
With Liberty and justice for all [Mature]

Aislyn I


Extra large
04-18-2013, 09:36 PM


She paced, eyes clinched shut, ears folded flat, rib cadge falling and rising at an accelerated rate. This pain was... excruciating, the most horrible thing she had ever felt in her entire life. She would rather have her eyes gouged out and fed to her on a silver platter than deal with this. "Make it stop!" She screamed, agony heavy in her words. It needed to stop... Little Aislyn/Friction was coming, and it was killing her. A puddle of "water" lay on one side of the den. She didn't want to go anywhere near that shit, the thought of slimy liquid seeping out of her reproductive organ made her sick. Insides churned rapidly as her cervix dilated, contractions coming one after another now. A few hours ago she only felt pain about every 30 minutes to an hour, and now she felt it every second. Well, not literally, but to her it felt like it. Just as the pain from one started to fade away another would start up. She had to lay down, standing up was only making this worse. The ivory temptress lay herself against her wall of her den so she would have some support for her back. Her tongue slipped out of her mouth as she panted. Where was Friction? She really wanted him to be here... Would he even show up? She wanted to call him, she needed to call him. She lifted her muzzle, but no song sang for him. The pain swallowed her again, causing her to scream in agony. "Mother fucking goddamn son of a bitch!" She couldn't help the foul venom that dripped off her toungue. She was in excruciating pain, she had a good reason for cussing! Her body cringed as a wave of pain hit her abdomen area. The baby was coming. She braced herself, claws digging onto the soft moss along the floor of her den as she pushed with all her might. But... nothing. She panted heavier now, sweat dripped from her muzzle onto the floor. One... two... three. She pushed again, this time a scream followed her struggle. How in the hell women gave birth to three or more pups she didn't know, because one was enough to make her want to pass out. One more time... She could feel the child's head surfacing. She just needed to push one more time, one more hefty push and it would all be over. And she did. Another scream followed her push.... but then.... she had come. A small child, covered in blood at the moment, but Aislyn could already see her beautiful coat. Swirls of ash and ivory covered the small female. She instinctively guided her toward her belly, licking the baby clean as she did so. She was so... beautiful. Friction's coloring had been dominant in her pelt. He would think she was so beautiful... at least she hoped he would. She wanted to call for him, but she was too exhausted. She shifted her body so her back was facing the den's entrance, shielding her precious child from any breeze that could threaten her warmth. She then laid her lead down, letting her newborn daughter drink her fill, and allowing herself some rest.


04-18-2013, 10:16 PM
The little newborn had been brought into the world, a whimper escaped her tiny mouth as she squirmed, her lungs taking in air for the first time. It was a wonderful feeling, the feeling of life. It filled her entire body. She felt her mothers touch for the first time and craved more of it instantly. She was quickly cleaned and led to the closest teat, and she began nursing, tiny paws clinging to her mother belly as she did so.


04-18-2013, 11:24 PM

((I'm... SO EXCITED TO BE A DADDY >:D sorry about assuming he knew about the red meat cravings, I'm just gonna say she mentioned it after the fish? if you want me to change it just say!))

She had wanted red meat, something fresh and bloody apparently. Whether it was because of hormonal cravings or simply because she hadn't been able to hunt for herself in quite some time he wasn't sure. But he had never been one to argue. Not that she had ever asked, simply mentioned it in passing and he had taken some time to slid off again and try and hunt for her. Rabbit seemed too plain but it wasn't like he could take down a deer by himself... Not a full grown healthy deer at least... He had figured that Aislyn would need some time to deal with pack things and he needed some time to once again sort through his thoughts. It seemed as soon as he was away from Aislyn he was concerned about what was going on and distressed about this pack situation but once he say he he could never remember why he was worried in the first place. It was leaving hims confused and tired half the time, especially after everything that was going on at the pack meeting. He hadn't understood more then half the things that had been said at the meeting but from the faces and tones of the pack members he had sensed some unrest in the ranks. He didn't handle unrest in the ranks well. Going from a close knit, tight family pack like the one he had grown up in to a loner and now to this was more then a bit of culture shock. He wasn't sure what to do about all of this, he would stay here for Aislyn but as for the pack he would keep his distance. He wasn't yet sure if he even would ever be welcome here.

