
Sirens Song


04-21-2013, 07:35 PM
"We fear violence less than our own feelings. Personal, private, solitary pain is more terrifying than what anyone else can inflict." -Jim Morrison

She wasn?t up to anything good when she was off alone, always searching for someone to manipulate and some drama to start. It?s what she did, it was her way, that sort of thing. The obsidian sire slunk through the dingy forest, her raven like pelt blending in with the inky shadows cast along with the sunset. Her footsteps were even and quiet barely making any noise on the floor that had been so carelessly disregarded by the summer sun. The brush here was thick and difficult to maneuver through if one was to be stopped by something as trivial as brush, and the tree-trops were violently entangled in one another as if they had been interrupted in the middle of a violent affair.

Violence, how the dark temptress loved that word, she didn?t prefer to be in the middle of it, No, she preferred to be the master over the puppets that she commanded. The siren was beautiful, a fact that enjoyed to flaunt for the purpose of manipulation. Tonight she was looking for fresh blood, someone new to lure into her clutches of trouble and she wondered who that poor unfortunate soul would be. Her fluid movement stopped in the shadows at the edge of a clearing, where she tipped her muzzle into the darkening sky and let out a song calling anyone who was near.

Her notes flowed from her maw, in a low musical way and as her song trailed off, she closed her mouth surveying the dark clearing with her oddly colored eyes. From here she would be able to watch unnoticed to see if anyone would answer her call.

"There is no passion so contagious as that of fear." -Michel de Montainge


04-22-2013, 06:20 AM (This post was last modified: 04-22-2013, 06:21 AM by Vladimir.)
The young brute had made his way to some dark forest where scary stories, full of nightmares and monsters were said to come alive.

"Hmph....not the place I really want to end my day at." the wolf said as he continued to walk

His blue eyes scanned the gnarled foliage as he easily made his way through the thickets.

Vladimir had made his way past a thorn bush but a thorn had gotten stuck on his side.

"blestem asta!"(curse this!) he said as he untangled the thorn from his fur and spat it out on the ground.

Where was he anyway and why was he here; perhaps this time the wolf had wandered a bit too far. But then again wander from where? Last he had seen his sisters or parents had been a while ago. Vlad was sure his sister missed his teasing and tricks but it was good to give her a break he guessed. A small smile was portrayed on the face as he continued to walk through the thicket. Was he not free? was he not Vladimir Bellator? Sure the boy was a bit cocky but he knew he was growing out of it.

When would he have to step up and be a man...or was it his choice? No matter, this would be a night full of horrors and trickery. Tonight would be a walk in the forest that souls were said to wander.

? Este el ?ndrăzneț??(Is he daring?)

?E curajos??(Is he courageous?)

?Nu sunt eu puternic?!?!?(Am I not strong!?!?) he said as he jumped up on top of a rotting fallen log.

?Acum, haideți să nu te obraznic prietenul meu.?(Now lets not get cocky my friend.) he said to himself with a small devious smile

Dark gray ears perked up as a howl was heard nearby. Ah, someone to have a little chat with. A soir?e would not be frowned upon by him, it would be welcomed!

With a flick of Vlad?s tail he followed the call and only slowed down when he arrived at the scene.
Blue eyes narrowed as he did not see anyone but could smell them

?Hello?? he called out in a rather straightforward tone.

?Well come on, I haven?t got all evening to wait for someone to pop out of the bushes!? he added in a sour tone.

Vladimir continued to look around but move did he not. If someone was here he would let them come to him!


04-23-2013, 10:11 AM

Colors of blazing amber lay outside the sky of the empty forest. Even though the trees covered up any light that came through the forest, it was getting darker by the minute. As the rest of the trees were swallowed by darkness, a little mud colored girl laid curled up by a tree. It was a strange place to be sleeping, it was so dangerous out here, but there she was as the delicate beauty lay.

Her sleep was interrupted by the cry of a stranger, and her head picked itself off the ground with a yawn escaping her maw. Her blue eyes scanned the pitch black of her surroundings. Eventually she stood up and wondered to the point of noise and let out a small bark to warn the stranger that she was there.

