
Warrior Goddess


04-06-2013, 10:44 AM

Come back here! A snarl rose from his throat, a white wolf with black markings chasing after a small doe. He had almost got her, chasing her out of small tall grass. He thought he was so close, just within the distance to jump and end her life quickly, but somehow something had spooked her and she took off. Now here he was, chasing the damn animal. Paws drummed against the ground, her nose was full of her wonderful, delicious scent. There was something else though, two things he did't notice until now. One, he had crossed onto pack claimed lands. Great. And two, it was about to rain. Just my luck. This thing better go down quick or else this would be a waste of time and energy.

He was able to get her, thanks to the rain that had suddenly fell from the sky, causing the ground to be littered with puddles and slippery which resulted in the doe falling and him quickly jumping on and killing her. He stood beside her, front paws on her side with a satisfied grin on his face, proud of his kill. But there was no time for that, he needed to eat as much as he could before a pack wolf or a few came to take it and run him off. Quickly he moved, dropping down and ripping open the flesh, digging in and taking out large chunks of meat.


ooc: Sorry for shortness, my muse is poop right now.


04-06-2013, 11:03 AM


Rain. Champion couldn't believe her good luck.

The summer had brought a drought to the lands of Lentajin, and no doubt this brief cloudburst would soon be gone. However, the artic-born she-wolf decided to enjoy the cool, refreshing gift while she could. Exploding from her new den (she hadn't had such a permanent home in seasons!) she dashed into the storm - seeing to race the raindrops coming down.

She was a monster to behold - a wolf the size of a tiger pelting across the barren lands, letting grass bending and stones skipping in her wake. She was hoping to flush something out of hiding. Certainly this sky-water would bring other creatures from the shade of their burrows. her blood red eyes flickered back and forth -hungry for color and movement.

Just as she came leaping over the banks of a dry creekbed, her nose twitched. A familiar scent. Deer blood. And an unfamiliar scent. A wolf. The truth was, she was still new to Lentajin. Though she was a formidable figure to cross and had thrown her heart into her new role, she was still a green Beta. She didn't yet know all of her packmates and the scent in her nose could as easily be friend as foe.

Only one way to find out.

With a reckless twist of a grin on her muzzle, she dashed her way towards the border. Mud splashed up her legs and the pouring rain flattened her fluff- but it only made her curls of muscle all the more visible. That fluff and that summer heat had kept her from getting a good day time sprint for quite some time. Now that the weather was borderline cool enough -she ran her heart out - her tongue lolling out between rows of bared fangs. Her iron claws tearing at the newly dampened earth.

At such speeds, her destination was quickly reached. The source of the smell was found. A dead doeling, and a white and black male wolf.

Ivories still showing, Champion let herself smile as she pulled up like a reining horse and switched paces to a swaybacked trail. Her tail, as always, was curled high over her back and though her paws were big, her steps were far from clumsy. All in all, taken in with the thunderheads behind her, she could easily be called fearsome. But her voice was relaxed and chuckling. "What have we here? Someone made a lucky kill."


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~


04-06-2013, 01:42 PM

He had taken a good few chunks out of the animal for his size, his stomach quickly filling. He drooled as he ate, teeth shredding the meat, sliding down his throat. His snout was covered in blood, some splattered along his neck, chest and front legs. He didn't care though, he would clean it off later once he got as much as his stomach could hold. He was so into kill that he had not been paying attention to his surroundings, didn't hear a wolf approach him with the rain pounding everything around him, that and the blood covering the scent of her.

What have we here? Someone made a lucky kill. His brown eyes went wide, ears shooting up and swiveling in the direction the voice came from. Crap, I should've been paying attention... This could be a pack wolf, just, keep your cool Vioxes. He took a deep breath and pulled away from the carcass, tongue running over his lips. Would be better if it was bigger, would you like to- He suddenly stopped mid-sentence when he turned towards the wolf.

A look of utter surprise washed over him as he had to LOOK UP in order to look into this wolf's eyes, she was huge! As he stared his jaw had dropped, never before had he seen a wolf of her size. Ever! It was amazing, how could such a wolf exist. The most he has seen were either his size, smaller or a little bigger than himself. This wolf though, she towered over him.

