


04-12-2013, 10:35 AM

LAST YEARS WISHES ARE THIS YEAR'S APOLOGIES These lands had called out for Kalypso. They had cried her name and begged her paws to alight upon them. And it was her wanderlust that obliged. Through the forest she wound herself, moving with a feline purpose and grace. Of course, it was difficult for her to get lost in these woods. Her memory engrained each path within the confines of her brain, trapping it for all eternity. It was a talent that had emerged within her at the very beginning of her life, back when life had been so much simpler. Back when she was no Darksidy, but Conan. The fact caused her entertainment, but little joy. Was she to become a killer no matter what? Simply with a different surname? The players are the same. But the pawns are now queens, the queens now pawns. It caused a hot brand of rage to stab her breast. For paltry conflict her life destroyed.

She had been borne from conflict. Violence had flowed with her from birth, but it had killed everything she had held dear. Swathes of death ran like rivers around her. There was never an end to it, just like there had never truly been a beginning. Chaos flirted her footsteps. And wherever she went, destruction was soon to follow. Kalypso Darksidy was a bastardization of her mother. The long, powerful limbs. The burning eyes. She was a cruel turn on a very bad joke. But ? in her own way ? she was the most worthy sequel to her mother. Kalypso had fought (and won) many a man, woman, and beast. She had ruled and destroyed, pillaged and burned. Although her life had been destroyed by violence, she had been rebuilt by it just as well.

The darkness was thick in the deep forest. Fog clouded the walking path, and shrouded her in all-consuming gloom. In the concealing darkness, she moved without effort. Shadows bent and broke to part way for her passing. Each passing shaft of moonlight played across her fur, providing a backlight for her movements. And then suddenly, she was driven into the depths of inky blackness once more. She dove deep, back beneath the waves of shifting darkness and transient gloom. Loamy earth clung between her toes, reminders of the freshly fallen rain. The earthy scent of coming autumn stuck in her nose.

She was not here for any particular reason. Simply another product of grating insomnia, her desire to wander outweighed her need for sleep. And wander she did, through each new shadowed forest. Through each new copse of trees, she slithered. Underbrush became her new robes, and birds heralded her approach. But emotion prodded her graceful steps. Emotion that she had never had the chance to feel before. The one that she had actually opened to had gone, left her sprawled in the dusty ruins of what once was. From her breast he had torn something. It was important, she knew only because it hurt. And it did not hurt like any mortal wound. It wept and clawed and snarled ugliness in the cage that was her chest. She felt as if she was bleeding from a wound that couldn?t heal. Wouldn?t heal.

Kalypso paused in the underbrush, cloaked in the safety of darkness. It wove her between its covering sheets. The cool safety that it promised was unlike any other. She stayed there, standing open-eyed and hesitating. Not wanting to leave the comfort that defended her. This was her bastion. A sanctuary from what lay before and behind her. She would cling here, grasping at these rocks above a tumultuous sea. Kalypso was no stranger standing here ? she was at home.

table by boo



1 Year
04-12-2013, 02:30 PM

Must we hide from everyone...?

Night, it was her favorite time to wander the realms of life, for only here was peace and tranquility ever found. It was found in the beauty of the evening breeze, the scent of due that attempted to cast its cloak over the world, as well as the delicious taste of the fog as it settled over everything around her. Night itself was alluring, drawing upon her attentions like moth to a flame, and yet it had never once harmed her. It was a rare thing that the temptress wandered the realms of the day, finding dens to wander into - remaining hidden from the greedy eyes of the living world until she saw fit.

stiff were limbs of the woman as she rousts from her den that had kept her hidden from the blades of light that had so often burnt her precious eyes in the day. Velvety lobes twitched scantly, drawing upon the sounds of the night's orchestra that sang about her, and the woman's lips drew themselves upwards at their corners delicately into the formation of a quiet smile. It was time. Time to wander the world and explore what had been kept from her when she slept. But what would be seen, she wondered - for she knew well the sounds of the night better than those of the day.

In perpetual silence she ascends out of her den to the sleeping world, looking around herself briefly and taking her surroundings before she stalks off. Paws make not a peep as they carry the huntress through the forest, though she is irked by the stinging sensation the pulses through her eyes from sleep. Batting of her lashes soon eases this mild stinging sensation and after a brisk ruffle of her silken pelt she is right and comfortable.

