
Oh little rain cloud...


04-23-2013, 08:58 PM

Temporary, everything was temporary... Emotions, life, time, love, hate. You list it, it's there. His head in his massive paws felt heavier than usual, with all of the dramatic events that had happened recently. And no matter where he went, he couldn't get away from his demons. Even hundreds of miles away, over mountains and across the great sea from where he was birthed. His golden eyes peered down into the crystal water and he sighed, the air from the exhale rippling the water as the rush finally reached it. He inhaled and shut his eyes. Things were going to great the first pack meeting since he had decided to return to Valhalla. He found love, had puppies due in mere days, but things were just off. He wasn't even sure he wanted to be alive right now. Erani, his one and only love was so down, he couldn't even bare to be around her for the last few days. the grief in her eyes, her lying smile... He was so ashamed of himself, no matter what he did it seemed, he couldn't lift her spirits. So he was giving up for the night. Tomorrow, another day closer to his effort a few short months ago, would be thrown into the world, a cruel terrible world with a monster for a father. His mind stabbed at him again, again, and again. He forced himself to take a nap, a very short one, so he could return home not too late to his love. He wondered what she thought about his late returns home. He knew she thought him faithful, since he smelled of no others. Just wondered. But what did it matter? His train of thought ceased as the sweet caress of darkness and sleep dominated his scattered mind. He regretted it immediately, his heart did at least, for in his mind, his sins waged war against his conscience. The war machines of guilt, self loathing, and sorrow, wracking his fragile peace that Erani and his new life had come to, falling boulders of agony, wreaked havoc upon his hopelessly fitful sleep.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-23-2013, 09:12 PM (This post was last modified: 04-23-2013, 09:12 PM by Erani.)

Days. That was all that separated her from birthing and now. The thought of pups made some of the depression lift. But it was tugged back as she looked at the empty den. Nova had been distant lately. Ever since that disastrous Pack meeting. She rose, feeling an overwhelming need to be with the gigantic black male that had given her more than she had ever thought possible. Pawsteps made heavy with unborn, days from due pups preceded her as she made her way out of the den, down the dark, shadowy ravine, and out onto the now well worn path.

She picked her way along it under fleeting glimpses of the half moon?s light, eyes easily seeking the next step in the uncertain light. She paused as she reached a point where his scent branched off in different directions, seeking out the freshest. Finally, she chose one that seemed most reliable, and started tracking. Through forest, plains and meadows she followed the scent of her One. Her mate.

Finally, she came upon him, thrashing and twitching and whining. A nightmare. He?d only had one or two in the time she?d been with him. So she did what she always had. She snuggled into him, nuzzling into his ear and crooning sweet nothings, bathing his fur in soft, warm kisses. ?I?m here.? She wished she could find the creatures he cursed at in his sleep at these times. Find them and tear them apart, limb by limb.


04-23-2013, 09:26 PM

He woke, roaring and snapping, but was soon thrown out of his fit as he fell face first into the deep blue pool, his mood sobered he realized what had made him wake. He pulled himself out of the water, thankful he did not taste bloo. God forbid he bite Erani. The day he can't control himself and he harms her, he would leave, for a long time. He came out, drenched and looked into her eyes. Something different in them this time. It made his heart thump. "Erani..." He said, his tired voice rumbling, still awkward with speech. "I was coming home." He half truthfully announced he was coming home, just not then. "Why are you here, Love?" He came to face her dripping, he gave a small shake, at least to make his fur stop clinging to his body. His eyes bore into hers and he let his face remain adamant, steeling the pain away.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-23-2013, 10:02 PM

Her beloved came awake bellowing his battle roar, snapping at foes unseen. She didn?t flinch away. She didn?t need to. He reacted so forcefully he propelled himself into the pool of water he?d been resting by. For the first time in a while, she laughed, the sound bubbling from her throat and muzzle, husky from lack of use, rich with the love it held. He righted himself, immediately looking horrified at himself. She knew what he was thinking. Could see the involuntary movement of his tongue in his thoroughly soaked throat fur as he tasted for blood. ?I am fine, mo gr?. Your foes are of the past, and Luna help them if they come for you. Pregnant or not, I will tear them apart for you.? Her deep blue eyes were serious. Dead serious, filled with love.

He came to her, fur pouring and dripping with water, eyes searching hers. He looked so amusing, fur sticking out here and there, the rest clinking to his muscular form like Obsidian?s sleek hide clung to her body, every ripple and movement enhanced by the ease of which one could see his body. He was in no way diminished in size to her. He was beautiful, a gift from Luna?s own paws, surely. He took her breath away, and made her tingle just by watching him. His voice, as he spoke her name, made ripples of joy roll through her like the crashing waves of the sea on sand.

Her eyes filled with the wonder of love that he brought to her just by existing. And she went into him as he rumbled again, voicing a question. Her face nestled into his wet chest and shoulder, and she wrapped herself around him with a soft loving whine. ?I needed to be with you. We are mere days away from our den?s number reaching more than us two. And I want to be with you every step of the way, mo gr?. Mo laoch..? The Old tongue rolled off her tongue in husky gaelic lilts. Her Love. Her Warrior. Her tongue slid out and caressed his shoulder. Even though he was wet to the skin, he radiated heat, he radiated love. Her rock.


05-05-2013, 12:53 AM

He sighed a low rush of breath from his nose as he stood befor her, she was laughing. Good grief was it a blessing to hear her laugh again. He gave her a nuzzle and nodded as she spoke. Her words sounded distant, he was not hearing, but sensing they were comforting. He nodded and controleld his breathing. He shivered a short moment before his head cleared to a sense of comprehensiblity as she spoke again, this time he listened. He smiled and hisheart swelled as she sang to him with that wonderful voice. "Mo gr?." He replied, his voice still tired and lower than usual. "Have yet to take a step without you." A smile tweaking his face from his dauntless scowl into a lighter expression. "Lets go home... I am ready for actual sleep, with you." He gave a sideways glance as he walked by her. His mood definitely feeling lightened by her, and by the sudden swim.
-exit Nova-