
The Seducer's Diary



1 Year
04-12-2013, 02:48 PM

name <./a>

cracks in the pavement - with Syrinx

flawless - With Kalypso

Brain Damage - with Valkis



1 Year
04-26-2013, 11:12 AM (This post was last modified: 03-28-2017, 07:52 PM by Nyx.)
Daylight was a time in which the dame normally slept, and yet slumber refused her repeatedly, no matter how she cried for its company, and so the woman would be cursed to wander the hours of the day. How she abhorred the light, for so harsh was it upon her beautiful eyes that were far more accustomed to the dark than anything else, but she endured it nonetheless. Perhaps a walk would lead her to sleeps resting grounds, and so a bit of a wander was what she took. She wasn't sure where she'd run into, but any type of stimulation would be better than doing nothing - those walls wouldn't be doing any tricks no matter how long she decided to gaze longingly upon them.

To her limbs she brought herself, giving a vigorous shake of her pelt before petite paws carried her to her den's door and blades of light then were felt to caress her ebony pelt with their warmth and light. She was a piece of the puzzle that simply didn't fit, for she was an extra, she was unnatural and dark yet so ethereal at the same time - which is the most terrifying trait of the dame. To be wanted so much while one's instinct was instantly to run at the sight of her. But that is to be expected when one faces Death herself. Still, upon her wandering today, there would be no deaths to be claimed. No, instead her paws bring her to a halt as she notices a patch of lovely wild roses.

Her weakness and flaw, despite the carnage and death she taints the world with, are these beautiful plants. Despite her limbs caring to wander further, to bring her away from those roses, her instinct draws her back and she halts. Delicate dip of her head is given and but a tender whiff is taken from the centerpiece of one of the crimson roses, the lass seen to close her eyes. She savors the sweetness of its scent, softly brushing her cool nose upon those smooth and silky petals, feeling the sensation of what it like to be alive.
" Speech "

image by legal (coding credit to lutara)

<center><div style="width: 490px; background-image: url(; background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color: #a40002; padding-bottom: 400px; border: 4px solid #000000;"><div style="padding: 20px; text-align: justify; font-family:Georgia; font-size: 10px; color: #000000;">
Daylight was a time in which the dame normally slept, and yet slumber refused her repeatedly, no matter how she cried for its company, and so the woman would be cursed to wander the hours of the day. How she abhorred the light, for so harsh was it upon her beautiful eyes that were far more accustomed to the dark than anything else, but she endured it nonetheless. Perhaps a walk would lead her to sleeps resting grounds, and so a bit of a wander was what she took. She wasn't sure where she'd run into, but any type of stimulation would be better than doing nothing - those walls wouldn't be doing any tricks no matter how long she decided to gaze longingly upon them.

To her limbs she brought herself, giving a vigorous shake of her pelt before petite paws carried her to her den's door and blades of light then were felt to caress her ebony pelt with their warmth and light. She was a piece of the puzzle that simply didn't fit, for she was an extra, she was unnatural and dark yet so ethereal at the same time - which is the most terrifying trait of the dame. To be wanted so much while one's instinct was instantly to run at the sight of her. But that is to be expected when one faces Death herself. Still, upon her wandering today, there would be no deaths to be claimed. No, instead her paws bring her to a halt as she notices a patch of lovely wild roses.

Her weakness and flaw, despite the carnage and death she taints the world with, are these beautiful plants. Despite her limbs caring to wander further, to bring her away from those roses, her instinct draws her back and she halts. Delicate dip of her head is given and but a tender whiff is taken from the centerpiece of one of the crimson roses, the lass seen to close her eyes. She savors the sweetness of its scent, softly brushing her cool nose upon those smooth and silky petals, feeling the sensation of what it like to be alive.
[color=#ff0003][i]" Speech "[/i][/color]

</div></div><div style="font-size: 8px; font-family: arial; padding-top: 1px;">image by legal (coding credit to lutara)</div></center>
by legal

"Truly charmed to meet you as well." came the young dove's lyrics, coiled in the tones of european accent, though there was something about the way the dove looked at him that was odd. She was lovely, intriguing to the eye of any being, and yet at the moment her eyes bore both a burning flame of emerald as well as the hollowness of a wraith. Interesting to bear a flame and yet be void of nothing at the same time, yes? But such things were as such due to the fact that thoughts plagued the young dame's skull. The man had asked a question of her, though whether she'd share her previous home or not, was yet to be told. Why would he care, was this small talk he was desiring of her? And what was the point of it?

