
when the world splits open


04-26-2013, 06:27 AM

The world was silent. Night had closed its hands around the sun and snuffed out her life. The sentries of the night stood watch as the behemoth made her way back to her home. She had been tired recently. The weight of the world seemed to be in her stomach and now she started to feel sharp cracks in her ribs. Something had told her to go home. To find safety. She was unaware that it would soon be time for the world to see her children. Pain wracked at her sides but she enjoyed the feel so she paid it no mind.

Everything was gray, with hints of red, as her body moved on autopilot. She was to high from the pain to truly understand what was happening. Her home came into focus and she moved lazily towards it. one wave of heavy pain and she stopped in her tracks. Her violet eyes winded as she winced. No matter how much she endured it was never enough for her craving. She waited for the wave to pass and continued to her den. Something told her to call. She would need champion. She lifted her head and howled.

As her song finished she moved towards the mouth of her den. She pulled low to the ground as she all but crawled into it. Once inside she allowed herself to fall to the earth and relax. Her breathing was heavy and another wave hit her. She moaned in response and curled into herself. If this was what childbirth was like then perhaps she would find herself with pups every heat season. It was magnificent. Every time she thought it wouldn?t get any more intense the pain seemed to slap her in the face and prove her wrong.

She wondered where Kaios was. They had seemed to be bonding ever so much. She knew he had some trouble that would come to the pack. Chaos was what she was good at and it was ironic that she found someone to care for her that was in a sense identical to her. Though, he wasn?t as crazy as she was. She wondered if her mind would recede back to normal once all the hormones left her body. She couldn?t wait to enjoy a good spar. She would ask champion to spar with her when she was healed from giving birth to the pups. It would feel good to have the weight of the world off her stomach and be able to glide into battle once more. Being pregnant had been frustrating and her violent ways had been put on hold. She wondered if that would be the case with her children. If they would inherit her desires but she was certain they wouldn?t. What ever it was that had broken her wouldn?t affect her pups. They hadn?t been there that day. The day it all changed.



04-26-2013, 08:15 PM
Zara would move easily, a slow gild back towards pack lands after her spar with that male and the meeting with the female afterwards on her way home. The female had thankfully slowed the bleeding and helped by applying a past to her face and the back of her neck but healing would take time. She was bruised and tired but she didn't rest on her way home. Newt would be due soon and though Zara had been avoiding her of late she wouldn't dare miss the birth of her replacements. Seeing Newts reaction to the birth of her children would be the deciding factor in whether Zara attempted to kill them or kill the bastard who had started this awful chain of events. Zara was probably just as confused as Newt in the whole matter, unsure if she should allow Newt her happiness and depart Lentajin all together or stay and kill Kaios. Though if she waited long enough someone from Tortuga might come and do it for her, she had heard whispers of what he had done before her left so she wouldn't be surprised. So could hope for that, she didn't want to be labeled for the rest of her probably short life as a baby killer... No, she would let things sit until after the children were born, give Newt time to return to her normal self. Her logical, loyal self...

A howl went up, calling for Champion and the bitches lip curled. She had forgotten about that competition as well... But Champion wasn't trying to move in on her turf as much as Kaios was. She would remain polite to the warrior because she had proven herself to be loyal and dependable if nothing else. But still Zara followed the sound even though it had not been directed at her, rolling gait turning into a bone jarring trot. She had cleaned the blood from herself with the help of the female in the clearing who's name suddenly escaped her. She no longer looked nearly as bad as she felt. Her neck was stiff and sore, she felt that the slightest movement might jar the paste and cause the wounds to begin bleeding again. Whole right side would probably refuse to move for the next few days as well.

Newts den wasn't terribly hard to find, the upside to a smaller pack being that there wasn't a lot of scents to sift through the find the one you wanted. She followed Newts most recent path with most to the ground, every movement of her head done slowly and pausing if she felt any twinges. But it seemed that I was clotted enough or the paste was working well enough that it didn't reopen. Later it would no doubt, when she forgot and turned her head quickly. But for now it was fine. Bind eyes stared about eerily, as nose did all the work and frayed ears were pricked to listen for the sounds of her little play thing. She would probably be enjoying this knowing her... It was almost on that exact thought that a moan reached Zaras ears and head lifted slightly. A slow smile slid across her lips as pace returned to an easy walk. She would approach cautiously, head cocked slightly and b,ind eyes watching carefully. She could very well be volatile inherent current state so Zara was ready for anything.