Walk "Talk" Think


04-25-2013, 12:05 AM
"The only true wisdom is knowing that you know nothing."-Socrates

From her hiding place, the dame had watched the other wolves enter the clearing. Interesting, a male and a female, this could make a manipulative game far more amusing. A small chuckle escaped from her, as she watched them for a few moments before stepping delicately out of the brush to make her appearance. The sultry dame was beautiful, with a thick black coat and two oddly colored eyes. They were a bright blue with a sliver of a darkish green on the side, and they had a captivating beauty to them.

She entered the clearing with her head raised high, and scanned the two wolves before her. This looked to promising to pass up, and she wondered exactly what she was going to do. Hell, she preferred to plan these things on the fly. She came to a stop at a decent distance from the other two wolves, and stared at them with a thoughtful expression on her face.

Finally she readied herself to speak, her voice echoing across the clearing, dancing in and among the eerie shadows. ?Greetings, what brings two wandering souls like yourselves to such a delightfully dark place such as this?? She asked, as her eyes flicked between the two wolves before her. What kind of story did they have? More-so what story would they have to tell when she was finished with them?


04-25-2013, 05:27 PM
Blue eyes focused on a black dame as she made herself visible for all to see. Blue eyes narrowed as she was way too pretty to be wandering about these woods. Another dame appeared and she was beautiful as well; seems as if Vlad had some good company but what was on the inside. The black femme then asked them of what had brought them to this place.

"Well for starters I walked here with these things called paws." he replied as he picked up paw and dangled it in the air for a bit before setting it down.

" But for the real reason I came to explore the dark side for a bit. But why must one ask before one explains their own reason? Speak your name and reason as well if you wish, but my name is Vladimir Bellator." he finished.

The brute of grays, black, and white then turned to the other dame and wondered what kind of answer she would give. A small smirk appeared on the young brute's face as he knew he was getting cocky but that was alright with him. Sure Vlad knew he could be an ass but it would only be a while until he would grow out of this. Why not enjoy it while he could?

A flicker of a tail signaled the wolf's impatience at the moment; when were they going to hurry this up so he could continue his exploration.


04-25-2013, 06:41 PM

The black girl pretty much came from the bushes, Phoenix was way to clean too be crawling around in those nasty things. Well, in reality her voice was the only thing seen. So coming out of the bushes, not so much.

The grey boy started to talk back to her, definitely Nix's kind of man. The two almost had that same kind of sass in their attitudes. But was there really someone for the sick girl?

Vladimir, he stated as his name. Phoenix almost let the black girl speak before her, but that was not the way it flew around her head. She rolled her eyes a bit and started to jump into the question before the other could.

"Honey please, is there an importance to knowing my name?" Her question didn't even linger 4 seconds before she bursted out again. "Of course there is, my name is Phoenix."

Her head almost swayed trying to show how amazingly beautiful she was. She paid no mind to this other female, but this time there was definitely room to speak.

"A dark creature naps in dark places, I was interrupted by a howl in the wind."



04-29-2013, 02:53 PM

Her mind wandered as each of the other wolves spoke in turn, she paid little attention to the other female, and less to the male. She didn?t really care about their personal reasons for being here, to be honest, she didn?t care for engaging them in conversation period, but she had called for them. She had few reasons behind the call, mostly to see what was going on in the forest, and to see who was who.

Allies, were what she needed in this land, but not just any ally would do. She needed allies that would be in Tortuga, the pack that she had her eyes on. She needed allies in power, allies that would help her get what she wanted. Vladimir and Phoenix didn?t appear to be those kind of wolves, but they would do well for a night?s amusement.

She lifted her tail, as she spoke again. ?My reasons for my location are but my own?? Her voice was cool and indifferent, ?Are you two of packs?? She asked this question carefully, her eyes analyzing each wolf in turn.


04-29-2013, 07:39 PM
The young brute was beginning to get a bit agitated. Jeez this dame asked all these questions and she didn't even answer them herself! let alone her own name! A small huff was given as the male rolled his blue eyes.

"Ah, you're asking us all er(of) deez(these) questions; and ya don't even give your answer or name! Like jeez! And uh duh do I smell like pack member piss to you right now? No, I smell like moss, same scent I always had. Why are you so nosy?" he finished with a small grumble of irritation.