Wow... Your so freakin huge! Oh my god, father would never believe if it I told him. The surprise vanished and instead was replaced with curiosity and excitement. He bounced on his paws, hazel eyes looking her over. She was, crazy looking, but in a very good way. Beautiful! He had circled the woman, inspecting every inch of her body until he finally stopped in front of her. Excuse me, that was quite rude. I apologize mi'lady. I am Vioxes. He quickly calmed himself down, a charming grin on him as he bowed to the woman. Would you like to share this animal with me? He lifted his head and motioned towards the deer behind him.


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04-06-2013, 03:11 PM

The male spoke casually, even beginning to offer her a portion of the kill, when he got his first look at her. Champion was used to varied reactions regarding her size - everything from fear to mockery, and even a little admiration - but this was one of the best double takes yet.

Champion's expression turned to bemusement as the male practically bounced about her. It was all so ridiculous and crazy and therefore perfect for Champion to enjoy. She even let out a chuckle. She'd reacted in much the same spirit - though a little more calmly - when she'd first seen Newt - a she-wolf who was an inch even taller than her.


Champion's ears fell flat against her skull. If this size was something totally new to the male... that meant he didn't know Newt.... and that meant he wasn't one of the Lentajin. Champion's gaze changed from lazy and relaxed to wide and girm. "Wait. You're not from here are you?" Her shoulders lost some of their energy and her smile disappeared - though the teeth remained visible.


The first friendly wolf she'd met inside Lentajin and he was a trespasser. "You shouldn't have come here." she said, her growl was angered, but more than tinged with worry. She knew what awaited him. The crime of trespassing might be over looked here and there, for one who used to run with the pack - but a total stranger hunting on their land -in a time of drought no less- this wasn't going to go over well. Death or, more probably, enslavement. That's what awaited this male.

And she was under orders to lead him to it.

"Trespassers have to be brought before the Queen." She said stiffly. She took a step towards him, mechanical and half willed, but none the less dangerous. "Please come along willingly." If the male submitted he'd be walked, under her close gaze, farther inwards and the gold and white Beta would howl for her superior, but if he dared try to run, or worse, refuse and attempt a defense, she'd have to pound him into the dirt and make him come. And for a wolf of her massive size and perfect shape, such a thing could be easily accomplished even with half her heart in the actions.

These weren't the rules she had made, but they became her rules all the same when she gave her loyalty to the Lavender Queen.


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~


04-23-2013, 12:10 PM

Her expression had changed with a matter of second, no longer did she seem calm and in a good mood, now she seemed to be surprised and worried. Wait. You're not from here are you? She had asked him, causing the male to take a step back, a paw lifted off the ground and gave a shake of his head. Uh... no, I belong to no pack. Is that a problem? He asked her, suddenly becoming confused and worried as she told him he shouldn't be here with an angry growl. His ears pinned against his head, taking a step back as she moved towards him. Trespassers have to be brought before the Queen... Please come along willingly.

I didn't mean to tresspass, I was hunting away from here, I wasn't paying attention to the land when I finally took it down. He spoke quickly, voice full of worry. His tail had begun to tuck in between his legs as he stared up at the large shewolf, ow realizing the position he was he, she was intimidating, kind of scary. He could try running, surely he would be able to outrun her because of her size but since she was larger she could take longer strides. And if she caught him then he was sure she would pummel him and drag him to her leader. If I go willingly... will, will your Queen kill me? His voice was low, scared. He was scared to know if she would do something terrible to him for accidently trespassing.



05-03-2013, 11:26 AM

[Image: champion_wanderer_by_kidrylm_writer-d641iq6.png]

He tried to apologize, to explain. Champion?s reply was simple ?The borders of an unknown pack are not to be taken lightly.? At least the prey hadn?t come from within the borders. Stealing Amenti prey would?ve been a harsh strike against him. As it was, accident or not, the crime was enough. At least it was an accident though? Champion believed that.

The male had begun to lower himself. His friendliness faded. Fear sparked in his eyes as he saw her strength and size in a new light.

Champion didn?t look too thrilled with the whole thing either, but any sumpathy shown on her part would only make things more difficult. She?d given her word to follow the rules of Amenti. And she would. That simple. Didn?t mean she was indifferent though ? particulary when the male appealed to her, asking what the future held. Her blood red eyes glanced aside. ?Probably not.? she muttered. ?Might just be slavery.? Course, thinking over on some of the creatures she?d met at the recent pack meeting ? that prospect wasn?t a great one either.