She approached the den with head lowered as if attempting to peer in, eyes seeming to glow in the dim light. "Enjoying yourself dear?" she asked, honestly curious as she slowly lowered herself to the ground just outside Newts den, head lowering to her paws as she tried to find a comfortable spot to lay with her body aching so much. Her hips would flop to her left but the rest of her would remain centered. Newt wouldn't attack her now, not in the middle of labour so she would be alright for now. It felt like forever since they had spoken s Zara was unsure of where their relationship would lie, how much that bastard had corrupted her and turned her against Zara.


04-29-2013, 05:23 AM

The call had been to champion. She knew that the wolf had once been a medic. She hadn?t forced the girl to be what she was but what she wanted. Instead fate had driven her master to come to her call. Violet eyes seemed to shine with longing as she watched Zara walk into her den. Her protective nature hadn?t stirred towards her master and she felt content to allow her to witness the birthing of her pups. However, if darker intentions were at play and she were to harm any of them. Then their ties would be forever altered and she would cast her master away and release her of her ball and chain.

She had forgotten her master?s eyes. Her ears fell back with regret. If only she hadn?t been preoccupied with her battle with Sade. Then perhaps she could have saved her from eternal blindness. Yet, she had hope for her master. She could be the best of them all. Without relying on her eyes she could be a world-class assassin. She would build her back up as she had meant to and her children would love her. Her tail danced behind her as the pain arched her back and she allowed a gasp to pass her lips. She couldn?t help the movement of her tongue dancing across them with pleasure. Was it odd that eve this, the most painful experience of a females life, was blissful to her?

?Yes, the pain is, amazing.? She said with a pant. She was almost crushed. How could she repeat this feeling again? Would her previous ways of enjoying herself be tarnished? ?I am happy you came. I have missed you.? She whispered, her throat seemed to clamp up on her words. She wanted so badly to move to her but she was frozen where she stood. The contractions were growing and soon enough she would be birthing her children.?Will you lay with me?? she asked, she wanted desperately to feel her beside her. To nuzzle her face in her coat and to tell her she was sorry. Everything had been different. She was falling for kaios but had she always loved Zara too? Could one wolf love more then one? They would never share her. She would be in a power struggle and she knew it. Yet, she didn?t mind. As long as they were around she would love them both. She would protect them both.

A wave slammed into her and she felt nausea consume her. Her ears fell back as she groaned. Nausea was not sexy, pain was sexy, and she felt as if the world would fall straight out of her mouth. The first to be born was a little fluffy ball of crushed velvet. She had inherited her mothers skin discoloration just about everywhere. She reached to remove the sack that had encased her child. The pup was already wiggling inside it gasping for birth. She broke it with ease and began to eat it and clean her little one. She was a big pup. Almost as big as she had been as a newborn. Her eyes and ears were closed but she was searching fiercely for her mother?s milk. So she was a fighter was she? The thought made her smile as she turned to see if Zara was coming to lay beside her.


04-30-2013, 08:05 PM


It was time. The man was roaming his new home, Amenti, when her howl split the silence. But, it wasn't for him, it was for the beta, Champion. Did she not want him there during the birth of their children? No matter, he would attend anyways. He had never watched one of his bitches give birth to his children before, so this should be an interesting event. He made his way toward her, using the songs lyrics as a map. Of course she had gone to her den, well, their den now. At least he thought it was theirs. They had not shared a sleeping space since they had became mates, nor had they spent much time together. Just the few hours at the lake had been theirs, and during that short time so many feelings had developed. Did she feel the same way? She had kissed him back, played the lustful game they had created together. Yet she never took the time to seek him out and further develop those feelings. So, as of now he did not know

