



04-14-2013, 06:54 PM
Gargoyle was soon to be along, surely, after all there was no time for the Valhallan to wait. Glaciem had already solidified an alliance with the Seracians and now all Gargoyle had come to do was make sure that everything was perfectly fine. Collision himself had to actually make the beginning steps, get something in motion, and make sure that what he offered would promise a strong and enduring future for all of the Seracians and all of the Valhallans. Stoic face was all the multi-colored man held onto and he would not waste time with formality as he stood upon the borders of Seracia, pulled his head back, and summoned for them. His golden gaze would fall over their lands and while, to himself, they were not as impressive. They were still thriving with a regality of sorts.

Long, deep, whole would ring through the air and his musculature would remain powerful and solid. He clearly had no reason to come to the borders as a show of force, as he knew not what the numbers of Seracia were and he knew not what their king was like. He was going to test the waters and he was going to make sure that everything he gave was going to have an equal and positive benefit for those under his control. He would simply expect no less of his pack, his pride, his family. O where are you King of Seracia.


04-14-2013, 08:21 PM

Three days had now passed since the event had taken place. Since he'd said goodbye to his ladylove and she'd gone away. A man had come to inform him of her death, but upon going to where the body supposedly laid they found the ground to be void of her frame. Carried away for healing, he was sure, but where? Who would take her in? Well, in all honesty, he would have. If he had found her body there, he would have brought her home, seen that she was taken care of and given a good life. Even if she had been dead, he would have seen to a proper burial. His ex Queen deserved that much, if not more. No, she deserved more, more than he could offer.

Still, thoughts of her had gradually decreased over the days, and he no longer felt like the bottomless pit of emotions he had been on the first night without her. The den was slowly becoming a less horrible place to be, and gradually he was slipping back into the kind of King he had been, the kind of King he would always be. The realization that Seracia needed to be informed before the rumors started flowing had crossed his mind countless times, but he could not bring himself to stand before them just yet, not without knowing how he would break the news to them that their Queen was gone, possibly dead.

All of these thoughts flitted away, however, when a powerful call split the Kingdom. The King lifted his crown with interest, pivoting to face the noise. The sounder must've been just at the borders. Another prospective member? No, it sounded.. different than that. Head tilting slightly, Gerhardt paced toward the borders, a spring in his step that had not been there the day before. Still, he did not carry himself as he once had, the King suspected he'd never be totally the same as before. This event would change him totally, he knew it deep down.

As he came upon the scene he found a storm colored man that he recognized at least partially. The Valhallan King, was it? Boy, this was a surprise. Gerhardt gave a smile and a dip of his head, coming to a stop just on his side of the border. "Good day to you, sir. Collision, is it? Welcome to the Kingdom of Seracia." Tone held a more natural note than it would have had the man showed up a day ago, or even two - for that matter. And yet, somewhere deep within the notes was a hollowness that had not been there before, a vague lack of something that even the King wasn't sure of. Curiosity piqued in violet eyes as he gazed at the Valhallan King, wondering what brought him this way. He wondered, briefly, if this was about his son Maverick who supposedly had his eye on a Valhallan princess.


Image by Ruelle.



04-15-2013, 01:57 PM

Collision would continue to wait dutifully for the other alpha to come and he would waste no time as the Seracian leader approached him. Head would lowly dip to the vaguely familiar canine and he would slowly rotate his head forward into a respectful nod of sorts. "Collision is correct, sir. Pardon me, your name has escaped my mind," the brute would nod his head to the alpha and he would position himself back to his height as he looked across the lands of seracia that he was so welcome to.

"Gorgeous lands, it is my pleasure to be here," He looked at the ground beaneath his feet before clicking his nails into it and staring at the brunette male, "To be quick and to the point, sir, I came to talk of Valhalla and Seracia's morals. An alliance could be quite interesting," Never one to mess around the slate male would digress and wait.


04-15-2013, 02:07 PM

If the boy Maverick was the reason for Collision's sudden arrival, Gerhardt would be of two minds. One would be frustrated with his son for causing an Alpha to come out of his way, the other would be pleased that the Valhallan King was now here, and within range of proposing an alliance. Gerhardt had been thinking of such things for a while, ever since hearing about Valhalla and it's ways, but he had not heard quite enough to make himself leave his home to offer up a treaty. "Gerhardt Mathias." He would offer his name with it's usual intonation, leaving out his middle name because he lacked need for it. He'd long since realized most wolves had dropped their surnames as well, but Gerhardt was not willing to part with Mathias, and knew that Collision, of all wolves, would appreciate it as he too carried a surname of Adravendi. The King listened on as pleasantries were offered, and a motive was given. So, the King had bestirred himself to Seracian lands on account of wanting an alliance? How wonderful. A smile graced the monarch's features. "I daresay we are of one mind, Collision. An alliance between our lands has been on my mind for quite some time. What sort of details did you have in mind?" Everyone expected something slightly different out of an alliance, and the King was interested to see just how Valhalla handled their affairs, as well as get a bit more information from the King before fully pledging the Kingdom's loyalty.


Image by Ruelle.