It wasn?t that Champion was against order and discipline; brought up as she?d been in the ranks of a northern militia, she had a inborn understanding for transgression and punishment. However, that didn?t mean good wolves ought to be sentenced to servitude under physchopaths. And no that hadn?t been an exaggeration. Her pack wasn?t exactly a bed of daisies.

?Look just-? Champion snorted. Here she was wishing to bend rules already. Oh well; it went against her heart not to offer help to those that needed it. ?I?ll speak with the Queen.? It was the best she could do. She refused to go against her oaths of loyalty, but neither could she bring herself to leave good creatures to the mercies of fate. Not if she could stick her nose in.

Champion let her head fall back. A loud low croon drew itself from her muzzle, calling for the Grey Lady with the violet eyes. This newcomer wasn?t going to be set at ease by the coming of Queen ? she was even larger than Champion! Unknowingly the male had stepped into a land of giants.



05-04-2013, 07:52 AM
Tedious was the work of an alpha. She was always remarking her scent around the borders to ensure that anyone that wandered close would smell that this belonged to her. It was odd really, how this all came to be, but she was grateful to have found her foundation. Her violet eyes roved over the landscape as she let out an exasperated huff. The pups were heavy in her belly but she still had much time left before they found their way into the world.

The day was beautiful, not to hot, and the cool breeze was comforting. She could feel the restlessness of her cubs when she didn?t move and it seemed to sooth them when she walked. Her tail swayed behind her as she followed the lingering aroma of Champion. She had been so busy she hadn?t had any time to bond with her new friend. Once the pups were born she would have plenty of time to bond with her friend. Her tail wagged gently at the idea but a small meeting couldn?t hurt.

She found the behemoth wandering in her direction; something was in toe with her. Her dark brows arched upwards as she looked at the wolf trailing behind her. Everything in her had changed. Her features had become blank and her body stood tall as she eyed the new comer trailing behind her beta. ?Good day Lady Champion.? She said with no hint of emotion yet her eyes betrayed her as the affection played in them for only a moment.

She eyed the soft male up who seemed so frightened. She shook her head and allowed an exasperated sigh to slip her lips. ?Did this little mouse wander too far from home?? she questioned, she was growing tired of the amount of trespassing happening in Amenti. They had rules for a reason and though many disagreed with her methods of curbing trespassers she was trying to make a point to strangers not to wander carelessly. A simple summoning howl would suffice from the enslavement rule but she would hear her beta out and decide what to do with this trespasser. There were circumstances that could be viewed as forgivable if they reasons for trespassing was sufficient enough. The sentence was never one of life unless something grievous had occurred and an enslavement could last a day or a month it all depended on the demeanor of the transgressor.


05-10-2013, 08:55 AM

The large shewolf commented on how borders of a pack shouldn?t have been taken lightly. He really did not mean to kill the animal within the borders, he was caught up in the hunt, adrenaline pumping, focused on taking the deer down. It was his own fault though, he should have been keeping tabs on his surroundings, if something terrible happened to him because of the incident then he would have to face it and not run like a coward.

Vioxes stood there with his tail tucked between his legs, ears back on his head. At first he was impressed by the woman?s size, never before coming across such a large wolf, let alone a woman this big. But once the situation became clear he had instantly sprouted fear for her. This wolf, she could pound him into the ground if and whenever she wanted. This he knew and understood which was why he kept his tail tuck and ears back, trying to remain calm and not irritate her.

She had answered his question, diverting her gaze. He would probably not be killed by the Queen if he went willingly, might just be taken in as a slave. A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he dropped his head and closed his eyes. Just slavery. That was a great relief even though he would have to be under them. As long as he was alive and had the possibility of becoming something like rising in ranks or even let go, he would be happy.

She continued, she would speak with the Queen. His eyes lit up at this, would this woman try talking to the Queen in letting him go? Maybe just let him serve the pack as a slave for a period of time then allowed to leave?His ears had perked up at this, is tail slightly pulling out from between his legs, slowly wagging the slightest as the woman lifted her head and called for her leader.

In a matter of minutes somebody began approaching them, at first he didn?t realize it, but as the wolf approached it began to grow in size. Slowly his eyes went wide, staring in awe when the beast finally stopped, standing taller than the one who had been talking to him. Vioxes was surprised, this was the second huge wolf he had ever seen and he wondered if this pack was full of giants.

