
Dirty Paws


04-08-2013, 12:59 AM
The rays of sunlight brightly shon through the trees that surround the long emerald grass waving in the wind beneath her paws. She peered slowly through her large blue eyes, searching for the scent of another that not long ago appeared. She came to the decision that she would venture and go find whoever this was. Calantha gently rose to her feet, shaking her head softly, and beginning to move foward. The young femme trotted through trees dodging them as they came before her. It was like a game, and she thought it was fun. Her nose dragged her to this stranger; heading straight forward. She came to a sudden stop, as before her layed a large pool of water. Above her nose was a misty fog, just slightly blurring her vision. She couldn't see very well, and she also couldn't smll much other than the warm summer air. Slowly she dipped her head downwards, and began to sniff the grass and see if anyone had passed through this area. To her suprise she couldn't fid the scent again. Swiftly turning to her left she heard the sound of a branch or twig of some sort breaking. Someone was here and she knew it. Creeping foward between the trees, and hopping over logs quietly, she saw sopmething ahead of her. A dark figured shadow, sitting right infront of her. She didn't know how to react or if she should introduce herself. then she came to the conclusion she would just wait for them to recognise her fisrt.


04-08-2013, 01:25 AM

Auburn and russet crawled beneath the dying sun, fingers of striking gold and yellows stroking fondly at the spine of the painted lady; harmonious against the chiming of falling water, the romantic dance between the power of elements. Dainty paws tapped curiously at the shifting surfaces, testing her stability and traction as she dared her body to take the gamble, thrashing waters of evil promise whispered and reached desperately for her soul, the thrill of dangerous possibilities her ecstasy. With the tiniest of misjudgement she could fall, her body crushed by the cruel forces of nature. Beautifully, elegantly, perfectly.

Satisfied with the twisting contractions of muscle, pleased by her bodies abilities to pass along the rigid threats of the falls she moved back to the bank, where certainty and safety beckoned; her reward of survival more powerful than the greatest gift of glimmering diamonds and jewels. The yearling found her way effortlessly through the winding structures of trees, silver-green eyes guiding her closer to the previously unnoticed presence of another. No desire to interact, though not prepared to shift from her preferred path of journey. The burgundy stained lady stood with an apparent uncertainty, though if there was one thing evident it was that the pairs meeting would undoubtedly be brief.

?Do you get any pleasure from your tongueless stare, lady?? voice was abrupt, dull, to the point. She didn?t care for aimless banter, and had the brown wench not have seemed so intent on watching her companies activities, Eos probably would have passed on by.


04-08-2013, 02:02 AM

Wandering, she was always wandering. It was funny that a queen strayed so far from her kingdom so many times. She trusted Champion to hold down the realm in her absence. It wasn?t in her nature to stay in the same place day in and day out and she didn?t expect the same from her wolves. So long as they pledged their fealty to her they could come and go as they pleased. Lentajin would always been their home but not their prison. Well, for the slaves it was their large enclosure but when they earned their freedom they could do the same.

The heat was something she loathed. Give her the cold and the unforgiving snow over the unforgiving wrath of the sun. Lentajin had suffered a brought and she was worried the consequences would affect her unborn pups. The behemoth walked slowly threw the soft grass. Their cooling fingers tugged at her soft velvet coat. Asking her to stay for a while. She smiled at the grass and shook her head to their request and continued towards the smell of water. She wanted nothing more then to push herself into the cooling waters and relax.

The sounds of moving water made her increase her stride. The curling fog did nothing to deter her desires. The thing of ledges, a dire wolf, made her way towards the shallow pools. She caught the sight of a female wandering away from the edge of the pools to find something or someone. She dismissed who ever was sharing the woods with her to allow the cool water to clutch at her paws like shackles. Oh yes, she would be its prisoner for a time or two. She eased her heavy body into the shallow pool. She was far to large to be completely consumed by the small pool but it was enough to give her some relief from the heat.

She was a thing of stories. She was one of the largest wolves to walk this world. She had found none to rival her height or weight. Her violet eyes were lost behind dark lids as she took in a deep breath. Her dark ears twitched to the sound of conversation. Curiosity was a companion she was not interested in following. No, the pups had endured enough from the journey to this place. They needed a rest and so did she. She moved to the banks and allowed herself to lie down. Her paws pushing in the muddy bank as she kicked out her back legs in the water, half submerged. She put her head in her paws and let out a content sigh. If the others wanted to speak to her well they could come and find her.