She looked over his every feature, scaling from the look of his pelt, to the way it ran along his figure, the curves of his muscles and the look of his claws as she pondered just what it was that she'd grace his ears with until at last she lifted those emerald jewels of hers to train upon his own. Slow was the smile that caressed the soft surface of her lips, her plume sweeping the air behind her as she then found herself dancing a circle about the male, simply soaking up every last inch of him before she came to seat herself along his right side, though just before him. "To define is to limit she told him, only to then look before herself and tilt her head scantly, gazing upon the heavens. "I am too fond of wandering the world to call a single corner of it my home, for home is merely a place wolves rest when they care to breed, settle, or die." she said, only to then glance back at him from the corner of her eye before looking forward again. "I have none. What of you, though?"she questioned, large lobes drawing at attention as she sat at attention like an egyptian goddess.


<div align=center>
<div style="width: 480px; background-image:url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top center; background-color: #E6E6E6; border: 10px solid #000000; border-top-left-radius: 50px;  border-bottom-right-radius: 50px;">
<div style=" padding-top: 366px; padding-right: 15px; padding-left: 15px; padding-bottom: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial narrow; font-size: 11px; line-height: 12px;">
<i style="color: #339999;"><b>"Truly charmed to meet you as well."</i></b> came the young dove's lyrics, coiled in the tones of european accent, though there was something about the way the dove looked at him that was odd. She was lovely, intriguing to the eye of any being, and yet at the moment her eyes bore both a burning flame of emerald as well as the hollowness of a wraith. Interesting to bear a flame and yet be void of nothing at the same time, yes? But such things were as such due to the fact that thoughts plagued the young dame's skull. The man had asked a question of her, though whether she'd share her previous home or not, was yet to be told. Why would he care, was this small talk he was desiring of her? And what was the point of it?

She looked over his every feature, scaling from the look of his pelt, to the way it ran along his figure, the curves of his muscles and the look of his claws as she pondered just what it was that she'd grace his ears with until at last she lifted those emerald jewels of hers to train upon his own. Slow was the smile that caressed the soft surface of her lips, her plume sweeping the air behind her as she then found herself dancing a circle about the male, simply soaking up every last inch of him before she came to seat herself along his right side, though just before him. <i style="color: #339999;"><b>"To define is to limit</i></b> she told him, only to then look before herself and tilt her head scantly, gazing upon the heavens. <i style="color: #339999;"><b>"I am too fond of wandering the world to call a single corner of it my home, for home is merely a place wolves rest when they care to breed, settle, or die."</b></i> she said, only to then glance back at him from the corner of her eye before looking forward again. <i style="color: #339999;"><b>"I have none. What of you, though?"</i></b>she questioned, large lobes drawing at attention as she sat at attention like an egyptian goddess.

<i style="color: #339999;"><b>"Hello."</b></i>


[Image: 2nalkpe.jpg]

"What isn't there to be interested in, love? You're a fine mature woman who bears experience beyond my years. Knowledge... I seek it." finally swept out the sultry lyrics of the woman, though it was now rather obvious of her european descent due to the fact that such tones sang with british woven notes of her homeland. Still, it was the most she'd spoken in their entire encounter. She gazed back upon the woman in silence, a slight shift of her head seen as it slipped partially off kilter as the dame before her offered the cursing to call her. Now they were getting somewhere. Plume of the young woman swept the loam behind her a little before falling still about her ankles, and she sat upright before giving a delicate bow of her head. "Pleased to meet you. I am known as Beherit Mortifera." she spoke, introducing herself as well.