While wandering the wraith comes across the presence of a female about forty yards ahead of her, and only then does she pause in her steps to observe. Who is the woman and just what was it that brought her to come out here at night? Not often is it that the dame bears company in such hours, let alone that of a female. Is the woman traveling somewhere? Is she hunting? such questions begin to scatter their tickling fingertips along the woman's brainpan as she now pauses to stare onwards towards the other huntress of who's spine has been exposed to her.


No notes.


04-13-2013, 10:00 AM

LAST YEARS WISHES ARE THIS YEAR'S APOLOGIES In this bastion, she knew no pain. It swirled and coiled around her. A pup in her mother?s arms. Kalypso stayed there for quite a while. She did not take a seat, nor did she lie herself upon the ground. Instead, she chose to stand and let the shadows cloak her in blackness. This was a sanctuary that was her own. Perhaps it was why rage suddenly overtook her as the news of another graced her mind. The suggestions were slight, but one who knew them well, could read them just as easily as words on a page. Night birds had hushed their warble, and a slight shift in breeze heralded something new in these safe lands of darkness.

But if the stranger wished a rise from the merle queen, they would get nothing. Kalypso stayed herself in that position of solemn ponderance. There was still much to think of, and she had only thought of such a small amount. But the other?s presence was still fresh in her mind. It consumed her and burned her sanctuary like wildfire. Upper lip scarcely raised itself as her irritation was thrust inwards. Away from the searching world. Kalypso did not turn to address her sudden company. Instead, she let the same breeze that had betrayed her intruder carry her voice.

I?ve killed stupider wolves for being less intrusive than you. The merle queen?s voice entered the air, a dark, contralto sound. The threat had not been empty ? Kalypso simply let her actions speak louder than her tongue. What do you want? The last syllable was spat like venom from a cobra. The birds had entirely left the area ? chased away by the sudden disturbance in their silent home. A shift of breeze brought the stranger?s scent to Kalypso?s nose. It was less musky than a male?s, and untainted by the presence of others. Birds of a feather.

table by boo



1 Year
04-13-2013, 01:30 PM

?You will always be fond of me. I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit.?

She made no attempt to hide herself, for what was the fun in remaining hidden from one that was oh so close to yourself? There was no doubt within the temptress' mind that she would be detected and yet with teh hissed out lyrics of the merle beast before her,she found that she was indeed right. Lobes drew to attention, and yet her voice never once was let out, her eyes tracing over the contours of the woman and taking to mind the fact that the woman's build was smaller than that of her own. The woman was mature,but no doubt had much knowledge in being so much older than herself.

But what knowledge would twist and mingle within the confines of the woman's skull, what sorts of interesting trinkets could she gain and gather from the woman. Wisdom and knowledge were things that the woman simply fed off of, always hungry for more information and learning of new experiences and delights. Even in the malicious tones of the woman spoke her experience in life, for she was used to tending to her own back and trusting few, an invisible barrier always held up. Her eyes took to the pelt of the woman, the muscles and the way in which she moved, but she found little to no flaw.

Beheret made no attempt to speak. No, there was no need for words currently. And never one to yell over a distance, she'd await until she'd closed the meters between them before she'd even attempt to utter a sound - if she cared to do so by such a time anyways. Still, the young female was in no hurry whatsoever, her gait but a languorous saunter in which her feminine hips swayed and pelt rolled and rippled over the fine muscle and tendons within her being, her emerald stare remaining ever fixated on the woman before her. Beheret felt neither threatened or out of ease, but relaxed and rather pleased in herself to have stumbled upon company - even if they were hissing tones of venom and distaste.


No notes.


04-13-2013, 06:38 PM

LAST YEARS WISHES ARE THIS YEAR'S APOLOGIES But still, the girl chose not to utter a word. The sound of her footsteps was clear in the silent night, unhidden by the birds that had now gone. The murky gloom would conceal them together, enveloping them in a microcosm of their own creation. Steps became ever clearer as the girl made her approach. It was not attack that she was on, that much was obvious. If she knew what she wanted, the girl might have uttered something. No, she was here because she had nothing else to do this evening. Kalypso thrust her grievous wounds from mind. The lacerations were stowed deep in the chasms of her breast. The thoughts that were forefront were dashed like shadows from a torch.

The maiden of war turned without noise. Silver moonlight flashed across her fur like dragon scales. Flames promised destruction deep in her eyes. They flashed with ill-concealed fury, an all-consuming rage that only lessened, but was never extinguished. This was an agent of chaos that the girl had come across in the depths of the forest. She had come across a woman of fury and violence. Her appetite was one for mayhem, and never was it quenched.