It didn't take long until he had come to the mouth of the den, and instantly her scent made his nose scrunch up. Zara. Why was she here? That old hell hound needed to get on with her life and stay away from his wife. She had no dick, she couldn't give Newt the pleasure and love that he could. Why was she so sprung on her anyways? And why did Newt crave her love as well. He took a tentative step inside the den, pools of amethyst sweeping over Zara, and settling on Newt. He cam just in time to hear Newt's request. Why. Why Zara. Why not him. "Is it time?" He simply asked, not moving an inch from where he stood. He wanted to badly to attack Zara, take the bit of eye sight she had left and stick it up her ass; but he didn't. Their battle would come soon enough, but right now, was Newts time. His question was answered when she gave birth to one child, the proceeded to eat the sack it was born in. Obviously it was time. "If she doesn't take your offer, I will." He figured this would make Zara pounce on the opportunity, which was fine, he expected it. Tail twitched displeasure behind the mammoth man as he waited for an answer.


05-01-2013, 11:14 AM
Head tipped casually, the fog that had settled over her mind the last few days seeming to lift at Newt's mere presence. Precious thing, it was odd to think of the broken, shattered monster of a woman that Zara had first met. The knight she had sent to slay her personal dragon had transformed into the queen Zara had first seen in her. She still remembered their meeting after the fight, the tender caress of Newt's tongue across her torn features. Funny how they always seemed to meet after Zara had been in a fight, torn and bloody most times. Thankfully she had been cleaned up and patched up after her battle. She simply smelled of herbs now, a strange pink paste smeared on the side of her face over the rip there, all over the back of her neck and along her lower waist just before her hip. But all of it was almost insubstantial in comparison to the bruising that would cover almost her entire right side. But that would come tomorrow, today she was here to witness what might have be her last sight, the birth of her pets children. Had it been any other male, had it even been a fling Zara would have accepted it, been so happy for Newt but no. She had chosen Kaios and had eventually allowed him to rule beside her. She was toying with the balance of the treaty with Tortuga taking in all these wolves from their pack. Especially taking in someone such as Kaios, she had hard some awful stories about him. But then again, he could have been the nicest guy around and she would have hated him. He was trying to take her woman after all...

She could hear the moans, hear the swoosh of air as tail flitted back and forth in ecstasy. Slow smile curled up the old scarred female's lips as as Newt confirmed her assumption. This pain would be like a drug to her, though Zara herself had never been a mother she had been present for many births. She had been around to help her mother with her last two births and she had been around for Chaya's last litter in Anoki though only one pup had survived despite their best attempts. She had been too old, her body already worn and unable to sustain the extra life properly. But Newts children would be strong and healthy, their mother would protect them with her life. It was in that moment that Zara knew it would have to be Kaios, she could never harm children, could never do that to newt especially. 'I am happy you came. I have missed you.' Words hit Zara like a ton of bricks and she looked away for a moment. She had been avoiding Newt, even thinking about leaving the pack all together. Maybe she still would after the pups were old enough but for now this was about Newt and Zara would remain silent. "I've missed you as well.." she purred lovingly, barely even waiting for the invitation before she was lifting herself and moving forward to lay with her. But that was when he showed up, carrying his usual cocky air.

She ignored him, ears pinning to her skull and head lowering defensively as she slid in behind Newt, pressing herself close to her in an almost protective manner. But Kaios was given no greeting, not even a glance. She was slightly off set from Newt so she would watch over the new mothers shoulder. She could feel the contractions of Newt's muscles and smiled, she knew all the herbs that would help ease the pain without hindering contractions, she knew the ones to help if there was any bleeding afterwards... But she didn't make her healing skills common knowledge, she wasn't a fan of it, only used it when needed. And she doubted Newt would need any of it. So she simply lay beside her friend, quiet and patient as the contractions rolled through her body. Finally a pup was pushed forth, a strangely colored pup but a pup none the less. Newt reached around and broke the sac encasing it, allowing it to roll forth and nestle it's way towards her. "Have you thought of any names yet? You'll need a strong one to go with this boy, she'll be a fighter like you..." Zara murmured easily, neck arched around to look over Newts back but making no move to touch the pups unless permission was given.


