
Plug- In Baby <3


04-20-2013, 02:43 AM
The ex-Tortugan had kept mainly to herself, which in all reality was probably for the better, the scent of Tortuga clung to her like a vice. Two toned oculars would display nothing as she glided through the trees. Having already memorized her new home, she glided out of habit, winding through the trees as if she had lived here all her life. The scent of Tortuga clung to her fur still, but it was fading. She had debated seeking Cairo. The Alpha had met her... once. But she doubted he would remember her, she had spoken her name and nothing else during the encounter and truly...would it matter? Collision had accepted her, had fought to win her, Cairo could no longer attest to his decision... not that she thought he would. She did not necessarily like the large brown brute, but she held no vendetta against him either. His confrontation had been with Nnoitra, not her.

Indifference had settled in her soul and she had chosen not to care enough to seek him out, she had naught to say to him other than the simple fact that she was no longer an enemy, a fact that was more than likely known at this point. The assassin clung mainly to the borders, her den remained lost in a bramble, sinking into the ground rather than carving into a cave. She had dug the hidden chamber herself. She didn't dislike company but she did not always wish for it and the den... and her knowledge of herbs and hiding her own scent, served her well when such a day revealed itself.

Today she maneuvered with grace, a few plants clutched between her jaws with grave delicacy. White Oleander. Her favorite poison. She often bathed her claws in the potent plant, it made her victims suffer. Information was so much simpler to extract when a creature was writhing in agony, with a promise of a quick death. The scent of another, fast approaching made the dame pause. Her maw lowering to the forest floor with ease and delicately releasing the deadly plant. It seemed she would have her first interaction with Valhalla's finest...


04-20-2013, 01:17 PM

The dark fea walked across the land. She was not sure as to where she was going, but all she new is that she needed time to think. Ookami was still unsure as if she was barring pups or not. This made it harder to know what was safe for her to do. Ookami shook off the thought that buzzed through her head. She knew that this was going to be fine. After all she was only going to hunt a small animal right. So it should be fine if she did that.

She came upon a forest and entered, Her green eyes scanned the land looking for any prey that might lurk with in it's boarders. She lowered her snout upon the forest floor and inhaled, she came up with tons of different scents, but the one that struck her the most, was that of a Tortugan scent. Her head rose, as she looked around. Ears were up and alert as she moved in the direction of the scent. She inhaled again, this time the mixture of Valhallan and Tortugan scent filled her nostrils.

Ookami eased up a bit, she knew who it was that she smelt. It was the new comer who Collision claimed not to long ago.She was not sure as to the name of the fea, but she would not ignore her like most did. Ookami soon came into view of the fea. She seemed to be holding some kind of plants. Moving slowly Ookami walked closer to the female, being cautious, she walked closer to the fea.

"Hello there, you must be the new pack member. I am Ookami." She said as she stood there looking over the other. Ookami was not the type to judge someone before she got to know them. She hoped that this meeting would go well.



04-20-2013, 01:47 PM
The assassin would stare, two toned eyes expressionless and ready. Muscles locked tight, tense and ready to spring at the softest of sound. She trusted no one, never had, never would. You could not be betrayed if you had no allies. A pack was merely an alliance, nothing more. It was a concept that should thrive, at least in her opinion on the strength behind the creatures it captured. Cyanide was now a Valhallen, she had been stolen by the King himself. Her loyalty had shifted, a new strength, a new leader she now served. Nothing more and nothing less. The pack could boast of family all they wished, at the end of the day, it came down to whose teeth were the fastest and whose claws, the sharpest.

The dame would make her presence known. Cyanide tested the air a second time. Valhalla. Her scent was strong she had been here at least a decent chunk of time. The assassin relaxed, if only slightly. The woman's posture was not threatening. She was not a killer, despite her rather morbid occupation, Cyanide did not kill senselessly. She did not enjoy the kill itself, only the thrill of the hunt, the thrill of the chase.

Her audits swiveled, keen and catching the pitches of the woman's tone. She committed the name to memory along with approximate body mass, muscle versus fat content, she noticed the rippling of her muscles, the relaxed fluidity of her speech, all of this was analyzed and broken down within her brain. The woman expected an answer, Cyanide's jaws would splay open, lyrics falling from her lips in a trembling baritone. " If you ask if I am the Tortugan stolen, the answer is yes. My name is Cyanide."


04-20-2013, 02:03 PM

Ookami looked at the fea who had spoken with a sum what aggressive tone. She did not blame the fea for how she reacted in Ookami's presence. Her ears lade back a bit, before they returned to her normal position. Her green eyes looked over the other before speaking. "I was aware as to how you came to become part of Valhalla. I just was passing by, looking for some prey wen i came across you." She said as she looked around the forest.

Ookami's tale swayed as she stood there thinking of something else to say. She was not sure if she would invite the other female on a hunt with her, then again, Ookami wanted to make the new wolf feel welcome. No matter what her past looked like."I was just about to go on a hunt. Would you care to join me? I could use an extra pare of teeth to take down a much larger prey."

