


07-20-2013, 07:45 PM
holy tits on a stick, thank you muse ♥

Her immaculate, lithe form writhed through the obstacles of dense foliage as she maneuvered towards the realm of the dark temptress that the pallid wraith had once occupied, thoughts of their first encounter plaguing her diseased mind. The promise she had made to the Madame in regards to recapturing the Tortugan throne was commemorated immediately upon receiving the crown and the authority that accompanied it, and she had internally vowed to inform the impressive usurper of her feat as soon as physically possible; after all, the serpent queen deserved to know that her angel would be swapping in her battered wings for a golden throne. Thus, she had waited until the conclusion of Tortuga?s regrouping before setting off on her journey northward, placing an iota of trust within Vi as she left her developing heathens in the temporary care of the russet babe ? she would respect that the Madame held a distaste for children, and so she would not permit their presence to her hopefully diplomatic meeting despite the fact that it vexed her to have to abandon them while they were so vulnerable. No; she?d appease the dark queen with the intentions of conjuring an alliance between the packs they had both thieved.

Dainty paws padded the earth, mercury eyes, glazed over in amusement, darting upwards to scale the gargantuan redwoods that littered the vast territory sprawled out before her. She felt so minuscule in comparison to the vegetation ? so unimportant ? but she refused to dote on the scenery for too long. She halted a couple of feet away from the obvious border that had been drenched in the snake?s enticing scent, granting a respectable amount of distance between herself and the realm of the queen. Perhaps she had been permitted access into the territory when she had belonged to Amenti, but that was no more, and Morphine was prepared to play it safe in hopes of winning over the favor of the Madame ? not that she already hadn?t before, but the wench could never be too certain of her status when it came to others. Satisfied with the course of action she had planned upon, the babe allowed her skull to tilt skywards, a soprano howl flooding the atmosphere in beckon to the dark queen. ? Come forth, my snake.