Anyone could so easily see that Beherit, despite being young and rather silent most of the time, was rather intelligent as well. It was seen in the way she carried herself, the way those piercing eyes of hers looked over someone, and heard in the tones of her voice for she sounded mature beyond her years. It was to be expected from a young assassin, however, for she knew more about the world than most yearlings cared to - having faced much already. It didn't bother her, though it left her with an insatiable thirst for knowledge and lusting to discover more in the world about her.

By Ivy

?You will always be fond of me. I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit.?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce viverra, dui et congue aliquet, felis elit aliquam nisl, a pellentesque nisl sapien vitae ligula. Duis at semper tellus. Proin et nunc ut nibh aliquam hendrerit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam tortor neque, ullamcorper adipiscing tincidunt sed, mollis ac libero. Duis aliquam venenatis risus eget convallis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean sit amet tellus ac arcu mollis tincidunt vel nec mi. Cras faucibus commodo varius. Quisque blandit consequat tristique. Phasellus sit amet tellus sit amet diam pretium suscipit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris tincidunt augue in justo imperdiet ac luctus nisi tristique. Nulla id tortor arcu, eu eleifend metus. Cras arcu ante, dignissim at sollicitudin ac, porttitor malesuada ipsum. Donec sed justo ac massa euismod venenatis et et ligula.

Curabitur dignissim accumsan elementum. Praesent non tortor eget tortor placerat eleifend. Vivamus libero sapien, gravida eget dictum non, venenatis a est. Praesent turpis massa, adipiscing porttitor rhoncus quis, sodales eget orci. Quisque ultrices elit vitae diam iaculis vel hendrerit dui elementum. Vestibulum consectetur aliquet sem, sed consectetur arcu auctor fringilla. Suspendisse in tincidunt erat. Ut non leo lacus. In vitae lacinia nulla. Quisque ultricies sagittis aliquet. Donec tincidunt hendrerit blandit.

Cras lacinia sagittis lectus, nec fermentum est adipiscing ac. Suspendisse sed justo ante. Duis ullamcorper augue aliquet nibh venenatis tincidunt. Curabitur viverra sollicitudin ligula, placerat molestie ipsum pellentesque non. Proin lacinia cursus odio id iaculis. Ut a sapien arcu. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent ullamcorper laoreet aliquet. Donec dui augue, tincidunt id posuere sit amet, tempus quis erat. Mauris porta luctus dignissim. Ut lobortis gravida libero vel tempor.


By Beherit

?You will always be fond of me. I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit.?

Afternoon and the skies themselves danced with a new kind of light about the woman as she swept along the snowy grounds like an unnatural shadow in itself. paws trekked delicately over the tundra, leaving behind but shallow troughs that told the only tale of the wraith woman's existence in these desolate lands for but a few minutes before being swept away by the writhing wind which banished all markings from its beautiful pale canvas - daring any to mar its beautiful arctic reflection with reminants of their being.

The caverns themselves had beckoned to her, drawing her attention to the realm of ice and snow like nothing else. Whether it had been the callous glare of the ice against her physique that surrounded her like a crystal ball, or whether it had been the wretched beauty - she wasn't sure which had drawn her more. The thing about things of beauty is that hidden behind everything of exquisite beauty, there was always tucked away the ghost of a tragedy that only few knew. But what was the tragedy of this glorious realm? She'd find out.

For today she would become the queen of ice and snow.


No notes.

By Beherit

user posted image
by Lutara



1 Year
04-28-2013, 04:31 AM
By: Beherit.
Emotion: Romance
Time: 11:40 GMT 4.28.13

I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...I hold your hand in mine.. I hold your hand & you're so lonely... Oh my god you're so lonely...



1 Year
04-28-2013, 04:32 AM (This post was last modified: 03-28-2017, 08:14 PM by Nyx.)
By: Beherit
Mood: Gothic
Time: 10:32 GMT 4.28.13

?You will always be fond of me. I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit.?

