
You Better Be Good To Me


04-24-2013, 04:46 PM

His tail rose into a joyful curl as Collision announced that he would be a Centurion from now on. He was a full fledged healer now, the words of his brother's imprisonment flying over his head entirely. It wasn't until Erani spoke that he realized how heated matters had become in Valhalla. Everyone was talking about a slave and it wasn't long before he realized it was Neo. His brother. He rolled his eyes. He should have known from the very beginning Neo would cause trouble for the whole pack, now he'd driven a divide between the pack over his "Imprisonment" if it could even be called that. Neo was probably just being over dramatic in regards to his punishment. As Collision said they weren't beating or hurting him, and Collision would never lie or exaggerate...Would he? Of course not. They were brothers, he would never lie to him. As if on cue Collision snapped, he shrank back, terrified of the side of his brother he'd never seen before. And then it happened. Erani was demoted to civilian. He shocked and yet, couldn't help but be happy. He was more than a Centurion now. He was THE Centurion. He glanced around for his siblings, hoping one of them would acknowledge this, but they had all but left or were too distracted by their own fights to take note of this fact. That was okay. They'd figure it out eventually. Finally he had a chance to prove himself. He turned tail and ran into the woods trotting merrily, into the woods, a single word echoing in his mind: Centurion.





04-28-2013, 02:09 PM (This post was last modified: 04-28-2013, 02:26 PM by Micha.)

A slew of curses left her maw as she slid through the damp grass of The Veronicca plains, she was late, VERY late, and there still stood a great distance between her and the meeting spot. Collison would have her head for this or at least her rank. She tore through the tall grass, her tiny form barely standing above the fine blades as she ran. She had been mourning again, not over the loss of a lover but rather of a loss of love, Thane, the devil, had reminded her just how cursed her apperance was, just how unlikable she was, how ugly she truly was. And now she would pay in rank and reprehention for focusing on said reason.

She crept toward the leader, ears pulled back and tail tucked, the pack seemed to be in an uproar, over what she couldn't say, but it all seemed very important. "Forgive my tardiness your honor." She said with a low bow.




05-05-2013, 06:12 PM

Cormalin leaned into his sister?s affection, glad to finally be able to indulge in it. A grin grabbed hold of his muzzle as she remarked on the strength of her unborn litter?s movements. Wolves arrived, and at last their Alpha arrived. At first, things seemed to be alright. But then? Erani was on her paws and blue fire flashed in her eyes. Mismatched gold and blue gaze flicked between her and the two young females, Chrysanthe and Epiphron. Chrysanthe looked as though she were trying to cover pain and shock. Epiphron, exactly the same. And then Collision erupted like an adolescent. One ear fell as he bellowed a command for silence, then the other pinned back, and his jowls wrinkled slightly, begging to rise as the younger male ripped Erani?s status from her.

Blue and Gold eyes bore into the Alpha?s, as he tried to understand how a wolf taught by their previous Alpha, could make such rash decisions. How he could be such an idiot as to explode like that in front of his pack. Actions like these could be seen as instability, and instability could get a wolf challenged for leadership rights. If he didn?t know that challenging this male would cause only more strife for his sister, and more discomfort for the two girls that his sister loved as though she had birthed them herself, he would do it himself. The pack needed a leader that could keep his head when his decisions were questioned. And poor Soleil? If his Akana were still alive, and ill, Alpha or not, he wouldn?t have once left her side.

A slow, disapproving shake of his head was given, and he rose to follow his sister, brother, and niece as they left. Let Collision learn from his mistakes. The grey male had made his nest. Now he would have to sleep in it. He flicked his tail to Obsidian as he left, motioning her to follow. He would be with his sister. She was all the family he had.



13+ Years
Extra large
05-05-2013, 06:47 PM
Obsidian rested a hind hoof on it?s tip as she waited for this meeting to begin. A comfortable wind brushed invisible fingers over her hide, and she gave a lazy flick of her thick black tail in contentment. Ears flicked to and fro now and then, listening to wolves arriving and the quiet general chatter between Erani and Corrie. Then her skin twitched as the Alpha arrived after? Was that Neo? She had never met him personally, and he didn?t look like one she wanted to meet, either. She acted on her prey instincts for perhaps the first time since she?d come into the pack. She shifted slightly, putting the gigantic black male that was Erani?s mate, and Cormalin between her and that angry, hateful presence.

Her large blue eyes turned to Collision as he began speaking, ears pricked forward to listen to him. Most of what he was talking about made little sense to her, seeing as she had been a member of the domesticated creatures for most of her life. What was an Alliance, exactly? What was marriage? What was Betrothal? What was a slave? And then Erani was speaking, and she had never seen the lovely white healer upset like this before. And Cormalin was angry too. Should she be angry? Her head tossed, and she gave a huff. Erani was being stripped of her rank. That was like being placed last in a show, wasn?t it? She herself had never placed lower than second, but she?d experienced the sour mares that had been placed last. They never liked to lose.

She could feel the rage coming from Cormalin, the worry from Nova, and the wrath from Erani, and her tail lashed side to side. Cormalin and Erani, Nova, as well as the pretty female, Chrysanthe, were leaving, and Cormalin gestured for her to follow. She trotted after him, tail raised and flicking side to side.

-Exit The Horse-