04-15-2013, 02:34 PM

Gerhardt would give his name and collision would nod, storing it to memory and making sure that as things were taken things would remain serious, for he was not going to taint the name of Valhalla, or even Seracia, with falsities. If they were to be powerful then they were going to need to really show their strength. They would need to show their minds. Not a flimsy, careless, outlook. "Pleasure to know, sir," he rolled his shoulders back in a more relaxed manner as Gerhardt allowed his mind to be read. An Idea had been on his mind for some time and he just hoped that it would take, "Alliances are supposed to be particularly...strong, Gerhardt. I came to offer our Beta, and heir's sister, Chrysanthe to whomever your prince is," A betrothal in the making, oh yes.


04-15-2013, 02:47 PM

Mind would wander to what he had heard of Valhalla. Their numbers were great, and had once been beyond impressive. They had come from the same land his sons and daughter had, and had been strong there as well. Their patriarch, Cairo, was once their leader, but had since given the crown to Collision - who now stood before the King of Seracia. Next in line was a boy that Gerhardt could not put a name to, but he was another Adravendi. An offer of a betrothal seemed to be fitting to Collision, and the Seracian King could not agree more. His son would be betrothed to the beta, Chrysanthe, sister to the future King. How splendid! The monarch nodded his head before speaking. "My son Maverick is the crowned Prince, and I would be honored to betroth him to Chrysanthe." He paused, wondering if assuming that the pair would live in Seracia was a stretch. "I should assume that the girl would be brought here for the duration of the betrothal and eventual marriage, correct?" It would not bode well to have his heir living elsewhere, and Gerhardt could not choose anyone else for the job, with no living blood son of his own, and no desire to choose Valkis for the task. He wondered briefly what his son would think of such an arrangement, but was not worried. Maverick would do anything for Seracia, he knew it.


Image by Ruelle.



04-15-2013, 03:00 PM

Collision would allow the man plenty of time to digest the information he had been given, and he knew that it was a bold statement, however, the seracian King seemed to take it quite well after all was explained. Nodding his head he would be pleased to hear that the man's son was prince. How perfect. That meant that Chrysanthe would surely be the Queen of Seracia? Oh, that was absolutely perfect. Not only would there be an alliance gained, but another Adravendi would be put in power. "Actually, the Adravendi's, you'll have to excuse me for any lies, I'm adopted into their family, prefer seclusion. The bride is prepared and since it is you who will be gaining her for Seracia, granted to lead beside your son, the wedding would preferably be held in Valhalla, she would leave with you all afterwards," It seemed like a pretty fair trade. Chrysanthe would hopefully fight to allow at lease one of her children to hold the Adravendi surname, and she would have her own kingdom, on top of that. All Collision requested was time to talk to them, and the location. He waited.


04-15-2013, 03:15 PM

How perfect was this? Gerhardt was now singlehandedly tying his family with possibly the most important and influential family in all of this land. The Adravendi's were revered, and he was sure with this union, the Mathias' family would rise with them. Not to mention tying Valhalla with Seracia could only lead to the prospering of both packs in turn. "Not to worry, Maverick is adopted as well, but believe me.. he's every bit my son as any blood child could be." A delicate pause was given. The bride was already prepared? Collision must have expected that Gerhardt would not refuse. He wondered what the girl must think of the arrangement, particularly since she probably knew nothing about Maverick. "I would be honored if the wedding were held in Valhalla. Did you have a date in mind? Of course I will need time to prepare the groom," Maverick would no doubt be interested in the whole arrangement and the details, as well as who his future wife was to be. The Prince would be shocked, but he would get used to the idea. Things were looking up. Seracia would not be without a queen for long.


Image by Ruelle.



04-19-2013, 01:21 AM

ollision had a feeling that the decision he was making would not come without a couple of whines from his sister, but fact of the matter was, well, they had to do things that would get them by. Besides, the heir of Seracia Surely he was a formidable young lad that could easily hold power up well and could easily hold onto basically anything. Chrysanthe was a level headed young woman and there was no doubt in his mind that if she was going to be married she would be perfect. She would be smart, and she would rule a pack with plenty of grace.

"This winter, the Adravendi litter will all turn two years. Meaning Chryanthe will be fully matured and no doubt prepared to be a Queen. Her brother, Syrinx, is the Valhallan Heir, so she's used to being around power. She's a strong mind, so I'm sure she'll fit in well with a monarchical society, sir," It wasn't exactly a picture perfect fairy tale ending for the woman, but he knew that with Seracia, well, she would be well provided for.


04-20-2013, 03:06 PM

Gerhardt could already hear the cries of alarm from his son. No doubt Maverick would be unsure about being wed to a woman he had not met before, but who's to say he hadn't met her? She very well could be the Valhallan girl he was smitten over, if only Gerhardt knew the name! But it didn't matter now, even if it wasn't her the boy would be married. It was time he thrust his entire life into being Prince, and that included betrothals, weddings, and learning everything he could about Seracia. Collision spoke up, stating that the wedding would be held in the Winter, when Chrysanthe would be two. Maverick was a season behind her, but he was mature enough to take a wife, even one slightly older. "I have no doubts of her capabilities, likewise I can assure my son will make a strong husband and leader. She will not want for anything, I am positive." The girl would be the future Queen of Seracia. Seracia would have a Queen before they knew it. But before that, they would get a Princess, someone to support and love the Prince and lead with wisdom and fairness when coronation day came.


Image by Ruelle.