Daylight was a time in which the dame normally slept, and yet slumber refused her repeatedly, no matter how she cried for its company, and so the woman would be cursed to wander the hours of the day. How she abhorred the light, for so harsh was it upon her beautiful eyes that were far more accustomed to the dark than anything else, but she endured it nonetheless. Perhaps a walk would lead her to sleeps resting grounds, and so a bit of a wander was what she took. She wasn't sure where she'd run into, but any type of stimulation would be better than doing nothing - those walls wouldn't be doing any tricks no matter how long she decided to gaze longingly upon them.

To her limbs she brought herself, giving a vigorous shake of her pelt before petite paws carried her to her den's door and blades of light then were felt to caress her ebony pelt with their warmth and light. She was a piece of the puzzle that simply didn't fit, for she was an extra, she was unnatural and dark yet so ethereal at the same time - which is the most terrifying trait of the dame. To be wanted so much while one's instinct was instantly to run at the sight of her. But that is to be expected when one faces Death herself. Still, upon her wandering today, there would be no deaths to be claimed. No, instead her paws bring her to a halt as she notices a patch of lovely wild roses.

Her weakness and flaw, despite the carnage and death she taints the world with, are these beautiful plants. Despite her limbs caring to wander further, to bring her away from those roses, her instinct draws her back and she halts. Delicate dip of her head is given and but a tender whiff is taken from the centerpiece of one of the crimson roses, the lass seen to close her eyes. She savors the sweetness of its scent, softly brushing her cool nose upon those smooth and silky petals, feeling the sensation of what it like to be alive.


<table background="" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="25" style="width:480px; border:1px solid #000000; background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color:#000000"><tr><td><div align="justify" style="padding-bottom:0px; padding-left:0px; padding-right:0px; padding-top:550px;"><font color="#ffffff" style="font-family:times; font-size:10px; line-height:9px;">

<div align=center><span style="font-size: 15px; font-family:times; line-height:9px;"><i>?You will always be fond of me. I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit.? </i></span></div>

Daylight was a time in which the dame normally slept, and yet slumber refused her repeatedly, no matter how she cried for its company, and so the woman would be cursed to wander the hours of the day. How she abhorred the light, for so harsh was it upon her beautiful eyes that were far more accustomed to the dark than anything else, but she endured it nonetheless. Perhaps a walk would lead her to sleeps resting grounds, and so a bit of a wander was what she took. She wasn't sure where she'd run into, but any type of stimulation would be better than doing nothing - those walls wouldn't be doing any tricks no matter how long she decided to gaze longingly upon them.

To her limbs she brought herself, giving a vigorous shake of her pelt before petite paws carried her to her den's door and blades of light then were felt to caress her ebony pelt with their warmth and light. She was a piece of the puzzle that simply didn't fit, for she was an extra, she was unnatural and dark yet so ethereal at the same time - which is the most terrifying trait of the dame. To be wanted so much while one's instinct was instantly to run at the sight of her. But that is to be expected when one faces Death herself. Still, upon her wandering today, there would be no deaths to be claimed. No, instead her paws bring her to a halt as she notices a patch of lovely wild roses.

Her weakness and flaw, despite the carnage and death she taints the world with, are these beautiful plants. Despite her limbs caring to wander further, to bring her away from those roses, her instinct draws her back and she halts. Delicate dip of her head is given and but a tender whiff is taken from the centerpiece of one of the crimson roses, the lass seen to close her eyes. She savors the sweetness of its scent, softly brushing her cool nose upon those smooth and silky petals, feeling the sensation of what it like to be alive.

<i style="color: #339999;">Speak</i></div></td></tr></table>



1 Year
04-28-2013, 05:45 PM (This post was last modified: 03-28-2017, 08:15 PM by Nyx.)
By Beherit

Words go here!


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Words go here!

