

Jupiter I


7 Years
04-11-2013, 09:01 PM

the moon lay nestled in the dark embrace of the clouds, the pitch-shaded structures laden heavily with moisture devouring the possibility of the moon bringing excessive light to the falls. somehow a dim glow still managed to filter through the clouds, and the water reflected what was available, offering some small degree of illumination to ease the odd sense of dread that was settled within her gut. the orange she-wolf shifted uneasily at her perch upon the top of the slope, head settled upon her paws but ears tuned to the noises about her. upon her arrival the frogs and the crickets had halted their continuous chirping, but once she had settled down the small creatures had set back to their noises. their presence was comforting to her, as if they were singing canaries in a coal mine.

alone, she sighed, enjoying the sound of the water as its gentle trickling noises mingled with that of the insects and amphibians of the waters and forest. she stretched her front legs out so that they met the cool water, a smile setting an upward turn into her lips and a gentle sort of optimism upon her countenance despite the churning in her gut. perhaps the rabbit she had eaten earlier had been sick. it would definitely explain the upsetting of her stomach, though the mammal had seemed in good health when it had almost given her a run for her money. jupiter shook off the feeling and returned her attention to her surroundings, eyelids drifting closed and a sigh escaping her.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


04-13-2013, 10:49 PM


"Well well well, look what Prometheus dragged in. A dumb broad seeking attention in those who don't want it!" The man slithered toward her, head snapping back as a blood curtling cackle split the silence. Yes, this was the bitch who had tried to take Secret away from him. How dare she! Secret wanted nothing to do with her. She made her self look like a dumb ass for even trying to free Secret, especially with Newt around. Newt, his newly claimed mate would have never allowed a fight between the two. Why? He didn't know. They hadn't even been a couple for more than a few days and she was already obsessive over him. It didn't matter though, because he would never change his ways. He had a bone to pick with this celestial colored bitch. Violet eyes narrowed as he watched her, waiting for a reaction.

Jupiter I


7 Years
04-14-2013, 07:12 AM

jupiter illidais

"jupiter speech" ? "mercury speech"

after a few moments, the fae noticed that something was indeed... off. she shifted, ears flicking about and one eye cracking open ever-so-slightly. the frogs had halted in their song, and the crickets had quelled their tunes. the moment she took note of this, a sickeningly familiar voice split the silence and her eyelids flew upwards, celestial eyes falling heavily upon the obsidian man in the form of a spiteful glare. he nearly blended into the shadows with the darkness of his coat, but the waters still reflected upon him, and his shadow left a similar ink-like bulk where the was supposed to shine minutely under what little light was offered to the earth.

an ironic smirk crossed her features and she rose with great nonchalance, stretching leisurely before rising to her paws. the familiar itch of a good fight returned to her paws and she felt her pulse quicken ever so very slightly. "awh," she cooed, voice sweet and eyelashes batting innocently. "it's not nice to talk about yourself like that. bad for the self-esteem, y'know." her jeer had plenty of reason behind it, considering that it was aimed at the male who had already claimed two females, one of them against their will. if that wasn't seeking attention, then she didn't know what was.

jupiter nearly wished that mercury was here, but quickly shook off the notion. she wanted to tear this brute with her own teeth and claws, and she also desired the challenge, though in all reality she didn't think it would be much of one. he seemed as if he were too confident to keep a level head in a battle, let alone keep his cockiness down--especially if he had sought her out like this. she didn't quite think that this was a coincidence, but it didn't matter much anyway, now.

"what is it you seek, boy?" she inquired, tone biting slightly and timbre much more flat. her ears, throughout her thoughts, had already been on a negative descent, and they now brushed her skull in their falling. the lass straightened, paws planted firmly onto the earth as she held her ground and awaited his response.

? 361 words ?

