
All this time


04-16-2013, 08:44 AM

Rumble had re joined Valhalla, he was ready to meet his mother again. And boy was so happy to see Pepper. He wanted to be reunited with them, he missed them to no end. He was scared that they had been lost in the eruption, but Rum survived on his own didn't he? But what he was even more afraid of was what Morgan would think about him, he had abandoned home, he abandoned her and Pepper. He regretted it, but he thought he could live on his own, which he could and he did since he was a year old.

Rum had been through a lot, he struggled to survive in the old lands, he had to deal with telling Gerhardt that his queen was dead. But he still wasn't grown, he still needed more life lessons to keeping him surviving. He did know the harsh conditions of a world under lava and surrounded with ash and a black fog that was hard to breathe. But he also knew defense and offense to protect himself from the other starving wolves trying to pick him off.

So he cried out for his mother, hoping she would show.

Walk "Talk" Think


04-19-2013, 07:37 PM
The snowy white woman had just been informed by her brother that her son had found his way back to Valhalla, and she was so excited to see him. The moment Luke stopped talking and said that he would see her later she took of at a trot toward Valhalla's boarder. She knew she would have to beg Collision to let her back in because she had been gone far too long, but if she got to see her boy she wouldn't care what rank she was given..or if she even became part of the great pack once more.

A call for her rang out as she had gotten about half way to her destination. The voice was male and sounded familiar yet still unknown to her. As her ears swiveled to try and pinpoint and try to decide if they knew the voice or not...she debated on ignoring it and continuing to her destination when it hit her. The voice sounded almost like her boy Rum. She wasn't taking any chances on ignoring it for the possibility of it being him. First her head and shoulders turned and headed in the direction of the call and then the rest of her followed.

The woman slowed and made sure she wasn't seen when she got close so she could see who it was from a distance first. Sapphire blue eyes examined the male as she drew closer. The moment she saw his eyes and markings clearly a wide smile grew across her face the only thing left to do was see if he answered to the name...she came out of the shadows and looked directly at him "Rumble, is it really you my little Rum?" her voice was soft she wanted him to assure her it was him...but was it too much to ask.


04-19-2013, 09:11 PM

When the time came, his mother showed up in the distance. She seemed a bit questioned if it was him or not, but she then realized it was her son, it was Rumble, it was her little Rum. When she came close to him, his ears went flat to his head and he let out a smile whine, opening his jaws and letting it clamp out of his maw. He waited so long for this moment; since the eruption.

Of course she should have recognized her own son, right? What mother wouldn't? Even though his scent was worn off and replaced with the ashes of the dead Alacritis, she should have been able to pick up his scent?

Rum put all of the bad thoughts to the side, he was just happy to see his mother, and that was all that mattered to him. "Morgan..." The boy couldn't even call her by mom. There wasn't a way to describe the way he felt about her, he hadn't seen her in two years, it was too long. He didn't know what to say, how to react. It was all foreign to him now, everything he once knew had become something so far away. And so his ears stayed back down on his head as he looked into her eyes, almost apologizing to her.

He missed her so much even in that moment, but where ws the love he so needed to give her? And what about Pepper, where was she?

Walk "Talk" Think


04-26-2013, 06:43 PM
The boy had said her name...he hadn't called her mom, he had called her Morgan. She wasn't sure whether to be mad or to tackle him and cover him in kisses, so she did neither. She just stood there taking in the sight of her boy. She had just started believing that she may never see him again when her brother Luke had informed her that Rum had arrived back at Valhalla. And now he was right there within reach.
The woman took in everything she saw and even the boy's new scent. He didn't smell the same...his scent was off but everything else was the same aside from the fact that he was a bit larger. All the woman could manage was a smile as she stood there silently. It seemed like forever before she found the words to say "After two years, I've finally found you." saying the words out loud made her feel terrible. After all a mother who looses her pup is a terrible one.
She wanted so badly to pull him into her and kiss and nuzzle him like the pup she remembered. But she couldn't bring herself to do that to the young man standing before her. He had taken care of himself for two years and then found his way back to Valhalla even though they had been forced to move once more. Morgan couldn't decide what to do so she ended up just standing there staring at him.


05-13-2013, 07:29 PM

Rumble looked into his mother's eyes, the look of pain rushed through them and the scars let loose. After two years...Had it really been two years? It was silent, Rum didn't quite know what to say. So his eyes wondered back to the ground and he refused to let go. He stayed strong and refused to let his mother watch him break.

The long moments went by and he finally had the nerve to look back at her and ask "What about Pepper?" He had met his mother, everything was awkward and almost sad. So maybe the emotions would be different around his sister, maybe he could actually speak to her. Rum's worst fear was that Morgan would blame his running away on her self. And if she ever put the blame on her, he couldn't stand to be around her with that burden.