05-01-2013, 11:14 AM


The gold and white dame was still new within the lands, but she was quickly coming to call it her own. Her wanderlust was such that her paws rarely remained in one place for long ? already the prints from them could be seen in every corner of the tree dappled realm.

Unforunately, her travels on this day, took her far from her Queen?s side. Too far. When the howl did manage to reach Champion?s ears, it was faint. Another might have thought it a trick played by the winds. For surely, when had Champion ever heard even a hint of pain enter the great Grey Lady?s voice?

Yet trick or no, it was enough to send her heart racing within the cage of her breast. The mammoth she-wolf turned and charged. She crashed through whole thickets and braken, ignoring the burs and barbs that stuck to her thick coat ? she leapt over fallen red giants, tore up mossy boulders, and muddied streams with her speed.

It was night now and there was no sun to weigh her down with it?s heat. In these lands, day meant that she had to be careful. She could only run in short bursts, and then required great quanities of water. But at night..oh.. Under the light of the moon, she could fly! Though red eyes positively glowed as the stars pricked at them ?and they kept her a steady course heading straight to where the source of Newt?s song and scent was coming from.

At last she found the den. Other scents from it ? other packmates, the scent of new, wet pup fur, and the tang of blood. ?Newt?? Champion called, not wishing to spring unannounced into a den with a new mother. Luckily the den had been made for a creature of Newt?s size and Champion was able to come in quite comfortable. But the little earthern room was far from roomy ? not with three other giants already inside. Amenti certainly was the land of titans. Champion recognized both from the pack meeting ? there was the tall blind wolf who had taken a place of friendship beside Newt ? and Kaios, another ex-Tortugan like Champion who had attached himself to the Amenti Queen.

Champion was slow to form judgements or opinions on other wolves ? particularly negative ones. If anything her mind was lightened that others had already come to her Queen?s call and were here to support her in this hour.

The worry and concern on Champion?s features turned quickly to an awed sort of glow when she saw the first fluff ball. ?Congradulations Newt,? Champion murmured. ?I am only sorry I was not here sooner!? Her attention had been fixed on the Queen, but now she had the respect to dip her head first to Kaios and then to the other female. She didn?t see any need for chit chat and introductions? after all, they were not here for eachother, but for Newt.

And in that respect, Champion could do much, for she had spent nigh a year under the tutaledge of a Northern healer. ?Pardon me, Sir.? Champion said respectfully to Kaios as she attempted to slip by him. ?I have had training as a midwife.? Perhaps it was an odd statement coming from so large and warrior like a female, but it was true.

Champion went to the firstborn, eyeing it carefully as the little girl searched for the first drink of milk. Champion nudged at it gently with her pink nose and then went on to look over the mother. Carefully, she let a paw rest upon violet fur. The contractions were heavy ? they had to be in order to push out such large pups, but they were still coming regularly enough. There would be more to come. Champion?s mind flitted quickly through her knowledge of techniques and herbs. Most of the lupine healer?s work came after the babies were born however. The birth itself was something that she-wolves had done for milienia with little care for outside help. In these moments it was just waiting, straining for any signs that something was amiss, and encouraging the mother. ?You?re doing wonderfully, Newt. Just keep breathing, and pushing with the contractions when they come.? This was no frail little twig of a she-wolf who?s mind was in a dither, this was a queen and a warrior, Champion did not have to patronize her or over explain things, but she did want to let Newt know that all was going just as it should. Before the dawn showed its face, she was like to be a mother of a whole healthy litter.


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~


05-05-2013, 07:38 AM

He came, the sound of her call had brought him to her, his gaze seemed to rove over who was with her and she saw the flicker of betrayal. Before she had any time to process that look another wave of pain sliced threw her abdomen. Her ears fell back as she groaned with the rapture that seemed to consume her. She had missed the snippet of words exchanged between Zara and Kaios. What ever had been said Zara had ignored it and come to rest behind her. She turned her head to rest it on her friends shoulder and she attempted to breath as the contractions intensified and the next pup was demanding release into this world. Instinct told her to push even if she wanted to linger on the pain. The little male soon broke free into the world and she turned to clean him. He was smaller then the first pup. He was a little black and crushed velvet thing. He whimpered softly as he struggled to make his way towards her side. He seemed so tiny and her gaze shifted towards Kaios.