The new wolf spoke, a look of confusion washing over the white and black wolf, he had totally thought it was male. She greeted the other female, Champion. He looked to her for a moment but went back to the new wolf, the Queen. She asked if the mouse, him, strayed too far from home. He gulped, avoiding her gaze and instead chose to stare at her paws. I apologise Queen... I got caught up in a hunt, I didn't realize the borders until it was too late. He tried to keep a calm voice but it still came out shaky, his ears swiveling to the side before folding against his head. He pulled his head up but kept it leveled with his shoulders, light brown eyes looking into hers but in apology. He hoped she wouldn't be too harsh on him, he knew what he had done and would serve or take whatever punishment she gave him.

My name is Vioxes. He had realized he didn't give his name to Champion and so he figured now would be a good time instea dof waiting until later.



05-10-2013, 11:23 AM

[Image: champion_wanderer_by_kidrylm_writer-d641iq6.png]


Champion perked her ears as her friend came into view. The Grey Lady was looking a bit tired ? perhaps the burden of motherhood, perhaps the burdens of leadership. Champion disliked adding to her duties, but this was only her second time being approached at the border. She wanted to make sure she was doing things by the book before she allowed herself to get creative.

?Apologies for disturbing you, Newt, but I?ve stumbled upon something.? Champion paused, and the stranger, seemed to take it as his chance to put in a word of explanation. The massive she-wolf rolled her shoulders, waiting, half her attention on the stranger, half on Newt. Champion already new the letter of the law, but what exactly was her Queen?s way of carrying it out?

As soon as the male, who introduced himself as Vioxes, finished, Champion spoke up. ?I?m aware that consquences must be given, Newt, but I do not believe this male?s accidents merit death.? Far from it, her personal opinion. He?d made a mistake and been nothing but respectful and submissive since then. ?I request the right to claim him.? Champion had made up her mind about asking this earlier, but even so, it surprised her to even be saying the words. She knew nothing about keeping slaves, or any such primal tradition. However, she knew about traditions of squires and cadets. And she knew about sheltering others from fates that could be far worse. ?I?ve never had a servant of my own. Might be interesting.? She spoke lightly enough, but she was thinking quickly. She had no use for a slave in the usual, degrading meaning of the word, but she could always use a traveling companion. Someone to talk to and eat meals with. It might be quite nice - so long as he could keep up.



05-10-2013, 01:07 PM
His words were respectful enough and she eyed the male over for a moment. Her violet gaze gave away nothing. She turned her head to face Champion as she spoke of finding him. She almost laughed at the suggestion of death. She hadn?t met a wolf yet that deserved to die. Enslavement was a temporary punishment given to those that blatantly disturbed the rules of pack law. This male had simply made a mistake. She had known the thrill of a hunt and she smiled at the memory of how she and champion met. Her tail flicked behind her as she heard the male?s name.

?Well Vioxes. It seems my beta would like to claim you. As it were, I see not reason for enslavement as you have been respectful enough on the matter and accidents do happen. Enslavement is for those that knowingly cross our borders and disregard pack law for their own selfishness but you have displayed none of this. So you may either belong to champion and take your leave of our home.? she offered the male. He had committed a minor crime. Yet she was unperturbed by it.

Her gaze shifted towards champion as a slight laugh filled her voice. ?If you wish to claim him as your slave then by all means you?re welcome to it but see it is what the lad wants. If not he can become an apprentice and train with the warrior?s under your command.? she said with a smile. She wondered how her beta would react to her judgment. This was why she wanted the wolves brought to her. So she could indeed judge their actions and make a just and fair decision on their futures.


05-16-2013, 07:18 AM

He stood there before the two giants, waiting for what they would do with him. Would they make him his slave as punishment or merely give a warning so he understood next time what would happen to him if he were to cross their borders once again. His dark gaze went towards the light colored female, ears perking up as she spoke on how she knew the consequenes of tresspassing and believed this should not be followed by death. He gulped at this, his gaze darting to the dark sheowlf but then back to the lighter one as she asked to claim Vioxes. Claim... If claiming meant he owuld not be put to death then he was fine with it, he did deserve some form of punishment for his actions.

