

Ezekiel I


04-14-2013, 01:59 PM
[Image: ezekiel_by_wolftaske-d60lag9.png]


he'd been following the old, ailed elk for days after it had been separated from its herd, and finally its broken ankle had sapped the strength from its very core. upon the borders of tortuga it finally dropped to its knees with a mighty grunt, eyes rolling into the back of its skull as it made a final attempt to rise. ezekiel gave a crackling, anticipatory croon and blinked as he landed upon a branch, turning his head to examine the behemoth with one hungry eye. always better when they're fresh, he chortled inwardly, pleased with this turn of events. after a failed effort to bring himself upright, the beast seemed to finally give up on the struggle, and so then it crumpled fully to the ground, hips hitting the earth with a powerful thud. ezekiel watched carefully as its respiration slowed, but did not wait or it to stop. the scavenger glided from his lookout and landed in front of the antler-adorned individual, and when it didn't move or protest at his cautious approach, the bearded vulture began to go in for his prize.

he would be brief with the animal. he'd get a bone he liked and then possibly drop it on a wolf head or two, and wait for the lupine creatures to tear it apart before he went back for more. it was about the only use the avian had for the pesky brutes nowadays was unearthing his meals from pounds of hot flesh. ezekiel attacked the leg, knowing the flesh would be thin around the broken area, and immediately it was as if the elk found enough energy to bugle and struggle at the arrival of new pain. the bird hopped out of kicking distance and then repeated the process of approaching and being driven back a time or so, chuckling darkly as it made more and more noise with every cry. though he was a little disappointed that he wouldn't been able to snag a snack before the mutts descended, ezekiel was satisfied that the deep, air-shaking calls would be enough to get the bovine killed. the merciless creature backed away with a crazed peal of laughter, retreating back to his perch in the trees and receding into the embrace of the shadows to wait.


04-15-2013, 08:04 AM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2013, 08:06 AM by Awaken.)

Awaken was lying in a nearby bush, his tail swishing occasionaly. His big black body blending with the shadows making him practicaly invisable. His eyes rose up as he noticed the wounded elk limping by... He wasnt nessicarily hungry so he left the wounded beast be. Untill... That bird landed... He reconized the bird from his spar... Revenge is sweet.

?? ? Awaken snuck up to his feet. Sneaking around in the shadows untill he was close to ezekial. He waited and then lept, not meaning to kill the bird, he just wanted to tackle him down and have some fun with him. He then realized the bird was already in the trees. His ears perked forwaed as he looked up at Ezekial with a look that just said 'WTF.'

?? ? ?Awaken decided to do his 'random act of kindness' for the day and lowered his muzzle to the deer and asphixiateing it to kill it, then moved back on the carcas and bit off alittle from its ribs. Tesiously tearing the skin away from the flesh on a big patch of beast then looking back up at Ezekial. "you seriously dont think i can eat this by myself do you?" He laughed back at Ezekial. Awaken was never above sharing meals with any other hungry creature, be it wolf or be it squaking fowl.

(ooc: imma join in on this cause i love the bird!)
Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)


04-15-2013, 08:18 PM
sorry for taking more away from your ezekiel - nnoitra time, but it was an opportunity i couldn't refuse :p
[Image: fbdxft.jpg]
"Speech." ? ? ? Thought. ? ? ? 564.

An ominous blanket of clouds hung high above the ethereal beauty?s skull, shading her from the usual afternoon heat that the island had been experiencing due to the summer sun as she sauntered along the borderline of Tortuga?s territory, performing the ever-so tedious duty of both defining the exact boundaries and checking to see that none had dared to cross them. Her skull had descended from the typical stance it held level with her spine, her muzzle barely sweeping the grassy terrain as she stalked the perimeter of her domain like some bloodhound. Fortunately, the wench discovered that none had breached Tortuga?s lands, and as she made her way back to the tree she had raked her claws down as a marker to show where she had begun her round, a sound rather than aroma piqued her interest. It was a hoarse and painful grunting, and Morphine immediately recognized the call to belong to an elk. Her infamous smirk lifted her visage, skull elevating as her pupils searched her surroundings for the source of the noise, expecting to find her packmates tearing into a fresh carcass. Instead, she found nothing but vegetation, and she trotted off in pursuit of the kill as the distressed calls subsided.