<font color="#C11B17" style="font-size:10px;">Speech</font>




1 Year
06-09-2013, 05:07 PM
By Beherit

?You will always be fond of me. I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit.?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce viverra, dui et congue aliquet, felis elit aliquam nisl, a pellentesque nisl sapien vitae ligula. Duis at semper tellus. Proin et nunc ut nibh aliquam hendrerit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam tortor neque, ullamcorper adipiscing tincidunt sed, mollis ac libero. Duis aliquam venenatis risus eget convallis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean sit amet tellus ac arcu mollis tincidunt vel nec mi. Cras faucibus commodo varius. Quisque blandit consequat tristique. Phasellus sit amet tellus sit amet diam pretium suscipit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris tincidunt augue in justo imperdiet ac luctus nisi tristique. Nulla id tortor arcu, eu eleifend metus. Cras arcu ante, dignissim at sollicitudin ac, porttitor malesuada ipsum. Donec sed justo ac massa euismod venenatis et et ligula.

Curabitur dignissim accumsan elementum. Praesent non tortor eget tortor placerat eleifend. Vivamus libero sapien, gravida eget dictum non, venenatis a est. Praesent turpis massa, adipiscing porttitor rhoncus quis, sodales eget orci. Quisque ultrices elit vitae diam iaculis vel hendrerit dui elementum. Vestibulum consectetur aliquet sem, sed consectetur arcu auctor fringilla. Suspendisse in tincidunt erat. Ut non leo lacus. In vitae lacinia nulla. Quisque ultricies sagittis aliquet. Donec tincidunt hendrerit blandit.

Cras lacinia sagittis lectus, nec fermentum est adipiscing ac. Suspendisse sed justo ante. Duis ullamcorper augue aliquet nibh venenatis tincidunt. Curabitur viverra sollicitudin ligula, placerat molestie ipsum pellentesque non. Proin lacinia cursus odio id iaculis. Ut a sapien arcu. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent ullamcorper laoreet aliquet. Donec dui augue, tincidunt id posuere sit amet, tempus quis erat. Mauris porta luctus dignissim. Ut lobortis gravida libero vel tempor.




1 Year
06-09-2013, 05:12 PM
By Beherit

?You will always be fond of me. I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit.?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce viverra, dui et congue aliquet, felis elit aliquam nisl, a pellentesque nisl sapien vitae ligula. Duis at semper tellus. Proin et nunc ut nibh aliquam hendrerit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam tortor neque, ullamcorper adipiscing tincidunt sed, mollis ac libero. Duis aliquam venenatis risus eget convallis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean sit amet tellus ac arcu mollis tincidunt vel nec mi. Cras faucibus commodo varius. Quisque blandit consequat tristique. Phasellus sit amet tellus sit amet diam pretium suscipit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris tincidunt augue in justo imperdiet ac luctus nisi tristique. Nulla id tortor arcu, eu eleifend metus. Cras arcu ante, dignissim at sollicitudin ac, porttitor malesuada ipsum. Donec sed justo ac massa euismod venenatis et et ligula.

Curabitur dignissim accumsan elementum. Praesent non tortor eget tortor placerat eleifend. Vivamus libero sapien, gravida eget dictum non, venenatis a est. Praesent turpis massa, adipiscing porttitor rhoncus quis, sodales eget orci. Quisque ultrices elit vitae diam iaculis vel hendrerit dui elementum. Vestibulum consectetur aliquet sem, sed consectetur arcu auctor fringilla. Suspendisse in tincidunt erat. Ut non leo lacus. In vitae lacinia nulla. Quisque ultricies sagittis aliquet. Donec tincidunt hendrerit blandit.

Cras lacinia sagittis lectus, nec fermentum est adipiscing ac. Suspendisse sed justo ante. Duis ullamcorper augue aliquet nibh venenatis tincidunt. Curabitur viverra sollicitudin ligula, placerat molestie ipsum pellentesque non. Proin lacinia cursus odio id iaculis. Ut a sapien arcu. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent ullamcorper laoreet aliquet. Donec dui augue, tincidunt id posuere sit amet, tempus quis erat. Mauris porta luctus dignissim. Ut lobortis gravida libero vel tempor.