[ o o c ; ]

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


04-14-2013, 11:21 AM


His eyes rolled as she threw gay ass insults at him. What were they, yearlings again? "What are you, a pup again? You sure act like one." A smirk pulled at the corners of his lips as she drew toward her. So, she wanted to know what he wanted? It was simple; her. He wanted one last taste of foreign pussy before he turned into a husband. What better bitch to chose than the alpha female of Ludicael herself? He needed it, he wanted it, he craved it. And he was going to get it, one way or another. He wasn't against shedding some blood either. "Simple. I've come here... to make a deal. I seek one thing, and one thing only." He paused for a moment, letting some suspense sink in. "How would you like to have an affair with the king of Lentajin Jupiter?" His head tilted to the side, saliva dripping from the exposed creases in his lips as he smiled. It was an offer she would surely refuse, but no matter, he would get what he wanted either way.

Jupiter I


7 Years
04-14-2013, 12:11 PM (This post was last modified: 04-14-2013, 12:11 PM by Jupiter I.)

how ironic it was that he placed the 'child' card when he had been the first to call her a dumb broad. her chin lifted ever-so-slightly and the lass smirked, huffing with amusement. "if i act like a pup, then i guess we have one thing in common, then." the lass regarded him with caution, that familiar feeling of relative dread and foreboding haunting her gut once more, except this time it was overshadowed by a wave of calming anticipation. a deep breath cycled through her body as she focused on his next words. they sunk in immediately, striking deep into the depths of her understanding, and yet she felt no shock as one would expect. in all reality, what else was there to expect from someone who had already claimed two females? the brute seemed like he was on a major power trip, and jupiter thought it was high time to plant his feet into the ground and maybe put him in his place.

instead of shock or begging and pleading for mercy, amusement bubbled forth from her chest in the form of bubbling laughter. what a notion, though! him having an affair with her? he acted like it was an appealing idea, when in fact it was one of the most repulsive ideas she'd ever had proposed to her in her life. there were very few wolves she had considered sleeping with up to this point, and this guy definitely wasn't one of them. she would have refused even the handsome marvel if he had approached her in such a way, though, and between jupiter's immense distaste for him and her own itch for a good fight, she wasn't about to let him go unscathed.

"and if i don't want an affair from the likes of you?" she retorted disdainfully, voice biting but timbre generally nonchalant. she straightened a little more in her standing position, paws splayed for balance and tail leveled to do the same. though her teeth remained hidden, her head lowered in a bit of a dangerous, unspoken threat, drawing towards her to also scrunch her neck should this turn into a battle.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


04-14-2013, 12:35 PM


"if i act like a pup, then i guess we have one thing in common, then." Hey, guess its true right? Maybe he and she weren't so different after all. Both could pack a punch along with a smart ass remark. This would be fun! He hadn't had a good challenge since his battle with Secret. He figured she would protest his wishes... but no matter. If she wanted blood shed, then blood would be shed. "Oh, you're going to have one whether you want it or not. Sound like a plan?" He wasn't absolutely sure he'd be able to get it in, but at least he'd try. Oh, and he'd get to beat the shit out of the bitch who tried to win Secret's freedom. The massive man rolled his shoulders back, eyes narrowing as he looked her over. She was much smaller than him... and so was Secret. Look how that ended? This shouldn't be too hard. Without a second thought her surged forward, earth kicking up behind him as he ribbed it up with his claws. He was aiming to ram himself straight into her, maybe bruise a shoulder or two. His ears pinned back, protecting them from any lashing teeth she may throw at him, and his chin tucked to protect his throat. He himself opened his jaws, ready to bite down on skin if given the chance.

Round 1/3
Attack: Running toward her, hoping to ram into her. Mouth open, ready to snag some flesh if given the chance
Defenses: Ears folded back, chin tucked to protect throat
Injuries: None

Jupiter I


7 Years
04-14-2013, 02:23 PM

she took the time to observe him closely, optics trained solely on his limbs to get a sense of his first move even as she herself pondered over her own. she noted that he was a great deal taller than her as she maintained this action of scrutiny through his dialogue. for a moment she allowed her pupils to flicker in the direction of his large body before returning to the pillars of his legs. her mind raced momentarily at the thoughts of being under the obsidian mass, but despite the single and immediately-dying pulse of lust in her lower body it thundered with disdainful and spite-filled thoughts. no, she snarled inwardly, body tensing and previous defenses--paws spreading, tail pulling even, and neck scrunching--thickening as she observed his sudden advance forward. never will i submit to the likes of him.