He had come across the young fawn a day or so after the pack meeting. Its leg trapped in between two logs and bent awkwardly in a way that promised a broken bone. The mother must have known this for it was nowhere to be found. The small beasts cries could be heard for miles around and Friction wondered why nothing else had come to end it's life. He couldn't look at it as he approached, its flailing growing frantic as Friction slowly stalked closer. Jaws closed around it's throat and ended the squeals with a vicious snap, throwing it's head to the side. Spine broke easily and body slumped to the ground. It took him a while to get it's leg out of the place it ad gotten stuck but eventually he had the fawn griped easily in his jaws around the neck, walking awkwardly back towards the den with his prize in tow. Aislyn was due any day now and he had already been gone way too long. If she had had their child while he was gone she would never forgive him, not that he would ever forgive himself either. They were in an awkward in between phase still, she called him her boyfriend when he wanted nothing more then to be her mate. But he was still unsure if she wanted him to ask her to be his mate. They hand't had an exuberant amount of time to get to know eachother since she had told him to choose her or being a loner. He wanted to spend more time with her...

There was a scream and fawn was dropped as quickly as it had been killed. He knew that voice and it could mean one of two things, she was in trouble or she was having the baby. There was no hesitation like there had been when she had called the pack meeting, muscles coiled and he launched himself towards the den. He skidded to a halt just outside, peeked in and smiled slightly. Being the oldest son of three litters he had helped with way too many births, especially with his mothers last litter which had been partially hard. But she was fine, he could see the baby's head and slowly backed up. She would be hungry after that and he didn't want to leave his kill for too long. But he still loped back to the fawn and walked faster then he had before back to the den. The fawn was laid outside the den and once more he peeked in. It was quiet now, a soft smile spread across his lips as he say Aislyn licking something close to her belly and a soft suckling sound. "I'm sorry I was gone... I brought you dinner if your hungry? May I come in?" he asked, taking a hopeful step forward and letting his tail lick at his heels happily. He was a dad, he could barely contain his excitement but he tried his best to not jump in and cover her in kisses.

Aislyn I


Extra large
04-19-2013, 06:39 PM


She was exhausted.. But luckily Friction had come, and he had brought food with him. She craved the taste of red meat, she wanted to feel warm blood seep into her mouth. But, as of right now she would have to wait. She twisted her head so she was facing him, but did not move her body. She wouldn't risk disturbing her precious child. "Yes, come in, come in." A smile tugged on the corners of her lips. She really wanted him to see her, plus she already had an idea for a name, but needed his opinion on it. She hoped he would curl himself around her, cuddling along side her as they both admired the life they had created. She wasn't sure exactly he would go about seeing the pup for the first time... but she hoped it was a positive reaction.


04-22-2013, 12:07 AM

She turned her head to look at him and an easy yet obviously excited smile fell into place over his features as she looked at him and said that he was indeed welcome to join her and their precious child. Boy or girl? He was almost bursting with excitement as he ducked low under the lip of the entrance and slid in behind her. He lay close to her, settling so that he was staggered slightly behind her, his head able to reach over her shoulder and see the beautiful creation that had made together. But first he would reach towards her, excitement racing to the surface as he felt the warmth of her body press against him. Tail wagged madly, though he was careful not to bang it against anything or create a dust storm. Tongue would cover her cheek and maw in loving and possibly over exuberant kisses before chuckling lightly and nuzzling into her neck a bit more calmly. "I can barely contain myself. I apologize, I know you must be tired" he said before draping his head over her shoulder so he could finally see what they had created together. She was the perfect blend of the both of them, though her markings distinctly took after him with her black face, legs and markings... No doubt that because she looked like him she would take after her mother personality wise, that was how it seemed to work unless you neglected the child, shunned them and turned them away from anything loving...

A heavy sigh left his lips before looking back to Aislyn and giving her cheek a tender lick. She didn't need to know his concerns or worries. Especially since they would never come to light with her, she would never do that to their child and neither would he. This child would know nothing but love growing up. "She's amazing... You're amazing! Have you thought of a name?" he asked quietly, now sliding up so that if she leaned back she could rest her head along his shoulders in in the crook of his neck. She must be exhausted, he had never really done much for his mother other then offer support as he was now and sit patiently to hear the names she had come up with. He would do anything for Aislyn, anything she asked. After she had a breather he would go get her a chunk of meat as well from his catch while it was still warm.


04-22-2013, 09:32 PM

He knew what in just a few short days Aslyn would probably have the child that was either his or another's. He knew that she had made no devotion to making sure that the child was his, as they, as separate canines, were no mates, and held nothing more to each other than friends. No, that was incorrect. Aislyn had been there. She knew almost everything about the sire. she knew his ups and downs, she knew how much he trusted her. While his love for her was nothing of the affection he had shown for Guinevere, well, it was not so bent that he could not comply to her wishes to have children. And alas, she did not.

He was moving at a calm pace, his muscles calmly rolling beneath his olden flesh, and he would come to the point that, well, he could scent the blood, the metallic flow, and the scent of fluid throughout the air that had him turning his head and changing his course. Sinew would fold beneath him as he moved closer and closer, eventually coming to the conclusion that the scent that tainted the air was from Aislyn, as her own blood intermingled. However, this was no longer just her scent, but something new, something fresh, and also something else. A man.

