
Eye of the storm



1 Year
09-25-2014, 12:23 PM

They had set out in search of his sister, the three of them; his mother and Valerius, who seemed to hint at some idea of where Cecily might be. Signy was all but gone, no hint of the black girl. Then as they had been walking a storm had brewed above them. In the confusion Taddeo found himself separated from his mother and the chocolate male. Instinct had kicked in, sending him running in the direction they had been going.
Somewhere along the way he must have made a wrong turn as the mild rain had turned harsher, the annoyance of the wind shifting into a full on whipping threat. Hunching over himself the boy rushed headlong into the unknown, desperate for any shelter. A mangrove of trees sprouted on the horizon and Taddeo shifted his course. The thought that the trees might pose more danger than shelter didn?t cross the young male?s mind. Taddeo pressed himself against a trunk of one of the larger trees. It cut the wind some and the canopy caught some of the rain. Still the boy would be cold and wet for some time.
Fearful topaz orbs scanned the area, dread filling him up as for the first time Taddeo realized that now he too was lost.

SkaĆ°i I


3 Years
Extra large
10-02-2014, 09:18 AM

Wind struck her from all sides; she no sooner adjusted to brace against the invisible force pushing from one side that it chose to come at her from another, the sudden change nearly toppling her on more than one occasion. Mixed with the unforgiving wind was a bone chilling rain. Flung at high speeds, the droplets sliced through her pelt to strike her skin. It was like getting stung by hundreds of bees at once.

Amid the gale, several trees had fallen, their trunks and limbs crossing in a crush of mangled wood to create a large hollow that, while by no means dry, offered shelter from the elements. Spying the hollow, Skadi slipped inside. The space was surprisingly spacious, and although there wasn't enough room for her to stand at her full height, there was enough that she was able to crouch and shake the water out of her coat. The mud beneath her paws was thick and cold, and if not for the storm raging beyond the confines of the hollow, would have made the shelter unacceptable. Seeing no alternative, the fae seated herself.

Movement beyond the hollow drew Skadi's attention away from the mud at her paws. A figure moved through the slanting rain. She watched him, eyes passively tracking his movements with the same amount of interest one would watch grass grow with. It was only a matter of time before he spied her shelter and it was with that in mind that she decided to act first. "Boy!" She jerked her head in the direction of the empty space beside her in a wordless invitation.

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years
10-02-2014, 04:32 PM

Signy Lassair

The storm was... more unpleasant than she cared to admit.

Signy had at this point been around the continent a time or two and experienced a thing or two along with it, and she hadn't really gotten a chance to get lonely - the surly pine marten who more often than not clung to her dark back saw to that - but it had been a really, really long time since she'd seen any of her family even when she'd finally found her way back to where she'd been born, a place that belonged to another pack now sadly. Somehow they'd just managed to keep missing each other or something. It didn't usually bother the independent girl, but the storm had her worrying about them. What if her mom got hurt? Or Cissy? Or Tad? Or what if the storm made them sick or something?

So despite the misery of wet, windy weather and squelchy mud beneath her paws, and the incessant and increasingly foul muttering from her weaselly friend she pressed through the storm determinedly. When she caught sight of the drenched brown form pressed against a tree she thought, at first, that it had to be a baby bear or something, a "fact" that seemed confirmed when another brown shaped called out and gestured to it from a more sheltered position that mostly hid it from Signy. That mistaken identification might have led a more cautious soul to turn around and go away instead of risking Mama Bear's wrath, but Signy was curious. She'd never seen a baby bear up close and she didn't want the trip to be a complete waste of time, so the green-eyed girl continued forward. When she came a few steps more through the rain and wind, the small brown shape's identity made itself clear to her, and Signy squealed and launched herself forward, sending Ozymandias tumbling off cursing angrily. "Tad! Tad!" she yelped, and attempted to tackle her browncoat brother into the mud.

[Image: 4234f0f1-d765-42c4-9a96-28953ac45eea_zpsqqruefmh.png]

This pine marten has a very foul mouth and a confusing accent. He is also fierce and hates to be called adorable. You have been warned.



1 Year
10-14-2014, 12:27 PM

Taddeo had been completely occupied by the storm, unaware of the stranger watching from her shelter, or even that there was a potentially better shelter right there, as far as the boy was aware he was as dry as he was going to get. That was at least till a voice called out to him, Taddeo quickly turned his head in that direction, rising to his paws to move towards the debris pile. Cream paws moved the boy closer, his eyes narrowing against the rain, he stood before the entrance to the pile, head lowered to catch a glimpse of the woman huddled in the shelter.
Suddenly a voice was calling his name and as he turned his head to see a black form, he was being pushed off his paws, tumbling in the mud. It took a moment for him to realize just who he was looking up at. "Signy?" He asked, a grin slowly starting to spread across his face. The boy paid no heed to the chill creeping into him as the mud soaked him through, he had found his sister!