instinctively she began to side-step him, but learned quickly that she had underestimated his speed in her occupied thoughts. he was upon her too quickly to fully force away the brunt of the attack so his chest clipped the side of hers, and she was forced back a step or so before finally being able to dig back paws into the damp earth, pushing back with all fours to try and rival and balance out his strength, even if it wasn't likely. she was not built for running speed--jupiter was built for power, and hopefully it would do her some good in this battle. luckily, her reflexes also served her well, for when they collided, she snapper her head to the left in an attempt shove her muzzle between his gaping jaws, her own mouth opening to allow the possibility for such a maneuver. if he wants flesh, he can have it, but it won't all be mine! without hesitation she applied downward force with her head as she tried to snap her lower jaw upward, aiming to clench his lower jaw in her teeth.

ATTACKS - in retaliation, jupiter turns her head to the side to try and redirect his attack onto her muzzle, and in return bite down on his lower jaw. if you need a visual, i drew this in about thirty seconds on a laptop track pad for you to see. XDD just pay attention to the jaws, lol.

DEFENSES - same as previous; scrunching neck for protection there, spreading paws and setting her tail level for balance.

INJURIES - left side of chest will likely have some bruising. if her muzzle is pushed into his jaws, she'll probably have bite marks there.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


04-14-2013, 04:04 PM


He was expecting her to move out of his way, but luckily, he still managed to clip her chest with his own. She sent her jaws flying into his own, and now, they were locked. Teeth dug into his jaw, his toungue squirming wildly inside his mouth as he snarled. It did hurt, her teeth digging into his mouth and all, but not too badly. There would certainly be some damage from her attack, he could already feel blood seeping from wounds. But, with wounds came an advantage. His jaw might have been locked between hers, but her muzzle was also inside his mouth. He had the perfect opportunity to inflict some serious damage on her muzzle. He attempted to chomp down in the hopes that he would keep his lock on her, and maybe splinter the bone a bit in her muzzle. He had a very powerful bite, so if it hit, serious damage would be done. While in the process of this he dug his back claws into the ground, securing his weight and hold on mother earth. His front legs tensed to keep his balance, and his head stayed a bit tilted to protect his throat. He used his strength and weight to push himself forward in the hopes that he could push her over while he had a hold on her. That's if his first attack worked in the first place.

Attack: He's attempting to bite down on the top of her muzzle since it's inside his mouth, then he pushes himself forward, trying to knock her over
Defenses: Back legs digging into the ground for support, front legs keeping his balance, head tucked a bit to protect his throat
Injuries: Bites on his bottom jaw, maybe some slight bruising on his chest depending on how hard he really hit her

Edited to add rounds... forgot them xD

Jupiter I


7 Years
04-15-2013, 08:58 PM

it was difficult to discern what exactly made this brute believe that he would have the power in a single bottom jaw to refute and repel the weight of her head and the force of her neck pushing downward, but no matter what the reason, jupiter was certain that it was ignorance. maybe if the brute had thought with the head on his shoulders rather than the one between his legs, he would have been able to puzzle out the basic anatomy of his own body by then. a wolf's jaws operated in a manner that left its lower half responsible for all biting force, as the upper portion was always stationary. thus when teeth scraped across the bridge of her nose, jupiter knew that she had him where she wanted them, and as planned applied force downward, never relinquishing the pressure she already applied with her bite.

this put him in a dire position, and it was in this position that she was able to negotiate. past teeth clenched around flesh, she pulled back the corners of her lips to speak through them, and though her words were a little slurred with what she had between her ivories, her intentions were still obviously clear. "it's either your jaw or secret's freedom and your submission," she threatened, making a move to try and apply more force to it. this was an ultimatum she was not afraid to give--though he was larger than she was, size didn't matter when chewing your food was near-impossible. knowing that she was not completely safe even with the decision she was trying to force him into, she pulled her body forward ever-so-slightly, folds in her neck drawing forth and pressing against one another to offer an unreliable grip should he attempt to claw her, or if he somehow escaped and went for her neck. though she was still hellbent on forcing the jaw downwards unless he adhered to her terms, the seasoned lass would maintain the balanced spread of her paws and the level set of her tail.

this position was in fact somewhat risky for her--even before she had begun to try and reply excessive pressure, his lower canines crossed the space between his ivories and the palette of her mouth with ease, already scraping into them and causing blood to taint her own flesh.