Walk "Talk" Think


05-14-2013, 06:00 PM

The snowy white woman stood there staring at her son in the silence. Her icy orbs hadn't missed a thing. She knew something was wrong when he looked away from her but he was an adult now and she didn't know what to do. When he was a boy and he was upset she would cuddle him till his tears dried...that would do no good here, so she stayed where she was and didn't move.

A small motherly smile was plastered on her maw when her boy looked back up at her. Pepper? Morgan hadn't seen her daughter since she took off to claim Amenti. Her son was asking about his sister and he deserved an answer. "Rum, I haven't seen her in a few months. She left to claim Amenti and I haven't heard from her since. I call her, but she never comes...she only howls back like she doesn't want to see me." her voice was soft and it would have broken had she been anyone else. She knew exactly why Pepper didn't want to see her, she knew why she had left to clam a pack as well.



05-14-2013, 07:52 PM

She didn't clearly know where Pepper was? At this moment, Rum was starting to get angry with her. He had been so excited and so happy to see his mother, but nothing turned out the way he planned. He planned on hugs, he planned on the affection. He planned they could talk, talk for ages about what had happened while both were absent in each other's lives. But there was nothing. Everything seemed awkward and hateful, and because of this Rum would not show anger toward Morgan. It was enough that neither of them could really act like a family member.

"Well, I suppose I can try looking for her. I've found you."

His eyes actually stayed on the white woman this time, his expression was blank, not even a squint of anger, sadness, happiness, it was just dry. Rumble wanted to fall to his knees, he wanted to grab his mother by the neck and give her a tight hug, but why was it so hard? What was holding him back?

Walk "Talk" Think


05-22-2013, 03:45 PM

She could feel his eyes burning into her. She knew he wanted something but what she wasn't sure. All she knew was he wanted to see his sister. His words came and a small smile crossed her features "I'm sure you can my son, and I believe you will." her voice was soft and full of love for her child...though still she wasn't sure how to act around him.

Finally the woman decided on moving forward toward him and nuzzling his cheek. Sadly, even that was a bit awkward. Having been without him for so long it was as if she were the lost one and not him. "Rum, after you find your sister...I have someone I want you to meet." she stood there looking at her son hoping he would agree to it. After all, she couldn't force him to do anything anymore.



05-22-2013, 04:33 PM

She believed he could find Pepper and that was all he really needed. her support would be enough but he knew what he had to do. Before he really had the courage to say anything, Morgan asked him to meet someone. A friend maybe? Oh who knows. Of course she meant her love, but Rum never knew a father his whole life, what would he think of this man? Someone he could call a father didn't even pop into his mind, so he didn't pay too much attention to it.

As her nose hit his cheek, he pushed slightly closer to her, showing that it meant something when really he didn't feel anything. His eyes closed and let the moment soak into his memory. Even though these feelings were dead and gone, The way he felt would never leave him. Something happened while he was gone and it changed him forever.

"Of course..." His eyes opened again now turning toward Morgan but he didn't move. "But this means...I have to leave again." He would leave Valhalla, and he would return with Pepper. But this time when he left, he couldn't come back himself because now that he aged it meant he actually had decisions to make and he had to chose wisely. But for now he would goo back to Valhalla and give it some thought before leaving.

Walk "Talk" Think


05-31-2013, 11:17 AM

"Do what you must my son." Blue eyes searched Rum's face as he finally looked back at her. She wondered if he would really come to meet Lovatt or if he had just agreed to, to keep her from asking more than once. Either way, she couldn't read his mind and she wasn't going to pry.

The white woman was still taking in the changes in her son. He was a handsome young man and she wished him luck when he left. With her face blank and unreadable, though all kinds of emotions were adrift inside her, she spoke again "Rum, I will call for you and your sister in a few weeks. When I do please come, Lovatt will be there and I want both of you to meet him... Morgan paused for a moment to think of what she really wanted to say, but decided better of it. "I love you Rum, and ill see you then."

She didn't give him a chance to answer her. He would either be there or he wouldn't and no matter what he said now didn't change what he was actually thinking. So with a kiss to his forehead, and one more small smile, she moved to her left and began walking to go back to her husband.

(This is Morgan's exit unless stopped)



06-02-2013, 02:39 PM

The boy looked at his mother, she said she would call for him and Pepper and of course he would come. "I'll be there." But what if he can't find Pepper? What if she doesn't want to come back? He was sure that she would listen to him, if anyone.

"I know..." He wanted to tell her he loved her, but still couldn't. He let her come close and give him a kiss on the forehead, and then she turned away and went home. And so Rum went the opposite direction, taking a walk before running off back to Valhalla for the night.

-Exit Rumble-