
Ethereal Talk


09-24-2014, 03:20 PM
set before the storm

The final pack of the north. She would stop at the borders, again, tip her head back, again, and summon the alpha. Again. It was a boring task to have to deal with politics. She would be much happier if she didn't have to deal with it. But the last thing she needed was to give caught up in useless drama. So instead, she chose to make herself known, offer a peace treaty with those deemed worthy, and go on her way. But this pack was unknown. The markers didn't register as familiar, so she would hesitate on offering a peace treaty. Haunches would fold beneath, pressing against the cool ground. Caves stretched before her, disappearing into darkness. She never really cared for caves. Peering into the darkness she would search for the approach of the alpha. What a strange place to claim. Sure it was easily defendable, but who wanted to life in caves. Where was the fun in that? Silence surrounded her as she waited patiently. Soon enough she would be able to return to places closer to home and then finished with all this political nonsense. Her mind would stay focused on the task at head, nostrils quivered, searching for any signs that someone may be approaching. Audits would twitch back and forth, the sounds unfamiliar and grating on her nerves with every passing minute. She was ready to leave this place.