
Angels & Kings


04-06-2013, 01:28 PM

A deep crevasse would rip the land into two partial hemispheres, filling in halfway with water and sediment. The water was carried by a current, and was as salty as it was blue. Eyes of amethyst looked upon it with mild curiosity, finding it to be somewhat similar to the land that he called home, save for the overly thick gnarled forested mess that coated each side of the fjord. That same gnarled and twisted menagerie was the very place he intended to descend, and subsequently ascend when his journey was through. The roots upheaving from the dirt and sediment would provide for excellent climbing aides on the way out, and would give an advantage that would keep him from falling on the way in.

Downward he would go, paws and claws gripping relentlessly at the foliage for added support and assurance that he would not fall. It would not do for a King to go tumbling down the hill, especially with no one around to save him. His wife was back in Seracia, safe and sound and healing - he presumed. However, he had chosen not to return, for he needed a day or two away from his home to clear his head. Seracia would be safe without him for a short while, of this he was sure. As he made his way down he noted that the incline was not as steep as he might've imagined from looking in on the fjord, and actually found it to be quite an easy travel. Before too long he had made it to the salty water and stared into it's depths, noting the silvery fish swimming and darting around. "Marvelous!" He exclaimed, to no one in particular but himself and perhaps the fish. Slipping into the watery depths, the King would find himself enjoying the feeling of water all around him once more.


Image by Ruelle.


04-08-2013, 06:26 PM

There was something about it, the air was thick and the smell of home was nearly there. But something was odd, off in a way. The home Land was gone, the world wasnt the same. Dangerous almost. And what was the worst was no one was there, not a single life form. Feeling alone, abandoned, lost, the beast would turn on his heels and head back from the mist. This wasnt home, this wasnt the place he remembered so clearly of. Feeling like there was no hope the wolf prince would close his ruby pools and make his way forward into the unknown west.

Paw pads stung after hours of traveling, of momentary pauses of bliss and rest, after countless howls to the unknown and lone echos. The wolf grew tired. What had this part of the world come to? Should he of just stayed home? Ruby pools would slit and then finally close themselves to the chilly air surrounding him. What was there to do? He was alone, all was left was to listen, to smell, to touch and see.

Fading light into growing shadows, the dull buzzing ring in both ears calmed the beasts uneasy beating heart. The silence of the area did little to stop the wave of what was over coming him, Body would slacken enough to slump into the ground where it currently took cover under a bend over Topiary that was not unknown to him. Chest would now heave up and down slowly in a gentle manner as tiny twitches of rough toes would go off in waves here and there. The buzzing ring in his ears would dull out into a high pitched ring until finally what was known was suddenly locked out of reach.
-Fade into darkness-

The moment seemed so bliss as the body would stretch out front legs in one direction as back were pulled out to the side. Toes would expand to show the tender flaps of skin just for a split moment. Ears flicker atop a large crown before a slip of a yawn and the awakening of red eyes onto the night scene before him. His body would be held with no hunch or slump of his back, straight and poised he stood, head placed firmly atop rolled and rounded shoulders.

It was truly known where he had landed himself, audits would pick up the silent murmurs of the night while the occasional 'hoots' and 'hoos' would echo out from distances beyond him. A light breeze there was that night, the moon was delicately strung behind murky lines of gray abyss that flew between the mortals and the heavens. Those red eyes that had seen everything would peer to them as if to speak a prayer by a hushed tongue. The muscles at the end of his snout would jerk and pull while the inside muscles would flex and expand to allow the new scent that rolled through the air. 'what is this..' thought the wolf prince. Something unknown and new, Something not to far off. But unlike usual the wolf prince would stay in his spot. Sniffing out this scent that now was seeping its way across the area he landed himself in. Unknown smells, smells of wolves not to far from him. Should he go and investigate? Should he stalk them and see what they do? What if they engaged him first? Would he maybe engage in a chat or two? The ruby eyed prince was unsure for the moment at what appropriate way he should start himself off. Instead he stared off into the distance from where the scent came from. Who ever was there, wasnt going anywhere soon. Or so he thought.

Image by Ruelle.


04-11-2013, 12:06 PM

Paws would carry him in the traditional doggy-style to an area where the sand built up on the floor of the fjord and allowed him to stand without having to swim. He stood firm, rooting his paws to the sand whilst relishing in the feeling of the cool water flowing freely over his frame. The fish were slowly getting used to his presence, and began to dart and swim around his paws, weaving in and out. The water reached up to lap at his stomach as he watched them go, letting them be for the time being. He wasn't too hungry, and senseless killing wasn't exactly in his nature. Still, he began to salivate at the thought of fish, and knew he'd either have to catch one soon or get out of their abode. He chose the latter, finding gluttony to be a heinous sin.

Climbing back out the walls of the fjord would not be as easy as climbing in, but as they didn't appear too steep he was sure he could make it out. A challenge it would be, impossible it was not. A smirk played upon his lips as he looked for the most plausible way out, finding it to be a series of steps of dirt and rock. However, he wasn't certain he was quite ready to go. Perhaps a bit more exploring would do him some good. Turning tail on his chosen route out of here, Gerhardt meandered back toward the fjord's waters, wondering just how far it was to the ocean. He lifted his muzzle and inhaled deeply, but found no smell of salt other than the bit in this water. The ocean must be a good distance. He could also not hear the telltale crashing of the waves.

He wasn't in the mood to go strolling for hours seeking out the very same ocean that bordered his home, and so he chose to go the opposite way, against the current of the water in hopes of finding the other end of this fjord, where the land finally overtook it and filled in the crevasse. Paws would carry him slowly, with no real purpose, as the hair on the back of his neck began to prickle and stand on end. Was someone watching him? Stopping mid step so that his right front paw hung in the air, he turned his head as far as it would go in all directions, searching for the one who watched him, while giving off a call. "Who's there?" Fear did not reverberate in his tone, but caution did make an appearance.


Image by Ruelle.