
Wanting Home [joining]


04-08-2013, 12:51 PM

The lands were wet as droplets continued to fall in the puddles formed in the little patches of grass. The grass was only found in patches, the land was flooded and just a little dead. But something about the place made it full of life. Was it the birds? Was it the soft splashing of the puddles as wildlife pushed it's way through the borders? Who know what made the place so beautiful, so peaceful. Even on this dark and rainy day, the place glowed with such a power that it could have taken anyone to a heaven of their own.

This particular brute found himself at him here, he wasn't even a foot in the border and he knew this was the place. The place he so longed for since a pup, a place his parents needed to have for their own survival, a place that could have saved them. But the young pup moved on after his fathers death and grew to be stronger as his father was. Odin would not give up the place that he hungered for, so here he was 2 years after hi mothers death ready to take on a family challenge. He had tried to put all the disaster he had caused back in a locked box deep in his mind and he was ready.

As colors of gray struck the male's piercing white base, he was an odd looking wolf compared to most. And his eyes shot out of his pelt; the two green and purple color contrasting against his dark face. But those eyes were strong, they were willing. The massive size of the brutes muscles made him charming, almost irresistible. And he stood at a tall height of 36 inches. Nothing about the male was normal, but the way all of these odd characteristics were put together, they were just amazing.

As grey paws splashed up against the puddles created by the rain, the light sound scared the drinking and bathing birds away. The brute pit his nose to the ground once it picked up a new scent. Water splashed into his chin and he stopped by the borders of his new home; well hopefully. The brute let out a deep howl for superiors to come an speak with him, he wanted this pack and be wanted it his home.

Walk "Talk" Think

Gargoyle I


04-09-2013, 07:58 AM


It was rare for the northern world to warm up enough for real rain - not just hail or snow or falling ice. Gargoyle couldn't resist the urge to get out in it. And, true to form, he had his companion with him. Frisk, being a mink, had mixed feelings about water. He liked rain, but he didn't like puddles. Luckily, with a huge wolf for a companion, one doesn't have to choose. He sat curled up in his favorite spot between Gargoyle's huge shoulders, now and then sticking out his little pink tongue to catch a drop.

The odd pair hadn't had a chance for this sort of time together in a while. Gargoyle was kept busy with all the pack business, and Frisk, well, he was always looking new ways to get into trouble on his own.

This day they'd planned to finish up southern patrols had head to the mountain valley to hunt up some prey. But the work of an Alpha is never done. A howl rumbled across the grey northern sky, and Gargoyle's head swiveled immediately. He returned the howl with a deeper one and started loping towards the border.

The wolf he found waiting there was a large one - massive by any standard but his own - and so intricately colored. Gargoyle nodded his head in greeting and hailed the newcomer. "You've reached the borders of Glaciem, stranger - my borders. What is it you seek here?"


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~


04-09-2013, 12:32 PM

Someone had heard his cry, they had returned a call. The call was dark and forced from deep within the wolf's vocals. It must have been another male. Shortly after the two cried to the sky, a mixed colored brute was sited just through the pines where Odin stayed standing on the other side of the border. The brute had addressed himself as alpha, calling it his lands. It was only drizzling at this point and Odin's coat was damp with his stomach only being misted by the droplets of rain water that slide down his pelt.

Just as Odin with his odd mixture of gravel colors, this brute had a molted almost dirt color with a gray as dark as Odin had. A solid color of the sun set upon the alpha's eyes. Odin responded with a nod to his and he began to talk.

"Sorry to take your time alpha. I'm looking for home."

His eyes looked at the creature that set in between the alpha's shoulders. A companion would do someone good but not so much for Odin. The male continued his talk with the male.

"Anything I can protect, anything that could love me as their own. Somewhere I can trust as home could trust me."

As many times as the brute had gone to many different packs and asked for the acceptance, he seemed lost in his words. What was there to say? Odin had just gotten the heart back to try for a pack once more. He wanted that safe feeling in his stomach, that sweet feeling of love to course through his veins. He promised himself he would stop with the abuse, stop being aggressive, and stop the rape that he had caused to so many girls in his life. He want to stop the murder, he wants to stop the pain he felt inside, but was there really a way to cure the hurt that so many felt?

Walk "Talk" Think

Gargoyle I


04-12-2013, 10:59 AM


Gargoyle listened carefully. By now his ears were accustomed to entreatments of shelter, to requests for home, and to questions of Glaciem's code. Sometimes they were simple, sometimes they were complex, and yet always it was Gargoyle who had to make the final leap of faith - the finial nod and allowance, or twist of the knife. It was a burden every Alpha knew. And Gargoyle, who had seen so much evil in the world, was slow to make such heavy decisions.

