
Dancing Through Life


04-15-2013, 03:09 PM

Elegant white fur ruffled in the passing breeze as the dame lowered her maw to the crystalline waters of the lake. Her pink tongue escaped her equally pale lips and gently she lapped up her fill of a drink. She could not get over the beauty of Valhalla. Its forests, its colors, its... everything. They had water a plenty and food seemed to be common. Her scent was beginning to blend with the rest of the packs and she was no longer eyed suspiciously, a few had even been kind enough to approach her, offering a soft spoken word and a kind hello. She had not regretted her decision to join Valhalla in the slightest.

She was still adjusting to life among allies once again, she had not isolated herself and she was her kind and gentle self should she be sought out or chanced upon, but the adjustment from a life of solitude to a life of many was slightly overwhelming for her, but she was recalling her social graces, and Valhalla proved to be a great deal kinder than Arkhein had ever been. No... if she lived out the rest of her days here, even if she never achieved the family she had always dreamed of, she would feel content, or so she thought.

A familiar scent caught her nose and she lifted her head, sky blue eyes scanning the forest for the familiar visage, tentatively she tested the air, sniffing delicately, an excited smile breaking across her maw as she confirmed his presence. Her legs set her off at an easy canter, carrying her through the trees with a fluidity and grace that only time could grant. Her tail flickering behind her in excitement. She had not seen the young male in some time and while she did not know him remarkably well, she considered him a friend, and one that she had not realized she missed until she had scented him upon the breeze.

"Syrinx!" She called out to her young friend, tones gliding from her maw with ease. "Wait!" She increased her pace to catch his fleeing form, where was he off too in such a hurry?




Extra small
04-19-2013, 12:17 AM

OOC: [ ]

He was a bit quicker than was really necessary, but he had promised to himself that regardless of anything that happened he would be following Epiphron and keeping her from the boy called Maverick. Of course, he didn't like the kid. He didn't really like that he thought he had some right to be some awkward pair of balls for his sister. Prick. Syrinx did not approve, needless to say.

Though, luckily, he wouldn't be tapered down with thoughts of them as a familiar lyric rung out to his ears. His paws would quit moving and his eyes would turn to find the white silhouette of Evelette. She had been the first member he had gotten to come to Valhalla, and well, he was really excited whenever she wanted to spend time with him. She was so nice, and to be honest, he wasn't always the most giddy of persons.

Light smile peeled over his featured and he would torque his head as she approached. He couldn't really tell her that he was going to go find his sister who was getting mentally screwed with by a Seracian who was totally not good for anyone. No, that would be a terrible story to tell, well, anyone. Scowling slightly, and only for a moment, he decided he would not lie to the white woman, "Looking for Epiphron, other than that, probably just going out to the rivers," Well, he was looking for Epiphron, and logically, he had to go to the rivers to cross and get into the main part of Alacritis. So, he had not lied to her, and well, he was proud. "Er, what're you doin'"




04-24-2013, 02:21 PM

Evelette had adjusted well to life amongst Valhalla, her laid back demeanor and easy countenance made her an easy personality to get along with. She was polite, kind, respectful... and it seemed as long as those select things held true that the dame, that Valhalla would have no problem housing her. She was adjusting to her duties and her jobs within the pack, they were simple but numerous. Ranging from hunting for herself, the pack, the elders, and the newborns, to escorting the healers when they left to gain supplies. She wished to begin more advanced tasks, but they needed time, to see that she was a bit more useful than just a pretty face and an extra set of claws.

Syrinx was a welcome distraction from her own past, the lad seemed to enjoy her company for one reason or another and she could say the feeling was mutual. He had a quiet, contemplative demeanor about him. Words did not always seem to suit him, but intelligence was fierce in the depths of his eyes, something that was rare in youth, it made her smile, she enjoyed his countenance greatly. He stopped when she called out to him, head turning slightly to face her a smile, however slight, painted upon his maw. She smiled brightly, eyes glittering with excitement. She approached him swiftly, brushing her maw against his shoulder in a warm greeting.

"Nothing of dire importance. Perhaps I should join you? Lord knows someone must keep the scowl off your face!" She laughed lightly, teasing him, for someone so young he seemed so serious so much of the time. She wished he would loosen up just a bit, she wondered if the poor boy had ever been a pup, she could scarcely imagine him romping about with seemingly little to no care. She wondered what had made him so stoic.




Extra small
05-05-2013, 12:18 AM

OOC: [ ]

She had been a particularly new addition to Valhalla, but at least she was doing something as opposed to some members. He was quite disappointed in the actions of, well, everyone after the meeting. They had all let a lot of people down. Syrinx had started to grow skeptical of if he even wanted to be King, but he knew the answer. Even if he somehow did not become King of Valhalla, he would be a king, and his subordinates would hold their tongues. They would not flit around like they had something in mind, something better. Gracious, he would not be a king Valhalla was used to. He could admit, however, his reign would be fair. Punishing those that deserved it -neo- and leaving those that did good to do as they pleased; rewarding them.

So, she wanted to come with him? That?d be fine, he supposed. He was up to no particular good and well, he didn?t plan to be. Shrugging his shoulders and nodding he would offer her a minor grimace and carry on, ?Don?t mean to scowl, just disappointed in a lot,? yes, he was referring to the outcome of the meeting. First of all, Maverick was going to marry a sister of his, granted, not Epiphron, so one should consider that a victory. Regardless, Adravendi blood would be tainted. Secondly, Valhalla had acted with poor taste. He was displeased with them. Shrugging his shoulders the Adravendi sire would turn on heavy legs, and move beside her, ?What, uh, did you want to do??



05-11-2013, 02:14 PM

Evelette did not feel it was her place to have an opinion on the affairs of the pack. She had been with Valhalla for a scarce few weeks, she was still learning the ropes, the patrols, the borders, the duties she had been assigned. The meeting had made her uneasy and off balance. The topics had risen a great deal of emotion from the ranks and she had felt a bit of an outsider amongst her new family. Perhaps it had been wrong for her to make such a hasty retreat, but the meeting had invoked emotions she felt she was intruding upon. Perhaps she would need to speak with Collision later... or perhaps some things were best left unspoken. She bartered no opinion, neither on the pack nor on Collision, her attempted flee, had allowed her the courtesy to remain neutral.

She walked briskly beside the earthen colored male, she did not view him as a prince and perhaps that was wrong of her, but titles had always seemed silly to the fae when it came to a friendship. Did it truly matter if one was a king and another was a peasant? Could the two not have mutual respect for one another? She shook off her thoughts, focusing as the young male spoke once more, almost apologizing. The ivory dame would frown, she had not meant to offend him. Gently, she would brush the length of her snout against his cheek, offering him a gentle lick. "Relax my dear, I only tease you. You look far more handsome when you smile." She would offer the compliment softly, hoping to relax him. He seemed so wire tense... he was so young, he should enjoy life, not bask in the darkness. His question would catch her mildly off guard but she recovered quickly. "I had intended to partake in a hunt, but I believe my mission has changed, I wished to hear your laugh before the sun dips beneath the earth this day."