1 Year
06-09-2013, 05:29 PM
By Lutara

user posted image

Here you go beri<'3 I hope you like this and I hope that it fits your lovely perfectly <'3 text is simple, all you have to do is type text without the stars of course, this will make your text look like this right here,



1 Year
06-09-2013, 06:18 PM (This post was last modified: 03-28-2017, 08:16 PM by Nyx.)
By Beherit

?You will always be fond of me. I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit.?

Daylight was a time in which the dame normally slept, and yet slumber refused her repeatedly, no matter how she cried for its company, and so the woman would be cursed to wander the hours of the day. How she abhorred the light, for so harsh was it upon her beautiful eyes that were far more accustomed to the dark than anything else, but she endured it nonetheless. Perhaps a walk would lead her to sleeps resting grounds, and so a bit of a wander was what she took. She wasn't sure where she'd run into, but any type of stimulation would be better than doing nothing - those walls wouldn't be doing any tricks no matter how long she decided to gaze longingly upon them.

To her limbs she brought herself, giving a vigorous shake of her pelt before petite paws carried her to her den's door and blades of light then were felt to caress her ebony pelt with their warmth and light. She was a piece of the puzzle that simply didn't fit, for she was an extra, she was unnatural and dark yet so ethereal at the same time - which is the most terrifying trait of the dame. To be wanted so much while one's instinct was instantly to run at the sight of her. But that is to be expected when one faces Death herself. Still, upon her wandering today, there would be no deaths to be claimed. No, instead her paws bring her to a halt as she notices a patch of lovely wild roses.

Her weakness and flaw, despite the carnage and death she taints the world with, are these beautiful plants. Despite her limbs caring to wander further, to bring her away from those roses, her instinct draws her back and she halts. Delicate dip of her head is given and but a tender whiff is taken from the centerpiece of one of the crimson roses, the lass seen to close her eyes. She savors the sweetness of its scent, softly brushing her cool nose upon those smooth and silky petals, feeling the sensation of what it like to be alive.


<table background="" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="25" style="width:480px; border:1px solid #000000; background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color:#000000"><tr><td><div align="justify" style="padding-bottom:0px; padding-left:0px; padding-right:0px; padding-top:550px;"><font color="#ffffff" style="font-family:times; font-size:10px; line-height:9px;">

<div align=center><span style="font-size: 15px; font-family:times; line-height:9px;"><i>?You will always be fond of me. I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit.? </i></span></div>

Daylight was a time in which the dame normally slept, and yet slumber refused her repeatedly, no matter how she cried for its company, and so the woman would be cursed to wander the hours of the day. How she abhorred the light, for so harsh was it upon her beautiful eyes that were far more accustomed to the dark than anything else, but she endured it nonetheless. Perhaps a walk would lead her to sleeps resting grounds, and so a bit of a wander was what she took. She wasn't sure where she'd run into, but any type of stimulation would be better than doing nothing - those walls wouldn't be doing any tricks no matter how long she decided to gaze longingly upon them.

To her limbs she brought herself, giving a vigorous shake of her pelt before petite paws carried her to her den's door and blades of light then were felt to caress her ebony pelt with their warmth and light. She was a piece of the puzzle that simply didn't fit, for she was an extra, she was unnatural and dark yet so ethereal at the same time - which is the most terrifying trait of the dame. To be wanted so much while one's instinct was instantly to run at the sight of her. But that is to be expected when one faces Death herself. Still, upon her wandering today, there would be no deaths to be claimed. No, instead her paws bring her to a halt as she notices a patch of lovely wild roses.

Her weakness and flaw, despite the carnage and death she taints the world with, are these beautiful plants. Despite her limbs caring to wander further, to bring her away from those roses, her instinct draws her back and she halts. Delicate dip of her head is given and but a tender whiff is taken from the centerpiece of one of the crimson roses, the lass seen to close her eyes. She savors the sweetness of its scent, softly brushing her cool nose upon those smooth and silky petals, feeling the sensation of what it like to be alive.

<i style="color: #339999;">Speak</i></div></td></tr></table>



1 Year
06-09-2013, 06:44 PM
table coming

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