This grey-mottled male came right to the point. He wanted somewhere where he could love, protect and feel at home. A wish that Gargoyle could understand and agree with. But it didn't mean he believed it correct for him to grant it.

"Glaciem is a place that any wolf would be proud to call his home-" the tall Chieftain said in his quiet, toneless rumble. "-, and we are always on the look out for strong wolves to be warrior or hunting sorts... yet we are not some mob or gang that will accept anyone. We hold ourselves as warriors, but we are family first. If we win our goodwill, you win it for life. Therefore it is not easily won. Tell me about yourself, stranger. And for the sake of fairness, I shall do the same of myself. - If we find eachother agreeable all the better." But it not, it would become clear right away, and Gargoyle would not be wasting his time.


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~


04-12-2013, 12:18 PM

The alpha seemed promising. His tones and words acted like Odin would be accepted. But of course it wasn't that easy. It was hard to take in another wolf, it meant more responsibility. But Odin could care of himself probably more then most wolves here.

"I do wish to have a family one day, but now is not the time. It will be a while before I plan on having my own pups. But I will treat each one of my pack members with respect and protect them with my life."

Odin had done so much murder in his past and it was hard to believe that he could protect someone with no relation to him. But he was willing to start life a new. And he knew he had the personality to have the perfect family every wolf imagined. It was a beautiful thing, to have someone to call you daddy, to teach someone from a young pup how to go into the world and survive. He wanted to have that family one day, but he just couldn't right now.

"I would however like you to know about my disorders before thinking about adding me to your family. I suffer bruxism an insomnia. This may be of help because it is easier for me to hunt at night."

He would leave it at that, if the alpha wanted to know more about his horror story, they could meet up again and discuss as pack mates.

"I wouldn't mind training young ones in fighting or hunting either. I tend to do well with kids."

He thought it was enough for the male to know about him, enough to judge so he waited for a response. Of course questions were always welcome, and if the brute wanted to know anymore information they could discuss it on the spot, but for now he gave the alpha room to talk.

Walk "Talk" Think

Gargoyle I


04-26-2013, 12:31 PM


Gargoyle waited for the male to make an introduction, but as of yet Gargoyle was not told so much as his name. He was informed of other things - a desire on the male's part for family, a love of pups, and a few disorders. The first was a term that meant nothing to Gargoyle, and sleepness was more or less a job requirement for a good warrior.

There?s a saying which entails that though a wolf in sheep?s clothing may fool a flock of sheep, it will not trick another wolf. As with all sayings, there?s no doubt some truth in it. But Gargoyle wasn?t a killer any more, was he? Perhaps this was proved by the fact that he sensed no lingering of darkness within the stranger?s gaze. Or at least, no more so that he expected to find in a rogue male of such powerful build.

Time would tell him more of this wolf's character. As with all his wolves he'd keep a close eye on the newcomer - what with his sixe he would have high expectations of strength and ability.

"Sounds as though you could make yourself useful." Gargoyle rumbled quietly. After a moment, he made a gesture of greeting, inching his head as he spoke again: "As for me, my name is Gargoyle. I am Alpha, Chief, and Leader of Glaicem." those yellow eyes blinked blandly. "As you seem to avoid the topic of past, so shall I. I am not a wise wolf to cross, but so far I have been a loyal guardian of my friends. As for disorders - we all have our demons we struggle with - let us simply say that mine are not the most passive. At present my duties include hunting, fighting, patrolling and caring for the many new lives which have come this season. But such is expected from all our members, not just the Alpha."

His voice was strict and militaristic. He was the sort that would give credit where credit was do, but he did not flower his words when speaking to another warrior-blooded male. "The choice to enter is yours. Cross the border and you submit yourself to my rule - you'll work hard, train long, and (in my opinion sometimes the hardest) have to get along with all your packmates. In return, you'll be given a family and a home - make of it what you will. On the other hand, if you walk away now, you keep your roving freedom as a young male rogue. You decide which you believe to be worth more."


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~


05-13-2013, 07:20 PM

Odin listened to the Alpha's quick introduction. He showed much respect and interest as every word came out and he nodded his head at the end. Gargoyle gave him the choice to either enter the land, or leave. And knowing how much he wanted a home his entire life, he would not let this offer go. "Well if the choice is mine, I would like to thank you for the offer. If you need me for anything give me a call, I will love to help in anyway I can." And with that he walked beside the molted male and nodded once again with thanks and then then set off to explore the lands.

-Exit Odin-

Walk "Talk" Think