?I?m sorry love. I called for Champion because I knew of her past healing abilities. I never pressed for her to be a medic but she was the only one I could think of to help me with the birth.? She said honestly, she remembered Champion telling her that they had demanded she be a healer when all she wanted to do was be a warrior. She had offered her that and more and was content to keep her as the beta of Amenti ?Yes, so far you have a daughter and now a son. I am sure that I have another to deliver but the pain..? she mused as another wave hit her and she closed her eyes to enjoy it. She pushed against Zara for support and comfort as she rode the wave. When it was over Champion had made her way into the den, excusing herself to help coach her with the last pup. Zara had asked her if she had thought of names and she smiled.

?This little monster.? She said, looking at her daughter ?will be named Amevia Synclaire.? She said with a smile it seemed the little girl took after her when she was a new born, pushy and demanding. ?The little boy, he?ll be Salamander.? She said with an affectionate smile. Her gaze shifted towards kaios and her affection seemed to grow as she looked at him. ?I am happy you are here.? She said wistfully. They had been a fling at first. It had been a simple release of mixed hormones raging between them. She hadn?t expected to see him after she found she was pregnant. Then he had come to claim her and she hadn?t fought him. She was curious what it would be like to belong to someone, to really belong to them, and so she had let him stand beside her even if it wasn?t the wisest choice of a mate.

The sentimental moment seemed to pass as the contractions stole her breath away and it took everything she had to remember to breathe. She didn?t want the pain to be over. She heard Champion urge her to breathe and to push. If she didn?t push the last pup out she would be risking his or her life. She had worked hard to avoid as much as she could to protect her unborn pups and she wouldn?t allow her desires for torment to take its life. Soon enough the last of the three pups emerged into the world. Yet he seemed less inclined to eat and more inclined to push into her. Something in her seemed to snap and reform. Tears started to well up in her eyes as she looked towards Kaios and she laughed happily, ?Look at our little family.? She said with a smile, she had meant the pups, kaios, Zara, and Champion. They were all her family in her eyes. She was so happy to have them all with her during this precious time. She felt her last son snuggling into her and she nudged him towards her teats to eat. He shoved into Salamander and Amevia pushed back. The poor little male seemed so distraught and was whimpering in protest. She wondered if she fed him herds if he would bulk up and push back against his siblings. ?This last pup, his name is Basilisk.? She said finally, all three pups had been named and she was happy to have their father here for their birthday.

?I?m so grateful for all of you. The world was always twisting on me. mocking me and here you all stand by me when I was in need and I cannot fathom to you the depths of my affections for each of you.? She said threw a hiccup. She was feeling overwhelmed with affection and love and it was an odd emotion that she was unsure how to dispel.



05-07-2013, 07:38 AM

The stench of blood hung heavy in the air as Newt went into labor. Domovei had been distracted, not as close as he had hoped he would be -- but the gentle breeze brought the scent of his family to him. The family he barely knew, and yet already felt so connected to.

As he approached, he felt vaguely jealous that the others had experienced this with Newt, and that he had been absent. It was his fault, but still his brows furrowed slightly in frustration. He hadn't even spoken to Zara, Kaios, Champion, or any of the others... and yet he knew of them. But he need not speak unless spoken to. He fit comfortably into his rank as slave, doing little more than required of him, rarely making his presence known. At least among these wolves.

And today was no different. Silently the small male slunk into the large den, feeling oddly small among the massive creatures that surrounded Newt. A barely audible greeting escaped his throat, a small bark, before he slid near Newt, behind her, against the wall of her den. But his emerald green eyes glimmered with interest as he cocked his head, eying the three children with curiosity. Would he be allowed to touch them? Care for them? He wondered, but his jaws remained clamped shut. He was certainly not totally normal, and he knew that... to some extent... but he would never hurt Newt's pups.