
Rainy Day Conversations



04-17-2013, 11:32 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Rain. Dismal, drizzly rain. It seemed suitable considering the turmoil that had taken place at the pack meeting. Never had she anticipated witnessing such dissent when the pack had been gathered together, and it still surprised her even now. She had suspected them all to be fairly happy and trusting of one another, assumed that Collision's method of ruling was done so out of consideration and that everyone approved. He had been a good leader thus far, carrying on the Valhallan ways very well with Cairo's retirement, but in that single meeting everything seemed to fall apart. It had disheartened her, to say the least, to see those faces who had once smiled at each other turned on their comrades in anger and upset, as small a handful as those faces might have been.

Thoughts of it still plagued her as she wandered the forest, the scents of small critters out braving the rain teasing her nose and yet drawing little out of her in respect to her job of hunting them. She was not hungry, assuredly many of the pack still were getting over the bad taste in their mouths left over from the meeting, and with a cache still present she knew a little slacking on this day would not harm them overmuch. Her pelt, half wet from the mild downpour, was beginning to slick more closely to her sides, her gold and purple eyes half lidded with disinterest. Her head was carried level with her shoulders and her tail swayed low against her legs. A little trickle of water managed to worm its way through her fur and touch her skin, and she was reminded of the horrible onslaught of bad weather they had been plagued by recently, everything sticky and wet from the summer storms. Much as she loved their territory and everything that came with it, she couldn't help wondering how it was that they managed to get the brunt of the rain.

She paused to shake her coat and dislodged the drop of water before continuing on, letting her path through the territory curve from the outskirts more toward the center of camp. The rain wasn't so bad at present as to keep everyone cooped up inside their dens, so at least a few pack members had to be up and about. Intending to see who was about and whether or not they might appreciate some company, she meandered quietly and slowly into the heart of the pack lands.