
The Courageous Wanderer

Thaddeus Rogue

04-13-2013, 01:00 AM
When he last wondered this stretch of land, Thaddeus Rogue had heard whispers of a pack that ruled the planes. It was said that they where war fairing and lived mostly separated. Every summer they would go out and find whatever resource they could and bring it back to the territory. He had wondered how an alpha could lead a band of wolves that where gone anywhere from mid spring to mid fall. Why could an alpha let leaders rise, and still hold everything together, when the Blood Wolves could not? But he was too late, this pack it seemed was not as successful as he thought, or they moved to a land more bountiful in there summer campaign, which ever the reason they where no longer there, and he lost his chance to understand the one event in his life that he was still hung up on, well the only one he had a reason to be hung up on, for the brother he thought he failed came back from the dead, and in all intents and purposes was doing well in life, well better then the shadow that seems to be fallowing him around, that same shadow that Rogue gets a glimpse of every so often.

Thaddeus sighed at that point. He could feel the wariness of his years wearing down on him. Rogue had seen a lot of things in his life, he had seen genocide and war, but he had also seen love and compassion. But it seemed that more evil lives in the world then good, and that was making him see just how terrible others are. And frankly that was odd. Thaddeus Rogue had lived in a loving family, grew up quite happy, but one event in his life changed all that, just as it does to everyone that he had meet. Little sister, beyond the whole starving thing, was a happy little thing, she just wanted to live life, hell she even talked about coming with Rogue on his 'adventures', now like a good older brother he had always hide the truth, he knew that the world was a terrible place, and he did not want her to see it... But what would have happened if he would have let her fallow him out into the very dark world with him? would she still be alive today? Would he be cursing the day he opened his heart again, for it only to be ripped from his chest again? Ah, Thaddeus was indeed in a terrible place, and he had no idea how to get himself out of it.

Thaddeus Rogue could tell that Gargie was trying in his own way, and Crusade was really pushing him to make his life here where his family could protect him, but hell, Rogue failed everyone that mattered most to him, and now nothing was different. He was going to fail at happiness like every other time he tried, it was just a matter of how long it was going to take the evil in this world to crush his love and happiness again... But no matter how much it hurt him, Thaddeus Rogue still feels the need to understand, and to love, he wants a reason to protect those about him, but he does not know if he has the courage to open his tightly closed heart in order to live up to those dreams...



04-19-2013, 10:29 PM
Collision had lost a lot of things in his life. his biological parents, his brothers, his sisters, and to be honest he knew that some of them had taken the fate of death, sincerely, however, he could admit that just because they had died ro chosen to left, both of them was equally painful. However, because of the afflictions he had for others, the most prominent loss in his life would have to have been Guinevere. He missed her. So much. His mother. When no one else wanted him she had been there. She had been at hi side. She had been the magic, that he needed. A sigh would flee from his lips as he traveled across the Earth. No, he could not have her back and it was foolish of him to pretend that things could change merely because he wanted them to. Things always went the way he didn't anyways.

Still, he resented Crusade so much. she had been the reason his mom decided to leave. She wanted to be an alpha and so everyone decided Crusade's goals in life were ultimately more important. It irked him, and it made him, quite frankly, very distressed. However, it seemed as though he had managed to get along with his siblings enough, and so serendipitously, his brother Rogue would be out and about.

He could recall long ago when himself and rogue had gotten into a pretty bad fight over the roads they had chosen. At the time, Collision's was starlight, and then Rogue's was Glaciem. It made little sense to him, however, he did his best to keep up with things and the way they were. Quickly he would move in the direction of his sibling and his masculine form would stop as he allowed a chuff to exit his chest in an attempt to grasp his attention.

Thaddeus Rogue

04-22-2013, 06:14 PM
It had been a long time since Thaddeus Rogue thought of his family, yes every now and then he would stray close to those that filled his heart and mind, but he never truly sat down and pondered how such a large family, that where close for all intents and purposes, could scatter to the wind, non having the same experiences, or leading the same life. Just look at Raven, He stayed with the pack of their birth and grow to be a great Alpha or so Rogue had heard in his brief time with them. Then there was Collision, Thaddeus had heard neither heads or tails since there last encounter all those many years ago. They where close, but that was not shocking; Thaddeus has a good relationship with most of his siblings, why he could never say. But when Collision left, they had fought, making a rift in the bond they had. It had seemed at the time that Collision was abandoning all of the family for those that where not of his blood, and that was a blow to the husky marked brute, Rogue had not understood at the time that everyone had a path to walk, and Collisions was just elsewhere as was his, not that he knew it at the time, but now Thaddeus Rogue understands; they where one in the same, they had to find there own path and both paths lead away from Glaciem, well mostly; it seemed that no matter how far his rogue paws carried him he always found his way back to the icy tundra that his clan always called home.

Mid thought though had the duel colored brute stopping in his tracks. For the very being that was thinking about seemed to pop outta nowhere, He was mostly the same as he always has been, but different... He carried himself with power and pride, like he had accomplished something great, and as far as Rogue knew he had. That made Thaddeus laugh out loud, it was rich, when he was at his lowest his siblings are at there best, and they kept showing up to rub his nose in his failures, failures to himself and to them. it just so happened that his failure to Collision was lest dramatic then with Gargie. But alas it was a jokiest day, if not a sad one too, for regrets of the past where forefront on his mind...

"Hello brother...." Regrets from the past but also hope for the future filling his voice.