Why was Vladimir even still here? Why hadn't he left already and be done with it? His gaze then settled on Phoenix beside him.

"Dontcha(Don't ya) think it would be better if we even knew her name? Look it's not dat(that) hard! Hi, my name is Vladimir....her name is Phoenix, and yours is?" he said wit a finishing sarcastic smile.

The wolf was really in a mood now to be rejected again; he wanted answers! Just like mother said, "Don't talk to strangers!", but of course it was too late now. Besides Vladimir still had some sense in him!

With his head cocked a bit to the side Vlad looked at the ebony dame before them. He was waiting for an answer or some sort of reply.


05-15-2013, 07:09 AM

The female didn't really have a lot to say about herself, not even a name. But Phoenix could care less about her, there was no need to know anything about the girl. But the male seemed to have an interest in making friends with the girl and Phoenix rolled her eyes to the remark. "I suppose we could know her name. It would be the polite thing to do." Phoenix gave a smile to vlad, then looking at the girl with a bitchy attitude obviously showing she didn't care much for her. But she would hold it off at the moment for the boy.



05-19-2013, 07:19 AM

Juno?s head tilted at the males words, and she eyed carefully. He was an interesting subject, intent on knowing who she was, like it really mattered. The other female wasn?t impressing Juno, and her bitchy attitude was doing little more than grating her nerves. This wolf obviously, knew nothing of respect. Even, the bitch that Juno was, she knew how to be slightly respectful, as she also knew that respect would get one further than being an ass.

?I do not know why my name is of importance, but, since you two have been so forthcoming with your information, I of course, will also, oblige.? She would pause for a moment for a breath. ?I am Juno.?

Turning her head to gaze off into the forest, the wolf would listen, her ears alert. Turning her head back to the group she spoke again, this time with an edge to her voice. ?These woods aren?t exactly known for their safety. I?m surprised such seemingly chaste wolves such as yourselves would find themselves here in the darkness.?


05-19-2013, 09:30 AM
Dark gray ears perked up as the dame Phoenix had agreed with him. Then the other dame before them said her name was Juno. Hm, an interesting name he supposed. Deep sky blue eyes rose up to her before he spoke.

"Thank you, see that wasn't that hard." he said with a smalls sigh of relief.

Next Juno said that this isn't known for it's safety and asked them why they are here. Jeez this Juno was really nosy; who gave her the right to delve deeper into his life. Or maybe Vlad was overreacting....perhaps just a bit. With a huff the young brute replied.

"Well I'm a smart ass as you probably see, yeah duh, whatever. But of course some people take offense to the things I say...whoopdedoo you probably know that too. So anyways...I don't stick around in one place for too long. Not until some wolves actually like me for who I am and accept me for that. Oh, you thought I didn't have a goal such as that did you. Just a young brute with a smart ass mouth. Well ya know what; I do have a smart ass mouth and a goal such as that so thank you very much!" he stated.

"But back to your main question out of the other one hundred you've asked this lovely dame and I. Like I said I was strolling around and came upon this lovely place. Quite cozy eh? Comes with everything if I must say." he said as he winked at Phoenix before turning his gaze back to Juno.

Vladimir was done for now so he waited for another to speak. The male wasn't going to waste his breath anymore on obvious questions. So Vlad sat on his haunches with a harmless handsome smile on his handsome face.


05-20-2013, 08:09 PM

Phoenix let off a small smile toward the male, his actions were very humorous. As phoenix refused to pay attention to Juno as she had said, Juno had noticed her behavior and seemed to reflect her. But Phoenix would rather this girl be the enemy than a friend. She always found males more attractive as friends and of course any more.

"Chaste would be a word not for me dearie. Something I will refuse to speak to you about. Of course there is always another day."

And Phoenix actually made eye contact with the girl letting their blue orbs connect. But ever bit of the bitch let out of those eyes and she let Juno know who she was inside. Cold hearted selfishness. It was all wrong but nothing could stop Phoenix from her rude and disrespectful actions.

"I can sure take care of myself so I decided to take a nap in these woods. Something were to come after me and I could be sure they were dead."