04-08-2013, 02:20 AM
Calantha stood silently as the women began to turn. She was actually quite scared. This stranger was not at all nice, but she seemed quite rude. She looked ahead at the lady, and smiled gracefully trying to ignore her snide question. Calantha had no respect for saracsimn or retorical questions so there she stood looking at her and every now and then she would glance about. She smelt the around around her but this wolf was not the scent she had caught, it was someone else. It was a female, and she was close. Very close. She simply ignored the wolf and turned around to look for where this scent was coming from. She perred through every nook and cranny, and it was just beginning to annoy her. She couldn't find anyone. It felt like the women was following her and watching her every move but she continued to ignore her. But at a sudden the presence of this stranger began to frustrate her and she felt more angry then she ever had before. She had very little patience for her, and before you could blink she was facing the lady and she said with a chuckle "well, hello what's your name" . Happily continuing searching for another whilst waiting for her reply she seemed to see another wolf. Was this who she was looking for? She did not know. Was this wolf kind or agressive? She was yet to find out.


04-08-2013, 05:49 AM

Though previously nervous, her multi-toned company soon seemed to find some sort of warped amusement in the youngsters distaste for pleasantries. A rasped chuckle rumbled from within the vixens pipes, an irritatingly cheerful greeting fizzing within the girls ears. A careless scowl come forth with the discomfited twitching of a lip, vibrant eyes flicking away from the auburn mistress, ?Eos.? Muscles twisted, body turning to hesitantly head back the way she had come; in no mood at all to deal with the she-wolf and her bubbling personality.

Though just the teenagers luck- sprawled before her path, a silvered figure had made nest within the refreshing body of the rock-pools. Beads of tarnished water following the lay of her saturated pelt, the natural size of her carcass one for note; though the dwindling perfume of a baking womb was enough to suggest pregnancy and vigorous hormones. Her scent was unfamiliar, though powerful. A wolf of such body mass often withheld a high rank, though the youth failed to be impressed. Her father couldn?t have been any smaller than the wench herself, size within the Adravendi family had never been lacking.

?Oh fantastic,? a heavy groan accompanied the ladies accent, vivacious eyes pinned to the aloof frame of the basking queen. Did she care for her new entertainments name, also? Would she too beg fondly to be told of the painfully drab events of the day? Minute or massive, sweet or sour- the lady would receive no return of pleasantries. Not today.


04-11-2013, 02:21 AM
Her eyes were closed. The world was still for just one fleeting moment. Everything that was demanded of her was floating away with the pulling waters. They felt so refreshing against her swollen body. The pups seemed content to rest as she felt the water ease the weight of them. A little bird cawed into her ear. It flicked in response, as she was certain it wouldn?t leave if she didn?t knowledge it?s chirping voice. She cracked a lid to view a brown and black little sparrow. Her words had almost been dismissed but she was a queen now. It was rude to ignore potential pack mates. Not that this, her violet eyes roved to the other, these wolves were fit to live with in her harsh kingdom but any prospect needed to be treated accordingly.

She lifted her heavy velvet gray head from her paws to look the lady in the eyes. She was a large creature but nothing in comparison to her behemoth figure. She dwarfed the female by a considerable 6 inches in height and a good hundred pounds in girth. The water dripped from her chin and her ears twitched as she looked towards the other female who had called. She was again the same size as the other and still she dwarfed that female as well. She remained in the cool confines of the water but listened as the name crossed the air. Eos was the female?s name. She had moved away from the rather hyper female and stopped to look at her. Her violet eyes blinked in response to the words. Well, wasn?t she all rainbows and butterflies.

?By all means, leave if it suits you.? She said dismissively. It was no skin off her nose if the little brat wanted to leave. She had no place in her kingdom for disrespectful little girls. She had a clan of assassins to run. Hard wolves that knew what weakness really meant. Who knew the word loyalty and had no thoughts of betrayal. This wolf would never make it in her homeland. Surly she would scream and protest to the enslavement that was becoming a normalcy in their kingdom. ?As for you.? She said towards the slightly hyper female. She knew the girl merely wanted to have a simple conversation. That wasn?t much to ask. ?Come here so I am look at you. It is uncomfortable to stretch my neck to look at you.? She said softly, the other female was still in her line of sight. If she felt like shaking her rudeness away then perhaps they could learn a bit about each other. Other wise she could keep on walking and keep to herself but she would find her again.

ooc: sorry for the wait. and sorry for newt being slightly rude to Eos. she's tired and cranky.


04-11-2013, 06:50 PM
The sound of the female's voice was deep, and her word came out like daggers. Some of the things she said were just completely rude, but she seemed t have a certain fascination in Calantha. She walked over to her cautiously incase this was some sort of trap. She didn't know what she was supposed to say to her nor do. She just stood quietly, and let the female examine her. Perhaps she was on some sort of mission. She looked at the woman's purple eyes and they were large and bright. Normally Calantha would be taller than others but in this case she was much shorter than this stranger. She seemed to have a larger stomach than most, and as the scented air curled through Calantha's nose she realised that this woman was carrying pups beneath her womb. The anger that she carries is probably just the hormones or the fact she is tired, or extremely uncomfortable. She wanted to just say lay down it's fine, but she felt like it wasn't her place to say anything at all. As the trees began to rustle and the wind caught up, Calantha breathed in and gently said, "I'm Calantha, may I help you with anything ma'm". She just tried her best to remain polite to this lady as she didn't want to be in anyone's bad books. She thought saying that seemed rather nice, but good because she didn't have to say much more!