Kalypso watched the girl that stood before her ? stepping through the shadows of the forest as if it was the trees she was trying to seduce. Teeth glittered in the silver light as the woman watched the show that strode before her. Whether the curl of lips was through sincerity, it was unclear. You?d be more effective at sneaking if you didn?t spend your efforts trying to break a hip. Kalypso strode forward on long legs, her head raised and features level, but domineering. Now are you going to tell me why you?re here, or should I just cut out the awkwardness and ask you on a date?

table by boo



1 Year
04-13-2013, 06:55 PM

?You will always be fond of me. I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit.?

Delicate was the melody that at last was heard sifting past the gullet of the woman as she tread closer still towards the woman before her. Skull of the woman remained level with her spinal column, and her plume casual in its sway along the air about her, teasing the night with its obsidian tendrils that reached out like fine silk to taunt the air. Yet much like the shadows she'd emerged from, the woman was silent and peaceful in this night. The woman before her turned to face her, and at last she saw the flames that were the dove's eyes, so captivating and lovely in their allure, causing the young female's ears to perk.

What a curious female this was, to bear such guard towards one that was so obviously not on guard, let alone bearing the intent to attack. Yet, again, the world was cruel in the way it twisted and turned, leaving little to no ability for anyone to trust each other. Beherit knew better than to allow her guard down about anyone, and yet in the past few months that she'd been alone, she found herself doing so more often than not, due to the fact that she simply bore all the confidence in the world in her ability to cut down and slaughter when needed. Yet, she was hungry. Not hungry for a kill, but for knowledge, and thus tread free of the confines of her former pack's boarders in search of her insatiable lust for knowledge, carnage, battle, pleasure and whatever else this world held in its gates.

Finally the distance was cut between the two, and with jaws that gaped into the formation of a yawn, she gave a toss of her skull before her softened gaze of brilliant emerald leveled upon the valkyrie before her. Well built, and lovely of body, voice and tone. Eye rolled over the woman's figure yet again and then swept back towards her features, but the simplest of gestures of peace were given. A dipped head in greeting along with the delicate sweep of her tail that slipped this way and that before it halted behind her haunches that then dropped themselves to settle upon the loam. "Good evening.." crooned her soft voice, laced in european tones. She raised her tender stare towards the woman's own and allowed her skull to dip off kilter to the left. "Night remains unkind to you as well?" she questioned, though whether she'd be answered or spat at, she was ready for both.


No notes.


04-14-2013, 10:13 AM

LAST YEARS WISHES ARE THIS YEAR'S APOLOGIES Ah, it did actually speak. Kalypso was only mildly surprised by the girl?s speech, half-assuming her to be some form of mute. The merle demon watched her with flaming eyes as she moved forward. Still nameless, the girl remained a spectral image that only served as a brief annoyance. The stranger took the moment to rest her haunches on the loamy forest floor. A question passed her lips in the semblance of small talk. Night remains unkind to you as well? Kalypso reclined herself, her muscles rolling back into a position more relaxing. This girl was as much a stranger to the merle queen as she was to the darkness that she had so unceremoniously violated. It was not often that the Darksidy woman had abyssal silence all her own, and she would defend it as if it strictly belonged to her.

No, it never has. The dark voice filled the air once more, however this time it was less venomous. Fury resided deep within it, but had been subdued. Kalypso had little mind for small talk ? especially with those that had nothing to offer her. A girl that could scarcely walk silently through a dark wood ? what a catch! But it was clear that the girl thought Kalypso had something to offer her. Interest sparked in the emerald eyes as well as the fact that she had not turned around and left yet.

What is your interest in me? Any intelligent wolves may have seen the spitting snake and left. Scars did not mark her as a man-eater, but something about Kalypso betrayed the danger as well as any serpent?s fangs. Something stayed this girl?s feet upon the ground, and it seemed unlikely that any amount of pushing would shift her. You may call me Kalypso Darksidy.

table by boo



1 Year
04-15-2013, 01:06 PM

[Image: 2nalkpe.jpg]

"What isn't there to be interested in, love? You're a fine mature woman who bears experience beyond my years. Knowledge... I seek it." finally swept out the sultry lyrics of the woman, though it was now rather obvious of her european descent due to the fact that such tones sang with british woven notes of her homeland. Still, it was the most she'd spoken in their entire encounter. She gazed back upon the woman in silence, a slight shift of her head seen as it slipped partially off kilter as the dame before her offered the cursing to call her. Now they were getting somewhere. Plume of the young woman swept the loam behind her a little before falling still about her ankles, and she sat upright before giving a delicate bow of her head. "Pleased to meet you. I am known as Beherit Mortifera." she spoke, introducing herself as well.