ATTACKS - jupiter makes an attempt to continue to force pressure down upon Kaios' jaw (exerting with the weight of her head and the muscular force of her neck) unless he somehow manages to free himself.

DEFENSES - scrunches neck once more to ward off a solid attack; spreads paws for balance and sets tail for same.

INJURIES - left side of chest will likely have some bruising. small puncture wounds already threatening the palette of her mouth, as well as relative scrapes across the bridge of her muzzle.

OOC - I'm sorry that I may have voided that attack, but Lu said it was alright if I just made a note of it and explain my reasoning, which I did in the post. Sorry. :c Secret tried to do the same thing with Pepper in the Pep/Jup fight and the judges docked for it, so it's wrong either way, I guess. ^^; Dunno.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


04-16-2013, 09:29 PM


His attempt to knock her down had failed somehow, he wasn't exactly sure how, but it had. Legs stiffened as claws dug into earth, keeping his balance. They were locked, his bottom jaw in her mouth, her muzzle in his. They weren't going anywhere... And he knew it. He listened to her threat, toungue rolling angrily inside his mouth as he snarled in protest. There was no way in hell he was giving into her, nor was he letting her break his jaw. Besides, was she even strong enough to do that? He wasn't sure. The force she was exerting on his bottom jaw was really starting to hurt, and now the blood flow had increased. He wasn't sure how much damage he had done to her muzzle, but a forceful chomp down must have done a good amount of damage. "You dumb bitch, she is already free! I will never submit to you cunt!" He snarled and began shaking his head sharply from side to side, trying to free himself while attempting to do some more damage to the top of her muzzle with scraping canines and molars. While doing this he rose his front paws a few inches off the ground, balancing himself on his back legs without much effort. He aimed to push his paws against her chest as he shook his head and pulled away, giving him more force while trying to free himself. Claws were extended in order to grab flesh and draw blood if his attack succeeded. He needed to free his jaw, and if a few gashes, broken teeth and blood were needed to do so, he would do it. There was no way in hell he would let his jaw get broken.

Attack: Shaking his head from side to side swiftly while trying to use his front paws to push on her chest, his claws curved so he can scratch her chest up while doing so. He's trying to push her body away from him, making it easier to free his jaw
Defenses: Legs stiffened, keeping his balance. Claws extended to grab flesh. Ears pinned back, tongue rolling to avoid her teeth.
Damage: Deeper bites on his bottom jaw, it's now bleeding more than before.
OOC: Ok... SO I didn't really know how to work with what you gave me. I don't get how she straight up dodge his body when they were locked together straight in front of each other? Would it be considered... half of a full dodge? I don't know. Sorry, but I worked with what I could

The Judge


04-21-2013, 10:07 PM
Default to Taliere

Due to Jupiter not posting in the allotted time, Kaios is the winner.

Jupiter must give up by either passing out, submitting, or running away.

Jupiter I


7 Years
04-21-2013, 10:20 PM

his attack was taken fully, but this all became obsolete to jupiter, as her attention was wholly captured by an ungodly scream in the distance--the scream of mercury, and her companion was far more important to her than the likes of this scum. she danced away from him while he had made an attempt to push him apart, sending a snarl his way. "we'll finish this some other time--i have more important matters to deal with." with that, she departed, disappearing into the shadows.

[ o o c ; ] I didn't mark my rounds, so I honestly thought my last one had been my 3/3, so I was waiting for a judge. Woops. Oh well, I'll probably try again some other time when my time isn't utterly consumed by a drama show. XD


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.