Metallic eyes flashed in anger as she reached the scene to find an unfamiliar face that bore not the stench of Tortuga ripping his canines through the thick fur of the fallen beast, addressing another whom Morphine could not see. A single brow quirked as she questioned the behemoth, wondering whether or not his sanity had been completely drained since he appeared to be conversing with a creature his mind had conjured and seemed oblivious to the fact that he was feasting uncomfortably close to Tortuga?s borders. Aloof to the possibility that the male might have lost his senses, she trudged closer to the brute, the sluggish pace at which she maneuvered and her warrior-esque stance oozing trouble. The invader might have been larger than she and even daft, but Morphine did not allow either of those factors to deter her; he would be treated with the same mannerisms as any other foolish canine who dared hunt even near the borders she had clearly defined.

?No, I suppose I don?t expect you to eat that on your own,? she rasped coldly in response to the question he had offered his invisible friend, emerging from the shadows and stalking closer towards the brute, her shoulders rolling with every stride in a feline-esque manner. Her pupils never strayed from the male?s own as she walked a semi-circle about him, failing to recognize the creature that had perched himself in a tree beyond her vision and too focused on the criminal before her to register its scent. ?I do think, however, that you and your ? uh ? ?buddy? will not eat from that --? she inclined her muzzle in the direction of the male?s kill, ??at all.? Her body pivoted to face the direction of the male at the conclusion of her demand, bracing herself in case she had ignited a flame within the boy, and allowed the Cheshire grin to crack her countenance further. ?Capiche?? Sure, she could have granted the canine an explanation as to why he had been prohibited to dig into his kill, but utilizing an intimidating approach seemed to be a much more entertaining method.


04-15-2013, 08:32 PM

Awaken shrugged at the other's rudeness. He was pretty flexible when it came to meaner wolves than he was. Yes, he could defend himself from any big threat but he just didnt feel like having wolf blood on his hands today. No need to be all like that, i didnt kill it, but i can kill another. All though i do belive thisones plenty big for the three of us."

??He shifted his weight, confidance in his eyes. No, he was not afraid of her at all, and he looked her right in the eyes. Awaken stood just barely on the outskirts. The line was almost right under his paws. He shrugged, simply turning. He didnt wish to fight on someones home turf. "Hey bird, meet me somewhere up north next chance you get and ill catch you something, got it? ?He then gave a sweet grin to Morphine. " and you, ma'm should really lighten up alittle. " he laughed before walking away slowly. He hadnt realized how close he was to a pack territory. Way to dodge a bullet Awaken. ?He felt bad on the inside that the poor bird's meal had been taken from him, buut he could catch him another.

[exit awaken]

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)

Ezekiel I


04-15-2013, 09:08 PM
[Image: ezekiel_by_wolftaske-d60lag9.png]


he was about to make a snark reply to the familiar wolf's words when a she-wolf coated in white made her way forward, tone laden with endlessly heavy disdain as she approached the foreign object. ezekiel shifted noiselessly on his branch, leaning forward with supreme interest, laughter dancing in his crimson eyes. oh, how it seemed as if he could have two meals tonight, both of which could last him for days. the bearded vulture, however, couldn't suppress the disappointed harrumph as he was denied his rightful food even though the she-wolf knew not who she spoke to. he completely and totally ignored the seemingly dull creature's leave, and awaited his departure before gliding down to alight upon the carcass, wings remaining partially spread even as his balance proved solid.

"what, what? oh what use do you have, my dear, for the bones that r-ra-rattle and s-sh-shake within dead and lifeless flesh?" he chanted, an erratic but somewhat catchy rhythm accompanying the flow of his words. "them dry bones 'be all i need, m-missusssss," came his pointed remark, final consonants drawing into a hiss. he inched his way back to the injured limb, picking at the bones. "no meat on these bones, these dry old bones; no meat on these bones, you see!" he knocked his beak solidly against the thinly-clad monomer of anatomy, lifting his head with a near-crooked set neck to examine the lupe with one roaming eye, timbre still ear-gratingly rough and rantings still almost sing-song in their swings of tone. "i'll take, take, take 'em off your hands, if you'll only give them to me!"