He would stop outside her den, his massive frame sitting against the earth and he would merely peer in looking for the child at it's mother's abdomen. A smile would encompass his face as he continued onward finding the male in the den. His questions were answered, and he was certain of one thing. The child was not his. Still, the smile upon his face did not falter. Life had been brought into Valhalla. A blessed, beautiful one, that would hopefully live up to the name it's mother had crafted for it. "Beautiful, congratulations, Aislyn...sir," He nodded his head towards the Valhallan. He had clearly joined without the ex-arkhos knowing about it. It was odd being so far out of the loop...still, he wished to talk to the lad in private. Not as a valhallan King, not as something else, but merely as someone who cared for the woman in the den, even if it was just beneficial or platonic.

Aislyn I


Extra large
04-25-2013, 09:27 PM


She turned her head back toward her child, knowing Friction couldn't say no to her offer. He had done just as she wished he would. His warm pelt pressed against her own, and she leaned back a bit, laying herself against him. His head peeked over her shoulder, and she couldn't help the smile and giggle that followed his reaction. She was showered with kisses and nuzzled into. Her tail wagged along with his, and she too tried to keep her excitement down, she didn't want to stir up dust either. "I don't mind, and yes, i'm pretty tired. I don't know how mothers give birth to four of these things." She nuzzled the back of her head into the crook of his neck as she spoke, her eyes closing. She couldn't believe all this had happened, and it had come so fast... Before she knew it she had a complete family consisting of a... well... almost mate, and her very own child. Eyes snapped back open. A name? Of course she had one. "Well.... I thought of one name. Liberty. What do you think? And if you have a sire name she can acquire that as well... I don't have one.." She wasn't sure if he had a last name or not, but either way, her name would be beautiful with or without one. Everything seemed so perfect... until he showed up.

Cairo. She pulled herself away from Friction as a natural reaction. What would Cairo say when he discovered the child wasn't his? She hadn't been sure who's it would be... But she was glad it was Frictions. They could actually build a relationship... her and Cairo couldn't. He was years older than herself, and had already experienced love, had a wife, had kids. She was just gaining all those things. But she did care about the brunette lord. In her eyes he would always be her king, her true king. He had accepted her into Valhalla, and turned her into something great. Without him she would not be where she was today, no, she would be alone, out in the unclaimed lands, fending for herself. In a way he was her savior. She was surprised when he congratulated her, she had expected a... different reaction. Then again she hadn't expected any less from the regal king. He always knew how to handle things, good or bad. She turned her head so it was facing the opening of the den, bright pools of blue searching to meet Cairo's. A soft smile placed itself upon her features as she spoke. "Thank you Cairo. This is Friction, a man I met during an exploration of Sunset Falls. And Friction, this is Cairo, the retired lord of Valhalla." It had certainly been more than an adventure, but surely Cairo already knew that. It was also obvious that he wanted to speak with Friction. One ear flicked back. What could he want to speak with him about? The ivory gal waited for someone to say something, or at least do something.


05-01-2013, 11:26 PM

Her tail flapped in time with his as he showered her with love, nuzzling against her and licking her as she giggled. She agreed, saying that she was in fact tired and he chuckled knowingly as she laid back against him lovingly and nestled into his thick ruff. It was a moment before she finally slow again, sharing her idea for the name. Liberty? It was oddly suiting and an easy smile slid across his features at the thought. "She's beautiful, the name is beautiful. I think it suits. My sire name is Sovari, I would love for her to carry it and maybe..." he trailed off softly as he heard the approach of another. Hackles raised defensively and muscles coiled beneath his pelt as he pushed his forepaws up a bit. He was ready to protect his family if needed. But it seemed that Ais knew him. He frowned slightly as Aislyn pulled away from him a bit, moving so they were barely touching and she was curled further around her pup. Words were exchanged, a congratulations from the the older male who had come to view the small family and then an introduction from the woman he had been about to propose to. Ex king? Head dipped politely, still half raised off the ground but not wanting to awkwardly back up and exit the den to bow fully. "Its a pleasure sir. I apologize for a less then formal greeting but I would hate to leave my new families side." he said easily, tone polite and soft as he left his head tipped to the side. Did Aislyn want him to stick around? See their daughter?

He relaxed slowly, allowing his forepaws to slide forward once more with a sigh and a smile flashed towards Aislyn. He wanted to finish his statement, to ask Aislyn to also bear his sire name but obviously this male was important and was a part of Aislyn's life. "We'll have to speak sometime soon if you don't mind, I've only just joined Valhalla and would like to expand my friends beyond Aislyn... For now, would you like to meet our daughter? Liberty..." he said softly, breathing his daughters name as he turned his gaze back to to the black, grey and white ball of fur nestled into the stomach of the woman he loved.