Was the other fea going to accept her offer to hunt with her. She hoped that she will, after all Ookami wanted to make Cyanide feel a bit more welcome. She can only imagine how hard it is becoming a member of a rival pack. To be instantly hated by most who reside with in it's boarders. Ookami stood there waiting for an answer from Cyanide, if the female refused her offer she would let it be. What she will do after that was not yet decided.



04-22-2013, 09:56 PM
Cyanide was a wolf of indifference, she displayed no emotion, not because she did not feel anything, but rather because she was inclined to bury even the most potent of emotions. One could not be a successful assassin and display their feelings like ink upon a canvas. She was neither complacent, nor hostile, welcoming, nor cold. She spoke with a flat, recumbent tone that drawled out, spinning her words into feigned disinterest. It was how she had been raised, an ideal beaten into her brain. She would be this way forever, she knew that.

She blinked at the dames words... she had explained how she had become a part of this pack, nothing more and already the woman took offense? Well that wasn't a good sign. If indifference pissed her off she wondered what hostility would do? She had gone from the lazy complacency of Tortuga to the fierce go getters that took no time to think or plan... from one extreme to the other. Collision had not seemed like such a loose cannon, but then again he had been quick to trust her...hurm.

"I would be... honored to join you on a hunt. What are we seeking?" her tones would come strong but flat as she accepted the dame proposal, it was difficult to die hunting prey that usually ran the other way. A loose cannon could be a useful hunter. She into a stride that matched the dames beside her, each step was precise, careful, calculated she moved without sound and in utter silence. It had been a long while since she had hunted with anyone.


04-23-2013, 08:25 AM

Ookami's ears perked up as the Dame said she would like to accompany her on a hunt. Ookami smiled and looked around the land, her eyes caught a herd of deer. "WE will be taking down one of the deer over there, I saw a injured one amongst the herd. If you would kindly follow my lead" She spoke as she begun to walk down low, in a crouching position. She sneaked closer to the herd."Go around the left side of the herd, i will take the right. She whispered as Ookami made her way right.

Her tail was level to her spine to control her balance, her ears here up and alert ready to strike the Limping deer. She looked at Cyanide and gave her a nod to start sprinting. Pushing off with her hind legs Ookami made a dash for the deer. Her eyes caught the herd scatter in all directions at first than soon recollected. Her green eyes were locked on her target and she came closer and closer.

Comming up on the side of the beast Ookami pushed up off the ground, maw opened and ready to strike. She came down upon the deer and sunk her teeth in her prey. She herd a squeal escape the deer's maw, Ookami let go and leaped and struck upon the neck of the beat this time. Blood dribbled down her black fur, she was determined to get this food with the help of a possible new friend.



04-30-2013, 05:10 PM
The dame was seemingly a ball of spitfire and energy. Cyanide's audits could careen backwards to rest against her skull. She was not usually one to engage in conversation. She was polite and respectful but the whole concept of friendship was lost to the assassin. Mismatched oculars would gleam in the sunlight, agreeing to the womans proposal silently. Her plan needed no words from her save for quiet acceptance.

They approached the herd swiftly and the assassin would suddenly lose all semblance of emotion. Body crouched and poised shoulder blades would press against the sheath of her muscles, muscles perfectly defined and poised for combat would ripple beneath her fur. Her lips curled back over her ivory canines in a silent snarl. Her mismatched gaze would remain locked on their target. The kill, the act of the hunt, this was what she lived for.

She slunk to the opposing side of the herd. Her eyes blazing, her muscles wire tense, quivering in anticipation. Her claws flexed, tearing through the dirt. Her body lowered and poised, just waiting to spring. She watched as the opposing dame ripped free from her hiding spot and Cyanide was a mere half a second behind.

Her body would fling to an all out spring, toes barely scraping the forest before they were lifted once again. Her eyes had narrowed in, focused solely on her target and like clockwork, the ebony dame grasped the deer and Cyanide sprung, teeth coiling around its trachea and crunching through the thin rings of cartilage, tearing the vital pipe from the creatures neck. A fatal wound. The animal gave a last gurgled scream, blood bubbling up and through the gaping hole in its throat as it stumbled and fell, flailing uselessly before falling still. "Shall we take it back to Valhalla for the others to enjoy?" her words were detached and soft, an inquiry and nothing more.

Unbeknowst to the other female, the assassin would savor the coppery tang of blood that lingered about her tongue. To kill was her birth rate, it was the sole reason she had been created... and while the dame did not enjoy the act of killing most days, in the times when blood lingered upon her tongue, there is nothing she would rather do.


05-01-2013, 07:45 PM

Ookami felt the life drain from the beasts body, she clenched down titer upon the deer and waited for the thrashed and struggles commenced to a halt.She licked the blood off of her muzzle and turned to Cyanide, who spoke about bringing the kill to the pack. Ookami smiled and nodded in agreement "Yes that sounds like a great idea" She spoke as she took one part of the animal in her mouth, she looked at the other female and waited for her to pick up the other side.

Ookami stood there thinking as to who was this female, who was she, she was surly interesting. Yes she was interested indeed, Ookami smiled at the female and spoke once more trying to get a conversation going. "So Cyanide, what do you think of Valhalla?"She asked as her tail swayed gently waiting for a response of some sort.

(OOC: Sorry it is short muse is not that great atm)