Anyone could so easily see that Beherit, despite being young and rather silent most of the time, was rather intelligent as well. It was seen in the way she carried herself, the way those piercing eyes of hers looked over someone, and heard in the tones of her voice for she sounded mature beyond her years. It was to be expected from a young assassin, however, for she knew more about the world than most yearlings cared to - having faced much already. It didn't bother her, though it left her with an insatiable thirst for knowledge and lusting to discover more in the world about her.



04-23-2013, 10:00 PM

She was so disciplined, so certain that if she made her mind up and stuck to it, well, she would get her way. After all, it was perfect logic. If one stuck to one singular idea then they would clearly not fail, for they would have little to deter them. There would be no interjections from outside sources, and there would most certainly be no regret for you would have met nothing to contradict what you wanted. At least, in her mind it all worked out.

'Course. That was all so boring.

She had devoted her time to moving across the Earth with untamed grace and she had not dared to stop until the ethereal lyrics of something else danced through the environment. Her head would turn and the curiosity that swarmed in her abdomen would course through her. Long legs, though still a considerably short bodice, would move towards the sound of the darkened females and she would observe them for a mere moment. Judging by their slow topics, as she moved, she would decide they needed life. They needed to feel something more, and surely the darkened woman could supplement them.

She poured from the foliage, her taut muscles torquing roughly beneath her coat and a devilish smile pulled over her lips. Sinewy thighs found the Earth below and a quirky simper would pull over her mandible. Tail would wrap around her legs and the babe would look forward her head quirking to the side, ever so slightly, "I really hope I'm intruding,"



04-23-2013, 11:27 PM
ahhh crap post, sorry 8[ it's 1:30 here and I'm struggling for Kalypso muse

LAST YEARS WISHES ARE THIS YEAR'S APOLOGIES Kalypso had settled significantly since the stranger had first intruded. She remained coiled in the blanketing darkness. But the woman was trained well enough not to betray her tense muscles. They were eased, but eager to be brought to attention. She was a dancer before the performance. Flaming eyes were incandescent with renewed vigor. They focused entirely on the curiosity that had presented itself - what had brought her out? It was flattery that fell from the lips of the girl. Syllables fell into the air from an eager student searching a mentor. Knowledge... I seek it. The merle queen wanted nothing more than to scoff at the girl. Knowledge? Search elsewhere, hon. But the words didn't escape from Kalypso's thoughts. They clung to the lobes of her brain and her lips did not part to allow them passage. Not even the usual quip entered into the air.

In fact, the Darksidy woman did not say anything. Moments passed in the swirling darkness. Her eyes danced across the girl that had presented herself in such a plain manner. It was something that Kalypso was appreciative of. The girl was not one for idle chit chat. She knew what she wanted, and knew how to get it. Perhaps that was why Kalypso would break her own traditions: Hmm... Molten eyes gave the girl another once-over, sizing her up yet again. I suppose so; you don't seem utterly incompetent. Sedition is always so much more fun with a partner. Her voice had only just finished resonating in the night wind when another cracked the air. Merle head turned to the source of the disturbance, ears quickly pricking forward.

I really hope I'm intruding.

Oh yay... more company. Perhaps we'll create a band of very merry thieves. Her contralto voice was less than enthusiastic about the addition to their meeting in the solitary night. Perhaps this new stranger would be less needy?

table by boo



1 Year
05-04-2013, 11:30 PM

[Image: 2nalkpe.jpg]

The woman didn't tell her 'no' and so the young girl was rather pleased. She graced the merle huntress with a warm smile and a brief shift of her caudal appendage only to then realize that the two weren't alone, for another was in their company - another female. The woman bore an air of boredom and mischief, and as the dame spoke up, Beherit's thoughts were indeed confirmed. Impudence was something for the most uncharming of creatures, and those who saw the ugly in something lovely such as calming conversation were ugly without charm, for nothing they did was for amusement of others - but for their own sadistic desires. Why couldn't all be polite rather than to ride upon the nerves of the woman, she wondered, yet not a word of it is spoken. No, she stands instead at attention alongside of this new merle temptress that she's met and gazes upon the other newcomer with lobes drawn forward and her features held with a stoic expression. It's easy to see that she isn't amused with this woman's antics.