He know focused his attention on the Queen, Newt, as the lighter shewolf, Champion, had called her. His ears remained forward, tail hanging between his legs as he waited for her answer, her decision on this matter. When she finally spoke she restated what Champion had said about claiming him, nodding his head slightly but stopped when she said she saw no reaosn for that to happen since he had been respectful. She went on to explain when enslavement was put on wolves, nodding his head and listening closely. Giving him the choice of becoming Champion's or leaving.

He was relieved by the news, a small sigh escaping his lips as he took his attention off the giants for a moment but then went back to them. Something did catch his attention though, she mentioned something aabout taking him as an apprentice and train with the warrior's under her command. That gained his interest and so he stepped forward and cleared his throat, dipping his head respectfully to the two. If I may speak, Queen. He looked to her then Champion then back to Newt. I would like to be claimed as a form of punishment, and since I have no home to go to I would like to join your pack as a member once my slavery is over. He hoped that the Queen would be alright with this, after all, she did give him the choice as to whether or not he wanted to be claimed or leave the lands.



05-16-2013, 08:25 AM

[Image: champion_wanderer_by_kidrylm_writer-d641iq6.png]


Newt's reaction surprised Champion. This fact was easy enough to see by the stiff perking of her ears and the slight widening of her eyes. That final, laughing tone of the Queen's seemed to spread to her Beta. Champion's eyes glimmered with wry disblief and her muzzle creased with a hint of a smirk. Leave it to Newt - all big and dangerous and talking of death at the pack meeting, and yet the Grey Lady could be such an understanding soul when the mood struck her.

Perhaps Champion should've had more faith in that side of her.

To Newt's words, Champion gave a nod. They all sounded most reasonable - fun even. She'd been trying for some time to get the warriors of Amenti off their rumps and into some semblense of an army. An apprentice... she'd been one herself when she was younger, but she'd had no thoughts of taking one of her own.

But she was letting her thoughts wander away with her - what was the rogue male making of all of this? Champion turned her attention back to him just in time to hear his answer.

Brave soul. He was willing to freely submit to their system of rank and justice, in hopes to one day make a home for himself. Champion heartily approved of his motion. Respected it even. And as he was placing his freedom in her paws, this motion of his would not go unacknowledged. "Very well," Champion said quietly, calmly. Something like a real smile showed in her eyes. She did indeed feel like she was taking on more of a squire than a slave. He'd seemed a good enough sort from the first, she had no objections to spending more time with him.

"Your choice does you credit, Vioxes," she said quietly. But that was all the praise she would give. The time called for other things. Now that his fate was sealed - they ought to get moving! "Grab that leg of the deer, Vioxes," Champion said, a bit of the light hearted boldness returning to her voice. "We'll take this farther in. You'll have your share of it - but you don't hunt for just yourself anymore. Tally ho!" Her loud half-growl sounded as she chomped her teeth into the other doe leg and started deeper towards the camp grounds of the pack. In truth she could've dragged the kill herself, but with the help of another fit wolf, they'd probably be able to make the carcuss look like it was running again.


(unless called to stop for more talk)



05-17-2013, 02:22 PM
Her betas reaction wasn?t surprising. She was an odd soul at the best of times. Her mind wandered and drifted to world after world so if her mood had been sour then perhaps the male would have indeed been truly enslaved. Yet she knew what it was to hunt and find yourself in a tricky situation. She had meant it when she said they would all come to her for judgment and not all those calls would be harsh. If a child had found their way into Amenti, unknowing, she would not dare enslave the poor thing. she would find its home or keep it safe. If an injured wolf came searching for help she would give it without question and would not penalize them for such actions. She could indeed be an understanding soul and it was about time some of the other members saw that side of her. She truly cared about them all..

She watched as champion took her new squire/slave away. Her tail wagged behind her as she turned to return to her beloved mate. It was damn time they had enjoyed a little solitude.

-exit newt


05-24-2013, 05:04 PM

Dark gaze shifted to Champion, watching her reaction to his response. There was something in her gaze that made him feel good about the choice he made, but also was a bit worried. Who knew what he would have to do now as her slave, hopefully she would not be too hard where he would feel like he was being pounded into the ground. Either way he would take it the best he could, he would hold his head high and take whatever was thrown at him.

The massive bi-colored woman even praised Vioxes for this choice, he said nothing though, only gave a nod of his head. When given an order he dipped his head and quickly moved, moving around the animal and clamping his jaws around it's leg With his help, even though he knew she didn't need it, the carcass was brought away from the spot it was killed and into the pack.