OOC: soz short I'm on my mobile :(


04-12-2013, 03:12 AM

The silvered vixen remained content with her fragile posture, fruitful womb swollen beneath her spine, the dwindling stench of cooking lives arousing a bristle beneath the folds of the teenagers ochre skin. Feminine skull raised, nostrils quivering with an apparent distaste as the leisurely behemoth gracelessly modified her sprawled carcass, fa?ade shifting to allow her gaze to fall upon the flesh of her russet company. So brittle, so bare. How did this imprudent woman find such relaxation in her meager posture? In her weighted, handicapped, swollen state, any wolf could swoop; could tear the life from her abdomen, and the heart from her chest. But her confidence remained unwavering, a sense of carelessness inflaming the summer air that enveloped the trio. Stupid or wise? The youth hadn?t yet decided.

If it hadn?t been for the royal?s suggestion at departure, Eos probably would have been half way across the falls by now; but defiance coiled the most intimate threads of her mind, begging her body to stay, infecting her chest with the determination to do exactly what the lady didn?t want her to do. Why? Weakness was something the yearling loathed, her brain incapable of mercy unless earnt, her soul so uncultivated and liberated it morphed the sanity within her psyche. The babe of Alacritis? longest reigning King, Eos had always been resolute to expand into a she-wolf crafted of everything the world hadn?t predicted; determined to be everything her family hadn?t planned. Following the premeditated path of life was hardly thrilling, the lady wanting nothing more than to stray from the sidewalk of the world; to engulf her body in the swirling wonders of unknown.

?Oh, It suits me far more to watch a babe-swollen doe subject herself to the unmerciful palms of the world; does the unknowing not fright you, miss?? it seemed the youth had found her voice again, though expressions still an untiring vacancy. ?Remember, a hunter can quickly become the hunted,? tones flickered with eerie suggestion, taunt. The swirling greens of her windows crawled with an undiscovered darkness, a fragility that exposed her mind to an underworld that didn?t yet exist. Goodness still clutched desperately at her ribcage, though the events of her past were enough to threaten stability. Calantha?s response to the proud wallower sent a fizzing sense of humiliation down the tapers of the banshee?s vertebrae. Weakness effervesced within every twist of her salmon tongue, pooled against her ebony lips and spilled mechanically at her feet. Eos shuddered, ?Have you no pride of your own?? voice was low, barely a furtive murmur against the steady moan of shifting waters.


04-13-2013, 04:52 AM

The trap had been set. It could have gone one of two ways. Either she tripped the line and the indifferent female would come charging back with her fury exposed for all to see or she would bid her words and continue forward. Her money was on the former rather then the later but what ever way the female chose was fine by her. Her attention was drawn to the other female. Her words touched her ears first and she smiled her gratitude. ?The water cools the fire in my body. My kingdom has been suffering a rather aggressive drought. Though I enjoy the voices of the flowers their ideal chatter was becoming slightly aggravating.? She said thoughtfully. Their voices had been soothing for many confusing days but the recent events had put her on edge and she wished that they would simply shut up rather then continue to pester her.

Soon enough the other came with a quick rebuttal to her offer. Oh, this little girl needed a lesson in manners. If she weren?t so tired and hot she would show her just the type of stag she was. As it was her tongue was quick to lash out with a laugh, ?When you rip the world from another with your very own teeth I do think there isn?t much else to worry about. I am a legend amongst wolves. The Queen Slayer. So no my dear, the unknown doses not disturb me. Even babe swollen I could steal your life if I desired it.? she said blandly, yet the intent was obvious in her eyes. She had taken a life or two and had no qualms doing it again. When one rang with assassins one knew how to walk the shadow roads. ?I do say child you have a stick shoved so far up your ass your spitting out splinters.? She said with a laugh, her voice was deep and warmed. No aggression was displayed or signs of annoyance came as a reaction from the little girls words.

She listened as the other chided the first. Her mind was a bit hazy. What was the youth?s name? The heat was still affecting her mind or perhaps it was simply her mind being itself. Sanity wasn?t a thing she was use to keeping. ?Calantha is merely showing her concer and I do not find that insulting. Its flattering to know you feel insulted for me.? her voice wrapped with mirth. This wolf, Eos, needed to loosen up a bit. The world was a tragedy and Cerberus knew that only a few knew her story, Champion had see the truth in her eyes. Seen the pain that her past had brought her but many knew nothing and only saw the bat shit crazy queen that ruled the kingdom of Lentajin. ?At least this one has manners enough to speak her name little doe.? She said allowing the insult to be thrown right back at her. She shifted her attention to Calantha. ?I am known as Newt Saxe. I am the current Queen of Lantajin. What brings you wandering about my dear?? she asked with a hint of curiosity.