would give it to her. His body twisted and weaved as he slithered toward her rump, nose running along her side, nips given here and there. They weren't hard enough for any serious damage, but certainly good enough to draw blood. Once he reached her precious jewel he wasted no time. He forced himself upon her, teeth lashing toward her scruff as he aimed to grab it within his jaws. With a forceful push he shoved everything he had into her, and began

-Fade to black-

*I did a little PP, if you want it changed I can do that :P*